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Ranks are better than leveling up. Sure same difference, but one uses experience points whilst the other uses a certin method like winning a number of battles.

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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Who would be interested in a non-combat RPG feauturing a theater troupe and a mystery?

Edited by cardworkMagician
That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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would anyone be willing to play a RPG very close to the book Gone by Michael Grant?

War...war never changes.

We crawl, on our knees for you,
under, a sky no longer blue,
we sweat, all day long for you.

But we sow, seeds to see us though,
cause sometimes dreams just don't come true,
we wait, to reap what we are due.

-Rise Against, Re-Education (through Labor)




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I take it you read the books hopefully?

War...war never changes.

We crawl, on our knees for you,
under, a sky no longer blue,
we sweat, all day long for you.

But we sow, seeds to see us though,
cause sometimes dreams just don't come true,
we wait, to reap what we are due.

-Rise Against, Re-Education (through Labor)




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i was refering to Shawn Spencer.

War...war never changes.

We crawl, on our knees for you,
under, a sky no longer blue,
we sweat, all day long for you.

But we sow, seeds to see us though,
cause sometimes dreams just don't come true,
we wait, to reap what we are due.

-Rise Against, Re-Education (through Labor)




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Leveling systems are seldom done well in RPGs, sorry to say. Best to get rid of it, and all stat sheets too. Do you want to be playing a TBRPG or a poor man's Dungeons and Dragons?

Ranks are better than leveling up. Sure same difference, but one uses experience points whilst the other uses a certin method like winning a number of battles.

Stats + Text role-playing = No no wants to play your game, sorry.

Okay, okay. Funny, nobody noticed that the first time I posted it. I'll change it. The stats are more of a guideline for how skilled a character is, but I'll take that out for the sake of simplicity.EDIT: Here by popular demand: Glitch, minus all the dumb leveling and stats. I realize now how poorly thought out that was…Farid Al-Qahtani jerked spasmodically, his mind filling with white-hot pain, numbing his thoughts and removing him from all notions of reality. Al-Qahtani normally would have struggled to stay awake, but the pain was to great and he had no other option other than to succumb. Al-Qahtani stayed unconscious until he realized, still half-conscious, that he was drowning. He never registered the impossibility of this, seeing as he was in a brick building on dry land in downtown Riyadh. When he fully woke, he noticed a gargantuan cleft in the midday sky, through which Al-Qahtani could see clouds being sucked into space. It was then that his mind registered that he was sinking slowly into a mound of liquid brick. He stood up and looked at the slag, which hardened as soon as he stood up. Then he noticed that he was melting indentations into the ground when he stepped. Al-Qahtani was telling himself repeatedly that this wasn't real, that this was a dream, but no amount of denial changes the truth. Earth had been hit by a Gamma Ray.


