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How would you fight a Bionicle villain as a video game boss?


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Hi, guys!:) We know that there are Bionicle video games, including Bionicle: The Game in 2003 and Bionicle Heroes in 2006. Plus, most of them have bosses. In the storylines, if they would be video games, I would imagine the bosses would be:


2001: Lewa with an Infected Mask, Makuta

2002: Tahu with a Krana, Lewa with a Krana, the Bahrag

Early 2003: the Bohrok-Kal

Late 2004: the Rahkshi, Makuta

2004: the Morbuhukh plant, Nidhiki and Krekka, Makuta

2005: Vakama, Sidorak, Roodaka, the Karzahni plant, Voporak, the Shadowed One

2006: the Piraka, Brutaka, Umbra, the illusions from the Zone of Nightmares, Vezon and Fenrakk/Kardas Dragon

2007: the Barraki, Nocturn, Hydraxon, Maxilos and Spinax, the giant Gadunka, the 300-foot long Venom Eel, The 200-foot-long Ancient Sea Behemoth, Karzahni

2008: the Makuta warriors and their Shadow Matoran partners, Vultrax

2009: Branar, Stronius, Tuma, Fero and Skirmix, Metus, Malum, Sahmad, Telluris, Skopio

2010: Nektann, Makuta Teridax

2011: the Sisters of the Skrall, Annona, the Kestora, Velika, Krabua the Vorox leader, Velika’s agents, the Element Lords, the Shadowed One

2015: the Lord of the Skull Spiders, Skull Slicer, Skull Basher, Kulta the Skull Grinder

2016: Umarak, Makuta


Now, some of these guys, including Karzahni, Voporak, the Kardas Dragon, the Shadowed One, Velika, and 2016 Makuta, are never bosses in reality. That’s pretty sad, because I would like to fight these guys.:(


It’s as bad as in a video game called Sonic Forces in 2017, you can’t fight Chaos or Shadow (Though I would imagine if you could, they would be rival bosses, like Zavok and Metal Sonic).:(


So, my question is this: if you want at least one of these Bionicle characters to be bosses, how would you fight it?

For me, here’s this:


All bosses should have boss meters. Here’s my list:

1. 2001 Makuta - In his Vortex form, he uses his tentacles to try to hit you. He could spin with his tentacles flying around. Use a Mask of Strength to block the tentacles. Masks of Shielding would defend yourself from one of the tentacles, but don’t stay too long, because another tentacles would attack you unexpected. To defeat him, hit either his body or head before you have all of the Toa Mata use their elemental powers to finish him.

2. The Bahrag - First, try to use the Exo-Toa to fight them. If you bring them together, they become hard to fight. To defeat them, have the Toa Mata combine their elemental powers to imprison them to finish them.

3. The Bohrok-Kal - It’s a rival boss fight or more. It’s like the rival boss fights in Sonic Generations in 2011, where you face someone around your size. You would do either a 3D fight or a hand-to-hand fighting level.

4. The Rahkshi in 2003 - It’s a rival boss fight or more.

5. 2003 Makuta - He throws a Kohli ball at you to try to hit you, and you have to catch and throw it back at him to hurt him. Or, he would come near and attack you by either using his staff or blasting shadow energy at you. You would have to hit him with either Takanuva’s staff or by shooting Light blasts at him. Teridax would also squish you, so avoid that.

6. The Morburahk plant - It uses its vines to attack you. It is like in the center of the area. You would have to either attack its center body while avoiding the tentacles and probably its teeth or you would drop some heavy stuff on top of it.

7. Nidhiki and Krekka - they would either throw stuff, attack you in your personal space, fly to hit you, charge at you, or shoot at you with energy that either hurt or imprison you. Krekka would cause tremors with his super-strength. You would go on Nidhiki’s back and hit him by hitting his back.

8. 2004 Makuta - he would fly to squish you. He would shoot a Shadow Hand to you to hurt you. You have to use Vakama’s Mask of Concealment to trick Teridax into grabbing pillars to hurt himself. Plus, you shoot at Teridax.

9. Sidorak and Roodaka - When you play as Keetongu, it would be like a rival boss fight. When you play as the Toa Hordika, you have to do 3D gameplay to fight them. The bad guys would summon the Visorak to help them fight you.

10. The Shadowed One and Voporak - 3D gameplay. Watch out for the Shadowed One’s disintegrating eye beams and Voporak’s time touch.

11. The Piraka - a rival boss fight or more.

12. Brutaka - 3D gameplay. If you play Axonn, you would do a rival boss fight.

13. Vezon and Fenrakk/Kardas Dragon - First, fight them. Then, lure them to a lava pit. Fenrakk would turn into the Kardas Dragon.

14. The Barraki - a rival boss fight or more. You would have to swim, similar to Kingdom Hearts’ The Little Mermaid world in 2002.

15. Nocturn - You would trap his tentacle and disarm his swords and Squid Launcher before you could fight him unless you use a Cordak Blaster.

16. Hydraxon, Maxilos and Spinax, Gadunka, the Eel, and the Behemoth - 3D gameplay.

17. The 2008 Makuta and their Shadow Matoran partners - rival boss fights. When the Makuta have the Matoran combined on their backs, you can go to one of the Matoran and rip it out of the Makuta to make things easier. Plus, you would have to fly.

18. Makuta Icarax - 3D gameplay. He would stomp on you, too.

19. Antroz in the Jetrax T6. You would attack him similar to one of the levels in Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga In 2007.

