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If you could change something in a series...


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What would it be?


I can think of a number of things I would do differently with Power Rangers, notably in the area of wardrobe; for a series supposedly aimed at kids, it certainly has a number of issues in that regard, particularly when it comes to the outfits of female characters.


Otherwise, I'd have liked to see more done with various teamup specials, including finding work arounds for the destructions/absences of various Zords in order to accommodate team Zord battles in the storyline. Were various corrections made, a Zeo-Turbo teamup would have been sweet, as would Wild Force with Ninja Storm and S.P.D. with Mystic Force. The Dino Thunder teamup episodes with Ninja Storm and S.P.D. would also have been greatly enhanced in my opinion with team Zord action. Also-and this is total dreaming on my part-it would have been cool to see some mix and match Zords in the Once a Ranger event, made up of the Zords of the Veteran Rangers. I mean, Adam could practically create his own Megazord from the Lion Thunderzord, Frog Ninjazord, and Black Shogunzord if they worked it right; the others might have been a little trickier.

Voicing your opinions with tact is the best way to keep a discussion from becoming an argument.
So far as I'm aware, it's pronounced like this: We're ee ah moo.

Check out my Creations:


G1 Battle for Spherus Magna - G2 A Lingering Shadow

Short Stories

G1 Fallen Guardian - G2 Shadows of Past and Future (The Legend Continues Entry) Head of Stone, Heart of Jungle


Mask Hoarder, Desert Scourge

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:kaukau: love the show Smallville, but there are definitely some things I would have changed about it:

  • It kind of would have been awesome if Chloe was Lois Lane.  I just loved Allison Mack a lot.
  • Clark seriously should have moved on from Lana after high school.  We didn't need another three and a half seasons about him pining after him and how she was "the one that got away."  I hated it!  I really think that those three and a half seasons should have had him and not focused on romance in the slightest.
  • Killing off Lex Luthor was dumb.
  • They had an awful lot of pace-dragging speeches during the tenth season, explaining why it was important for Clark to embrace his destiny and the importance of Superman.  It's good that the writers appreciate what Superman is supposed to mean, but they really didn't  understand the concept of "Show, don't tell."
  • Some of their characters didn't belong in an origin story.  Like Doomsday.  That does not belong in Superman's origin story!  And also, seriously, Darkseid.  I can live with young Zod, because they genuinely did write that as an origin story with an open future.  Otherwise, the focus really should have been Lex Luthor.
  • They shouldn't have deleted all of Lex Luthor's memories in the final episode.  It negated his entire origin story.


In Battlestar Galactica

  • The final season in particular the final episode, could have been less deus ex machina.


In Star Trek

  • Star Trek Beyond could have been much more philosophical and focused more on classic sci-fi themes and questions, like The Motion Picture, instead of being an action movie.


In Lord of the Rings

  • The Hobbit should have been only one movie, and a straight-up musical.
  • It should never have been implied that the Ring was special in any way, and that it was just one of many magical trinkets.
  • They should have never mentioned Sauron.


In Power Rangers

  • That most recent movie could have had more actual Power Rangers in it.
  • And also...wait a second, am I really making suggestions on how to improve that movie?  There's no simple set of improvements that would make that movie work.  In order to make it work, you'd have to start over from scratch and get a completely different creative team involved.


In Planet of the Apes

  • Nothing is needed to improve these, other than that I hope the producers are lying when they say that War of the Planet of the Apes is the conclusion of the series.  That thing simply must go on.


In Avatar: The Last Airbender

  • I kind of ship the whole Zuko/Katara relationship.


In Friends

  • Ross should have been impaled.
  • Rachel could have found a decent guy to marry.
  • Phoebe should have been sent to an asylum
  • Monica could have stayed, provided that she still ended up with Chandler Bing.
  • The show should have been retitled The Chandler and Joey Show, and just focused on them living in an apartment with a chicken.


The X-Men series

  • Hugh Jackman should have actual healing powers and play Wolverine forever, or at least for another hundred movies.