-STORY DESCRIPTIONWhen a gamma ray emitted from a supernova struck earth, it tore a hole in the stratosphere, causing many chain reactions on the surface and below. The magnetic field of Earth ruptured as a result of the gamma ray, making it an easy target for any malicious outsiders.However, nature had a built-in defense for this. This defense came to be known as a Glitch. The Glitch is a being that distorts reality itself, some in more impactful ways than others. Some Glitches distort space, liquefying anything they touch. Some distort time, slowing or even stopping time at will. Some minor Glitches have power over more minor factors, such as force and heat. Glitches were people born with a latent mental deformity that is brought out by extreme radiation (Gamma ray anyone?). This deformity allows the Glitches to manipulate the world around them with their minds. However, many of these Glitches were killed off by the regular humans, as they feared the gray-skinned Glitches.After many of the Glitches were killed off through various means, an alien race mysteriously appeared in Southeast Asia. While neutral at first, the aliens soon launched attacks branching out of that region. These aliens would take over cities, feed on their resources, then, stronger from it, move on to another city. This tactic earned them the name "The Plague." This name is a misnomer, however, as they are not nor do they spread any kind of disease.--THE PLAGUEThe Plague is a compound culture of aliens in which evolution has been stagnant and discoveries nonexistent due to inbreeding. In order to break this stagnation, The Plague attacks weakened planets in search for a resource which is more valued to them than any other: knowledge. They kill off much of the population, but keep the smartest among them alive so that The Plague may absorb their knowledge into their central database, called Scientia, on The Plague's home planet. The Plague is one step away from discovering the key to the creation of a superweapon with the capability of eradicating entire systems. The humans must keep this knowledge from The Plague at all costs, but there is no way to tell what this knowledge is.The Plague possesses no concept of morals. They are purely objective thinkers who will stop at nothing until they complete the Sisyphean task of satiating their lust for knowledge, and though the information sent to the Scientia is extensive, certain thoughts in an entity's head are targeted for absorption, allowing The Plague to objectively attain the knowledge they want and waste no extra time. Included in the untargeted thoughts is a moral code.The Earth started out as a routine target, from which The Plague might be able to spread some new information on their planet. As soon as they discovered that we knew how to create what they sought, they went all-out on Earth.Plague species: Warrior: An impressive creature, 8 feet tall with a thick carapace and a spiked crab-like head. Myope: A stubby little creature resembling a very short, somewhat fat human. Used for menial tasks and for swarming enemies. This is the most common class. Pilot: Controls Plague starships. Has extremely high ability to multitask, but are kept under mind lock (a form of mind control) by the Plague Sovereigns. Resembles a tan floating banana. Pilots are unwilling participants in The Plague's campaign, even though they hold more power than any other class other than Sovereigns, as they command all of The Plague's fleet. Intense hatred for the rest of The Plague is built up among Pilots. Sovereign: Technically of the same species as the Combat class, but all the natural armor is removed and replaced with steel ornamental armor. There are only six of these at any given time (one for each arm of the Milky Way), and they jointly rule over all of The Plague. All Sovereigns have equal power.-GAMEPLAYGlitches can distort reality, although they are still limited. They have a certain amount of time they can stay in transcendence (The state in which they have the ability to distort reality), after which they must let themselves recover.The Glitches must defend the planet against an interstellar race called the Plague. The Plague tracks gamma ray patterns as they explode out of supernovae, following the signature of the radiation until it hits a populated planet, when they use the downed magnetic field to teleport a colony establishment unit there (the magnetic field blocks teleportation). Once the unit makes it to the planet, they proceed to spread from city to city, killing any inhabitants and taking resources back to their homeland. What is left of the world is then left to die from the solar wind entering the atmosphere.--GLITCHESThere are many powers for Glitches, and here I will list the default ones. You are welcome to create a new one, as long as it is of about equal power to these, so no Life or Death Glitches, please.Space- The Space Glitch distorts the spacial world around it, turning it into, for all intents and purposes, a liquid. This Glitch can manipulate this liquid to some extent, but it is taxing to control it for long.Time- Time Glitches have the ability to bend time to their will, stopping, slowing and speeding it up. Fire- Glitches of Fire are gifted with the ability to focus heat in an area on certain points. They can only use heat that is already in existence, therefore to create heat they must absorb it from other areas, thus making those areas colder.Force- Force Glitches can use the forces around them to their advantage, using powerful telekinesis to kill foes. An attack from a Force Glitch causes the enemy to be blown backwards, causing immense damage in a good situation. A Force Glitch may also reverse existing forces such as gravity and momentum for a short time.Thaum- A Thaum Glitch has power over mysticism, allowing it to see through walls, fly, use telepathy, and other things of the like. Thaum Glitches are always one step ahead in strategy due to their mind-reading capabilities.--FACTIONSGaia ConferenceThe Gaia Conference is a coalition formed in 2032 with the purpose of protecting Earth from any outside attackers. While its methods are controversial, the Gaia Conference is the most important and effective defense force on the planet. Three years after its formation, the GC built an enormous structure spanning the circumference of the Earth at the equator. On this structure there are many anti-aircraft flak cannons that helped thin the lines of The Plague as it arrived on Earth.PraesidiumPraesidium, the second most powerful protector of Earth, operates mostly in extra-planetary warfare, as opposed to the GC's ground tactics. Praesidium destroyed the portal that was opened to Earth by The Plague, thus preventing them from launching as full of an assault as intended.The PlagueSee above for information on The Plague.--CHARACTERSName: PsycheGender: NeuterAllegiance: PlagueSpecies: Plague SovereignBio: Psyche is the Sovereign in charge of the Orion Arm of the Milky Way. He commands the fleet attacking earth. The humans know almost nothing about Psyche's past, and neither do the Plague. It is customary for a Plague promoted to Sovereign to destroy all record of his past and change his name, and Psyche is no exception.Note: Being a non-Glitch species, this is an Admin character.Name: Farid Al-QahtaniGender: MaleAllegiance: HumanSpecies: GlitchBio: Farid was foreman of a construction job in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia when the Glitch event happened. After the event, he suffered amnesia from the gamma burst, but was turned into a Space Glitch. When the Gaia Conference recruited him two days after the Glitch event, he was the only Glitch in their force that had prior military training, having served in the Saudi military for four years.Played by: Mendicant Bias-RULES

