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Pokémon: Rise Of The Rockets


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-==IC: Zach==-


Zach found the non-talkative mood of Olivia rather confusing, as she seemed to be giving him the cold shoulder a lot more than in times past. The situation of the night before was one thing... But why wasn't she responding after he saved her? Zach opened his mouth to say something to Olivia, but then closed it again, the look he had had earlier of not feeling this would end well returning to his face as he did so, not sure what to even say at that moment.

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OOC: Skye, Skylah, Skylark, Skya, Skyler, Skyle, and Skylon (And Windy)

I'll take Skylah for the one we captured, since I'm not sure what names correspond to who... ^^'


OOC: The names correspond to whoever uses whichever name first, Blade. :P


At this point, then:

-Windy: Team Zephyr's leader. (F)

-Skylah: Captured Team Zephyr member. (F)

-Skyler: Shaggy-expy-parody Team Zephyr member. (M)

-Skylon: Going-against-the-flow-with-a-ground-team Team Zephyr member. (M)

-Skylark: Musically-inclined Team Zephyr member introduced in this post. (M)

-Unused: Skye, Skyle, Skya. (2 F, 1 M)


Anywho, thanks~

IC - Jupiter - Eterna City: Jupiter watched Amanda's departure, all but glaring after the Plasma Agent. Try as she might to convince the Galactic Admin otherwise, her point was off, and not at all based in practicality. Jupiter had not been exaggerating when she had said that Team Galactic was destroyed: With the exception of the few agents who had not been stationed in Nova that day, virtually all of their personnel had been killed, dissolved by the dark phantom that Envy had summoned. They were gone, as well as any and all research that had been kept at the facility. Even if she could gather all of the stragglers together, it would take years--decades, even--to get anywhere near the kind of developments and discoveries that they had been working on at the time of Envy's attack.


Even so, she would concede one point: The entire organization was not gone. Jupiter herself still lived, and that, at least, was something to work from. Perhaps the remainder could accomplish something if they put their minds to it . . . But, no doubt it would be nothing significant. She sighed, casting her gaze to the Grotle nearby. Were it not so utterly adorable, she might have gotten annoyed at the look it was giving her, an almost perfect mirror for what Amanda had insisted.


. . . Huh. Jupiter frowned, realizing that she knew this Pokémon from somewhere . . . Carefully, she approached, stooping down and holding a hand out for the Grass-Type to sniff, before reaching forward to pet it. All the while, she watched it, troubled and intently. "You're not here by yourself, are you?" she asked, not referring to the Piplup next to it. "Tell me . . . Where is your trainer?"


IC - Sonja Baron - Opelucid City: Sonja took a brief moment to herself to stare after Ray and Ryan as the two began to walk away, looking from one to the other in disbelief. She could understand tensions being high immediately after a conflict with someone like Kane, but she couldn't grasp why the two were suddenly taking such short tones with each other--specifically here and now, of all places and times. Between this, Evan taking off without warning, and Kyle disappearing yet again . . .


She sighed, placing a hand on her hip. "Boys . . ." the Liberty Agent muttered, shaking her head. "You guys can be a real pain sometimes . . ." With only a last, cursory glance at the confused populace and the throne in the center of them all, Sonja followed after Ryan and Ray.


IC - Goldhawk - R&D Department: "Warning. Anomaly detected. Warning. Anomaly detected. Warning. Anomaly detected."


Aside from the hissing of the automated doors and the dull rumbling of the air conditioning in the background, this automated message was the only noise that Goldhawk heard upon entering the main area of Research and Development. All around, screens hanging from the ceiling flashed with the same highlighted schematic that Rodia had shown him and Blackskull, indicating more clearly where the security breach had occurred. The Liberty Leader stopped in front of one such screen, frowning as he processed what it was telling him.


That would be a testing site, he mused. What on earth could have done enough damage to register like that, whilst simultaneously delaying the alarm? Hm. He rubbed his chin, troubled by this. Goldhawk glanced about, searching for a map of the department that he could use to navigate it. Finding none, he instead approached Vert's desk, figuring the Executive of Research, of all people, would have a schematic handy.


He had hardly begun shuffling through the papers on her desk when he froze, staring in shock at one document in particular. Carefully, Goldhawk pulled it from beneath the others, fixated on the cover.


Project Harmony . . . Goldhawk set the file down and flicked it open, before proceeding to flip through the pages. A chill ran down his spine. Fifteen completed Power Suits . . . Where did you get the material to power those, Executive . . .? Lifting his gaze, he searched through the remaining stacks of folders, finding one that had been mentioned in the Harmony document--Project Weaver. This, too, he read through, scanning through the pages. Several in, the blood in his veins ran cold, eyes widening in horror at what he was reading.


This . . . No . . . Goldhawk gritted his teeth, looking over his shoulder and around the empty lab. Vert, you . . . What were you thinking!?


IC - Ethan Worth/Skylark - Celadon Department Store: For several moments, Ethan stared after Jamie and Lucia. Finally, he looked back at Gavin, rubbing the back of his head. "I, uh . . . don't get the impression they're very happy with me."


Gavin shook his head. "Not at all," he confirmed. "Whatever. Let them deal with it--we have a job to do. Dothe." The Ghost-Type stood at attention. Gavin gestured to the door. "Keep an eye on things up here--make sure no one gets through without a fight." The Dusknoir nodded, disappearing into the shadows around the door.


"Smart," Ethan said. "Good thing you thought about that, otherwise someone might've--"


He was interrupted by a sudden noise--specifically, an obnoxious pop song blaring over the department store's speaker system, all but drowning out any semblance of a possible reprieve. Gavin cupped his hands over his ears, head ringing from the sudden slamming of funky-fresh beats and new age bass-abuse against his eardrums. Ethan was not nearly as affected, seeming only mildly confused and--for some reason--slightly concerned.


"I can't believe these peoples' music tastes," he muttered, shaking his head. "Whatever happened to good ol' fashioned jazz?" With a sigh, he walked past Gavin, calling over his shoulder, "Don't worry, pal--" He slipped his sunglasses over his eyes. "--I've got this."


Gavin watched him disappear around a corner, finally relenting to the music and lowering his hands. As he did so, a flash of light flared behind him, followed by a surprised yelp of "Zoinks!" The Rocket Agent whipped around, eyebrow raised. Dothe hovered in the open doorway to the roof, arms crossed and smoke rising from a post-Fire Punch fist, the Ghost-Type glaring down at a trembling Team Zephyr member--Skyler, the skinny kid from earlier, who had evidently attempted to sneak past Gavin and out to the roof.


The Rocket Agent face-palmed. "Are you freakin' kidding me?"