The DC cinematic universe:

  • They should have cast an actual American from Kansas as Clark Kent.
  • They should have had Michael Giacchino adapt and expand upon the John Williams Superman themes for the new movies.
  • Superman should not have killed.  Ever.


In Bionicle

  • The series could have ended after Year 3.
  • If it did go on, it could have just stayed on Mata Nui and kept its mystical elements.
  • This all doesn't bother me that much, since to be honest I just ignore all of the stuff from 2004 on when playing MNOG and MNOG2.



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Megaman X6 and X7 could've been handled much better than they were. Better voice acting, better stage layout, etc.

I kind of wish the series ended at X5 like it was supposed to, but then we wouldn't have the greatness that is X8.


JoJo Stuff:

Honestly, Caesarino and Kakyoin didn't have to die. I would've loved to see a mention of Bubble Boy in Stardust Crusaders and Kakyoin visit Morioh.



:i:   :n:  :a:   :r:   :y:


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UNDERTALE should have had proper sequel and prequel arks respectively in-lore. But I eventually plan on publicizing my fan fiction of the theme and lore at some point in time which fleshes that out, still working on it though.

Quote: "Love has no fear, and no vengeance." |

:t: :m_o: :a: :i: :m: :r: :u: :k: :i: :i: | mEaHKlH.pngAndekas



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I can think of a number of things I would do differently with Power Rangers, notably in the area of wardrobe; for a series supposedly aimed at kids, it certainly has a number of issues in that regard, particularly when it comes to the outfits of female characters.



There's actually a good many series that could benefit from this. I can't tell you the number of series I've quit on because they decided that some or all of their female characters were apparently there for people to ogle. Also, various comics, TV shows, and so on could stand to tone down/eliminate the hypnosis/mind control, especially as it also involves female characters.


The Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit

  • Reimagine the cut duel between Aragorn and Sauron from The Return of the King as their mental struggle for control of the palantir featured in the books.
  • If you have to make the Hobbit a trilogy, cut the Legolas love triangle and-as a friend of mine suggested-instead have a little fun with the Dwarves wondering if an Elf-Dwarf pairing might be how Hobbits came about (suggested by a buddy of mine). Also, restrict Legolas' role to Mirkwood and then showing up at the Battle of the Five Armies.

Star Wars

  • Have Leia tell Tarkin the rebel base is on Tatooine instead of Dantooine in A New Hope, and have Tarkin decide to blow it up anyway. Then you can have Return of the Jedi open with Rebellion versus bounty hunters instead of the dumb Jabba's palace junk.
  • Don't "kill" Darth Maul in Phantom Menace; keep him around until Revenge of the Sith and then be taken out by Anakin or be defeated to somehow make his return in Star Wars Rebels. Also-suggested by that same buddy of mine-don't have Count Dooku be an actual villain, but rather a good guy whom Palpatine/Sidious manipulated.
  • Have older Anakin be played by someone who can actually act-like Adam Driver, who would have been about the right age at the time Attack of the Clones was released. This would also help to account for Kylo Ren's appearance in The Force Awakens-one of the big things I've heard from people is that they don't understand how Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher's genetics supposedly ended up with that kid.
  • The Gungans should speak in an alien language that the audience only understands through subtitles, which should help clear up a large percentage of the issues surrounding Jar Jar Binks.


  • In the Tournament of Elements season, put some actual effort into the Elemental Masters as opposed to throwaway characters from another theme and a bunch of poorly named tributes to some other franchise.
  • Do a better ending for the Skybound arc, preferably something that doesn't involve the ridiculous wedding and the oh so trite "magical reset button."

Harry Potter

  • No "The Cursed Child"...or the majority of stuff Rowling has said happens in the aftermath of the Battle of Hogwarts.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

  • Equestria Girls needs to not be a thing.
  • The series needs more of the all too briefly seen Bat-winged, tufted ear ponies who have only appeared briefly as the guards of Princess Luna/alternate timeline Nightmare Moon.

Mega Man

  • Should have been more female Robot Masters-I mean, in the games they're barely characters anyway, so why not at least mix it up a little in terms of gender?