20. Tuma - You have to dodge his attacks and get to his back, where you hit that weak spot on him.

21. Metus - a rival boss fight.

22. Fero and Skirmix - Skirmix would charge at you. Fero would shoot you with his Thornax Launcher. If you come close to him, he would fight you in close combat. You would get on Skirmix’s back to knock Fero out of him.

23. Malum - a rival boss fight

24. Sahmad - watch out for his vehicle and Spikit when they charge at you. Go on his vehicle and attack or remove him from the vehicle.

25. Telluris - He would use the Skopio X-V1 to ram you. Of course, the vehicle would go from four legs to threads. If four legs, he would stomp on you. You would climb on one of them to get him, so you can attack or remove him out of the vehicles. If threads, put those Exilian rods into the threads to stop the vehicle from moving for a while. You would jump onto the vehicle and attack or remove him from it.

26. Nektann - a rival boss fight.

27. Makuta Teridax using the Great Spirit Robot - You only play as Mata Nui to beat him in a rival boss fight.

28. The Lord of Skull Spiders - He would crush you and shoot sticky webs at you. You have to have all six Toa Masters to do a teamwork move against him to finish him.

29. Skull Slicer and Skull Basher - rival boss battles. You would the teamwork moves to finish them. For Skull Slicer, he would use the arena in Okoto to make things tough for you, and he would jump for platform to platform, so you would also have to catch him.

30. Kulta - Watch our for his powerful swing. Use teamwork moves to hit him and jump to attack him.

31. Umarak - I would prefer 3D gameplay on this one. When he is the hunter, watch out for the shadows because he can teleport through them to sneak attack you. Also, dodge the bullets from his crossbow. He can summon his Shadow Traps and Shadow Minions to help him fight you. After hitting him with some hits, he would steal one of the six Elemental Creatures to Unite with it and use its power against you. You have to hit him many times to stun him, so you can remove the creature from his back to make things easier. You would defeat him after he used all six of the Elemental Creatures. When he is the Destroyer, he becomes tougher. He would smash you Hulk-from-Marvel-style and throw acid from his claws. He can also ram you, grab and throw you to hurt you, attack you with his claws, and use his shadow powers to stun you. You would have to dodge his attacks and attack his head by jumping to it. Or, you would blast him with the Toa’s powers. When Umarak uses his Shadow powers, you would have Ekimu and Agil use their Light powers to free either the Toa, them, or both. You would do the Toa’s teamwork attacks on him, too.

32. 2016 Makuta - He would use all six elements from the Mask of Ultimate Power and his Shadow powers to attack you. Plus, he would smash you and fight you with his staff and blades. You would blast them with the Toa’s powers and jump to attack his head. Plus, combine the Toa Uniters’ elemental powers to finish him. You would do the Toa’s teamwork attacks on him as well.


So, there. You see what I mean? It’s fun to talk about our ideas about bosses, huh? So, as I said, how would fight a Bionicle villain as a video game boss based on your imagination?:)

I like Lego, Bionicle, and Hero Factory!:)

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I always had a dream game in the form of a vast open world Bionicle RPG spanning the first three years of the story. Not just a game with "RPG elements" but full on RPG. 

I pictured the Makuta boss fight of '01 as turning the whole "unity" thing by tiering the fight into 6 phases, and during each phase his elemental resistance stat shifts giving another Toa the spotlight, so that all of them are needed to whittle down his HP. 


The Bahrag would also be separated into phases with a cutscene interlude where the Toa discard the Exo-Toa armor. Every Bohrok-Kal encounter would act as a miniboss, and their final confrontation would be time sensitive - the whole thing of using the Nuva Symbols to feed too much energy into the Kal would be translated as having to deal a certain amount of elemental damage with abilities to the symbols within a given time period. 

The Rahkshi would similarly be minibosses, the Kini-Nui battle would be a simultaneous 6v6 hoedown, and I'd retcon the final battle with Makuta to include all 7 Toa, not just a duel with Takanuva, but keep the whole Kohlii angle as a game mechanic, but include traditional combat as well. 


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:kakama: Stone rocks :kakama:

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There are certain battles in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2's story mode where you can win by whittling the opponent's health down to a certain amount rather than just killing them (like when you're fighting a character who dies later on in the anime).


I'd imagine fighting infected/krana Lewa would be like that. Just get his health bar down to a certain amount and then cut to a cutscene where his infected mask or krana gets knocked off.


Or if the game can register different damage areas (head, torso, limb, etc), there are two health bars (one for Lewa himself and one for the mask). Hitting his face or head registers as the mask getting damaged instead of Lewa himself. Hit him anywhere else and his main health bar goes down. If you get his regular health down before destroying his mask, you kill him and fail the mission. But to make it a little more generous, the mask's health bar is significantly shorter than Lewa's own.


As for how he fights you, you'd probably have to do a lot of dodging; he could shoot wind blasts (basically like a Kamehameha from his axe) and create tornadoes. He'd also probably be really mobile, jumping around and occasionally even coming at you directly with his axe.

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A story I wrote in 2016My sole BZPRPG character who has existed since 2016, but has done absolutely nothing, A fun little Cantonese earworm ft. Marina Sirtis, Some real nostalgia from 2003 BZPower


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I’d imagine Bionicle as a fighting game better. Similar to Virtual Fighter. You’d pick a Toa then you would fight the villians from that year. For example if you pick Vakama Hordika you’d start out fighting a visorak and you’d work your way up to fighting Roodaka. Once you beat a character you unlock them. Anyway that’s what I think Bionicle boss fights would be like.

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