Elsewhere, Ethan hummed along to the music, stiffly turning corners and spinning his lanyard and keys around on his finger, making his way through the halls as casual as could be. Occasionally he would stop to consult a wall map, though in general found that he had a fairly good idea of where he needed to go to get to his destination. All the while, the rather generic-though-energetic tunes continued to blare around him.


At last, he arrived at the entrance to the security center, finding the door slightly ajar--to virtually no surprise. The flickering light of the screens within further betrayed the presence of someone there, prompting Ethan to continue forward, skipping every so often in time with the drumbeats. Arriving at the door, he peered in, finding a rather stylishly-dressed man--maybe Gavin's age, or possibly a bit younger--seated at the computers, oblivious to the world outside of the headphones covering his ears. His jacket instantly identified him as a Team Zephyr member.


Hellooo~ Ethan stepped in, taking a seat next to him. The Rocket Agent continued to go unnoticed, prompting a short chuckle. When the Zephyr member failed to react in any way whatsoever to his presence, Ethan turned to the terminal in front of him, slowly turning the volume dial to the left. All around, the music began to quiet down slightly.




That caught the Zephyr member's attention. Noticing the change in volume, he suddenly stopped his air-drumming, turning to fix it, and immediately jumping in surprise at the sight of Ethan.


"Whoa, homeslice!" he yelled, laughing all the while. He pulled the headphones off, setting them down. "You almost gave me a heart attack, bro!"


"Yo, uh . . . sorry, dawg," Ethan apologized. "Some peeps got sensitive ears, though, yo--gotta be considerate, knowwhadahmean?"


The Zephyr member nodded knowingly. "Word."




"So." Ethan clapped his hands together. "Uh . . . Whaddup, broseph? Chillin out with the . . . the TZ, I see."


"Yeah, man, just doin' it for fun--dorm life ain't having it, y'know?"


"Fo sho," Ethan affirmed.


"You with the feds, though, yeah, brah?"


"For bets or wors', brother."


The Zephyr member snapped his fingers. "Aw, man, that ain't right. And here I thought you a pretty chill guy." He paused. "Naw, man, you know what? You still pretty chill, even if we gotta duke it out."


"Gee, thanks, bruddah," Ethan said, smiling. "You pretty chill, too." Dutifully, the two rose, exiting the room and taking up positions at opposite sides of the hall. "You got a name, man?" He pulled two Poké Balls from his coat.


"Yeah, man--call me Skylark," the Zephyr member answered, releasing his own Pokémon--a Chatot and a Jynx. "Got a true brother back home, name's Chip. We do music and stuff--ever heard of the Chipped Skylarks?"


"Man, are you for real?" Ethan asked, recognizing the name. Skylark quickly confirmed this surprising piece of information. "Nah, you gotta be pullin' my leg, man--you guys're the best!" He sighed. "Man, never thought I'd be taking down a real accomplished-G . . ." He threw the two Poké Balls in his hands into the air, releasing Kada and Paruk. "Whatevs. Let's crank it up in here!"


Okay, for real, though, the Rocket Agent thought. What the heck am I doing with my life?


IC - Gavin Braner/Skyler - Celadon Department Store: Skyler held his hands up, smiling innocently at Gavin as the Rocket Agent moved to stand next to Dothe. "Hey, man, no hard feelings, right?" he asked, voice shifting into a much higher, much shakier pitch than Gavin remembered--simultaneously alerting Gavin to the fact that the deafening music had quieted down somewhat, even though his ears still rang from the earlier intrusion. The Team Zephyr member chuckled nervously. "We're, like, not really trying to hurt anybody, man."


Gavin sighed, crossing his arms. "Yeah--yep. I can legitimately believe that," he muttered.


Skyler perked up at this. "So, like, you'll let me go?"


The Rocket Agent looked squarely at him. "Nope." He grabbed two Poké Balls from his belt, ignoring the Zephyr member's disappoint groan. "I suggest you send out your Pokémon." Tossing his own Poké Balls into the air, Gavin released Evris the Baltoy and Cain the Seedot onto the field. Both top-like Pokémon spun where they stood, appearing to enjoy the music playing around them--much to Gavin's dismay.


"Um . . . A double-battle?" Skyler scrambled to his feet. He appeared uncertain, particularly as he observed the two Pokémon in front of him.


"What, you afraid of a couple of base-stages?" Gavin asked, raising an eyebrow. "Besides, you're from Hoenn--this should be the standard format for you."


"I mean, I guess," Skyler said. He pulled out a pair of Poké Balls from the inside of his jacket. "Well, alright . . . Uh, Scooby-Doom, Teddy Jones, I choose you!" He tossed the containers into the air. In two flashes of light, a Houndoom and an ascot-wearing Ursaring appeared, both of whom assumed fighting stances before looking around, uncertain of where their opponents actually were. Confused, they looked down, finally locating the tiny Pokémon in front of them. Both looked at each other as if to confirm that these were their opponents, shrugging afterward and preparing for battle.


IC - Esen Windred/Silvermind/Rocket Triad - Cianwood City: With the enemy Manetric occupied by Tyranitar and no longer able to attack them, Silvermind quickly scrambled to her feet. After glancing in Jayron and Cyan's direction to make sure that they had everything under control, the Liberty Leader hurried over to Esen. The girl gingerly tested her leg, paying no heed to Silvermind's approach until she held a hand out.


"Thanks for the save," Silvermind said, prompting Esen to jump. "How badly are you hurt?"


"I'm fine," Esen snapped, pushing Silvermind's hand away. She helped herself up, visibly wincing as she put weight on her burnt leg. Instead of allowing the Liberty Leader to call attention to this, Esen began to dust off her clothes, looking away. "I'd be better if you had thought to watch your own back. Or if you had just left this to me to begin with."


Again with the attitude? Silvermind thought, though said nothing out loud. Taking a breath to steady her temper, she looked squarely at Esen. "Look, Miss Windred," she said. "It's clear that neither of us is going to leave the situation for the other to handle. So, instead of pushing each other away--" Esen rolled her eyes, as if she knew what was coming. "--why don't we try helping each other? We're both here for the same reason, right? To stop these guys?" Silvermind gestured to the Gym Leaders. "We can argue the logistics of who killed who later, if you insist."


Esen glared at the Liberty Leader for some time, her stony expression making it very clear that she did not want to accept Silvermind's proposal. After several moments, however, she looked away, focusing on her own Pokémon and their efforts against the enemy Gym Leaders. Finally, after clenching her jaw, Ace's daughter turned to face Silvermind again, her features softening slightly.


"Don't think this means I'm letting you off," she said, voice quivering with the threat of a growl. "How're we doing this?"


IC - Meghan Vert/Lust/Greed - R&D Testing Area: Oh, look at you, acting so selflessly for a change! Greed said, her tone ringing with hollow enthusiasm. You're just the poster boy for charity now, aren't you? I guess I really don't stand a chance against you . . .