  • [*]Keep it real; don't godmode. You may be able to distort reality, but you are by no means a deity. (Class 2)[*]All BZP rules apply; I have no jurisdiction to change rules. (Class 1)[*]No auto hitting. This goes together with godmode, except it is less severe. (Class 3)[*]Respect your fellow RPGers, everyone here only wants to have fun. don't ruin it for others. (Class 2)[*]Use IC and OOC for in character and out of character. (Class 3)

--PUNISHMENTSAll punishments except Class 1 will be preceded by a warning unless it is a very flagrant offense, in which case a warning will be skipped and you will be punished as if you already had been warned.

  • [*]Class 1 offenses will get you punished as the BZP staff sees fit. Only violating BZP's inherent rule system will warrant this.[*]Class 2 offenses will result in character death. Repeat offenders will be banned from this RPG.[*]Class 3 offenses will result in bad luck for your character, for example they might become stuck in a landslide or something of the like. This serves as a warning.

-JOININGTo join, simply fill out this form and PM it to me. I will either accept it or ask you to revise it.Character name:Gender:Allegiance:Power (If you would like to make a new one, define what it does here):Bio:

Edited by Mendicant Bias
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Who would be interested in a non-combat RPG feauturing a theater troupe and a mystery?

I've dedicated a few years of my life to a troupe if you need any details/a co-host.Also, Mendicant? You can just edit your post dude.

3DS: 3711-9364-3152

PSN:          AidecVoros

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Basic Idea: Two rival theater companies in the adventure-filled city of San Francisco. One is putting on A Midsummer Night's Dream, the other is putting on Chicago. Everyone gets basically the role they want, then Plot starts happening.

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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It's a theatre-liking town that I know well enough to run. Or we could do a small town-the setting isnt important, really.

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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I'll put some writing into it once I get home.

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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Who would be interested in a non-combat RPG feauturing a theater troupe and a mystery?

I've dedicated a few years of my life to a troupe if you need any details/a co-host.Also, Mendicant? You can just edit your post dude.
Whenever I edit it, nobody notices.

Mendicent, in most RPGs it's customary to give people a warning before any actual in game punishment. Just a thought.Also, you may want to have a section with some basic glitch abilities, to give people ideas.

