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Names For The Downtime


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I think it is obvious that by calling it the "downtime" in the first place gave it the name the " downtime". Even though it lacks creativaty is simply more convenient, most people seem to refer it to the "downtime" as the "downtime"... sort of like the reason we call our moon the "Moon", most people don't care enough to name it something else or don't have enough supporters to call it something else.

Corrected it for you. It's not lack of creativity if creativity is unnecessary.-Dovydas Edited by Dovydas the Nerevarine
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Yeah, I doubt that anything other than "the downtime" will really catch on, mainly because there isn't any convenient reference most people will understand. :shrugs: However, I could see people saying something akin to "the Downtime Slip," as I'm certain at least twenty other people have already suggested that one over fifty separate times, whether to themselves or in this topic. ~ BioGio


"You're a scientist? The proposal you make violates parsimony; it introduces extra unknowns without proof for them. One might as well say unicorns power it."

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I've been calling it the Time Slip myself so yeah. :P

The Destiny of Bionicle (chronological retelling of Bionicle original series, 9 PDFs of 10 chapters each on Google Drive)Part 1 - Warring with Fate | Part 2 - Year of Change | Part 3 - The Exploration Trap | Part 4 - Rise of the Warlords | Part 5 - A Busy Matoran | Part 6 - The Dark Time | Part 7 - Proving Grounds | Part 8 - A Rude Awakening | Part 9 - The Battle of Giants

My Bionicle Fanfiction  (Google Drive folder, eventually planned to have PDFs of all of it)

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If I remember correctly, we already had a Time Slip and a Dataclysm, so I think the (Database) Shattering would be a nice name.

I remember the Dataclysm, but what was the "Time Slip"? Or was that just an alternate name for the Dataclysm?(Either way, I'm in favor of the term "Downtime Slip" to be slightly more specific and to avoid being misleading. Also, I don't think that "Shattering" really describes something as mild as a few months without BZPower and nothing more.)~ BioGio


"You're a scientist? The proposal you make violates parsimony; it introduces extra unknowns without proof for them. One might as well say unicorns power it."

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I think it is obvious that by calling it the "downtime" in the first place gave it the name the " downtime".Even though it lacks creativaty, most people seem to refer it to the "downtime" as the "downtime"... sort of like the reason we call our moon the "Moon", most people don't care enough to name it something else or don't have enough supporters to call it something else.

:kaukau:I agree with you completely, especially with you thoughts on the downtime. I was going to post in the topic and simply say if we were to ever give a specific name to the downtime, it would simply be "the 2001 downtime". That's sort of how people refer to recessions. "The recession of 2008" and so forth.Although I believe that technically, the moon is called Luna, in case you ever want to contrast it with, say, Jupiter's Io.Your Honor,Emperor Kraggh
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If it hasn't been said yet, Dataclysm 2: Electric Boogaloo.

...GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!! You took mine!Anyway, how about "Dataclysm: The Downtime Strikes Back"? Then the current "period" is "Dataclysm: Return of the Forums".

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A story I wrote in 2016My sole BZPRPG character who has existed since 2016, but has done absolutely nothing, A fun little Cantonese earworm ft. Marina Sirtis, Some real nostalgia from 2003 BZPower


We are Primus. We are Prima. We are Prime Nova. We are Sentinel Prime. We are Optimus Prime.

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