The girl leaned her head to the side, resting it against her knuckles. She watched with narrowed eyes and a coy smile as her Eelektross picked itself up from the floor, issuing a threatening shriek at the enemy Swampert. Fangs, claws, and body crackling with electricity, the Electric-Type slid forward, aiming a Crush Claw at Gawain. At the same time that her Pokémon moved, Greed lifted her head, lifting her hand in front of her. Instead of attacking, as one might have expected, she instead scrutinized her now metal-coated nails, appearing only half-interested in the battle before her.


A soft chuckle escaped Greed's lips, an unsettling noise that seemed to resonate all throughout the room. Then again, maybe I don't have much to worry about, she continued, glancing pointedly at James. Busy as he was moving Guinevere to safety, he could not help but feel the weight of her gaze against his back, as she flicked through pieces of his past. You can't beat me, James, because we are so intimately connected already. Your entire character is built on Greed. She closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath. You didn't initially plan on abandoning Team Rocket, did you? No; you were going to try to call both sides of the same coin, playing the dictators and the rebels so that you won no matter which of them lost. Oh, if only that wretched Joker hadn't interfered--your self-preservation would have been all but guaranteed!


Greed's smile suddenly widened, her eyes flickering open. Speaking of . . . heh . . . What about her, hm? Greed clicked her tongue in a mockery of disapproval. It would not take more than a moment for James to realize who she was referring to. Tsk, tsk, tsk . . . I have to wonder what kind of person would make a clone purely for the purpose of having spare parts lying around . . . How callous. She slowly clapped her hands together, again and again. I like it. I'd almost say that you've exceeded the allowed capacity for greed. Almost. Greed's eyes narrowed again. You're almost there, James. Why not take that final step, and cement yourself as Avarice? We both know you want to . . .



Galvantula's injuries appeared to be minimal. With prompt speed, he righted himself, loyally taking a position in front of his trainer while awaiting his next order. None came. For all the odds that appeared to be in her favor, Vert found that she could do little but glare across the field, staring down Lust. The girl stared back, small smile hidden behind the hand on her chin. For better or worse, Milotic, too, made no move to attack, appearing keenly aware of the mental struggle occurring between her trainer and her opponent.


Seeing that Vert did not intend to break the silence, Lust leaned forward. Is something wrong? she asked. I hope you're not forfeiting--that wouldn't be good for you at all. The Sinner chuckled, eliciting a momentary vision in Vert's head of Lust surrounded by an entity constructed entirely of shadowy lightning.


The Executive shook her head, clearing the sight from her mind. She closed her eyes. Never, Vert answered, forcing her emotions back under control. If she was going to get out of this alive, she needed to stay calm, regardless of whatever mind games Lust tried to play. What she really needed, however, were answers--and only her opponent could give her those. Vert breathed slowly, looking back at Lust now. You and your sister . . . You're not here by accident, are you?


Hmph. Lust smirked, shrugging. You'll have to be a little more specific in your speculation.


Vert clenched her teeth. You claimed to have come here for a challenge, yet so far this battle has been more or less one-sided, to the point where neither you nor her seem at all concerned when your Pokémon have fainted. You switched opponents at the worst possible moment for yourself, deliberately putting your Pokémon at a type disadvantage. That combined with your sudden intrusion into my head, what you've said thus far . . . The Executive's brow furrowed as Lust straightened up, clearly intent on hearing the rest of Vert's thought. You sought us out, didn't you? Because we're . . . "similar" to you.


Excellent work, Meg! Lust said, smiling brightly. You aren't as clueless as I thought. But you haven't fully hit the mark, either.


Of course not--one step at a time, as they say, Vert said. She placed a hand on her side, using the other to adjust her glasses. So, then, going off of your names . . . Greed for Mr. Arthur . . . I suppose it makes sense. He's never come across as the most actively charitable person around. As for you and I . . . I'm afraid I'm not quite certain what the connection is between us. It can't be the usual interpretation of "lust"--my interest in those affairs is nonexistent, at best. A lust for knowledge, perhaps?


Allow me to spare you the trouble, because that is but a small part of it, Lust cut in. You're a vile woman, Vert--one who values knowledge so highly that you are willing to hurt and kill in the pursuit of it. In doing so, you express not guilt or hesitation, but joy towards the steps you make, reveling in the injuries that stem from that knowledge. Lust smiled. And that is what we have in common. Because the more I hurt your Pokémon, the more distressed I make you, the better I feel. We're blood knights. Call it pleasure in pain.


I would never sacrifice a living being solely for the sake of--


Officer Ross begs to differ. Vert's stomach turned icy cold at this, Lust's words forcing her to inhale sharply. As do the numerous clones that you have murdered in creating your Power Suits. Lust smirked, closing her eyes. I swear, you alone could have proven suitable enough for all of us with everything you've done . . .


Lust's accusations effectively silenced Vert--at least until she realized exactly what she had just heard. Wait--"all of you"? she repeated. Greed and Lust . . . If I'm not mistaken, those are but two of the Seven Deadly Sins. Do you mean to say that there are up to five more creatures like you out there, just waiting to attack other trainers?


The Sinner's expression flattened in surprise, as she, too, realized her mistake. Quickly, she pulled herself together again. That is for me to know and you to learn yourself, she said. After all, I can't go spoiling everything, now can--?


"Galvantula, Thunder Wave!"


The opening had worked after all. Acting immediately on the order, Galvantula launched a weak pulse of electricity at the enemy Milotic, too quickly for the distracted Lust to react. As a result, the Tender Pokémon soon found itself stunned with electrical energy, greatly slowing it down. In retaliation, it attempted to move forward and deliver another Iron Tail, though found that it couldn't.


"Excellent work, Galvantula," Vert said, smiling more confidently at her Pokémon. She looked down as it clicked back at her in response, lifting her hand from the wound on her side. Though she was bleeding, it was manageable--for now. The Executive looked back at Lust. They needed to get this over with, and soon--otherwise, there was no telling how much more damage would be done, physical or mental.

Edited by Pears Nivans

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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IC: Zoe
"This way, Dog Ears!" Zoe cried, dragging her sister from the auditorium and down a long, curved hallway. "These are the living quarters, the dorms for Liberty Agents. Of course, you're more than welcome to stay with us in our home." The girl paused, looking up at her sister in surprise. "You haven't even seen our home yet, have you? Not in the last twelve years, at least. Do you even remember what it looks like?"