The "bad luck" thing is functions as a warning, but I'll add a class 4 offense that just warrants a warning.The second was something I had meant to add, but I kinda forgot about it :PEDIT: I changed the original post, adding warnings and descriptions of different powers. I also changed the Knowledge Glitch to Thaum Glitch, the reason being that it sounded better. Edited by Mendicant Bias
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Ill Met By MoonlightHave you ever been to a play? Seen Shakespeare, or a musical, or any real play? There's something magical about having actual actors onstage, something that no book or film can ever capture. Drama is one of the oldest arts, from ancient storytelling on; it's a whole world of entertainment where the best can rise to legend; but it's also cutthroat, ruthless, and deadly; you have to be the best or you won't get anywhere. But if you really are the best, then the untold mystery of the theater is yours.OverviewIll Met By Moonlight is a text-based role playing game, where you write out your character's actions in a story that includes other people, to contribute to an ongoing narrative. Unlike most TBRPGs, though, the Role Playing is emphasized far, far over the Game. This isn't about winning or losing; it's about making an interesting story we all can enjoy.Two Houses, Both Alike In DignityIll Met By Moonlight focuses on the exploits of a pair of theatres located on the same street; the Elizabeth Theatre, the second-oldest theatre in the city of San-Francisco, and the upstart San-Francisco Starlight Theatre, only three years old and struggling to establish itself.The Elizabeth Theatre is a perfect stereotype of the ancient floundering business and the owner desperate to save it; the Theatre has been losing money for the last fifteen years, putting on less and less elaborate shows. Owned for its ninety-year existence by the Moriarty family, the Elizabeth Theatre has recently been taken over by Joshua Moriarty, the nephew of the last owner. The Elizabeth Theatre is well known for excellent Shakespeare productions, and Mr. Moriarty is playing on that with the troupe's production of A Midsummer Night's Dream, which he's bet the business on; either Midsummer saves the theatre, or the theatre is going entirely. The Elizabeth Theatre is a traditional stage with fairly simple equipment; a simple lighting rig and the like.The Starlight Theatre, by contrast, is young and full of vigor, almost an archetypal up-and-comer, riding hard on the success of the last years' production of Chicago, the Starlight Theatre is owned by Paul Tomei, a man fresh from directing in a small-town theatre for five years. The Starlight Theatre is, however, facing deathly competition; it's easily the smallest fish in the pond, and every other theatre in town sees Starlight as competition. This season, the Starlight Theatre is putting on 42nd Street, a musical, to follow up the excellent reviews they earned for their last one.In Fair Verona, Where We Lay Our SceneAs is obvious by now, Ill Met By Moonlight is set in San-Francisco. But real life San-Francisco is a cold, windy, foggy city with traffic jams and freezing water on the beaches, with rampant crime rates and homelessness. This RPG, however, takes place in a San-Francisco that is always sunny, warm, and fit for swimming or going for a drive, full of fun, harmless weirdos and constant adventure. In short, this is the San-Francisco of Hollywood movies and Guns N' Roses songs; talented musicians play on the streets and earn hats full of money. Perky goth kids run around the streets, yelling “bite” at each other; and a pair of theatres compete for money and fame.Rogues, Vagabonds, and Common PlayersShow business is diverse, variable, attracting all sorts of people, from nerdy kids who went through Drama in high school to promising actors and actresses who're already making names for themselves. There's also three main roles to take in the business.Actors: By far the most rewarding and demanding of roles, actors are the heart and soul of a play; the show is nothing without every one of them, and every one of them will be missed onstage. Perhaps no role so perfectly embodies show business as the no-name actress who gets thrust onto the stage to take a role, give voice to lines, and earn money and stardom. That is, in fact, the very plot of 42nd Street. Actors have little time for leisure, but they earn money and recognition.Chorus: Especially prevalent in musicals, but many plays make use of from a dozen to thirty people, sometimes called “the kids” who are the backing roles-in a musical like 42nd Street, they're the actual chorus, dancing and doing most of the vocals. For Midsummer, they play the Faeries, which includes a few dances, but also a scene of acting. The Chorus is also very important because it helps set the tone of a play, given they far outnumber the actors.Stagehands: While they're rarely seen and rarely given credit, a show's stage crew is both critical and a wonderfully fun role to have; it takes relatively little talent, gives plenty of free time, and your relationship with fellow stagehands can be described as “Halfway between being war buddies and lovers.” Mostly, a stagehand helps build the set, and moves props and set pieces during the show. Stagehands from Japanese Noh drama also inspired the all-black outfits of pop-culture's Ninja; make of that what you will.Playing The GamePlaying the game itself is simple; you write out your actions(ideally in past-tense prose) and play true to your character, interacting with everyone else as you help create the plot. There's little to no fighting unless you bite your thumb at a member of the opposite theatre, and the plot is heavily driven by your characters and what they do.Each Man In His Life Plays Seven PartsThe two plays each have a limited cast, with several famous roles, and only one person can play