Voicing your opinions with tact is the best way to keep a discussion from becoming an argument.
So far as I'm aware, it's pronounced like this: We're ee ah moo.

Check out my Creations:


G1 Battle for Spherus Magna - G2 A Lingering Shadow

Short Stories

G1 Fallen Guardian - G2 Shadows of Past and Future (The Legend Continues Entry) Head of Stone, Heart of Jungle


Mask Hoarder, Desert Scourge

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Star Wars

  • Have Leia tell Tarkin the rebel base is on Tatooine instead of Dantooine in A New Hope, and have Tarkin decide to blow it up anyway. Then you can have Return of the Jedi open with Rebellion versus bounty hunters instead of the dumb Jabba's palace junk.
  • Don't "kill" Darth Maul in Phantom Menace; keep him around until Revenge of the Sith and then be taken out by Anakin or be defeated to somehow make his return in Star Wars Rebels. Also-suggested by that same buddy of mine-don't have Count Dooku be an actual villain, but rather a good guy whom Palpatine/Sidious manipulated.
  • Have older Anakin be played by someone who can actually act-like Adam Driver, who would have been about the right age at the time Attack of the Clones was released. This would also help to account for Kylo Ren's appearance in The Force Awakens-one of the big things I've heard from people is that they don't understand how Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher's genetics supposedly ended up with that kid.
  • The Gungans should speak in an alien language that the audience only understands through subtitles, which should help clear up a large percentage of the issues surrounding Jar Jar Binks.




:kaukau: Oi!  I'll defend STAR WARS to my death!


1. But wouldn't that have destroyed the droids with the plans to destroy the Death Star?  And Obi-Wan Kenobi, her only hope?  (Also, I liked the Jabba's palace "junk")


2. Darth Maul had a pretty epic death and I'm completely satisfied with it.  What I don't like is that they decided that he somehow survived and brought him back for The Clone Wars and Rebels.  What I liked about him was his mystery, and that he represented a very primordial form of the Sith that, thematically, was really only suited for Episode I.  For the theme of the series, I think that it was also important to show that Palpatine was a great manipulator who saw his apprentices as disposable, and was secretly working up to the ideal apprentice.  If the series kept Maul, then it would have lessened the strength of Palpatine's role as a villain.


As for Count Dooku, I thought it was obviously that he already was a good guy that Palpatin has managed to manipulate.  He was a person who found the Jedi to be hypocritical, but also had issues with the Sith, and was enough of a philosopher to ponder the possibility of a bath between the two factions that used both sides of the Force.  He saw himself as someone could potentially rise above the predominant religions of his day.  He didn't perfect the idea, as Luke presumably did, and ultimately he died on the Dark Side, but it was really interesting and fit the character, and makes him my favorite villain of the series.  This isn't obvious to people?  I thought that Christopher Lee played the character and his mentality so well!  That, and seriously, it's Christopher Lee, who's amazing regardless.


3. George Lucas had no idea back in 2002 that Disney would buy Lucasmfilm and make their own STAR WARS movies, let alone cast Adam Driver as Anakin's grandson.  Even if he did, I still thought that Hayden Christensen was an appropriate casting choice.  He looked and felt, in many ways, like Luke Skywalker, which to me is important.  I have some merchandise with Anakin, Padme, Luke, and Leia, and seeing the four of those together, they really look like a family.  No offense to Ben Solo, but he's a bit further down the chain and not as directly related to Anakin as Luke and Leia.  Meanwhile, I can see how he's related to Han and Leia.  I guess I could say that his lips are a bit too full, when both Han and Leia had thin lips, but that's about my only complaint.


4. I'm fine with that alien language thing.  That's totally within the feel of STAR WARS.  That having been said, personally, I love Jar Jar Binks.  His character wouuld be awesome to me regardless of whether or not he spoke English.