IC: Ryan
Ryan led the way through the streets of Opelucid once he made sure both Sonja and Ray were following him. "These buildings look a lot different from the sky," he noted, trying to recall which rooftop he had left Drayden on. "Ah, here we are," he said as they finally arrived at a rather tall skyscraper. He turned around to face his friends as he realized a slight problem with his plan. "Togie won't be able to carry all of us, especially once we get Drayden, so I guess I'll just leave the two of you here for now. Don't go anywhere -- I'll be right back."

With that, the Liberty agent hopped on his Togekiss and rocketed into the sky, leaving Sonja and Ray alone in the streets.

OOC: Giving Sonja and Ray a small chance to talk if you want. ^_^

IC: Ellen
After a small breakfast cooked by Arddwyr, Ellen and her Pokémon set out for Lilycove. "I can't thank you enough for your hospitality," Ellen said gratefully. "And I'm sure my Pokémon agree." Beside her, Artemis, Terry, and Maturin nodded. Duo gave a confused look as if he hadn't quite been paying attention to what was being said, and Chrono gave his customary scowl.

"Well, you're welcome here anytime. As I said, it's the least I could do after you saved my Tailow," the gardener smiled as the small bird chirped in agreement. "You're a unique girl, Ellen. Despite your troubles with Chrono, it's clear that you have a gift when it comes to connecting with Pokémon. Never lose sight of that. You have a lot of potential, but what you do with it is up to you. I wish you luck in your journey."

"Thank you," Ellen said again. Her mind drifted back to the battle at Mt. Pyre, and to Arddwyr's suggestion of seeing things from Chrono's perspective. She still couldn't decide whether or not that had been a good thing.

"Well, you'd better hurry if you want to catch the morning ferry," Arddwyr said after seeing Ellen stand in place for a couple minutes.

"Oh, right," Ellen said, snapping out of her thoughts. "Thanks again for everything." With a final wave, the young girl led her Pokémon down the hill and into the bustling city of Lilycove.

Although it was still early in the morning, the city was already crowded with tourists. Much of the damage that had taken place during the battles with the Ancient Darkrai had been repaired, although like Fortree, it was clear that the city was still recovering. At a major intersection, Ellen saw hundreds of people traveling every which way. From the snippets of conversation she heard, it seemed the main attractions were the department store, which was having a sale that day, and the contest hall. There were also flyers posted for the art museum, which would soon be re-opening one of the wings that had been destroyed in the battle between the Ancient Darkrai and various Legendary Pokémon. A large group of friends pushed through the crowd as they headed down to the beach for a day of summer fun.

"There's so much to do here," Ellen said in amazement. "It's like the Castelia of Hoenn. It's a shame we're in a rush... I'd have loved to stay and visit."

It's overwhelming enough as it is, Duo said, eyes darting around the sea of people. If we were to explore the city, I don't think I'd even know where to begin!

"It's almost strange to think that Arddwyr lives so close to such a huge city," Ellen shook her head. "His garden is such a quiet area, whereas here I can barely hear myself think." The girl continued to look around, not only to take in the sights of the city, but also to make sure her Pokémon didn't become lost in the large crowd. As they passed by the contest hall, Ellen looked at Artemis. "You'd probably fare pretty well in a beauty contest," she remarked. "Or perhaps toughness."

The Mienshao performed a complicated series of flips, striking a dynamic pose as she landed. Then she shrugged and continued walking.

"I can see that Evan's team has had some influence on you," Ellen laughed. "It's a shame we never got to try out the Pokémon Musical when we were in Nimbasa. That would have been perfect for you."

Artemis started to nod, but then froze, moving her arms up to a combat position.

"What's wrong, Artemis?" Ellen asked. Following the Mienshao's gaze, she saw a large four-legged Pokémon standing on a hill. Ellen let out a stifled gasp. She recognized the Pokémon as an Absol, its snowy white mane blowing softly in the wind. Despite the crowded streets, no one else seemed to notice the Absol, who seemed to be staring directly at Ellen.

Absol's the Disaster Pokémon, isn't he? Duo asked.

Ellen gave a small nod as the Absol lowered its head, its scythe reflecting the bright sun. Ellen was taken aback by both the creature's beauty and its intimidating stare. It was almost as if the Absol was trying to warn her of something.

Then, almost as suddenly as it had appeared, the Absol vanished.

Ellen stared at the empty hill in confusion. "I didn't just imagine that, did I?"

"When Absol's gaze like kettle drums,
Then something wicked this way comes.

Konuju: Kopaka and Nuju meet the Spear of Fusion


Quotes from throughout the years:


2001: "Your past is forgotten, and your future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer." --Nokama

2002: "Mata Nui faces perhaps its greatest challenge -- one that will test our courage, our strength, and our belief in each other." --Tahu

2003: "So... it has begun, my brother. But soon, it will also end..." --Makuta

2004: "Your journey must end." "By the will of the Great Spirit, it has just begun!" --Makuta and Vakama

2005: "Our destinies are not written in stone, set in place. They are something we have to find for ourselves." --Vakama

2006: "Don't you realize you're fighting for a lost cause?" "Maybe. But don't you realize those are the only ones worth fighting for?" --Axonn and Brutaka

2007: "Sometimes a hero has to do something else besides beat the villains and come home covered in glory." --Hahli

2008: "Dive into the darkness, Ignite the flame within. Now, there is no turning back. Make the future... begin." --Narrator, The Final Battle Animation

2009: "It is said that all endings are merely beginnings waiting to be born." --Mata Nui

2010: "All journeys must come to an end, but this time, there is a new beginning as well. ... All that has gone before, my friends, has only served to give birth to this new day. Let unity, duty and destiny be your guides." --Mata Nui

2011: "Not dead. Just frozen. They’ll thaw out … eventually. I’m tired of villains spouting gibberish." --Kopaka

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-==IC:Amelia Zann==-


"When Absol's gaze like kettle drums,

Then something wicked this way comes."


"Or at least, that's the superstition."


A pair of green eyes stared at Ellen from behind a veil of red hair. The woman to whom they belonged swept the hair aside, the flash of abnormally pale skin beneath her fingerless black gloves almost blinding in the harsh sunlight. As the woman let her hand fall back to the bench on which she sat, Ellen could see she was wearing a lacy pink sundress, so pale as to help offset the unusual paleness of her delicate, creamy skin--a smart choice for the woman, but one that made the masculine roughness of her gloves an even more incongruous choice.


The woman noticed Ellen looking and smiled. "I like you, kid. You're observant--not like the sort that usually passes through here. See that man over there?" The woman pointed out a construction worker, currently directing his Machamp to help another worker's Gurdurr in lifting a large steel beam from a pallet and carry it over to the portion of the seaport still under construction. "Yesterday I told him his job was boring--and that he was boring for doing it. Today?" She flipped her hair, the loose braid unfurling to let her crimson locks blow in the breeze. "He's walked past me three times in the past hour alone, and still hasn't recognized me." She grinned conspiratorially. "People see what they want to see--which means they don't see what they don't want to see. So to answer your question: no, you didn't just imagine that Absol...but good luck finding any dopes around here who'll believe they've seen it."