each part; with that in mind, here we'll have a list of the major roles from each play, and if they're taken, who's playing them. If not, they'll have a short summary of what the part is, though you may want to read up on the play before choosing a part.Elizabeth Theatre, putting on A Midsummer Night's Dream, which is one of Shakespeare's most famous plays, a fantasy-comedy romp about four young Greeks, the romantic shenanigans around them, and their misadventures into the forest around Athens, where they are toyed with by shadowy forces beyond the sight of man. As in many productions of the play, the Elizabeth Theatre is having some of the actors double up, playing both a human role and a role among the Faeries. The Cast can be split into three main groups;The Nobles: Playing a role both in the Human World and in the Faeries, each of the Nobles is an important role.Theseus/Oberon: Theseus is the Duke of Athens, a skeptical yet fair leader who is to be married by the end of the play. Oberon is the jealous King Of The Fairies, who bitterly tries to take all he can from his Queen.Hippolyta/Titania: Hippolyta is an Amazon woman, and due to be married to Theseus. Titania is an entitled, highborn Faerie Queen with a troupe of Fairies about her.Philostrate/Puck: Philostrate is Theseus and Hippolyta's overworked wedding planner. Puck, however, is Oberon's courtly jester, messenger, and a trickster archetype with a will of his own; his muddling about with Love Potions drive most of the plot and comedy.The Lovers: Each of the lovers is embroiled in some sort of romance, though their actual interests change by the moment in the play itself. Their characterization in the script is limited, and is mostly up to the actors. (Because of this, I will not summarize them further)Lysander:Hermia:Demetrius:Helena:The Mechanicals: The Mechanicals(which just meant laborers at the time the play was written) have been hired by Philostrate to put on a play, Pyramus And Thisby(a pastiche of another Shakespeare play, Romeo And Juliet) and are woefully incompetent at it, each of them being a terrible, terrible actor. However, this means that to play a mechanical takes a certain skill; it takes a good actor to play a bad actor well.Bottom: A first-time actor with an overly high opinion of himself, one of the most fun parts in the entire play, and plays Romeo Pyramus. Thought to be a parody of Richard Burbage, Shakespeare's lead Tragedian when the script was written.Quince: Directing Pyramus And Thisby, Quince is ambitious but not exactly a model director. Also plays Thisby's FatherFlute: A young man who plays Thisby, the young girl of the play, and is less than enthused with the role.Robin: A minor role, plays Thisby's motherSnout: Plays Pyramus' FatherSnug: Plays the Lion, the villain of the play-within-a-play.Faeires: Among the Chorus of Faeires are four named Faeries; Peaseblossom, Cobweb, Mustardseed, and Moth. They are minor roles, each having one or two lines.---Starlight Theatre, putting on 42nd Street, the tale of a girl who comes from a no-name town in Pennsylvania, joins in on the production of “Pretty Lady,” the newest Broadway Musical in the 1930s, and through a series of hijinks is given the chance to take stardom. Unlike Midsummer, the cast doesn't break into groups, but it is a good deal smaller.Peggy Sawyer: The lead in the show, Peggy is the rising starlet, painfully nervous but endearing because of that.Dorothy Brock: A Prima-Donna past her time, Dorothy Brock is renowned for having absolutely no talent for dancing, but has made her way into the show because her “sugar daddy” is investing in the show.Abner Dillon: Rich Texan, Producer of “Pretty Lady” and said “sugar daddy”Julian Marsh: A director famous for putting on amazing shows and infamous for being near-impossible to work with.Billy Lawlor: Leading Tenor in Pretty Lady, has a sweet spot for Peggy.Pat Denning: Dorothy's former stage manager, who's now having an affair with her behind Abner's back.Andy Lee, Bert Barry, Maggie Jones, Mac: Choreographer, Writers, and Stage Manager of “Pretty Lady”“Anytime Annie”, Lorraine, Phyllis, and Gladys: Experienced chorus girls who help Peggy around.Running ThemesNotice anything the two plays above have in common? They both feature a play-within-a play. It's actually a common device in theater. Playwrights tend to be experienced with show business, and it's easy to write what you know. This RPG is partly about celebrating theater, and how better to do it?Don't say Macbeth in a theatre(bad luck)Don't say the word “Frisco”(you can actually be fined twenty five dollars if you say that in San-Francisco.)Acting Like An ActorWe don't have many rules here, so you shouldn't have much trouble following them.1: Follow all the site's rules2: Don't control other people's characters without asking them first.3: If a fight does happen, be fair about it.4: Don't meta-game; only act on knowledge your character has.5: Make it fun.AuditionsNow, how to get involved in the game? Well, it's easy; you come up with a character, fill out this form, and message it to me.Name: Let's not be ridiculous; you're not from some fantasy world.Age: It's an important part of what roles you get and how you're looked at in show business.Experience: No one in a show like this is going to be a first timer unless you're a stagehand; did you go to a high-school with a good drama program? Get a college degree?Appearance: Let's face it, pretty girls and handsome men get all the best parts. That's just how it is. How you look is one of the most important parts of the business.Personality: Show Business attracts eccentric young kids, blue-blooded girls out to make a living, and everything in between.Background: How'd you get out of Allentown? Live in San-Francisco your whole life? Make it detailed and interesting.And with all that said, you're ready to play. Get out there and make it a show.