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Sounds like a long and tedious battle to fight, Valjean, but do remember that the idea behind the thread is for each poster to say how they would change a series-this is all my personal preference and opinion. I personally despise that first chunk of what Lucas chose to include in Return of the Jedi for a number of reasons, not least because it's contribution to the plot can be summed up in "And the Rebels got Han Solo back." If we were going to take away time from the real story of the Rebellion against the Empire, I think it would have been better served getting use out of the bounty hunters that some people went to all the trouble of creating costumes for only for five of them to never show up again and the sixth one to end up in a hole after doing basically nothing. I also can't stand Hayden Christiansen's performance as Anakin, and if Adam Driver was half the actor he is now at age 19 I think he would have been an appropriate and superior candidate for the role.


With the whole Darth Maul/Darth Tyranus thing, I honestly would have been fine with Maul staying dead, but I think it's a shame they wasted a great actor like Christopher Lee on the role of "filler apprentice"-he was basically just there so Sidious had an apprentice after Maul bought it and until Anakin fell to the dark side. And since Lucas decided to bring Maul back anyway-part of the benefit of hindsight-I figure it would have been less tedious to just not kill him off in the first place, but have him kill Qui-Gon and then escape from Obi-Wan to cause trouble later. It would also have made for a better confrontation between the Jedi and Sidious, because honestly having Sidious fight Mace and co. the way they did didn't really seem to fit his more manipulative, Force-oriented character. Thus, it would have been ideal for Maul to appear in that scene to battle the Jedi, or maybe even just have Sidious use Force telekinesis to manipulate several lightsabers in attacking the Jedi rather than pulling the same routine as Yoda. But again, these are all just my opinions-I understand that others feel differently.


On to more changes!



  • Crazy thought here, but maybe have a portion of the franchise where the title character is the focus as opposed to a sidekick, crippled mentor, or brainwashed minion turned highly ineffective deus ex machina.

Xiaolin Showdown

  • Kill Xiaolin Chronicles with fire-maybe keep Shadow's design and personal Shen Gong Wu, but change up her creepy origin story/relationship with Chase Young and give her a more original name.
  • Do an actual conclusion to the series that resolves the fates of various characters, including whether Chase and Jack Spicer eventually rejoin/join the good side. Another girl monk would be a nice addition as well.

The Silmarillion/The Chronicles of Narnia (one for each, so I'm combining them)

  • The Silmarillion was fairly dark in tone, but it wouldn't be so bad were it not for this one account that goes above and beyond the awkwardness of Luke and Leia-if I could go back in time and talk to Tolkien I would question him on that.
  • With regards to C.S. Lewis, if I could go back and talk to him it would be about the merpeople-they serve literally no purpose so I don't get why he felt the need to include them or in the fashion that he did.

Voicing your opinions with tact is the best way to keep a discussion from becoming an argument.
So far as I'm aware, it's pronounced like this: We're ee ah moo.

Check out my Creations:


G1 Battle for Spherus Magna - G2 A Lingering Shadow

Short Stories

G1 Fallen Guardian - G2 Shadows of Past and Future (The Legend Continues Entry) Head of Stone, Heart of Jungle


Mask Hoarder, Desert Scourge

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:kaukau: If we're talking about Darth Maul related changes, I guess I would have changed The Clone Wars so that he never came back.  Because I thought that was a really dumb twist, and that's one reason why I won't wash the show.


By the way, Dooku was pretty awesome in that series, from what I've seen.


(it's my opinion/preference, so it's fact :P)


Doctor Who

  • I'm not the hugest fan of this series, and Ithinkthat the writing is so terrible that I would have to list several dozen things that would need to be changed, but as it happened I did like Matt Smith, especially with his fairy-tale-like imaginary friend debut.  If he had stayed on the show for another several seasons, with Amy and Rory in toe, and kept that childlike fairytale feeling, I personally would have liked that.  Not sure if other people would have loved it.
  • They never answered who took control of the TARDIS in Series 5.  I wanted that answered!  Maybe they did answer it sometimes after Series 7, and I'm unaware of it, but I still want that answered.



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The Papal Mainframe took control of the TARDIS so the doctor would never reach Trenzalore and bring the Time Lords back.