Me: *has idea*

Blade: "I'd say too convoluted, and I know too convoluted =P"


"Dangit, I shouldn't have gotten ambitious."

--Merc, RE: our plotting


Pokémon Rise of the Rockets Profiles: LINK

3DS FC: 3625-9584-9417 (Pokemon X Friend Safari: Electric-type, Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Zebstrika)

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IC: Olivia Seaton


Olivia sighed silently, attempting to look over recent events once more. First, he walks in on me in the bathroom. Then Mom makes me go with him to the grocery store. Coming out, I nearly fall to my death and Zach swoops in to save me..... Olivia scratched her head in confusion. I'm not weak. So why has all this been happening? she mused, looking at the wrist Zach had grabbed to stop her from falling. Then she noticed he was behind her. ...I gotta talk to him, don't I......

"So," Olivia began, not turning around to face Zach. "You said something about a 'friendly' battle? How would you expect any battle between us to be fair..." she growled.

Edited by Edea Lee

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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-==IC: Colette==-


Colette looked at Zoe in surprise, as she paused, and shook her head, realizing that as well.

"Though, maybe we could get something to eat first, maybe?" Colette asked with a sheepish grin, as she hadn't eaten yet that day.


-==IC: Zach==-


"Well..." Zach frowned, as he thought that over for a moment, and then brightened up.

"Your Pokemon versus Heather, Katie, Smugleaf, Luke and Blade." Zach explained, though he wondered if it would be good to have Blade in... Though, Olivia had a gardevoir, so it was somewhat fair, right?

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IC: Olivia Seaton


"...Alright, that's more fair." Olivia admitted, but frowned. "That's still five against four though. Unless....."
She walked over to their family pet, a Nincada that was lazily lying in the corner. "Willow," she started, the Nincada stirring and looking up expectantly at Olivia. "I'll need your help for a battle, would you be willing to help?" Willow tilted her head curiously, standing still for several moments. Finally, the Nincada slowly nodded, not entirely sure what she was getting into. Battling had never been her favorite, but if Olivia wanted this from her, Willow may as well give it a try. "Perfect." Olivia said. "Let me go get the rest of my Pokemon." she called to Zach, walking over to her room where her Pokemon still were.

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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-==IC: Zach==-


Zach nodded with a smile, this seeming more like the normal Olivia, and yawned, as he waited on a chair nearby.

Reminds me of the old days. Zach thought, reminding himself once again of the times when things were much simpler.

When I didn't have this stigma... Zach grimaced for a moment, wondering if it was because of the Unova thing that Olivia seemed to hate him now.


-==IC: Ray==-


Ray looked off at Ryan with a frown as he went on his own, and paused, as he looked over at Sonja.

"It's been an... interesting day." Ray said, as this battle in itself had just been odd. He thought about his birthday, and...

"Wait, Sonja, when's your birthday?" Ray asked suddenly, a slightly panicked look on his face as he wondered if it had been during the six months everyone had been away and if everyone had just not gotten her anything.

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IC: Olivia Seaton


Opening the door to her room, Olivia walked inside. There, her Pokemon had been standing or sitting around, all glancing at Olivia once she walked in. Oh? Amethyst began. You seem to be troubled again.... Is it that Zach boy again? the Gardevoir asked.

"Tell you later," she said, brushing off the subject. "Anyways, we're going to have a 'friendly' battle with Zach. You all up for it?" she asked. Shade and Dune immediately perked up, with the Sneasel giggling and the Vibrava hovering in excitement. Meanwhile, Toxin merely touched his chin in curiosity, while Amethyst stood still, before nodding. ...Very well then. I promise I will not disappoint you. she said, bowing to her Trainer

"I'm sure we'll do just fine." Olivia responded, though she wasn't really certain this battle was still in their favor. "Let's get ready." she said, walking out of her room with her Pokemon following. "We're ready." Olivia said to Zach. "Let's begin this battle outside, alright?"

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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-==IC: Zach==-


"Right." Zach said, hopping off the chair, as he followed Olivia outside.

Hmm... How to handle this... Zach thought, and then an idea popped into his head.

"Here; I'll send out my first Pokemon first, alright?" Zach said once they were in position, sending out his Pikachu first, still unsure about whether he would ever evolve it or not.

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IC: Olivia Seaton


Olivia observed the Pikachu for a moment, glancing back at her team, and smiling. "Interesting choice." she said. "Dune, you're up first then." she said, as Dune eagerly flew over to in front of Olivia, waiting for her command. "First things first, Sand Tomb!" Olivia commanded, a smirk on her face as the Vibrava started beating his wings faster, a tornado of sand rising up from beneath Heather.....

Edited by Edea Lee

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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-==IC: Zach==-


Zach smiled, as he nodded.

"Reversal!" Zach yelled out... And the Pikachu simply stared at him blankly, as she was hit by the Sand Tomb, and sent flying, as Zach paused.

"... Bide?" Zach asked, and the Pikachu just looked at him skeptically.

"... I never taught you... Anything other than electric moves?" Zach asked, a blank and kinda unsure look on his face, as heather simply shook her head, the Sand Tomb damage just building up, as Zach slapped his palm to his face.

"Remind me to fix that." Zach mumbled through his hand.

"Quick Attack!" Zach yelled out, trying to get back in the groove.

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IC: Olivia Seaton


Seeing Zach's predicament, Olivia did all she could to stifle a giggle, though a wide grin made it's way through. At least for this battle, things weren't looking good for Zach. "Bulldoze." she said simply, as Dune slammed down on the ground, a shockwave rushing in the path of the Pikachu running towards him....

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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-==IC: Zach==-


Zach and Heather looked rather shocked, as the shockwave launched through the ground, sending up a bunch of rocks right at the point of impact, and launching the Pikachu away with a cry. Instantly out, the Pikachu looked up at the sky with a dazed grin, as Zach sighed and recalled her.

"Well, guess there's no helping it. Blade, come on out." Zach said, as he sent out his next Pokemon, as an oddly coloured Gallade appeared.

"Blade, Night Slash!" Zach called out, inwardly frowning, as this moveset wasn't too much better for this fight...

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IC: Olivia Seaton


At first, Olivia had smiled when she saw her first opponent had already been fainted, but that grin disappeared when she saw the much tougher-looking Gallade sent out. "Feint Attack!" she said, with a small amount of panic in her voice. Dune quickly leaped to the side as 'Blade' came rushing towards him with a Night Slash, dive bombing the 'Gallade' in the side.