Edited by cardworkMagician
That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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FRISCO FRISCO FRISCO FRISCO FRISCO FRISCO FRISCO FRISCOnothing immediately jumps out at me, it strikes me as odd that you can write up even a basic skeleton of an RPG in less than a day, though.EDIT:

Unlike most TBRPGs, though, the Role Playing is emphasized far, far over the Game. This isn't about winning or losing; it's about making an interesting story we all can enjoy.[/font]

why did this need to be mentioned ,_, y u do dees be zed p Edited by ~JC~

3DS: 3711-9364-3152

PSN:          AidecVoros

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I've had this basic idea in my head for a week or so. This is how I wrote my last two RPGs too; have a few ideas, wait for the right moment to write, then write like mad. Then spend a week fixing it.

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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Lloyd: There is, and it's one of my issues with the RPG; do I set it up ahead of time or wait for the characters to establish themselves before starting it?ToA: Sure; I'd recommend playing a stagehand in that case; easier to explain not knowing the play.I'm pretty sure the 42nd Street script is online. I'd also recommend checking out the 1933 film.

Edited by cardworkMagician
That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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A shakespeare RPG?! Must tell my acting teacher!

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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I call dibs on Puck...Anyway, the way I see it you have two options. One is to make the players responsible for the perpetration of the mystery (ex: if it was a murder mystery, one of the players would have been the culprit) or two, have a few NPCs be the ones involved and have the players unravel it. I've noticed that you've got some NPCs already. The former makes it more engaging for the players, the latter makes it easier to plan.:w:

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Puck, being easily the best role in Midsummer, isn't up for dibs; whoever writes the best profile gets that part.And I'm going the route of NPCs perpetrate, players investigate

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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Dibs on dogberryWhoops sorry, forgot I didn't see much ado about nothing.Anywho, dibs on Bottom

Edited by Zacax

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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Puck, being easily the best role in Midsummer, isn't up for dibs; whoever writes the best profile gets that part.And I'm going the route of NPCs perpetrate, players investigateWait, Dogberry?

Edited by cardworkMagician
That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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Probably be better off to completely boot dibbing on roles, doesn't work like that in the real world, shouldn't work like that here. You won't get to play Iron Man just because you found out they were making a movie before everybody else.

3DS: 3711-9364-3152

PSN:          AidecVoros

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But then we'd have to actually show the auditions, and almost nothing important to an audition can be conveyed through text.

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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I'm concerned that, while an interesting idea, this might just not work for an RPG. I mean, if you can't come up with a better means for picking roles than people calling dibs on them, that suggests that there might be a problem with taking the actual premise of the RPG (that is, theatre) and conveying it through text without it being little more than copy-pasting the lines.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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:kaukau: I agree with Beardy Spoon. This would make an interesting book, movie, television show, or pitch for an improv acting group, but as a TEXT-based roleplaying GAME, I don't see how I could convey the acting. It seems to me that this pitch would only encourage people to create Mary Sue characters.What would you think of an RPG set in a world where all of Shakespeare's characters coexisted, but with a twist? As in, Spink started an RPG a while back called Skylight, and JC had a prince named Romeo with his lover Juliet. Obviously, they weren't the same as in the play, but they were inspired by the characters. I like the idea of an adaptation of Shakespeare's cumulative works and fitting them into a fantastic premise.I'd love to play a sci-fi Julius Caesar and Marcus Brutus.By the way, another thing I'd like to see is a GM create a world based on the characters that have been submitted early. It's a bit tiring when a person has to establish their place in the world and their connections by deus ex machina. I suppose Strio Karla has something similar to this going on, where the map is changed to make sure everybody is officially recognized. Like, I'd want the kingdoms of Julius Caesar, King Lear, King Oberon, King John, Henry IV, Hamlet, and King Macbeth represented in the official cannon of the game (assuming that the adaptation was high fantasy).Actually, I ship this idea. Call it RPG: Shakespeare Adaptation.Your Honor,Emperor Kraggh
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I'm concerned that, while an interesting idea, this might just not work for an RPG. I mean, if you can't come up with a better means for picking roles than people calling dibs on them, that suggests that there might be a problem with taking the actual premise of the RPG (that is, theatre) and conveying it through text without it being little more than copy-pasting the lines.

This is why we need a +1 button. I think that it will be pretty hard to work an RPG based on verbal and physical skill…I may always be wrong, though. Don't let me stop you from trying.
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nyahar;laghdsg i never introduced juliet kragghAm I the only one who missed the conversation about it being a mystery RPG? I don't think the idea is 'do a play in a RPG', I think the RPG is 'there's a play going on and somebody gon get shot'

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