All this in the episode name of the doctor.


Also the current plot is wonderful.

The 10th doctor made mistakes.

The 11th doctor ran from them only to create more trouble.

The 12th doctor now acknowledges the problems and fixed them had on.


This multi regeneration plotline has rather been enjoyable to watch.

Hey I got a Flickr because I like making LEGO stuff.


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:kaukau: If we're talking about Darth Maul related changes, I guess I would have changed The Clone Wars so that he never came back.  Because I thought that was a really dumb twist, and that's one reason why I won't wash the show.


By the way, Dooku was pretty awesome in that series, from what I've seen.

Darth Maul was actually one of the few redeeming aspects of The Clone Wars in my opinion, though to be honest there was a lot about the series I didn't enjoy; Rebels was a vast improvement in my estimation. The introduction of his brother Savage Opress-though I love the name and his design-was harder to swallow; the old "enemy sibling you never knew about" angle is as tired a trope as it gets. Of course, the show wasn't the first Star Wars media to employ Darth Maul's return as a plot device, and his popularity was such that it's really just a surprise that Lucas didn't reverse his death earlier. Dooku was pretty well done in the show, but in a way it was basically to make up for how poorly handled he was in the films.


The Chronicles of Narnia

  • Less a change and more something I would like to see done, but assuming they ever get around to The Silver Chair film I would cast Anthony Daniels as Puddleglum. You're looking for a skinny British guy with a gift for doom and gloom-what better candidate are you going to find?

The Big Guy and Rusty

  • How's this for a blast from the past? Personally, I wouldn't have ended the show on a cliffhanger the way they did-I imagine they probably hoped to make more, but since that wasn't the case it would have been nice if they could have left things a little more tied up.

In General

  • Personally, I don't care for certain types of deaths that take place in a lot of series-I'm not talking violence so much as theme. Essentially they boil down to hero characters killing other hero characters for various reasons, i.e. "sparing" them from something, unlocking some dumb deus ex machina, and so on.

Voicing your opinions with tact is the best way to keep a discussion from becoming an argument.
So far as I'm aware, it's pronounced like this: We're ee ah moo.

Check out my Creations:


G1 Battle for Spherus Magna - G2 A Lingering Shadow

Short Stories

G1 Fallen Guardian - G2 Shadows of Past and Future (The Legend Continues Entry) Head of Stone, Heart of Jungle


Mask Hoarder, Desert Scourge

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Let's talk about Samurai Jack.


I'm a little bit of a history buff with Japanese history, so one thing that slightly gets me is that they refer to Jack's father as "The Emperor".  The Japanese Emperor would never have been a samurai, and the actual Imperial seal looks nothing like Jack's clan symbol, so I would've instead made him a high-ranking daimyo (so that he could still be a samurai).  The square-with-lines-inside-the-circle symbol would simply be their clan crest (like the Hojo clan's Triforce, or the Takeda clan's four-diamonds-that-form-one-big-diamond).


But that's just a nitpick that ultimately has no real bearing on the story, so here's what I really came here to post.


Major Samurai Jack finale spoilers:

I would have Jack and Ashi defeat Aku in the future *first*.  Then I'd have Ashi bring Jack to the past after a final farewell.  Then Jack would kill Aku the same way, but Ashi would disappear during their little moment after escaping Aku's exploding lair.


Jack would return home to his parents and all of his teachers, where he would succeed his father as the daimyo of their clan.  Like before, this scene would have no spoken dialogue, but Jack's facial expressions would tell the whole story.  He'd clearly have some sense of either sadness or emptiness, but hides it behind a confident smile as he looks over his new kingdom from his father's castle.


---------------------------------------------------Links to fun stuff---------------------------------------------------

A story I wrote in 2016My sole BZPRPG character who has existed since 2016, but has done absolutely nothing, A fun little Cantonese earworm ft. Marina Sirtis, Some real nostalgia from 2003 BZPower


We are Primus. We are Prima. We are Prime Nova. We are Sentinel Prime. We are Optimus Prime.

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