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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-==IC: Zach==-


Zach watched amused, as Katie tumbled to the side with a yelp, launching off a Night Daze toward Dune instinctively, her disguise vanished now.

"That didn't take long, so how 'bout we keep this up?" Zach asked Katie, as the Zoroark brushed herself off with a nod.

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IC: Olivia Seaton


Upon seeing the Illusion drop, Olvia scowled. Even in battle, that Zoroark is tricking me....

Meanwhile, Dune was sent flying by the Night Daze, until he stopped himself and got up. "You alright Dune?" Olivia asked, the Vibrava responding with a confident cry. "Rock Slide then." Olivia said, Dune slamming the ground, several rocks floating and flying towards Katie.

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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-==IC: Zach==-


Katie smiled, as the Zoroark focused, and taunted Olivia's Pokemon quickly, before she launched off another night Daze quickly, hoping to at least deal enough damage that whoever comes next doesn't faint instantly. As the Night Daze traveled toward Dune, however, Katie was hit by the rocks and tumbled backwards; dazed, but not yet out.

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IC: Olivia Seaton


"Get out of the way!" Olivia commanded, as the Vibrava attempted to fly out of the way, though still managed to get hit by the Night Daze, albeit not the full force. Still, the Vibrava was starting to slow down, those powerful Night Dazes taking their toll. "Sand Tomb again!" Olivia said, as Dune beat his wings to form a sand tornado once more. Olivia was intent on damaging Katie as much as possible while Dune was still active.

Edited by Edea Lee

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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-==IC: Zach==-


Zach watched as Katie launched off another Night Daze, before the Sand Tomb hit, the constant damage slicing into her enough that she collapsed to a knee after launching off the blast, probably about to be fainted right after that.

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IC: Olivia Seaton


As the Night Daze flew towards him, Dune knew he wasn't going to pull through when it hit. So he decided to take the Zoroark down with him, a pale, blue beam of energy launching from his mouth towards Katie who was stuck in the Sand Tomb. Right after firing the Dragon Breath, the Night Daze struck and Dune fainted immediately. "Good job." said Olivia, recalling Dune, and looked back to see what was happening on Zach's end.

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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-==IC: Katie==-


Trapped by the sand at that point, Katie could just watch helplessly, as she was hit by the dragonbreath and then fainted.

"Good job." Zach said with a smile to both Katie and Olivia, as he recalled the fainted Zoroark, and chose Smugleaf next, sending the Snivy out, who, contrary to his name, simply looked at Zach as if he were crazy; but waited to see who his opponent was.

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IC: Olivia Seaton


Seeing that Zach had sent out his Snivy, Olivia looked at Shade. "You're up next." she said to the Sneasel, who gained a glint in his eyes as he came forward snickering. "Start off with a Hone Claws." Olivia ordered, the Sneasel quickly buffing it's Attack and Accuracy.

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-==IC: Zach==-


Smugleaf looked at Zach incredulously, as Zach simply blinked.

"Natural gift?" Zach asked, and Smugleaf just stared at Zach blankly.

"..." The Smugleaf just turned around like 'please, faint me now', as he simply spread his arms for Shade to hit him.

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IC: Olivia Seaton


"Wow, not even gonna put up a fight, are you?" Olivia sighed. "Shade, do what you want." Upon hearing that, the Sneasel kept honing it's claws over and over, continually raising his Attack and Accuracy. After all, there was no kill like overkill.

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-==IC: Zach==-


"Coil!" Zach called out, as the Snivy simply looked at him, but shrugged and coiled up, as Zach hid the faintest of smiles, as he nodded to the Snivy, who leered at him, and then at Shade.

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IC: Zoe

Zoe felt her stomach growl, and heard Colette's growl even louder. "Yeah, it is around lunchtime, isn't it?" she said, glancing at a clock on the wall. "Come on, the cafeteria's this way. It's an all-you-can-eat buffet, and their chocolate chip cookies are heavenly."

Konuju: Kopaka and Nuju meet the Spear of Fusion


Quotes from throughout the years:


2001: "Your past is forgotten, and your future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer." --Nokama

2002: "Mata Nui faces perhaps its greatest challenge -- one that will test our courage, our strength, and our belief in each other." --Tahu

2003: "So... it has begun, my brother. But soon, it will also end..." --Makuta

2004: "Your journey must end." "By the will of the Great Spirit, it has just begun!" --Makuta and Vakama

2005: "Our destinies are not written in stone, set in place. They are something we have to find for ourselves." --Vakama

2006: "Don't you realize you're fighting for a lost cause?" "Maybe. But don't you realize those are the only ones worth fighting for?" --Axonn and Brutaka

2007: "Sometimes a hero has to do something else besides beat the villains and come home covered in glory." --Hahli

2008: "Dive into the darkness, Ignite the flame within. Now, there is no turning back. Make the future... begin." --Narrator, The Final Battle Animation

2009: "It is said that all endings are merely beginnings waiting to be born." --Mata Nui

2010: "All journeys must come to an end, but this time, there is a new beginning as well. ... All that has gone before, my friends, has only served to give birth to this new day. Let unity, duty and destiny be your guides." --Mata Nui

2011: "Not dead. Just frozen. They’ll thaw out … eventually. I’m tired of villains spouting gibberish." --Kopaka

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-==IC: Colette==-


"That... that sounds amazing..." Colette said, as her eyes lit up. She didn't anticipate going anywhere that day, so she figured it'd be alright to eat; and since she hadn't eaten anything since dinner the night before, she was most definitely hungry by this point.

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IC: Zoe

Zoe dragged her sister over to the cafeteria, panting from having run all around the Alamo on the tour. But with no less energy, she grabbed a tray and headed into the buffet.

Konuju: Kopaka and Nuju meet the Spear of Fusion


Quotes from throughout the years:


2001: "Your past is forgotten, and your future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer." --Nokama

2002: "Mata Nui faces perhaps its greatest challenge -- one that will test our courage, our strength, and our belief in each other." --Tahu

2003: "So... it has begun, my brother. But soon, it will also end..." --Makuta

2004: "Your journey must end." "By the will of the Great Spirit, it has just begun!" --Makuta and Vakama

2005: "Our destinies are not written in stone, set in place. They are something we have to find for ourselves." --Vakama

2006: "Don't you realize you're fighting for a lost cause?" "Maybe. But don't you realize those are the only ones worth fighting for?" --Axonn and Brutaka

2007: "Sometimes a hero has to do something else besides beat the villains and come home covered in glory." --Hahli

2008: "Dive into the darkness, Ignite the flame within. Now, there is no turning back. Make the future... begin." --Narrator, The Final Battle Animation

2009: "It is said that all endings are merely beginnings waiting to be born." --Mata Nui

2010: "All journeys must come to an end, but this time, there is a new beginning as well. ... All that has gone before, my friends, has only served to give birth to this new day. Let unity, duty and destiny be your guides." --Mata Nui

2011: "Not dead. Just frozen. They’ll thaw out … eventually. I’m tired of villains spouting gibberish." --Kopaka

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IC: Olivia Seaton


While Shade felt his Defense lowered partially, that would not stop his monstrous Attack. Preparing an Ice Punch, Shade rushed forward with deadly accuracy at Smugleaf.

Edited by Edea Lee

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-==IC: Zach==-


"Now's your chance; Vine Whip!" Zach called out, and the Snivy looked at him in shock, but frowned and slowly nodded, launching a Vine Whip at the Sneasel as he quickly approached, intending to trip the sneasel in the process. However, the snivy was still hit, and knocked back, frozen solid, as Zach recalled the poor Snivy.

"You did well." Zach said, and sighed, as he sent out Luke next, who, from the start, dashed forward with a Force Palm, not giving the Sneasel any time to react. the Riolu recalled the night before, and was most definitely going to get revenge.


-==IC: Colette==-


"What do you usually have?" Colette asked, unsure of exactly what was here.

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IC: Zoe

"Oh, it varies," Zoe said, grabbing three slices of grilled cheese. "Sometimes grilled cheese, sometimes, hamburgers, sometimes pizza, sometimes spaghetti. Ooh, their barbecue is really good, too." As she spoke, Zoe took a few slices of barbecue brisket and some fried okra. Topping it off with a bowl of mixed fruits, Zoe found a table for the two of them.

Konuju: Kopaka and Nuju meet the Spear of Fusion


Quotes from throughout the years:


2001: "Your past is forgotten, and your future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer." --Nokama

2002: "Mata Nui faces perhaps its greatest challenge -- one that will test our courage, our strength, and our belief in each other." --Tahu

2003: "So... it has begun, my brother. But soon, it will also end..." --Makuta

2004: "Your journey must end." "By the will of the Great Spirit, it has just begun!" --Makuta and Vakama

2005: "Our destinies are not written in stone, set in place. They are something we have to find for ourselves." --Vakama

2006: "Don't you realize you're fighting for a lost cause?" "Maybe. But don't you realize those are the only ones worth fighting for?" --Axonn and Brutaka

2007: "Sometimes a hero has to do something else besides beat the villains and come home covered in glory." --Hahli

2008: "Dive into the darkness, Ignite the flame within. Now, there is no turning back. Make the future... begin." --Narrator, The Final Battle Animation

2009: "It is said that all endings are merely beginnings waiting to be born." --Mata Nui

2010: "All journeys must come to an end, but this time, there is a new beginning as well. ... All that has gone before, my friends, has only served to give birth to this new day. Let unity, duty and destiny be your guides." --Mata Nui

2011: "Not dead. Just frozen. They’ll thaw out … eventually. I’m tired of villains spouting gibberish." --Kopaka

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IC: Evan Tierra/Feral Tierra, Opelucid City



"Hold on, I think I forgot something back there.", Evan as he came to a sudden stop, " Ah yes, now I remember."



Feral winced in pain, still alive, somehow, but trying not to make it known he was still alive, lest he attract those interfering trainers. The fact that he was beaten down by that sniveling wannabe hero angered him so much. Feral heard footsteps near his head. He opened his eyes jut a bit, just to see who would be so morbidly curious about him.


His blood, or what passed for it, froze at what he saw. It was the same person who caused so much damage, Evan Tierra.



"Oh please stop trying to make everyone think you are actually dead.", Evan said in a voice that sounded disappointed, as he sent out Landorus "You can't fool me. Landorus, I'd like that spike lowered into the ground."


LAndorus nodded as he growled softly. The spike receded into the ground. Feral let out a pained gasp and tried to crawl away from Evan. Evan sighed and walked slowly towards Feral.


"You've caused enough trouble.", Evan said in a voice that would chill anyone's blood, "Time's up for you."


Within the blink of an eye, Evan reached and closed his right hand around Feral's neck and lifted him up slowly. Feral tried to grab Evan's wrist to stop what he knew what was going to happen.


"I'm so glad Ellen never saw you.", Evan said, hiis voice sounding quite tired, "I'm also glad she will never see what I am about to do to you. Good bye."


Feral's eyes widened as Evan's gripped tightened more and more. He felt his neck being crushed more and more. All the while he was staring into Evan's eyes, which almost seemed to have a violet fire blazing in them. Feral's vision blanked out, as he felt Evan's hand crush his throat completely.


"That should free those people locked within you." Evan said as he let Feral's body fall to the ground.


Evan pulled out his Pokegear and proceeded to dial up Plasma Command.


"Sirs, send a team to Opelucid City, please.", Evan said, "There was an incident here, It seems to have blown over, but there are and will be people who will need help. As for me, I have something to take care of at Route 4. If you need any more info, send word as soon as possible."


With those words, Feral's body started to disintegrate. As he vanished, people started to appear in the area, all of them looking dazed and confused. Evan nodded in satisfaction at the sight, glad to see some good came out of that horror show.


"Lets get out of here.", Evan said, his voice sounding absolutely terrified, "I need to get away from here. I don't feel like myself."

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IC: Olivia Seaton


Shade only staggered from a brief moment from the Vine Whip, feeling no pain whatsoever. However, he would definitely be hurting from Luke's Force Palm that was nearly about to hit him. With no other option, the Sneasel quickly used Agility to move the main parts of his body away, taking less of the attack then he was going to. However, due to his lower defense and typing, the attack still sent him to his knees. "Beat Up!" Olivia commanded, the Sneasel deciding to comply. Shade, along with every member of Olivia's team except Dune gaining a dark aura. All four of them rushed at the young Riolu. Even with the type disadvantage, Shade was hoping to faze Luke with the ferocity of the attack.

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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-==IC: Jenny==-


Jenny looked confused, as Evan said he had forgotten something, and dashed back off to Opelucid.

What could be there, though...? Jenny wondered, as she took a step forward to follow Evan, but then hesitated with a frown.

Why do i get this feeling that I'd just get in the way, though? Jenny asked herself, as she waited. Not too much longer later, Evan reappeared.

"Let's get out of here." Evan had said, and mentioned not feeling like himself. Looking at him, Jenny agreed; he seemed odder in some sort of respect, and his voice sounded quakey and terrified, and overall not his normal self. Jenny nodded, holding back the question she was wondering at that moment...

What exactly happened back there...?


-==IC: Zach==-


"Take the blow, and Bullet Punch." Zach called out, as Luke skidded across the ground as he took the four attacks, barely staying upright, as Luke got a determined look on his face, and quickly shot forward, aiming to finish that in two blows; one being the Bullet Punch itself, and the second an Aura Sphere blast from close up, since he had not yet perfected it for a long range attack.


-==IC: Colette==-


Colette's mouth started to water, as she subtly licked her lips, and while Zoe was going to pick out a table, Colette grabbed a tray, and got what was effectively a mountain of food, and brought it to said table.

"I decided to try some of everything I could." Colette announced with a nod.

Edited by Tiz Arrior
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IC: (Claus and Richard):


It was perfect, just perfect! There were so many instruments, Richard just had to touch and admire each one. But he did not go rushing to them as he wished, for a gentleman of his standing must be patient and show composure at all times, that and his supposed "friends" sicked his own Snorlax on him restraining him from moving.


Backstabbers and party-poopers all of them.


Claus for his part was currently, calmly and rationally (things Richard was not quite capable of at the moment) that Richard had wished to try out a variety of instruments and seemed fond of the idea that his team of Pokémon would be able to try such instruments as well. And through his calm explanations, the younger Liberty trainer acquired a fair number of instruments for his older in physical age if not mental companion.


"You are like, the greatest person that has ever lived. Now could you please tell them to let me go?"


Claus nodded to Hades who nodded to Dionysus who let the bard out of his large arms who immediately dashed towards the closest instrument he could potentially put his hands on.


"Just remember," Claus uttered "You break it you buy it."


And with those words Richard's mad dash halted before turning into a slow crawl to carefully examine the nearest instrument. It was a fancy Viola, an instrument while reminding the bard of his wooden companion, was a good deal bigger in his arms. He paused for a moment considering all of the music sheets he would need for all of these instruments, for him and his friends in Pokeballs.


Oh, it just made him so excited!


His consideration was halted however when a sudden gasp escaped the mouth of Oceanus.


The Gyarados gasped in sheer awe of the beauty that was before him. In front of him was the most well-polished, finely crafted guitar that he had ever seen (note that that number was pretty limited, but still it was a nice guitar). He then nearly broke down into tears at the thought that he still could not play the beautiful instrument in front of him.


"Don worry Ocenaus, I swear we will get you arms yet! Claus my fellow! Tell me, do you think with Team Liberty's resources that in theory we could get robotic arms for Oceanus?"


"Um...." Claus paused thinking of the weirdness of that prospect, "yes... I suppose, not that they-"


"You see! There is no doubt that we shall get you arms. Even if we have to annoy all of Team Liberty to get them!"


Claus shuddered in fear at that sentiment. Richard at that point turned towards his fellow Liberty agent. He stood there for a moment before looking somewhat agitated.

"You! Get out!" Richard yelled rushing his non-musically inclined fellow out of the band hall. "And don't come back until after dinner!"


As the door slammed behind him (something which the band hall's director quickly lectured Richard about) Claus looked at Flint's Pokeball which was in transparent mode.


"Well... you heard the man, let's go grab something to eat."


And with that Claus left towards the food, hoping that no one remembered he was a part of the whole Snorlax incident.


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IC: Zoe

Zoe was about to take a bite of her grilled cheese when she saw the mountain of food Colette had stacked on hers. She just sat there with her mouth agape, somewhat surprised to see her sister eating so much. "...looks like someone's hungry," she remarked when she finally found her voice.

Konuju: Kopaka and Nuju meet the Spear of Fusion


Quotes from throughout the years:


2001: "Your past is forgotten, and your future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer." --Nokama

2002: "Mata Nui faces perhaps its greatest challenge -- one that will test our courage, our strength, and our belief in each other." --Tahu

2003: "So... it has begun, my brother. But soon, it will also end..." --Makuta

2004: "Your journey must end." "By the will of the Great Spirit, it has just begun!" --Makuta and Vakama

2005: "Our destinies are not written in stone, set in place. They are something we have to find for ourselves." --Vakama

2006: "Don't you realize you're fighting for a lost cause?" "Maybe. But don't you realize those are the only ones worth fighting for?" --Axonn and Brutaka

2007: "Sometimes a hero has to do something else besides beat the villains and come home covered in glory." --Hahli

2008: "Dive into the darkness, Ignite the flame within. Now, there is no turning back. Make the future... begin." --Narrator, The Final Battle Animation

2009: "It is said that all endings are merely beginnings waiting to be born." --Mata Nui

2010: "All journeys must come to an end, but this time, there is a new beginning as well. ... All that has gone before, my friends, has only served to give birth to this new day. Let unity, duty and destiny be your guides." --Mata Nui

2011: "Not dead. Just frozen. They’ll thaw out … eventually. I’m tired of villains spouting gibberish." --Kopaka

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IC: (Claus)


The first thing he plopped on a plate was a slice of lasagna (uck, whatever makes you happy Claus). That piece of pasta was followed up by a helping of shrimp scampi. The pasta was followed by a fresh salad and some ribs. And the ribs was followed by a T-bone steak. The steak was followed by a fully loaded baked potato.


That omelette looks good too. Perhaps a hamburger, some quesadillas, a bowl of minestrone, maybe some mac and cheese. Hmm~


By the time he was through, he had added pizza, fried rice, chicken teriyaki, California rolls, a chicken burrito and two tacos to his various plates.


And for a side dish some sweet potato fries and onion rings.


The last thing he asked for before he sat down was for four fried chickens and a Coke.


"You want chicken wings or chicken legs?"


"Four fried chickens and a coke."


After a minute he actually received four fried chickens and a coke which completed the meal in his opinion.


"There perfect!" he said with a smile on his face while being followed by his three Pokémon companions, who each had far less food than he.


He picked a spot near, but not quite next to where a couple of other Liberty agents were eating. Relieved once he finally put down all of that food, he was about to get settled in for eating when he noticed what was one of the girls was eating. Everything. Just everything.


...She has even more than me...wow...


"Quite a voracious eater aren't ya?" the food-loving Liberty agent said to his apparent kindred spirit.

Edited by Claus Von Minun the 4th


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IC: Zoe

Zoe looked from Colette's plate to the other Liberty agent's in shock. Then she looked down at her measly three grilled cheeses, small pile of brisket, and bowl of fruit. "Man, and I thought I was taking a lot of food," she muttered.

Konuju: Kopaka and Nuju meet the Spear of Fusion


Quotes from throughout the years:


2001: "Your past is forgotten, and your future is an empty book. You must find your own destiny, my brave adventurer." --Nokama

2002: "Mata Nui faces perhaps its greatest challenge -- one that will test our courage, our strength, and our belief in each other." --Tahu

2003: "So... it has begun, my brother. But soon, it will also end..." --Makuta

2004: "Your journey must end." "By the will of the Great Spirit, it has just begun!" --Makuta and Vakama

2005: "Our destinies are not written in stone, set in place. They are something we have to find for ourselves." --Vakama

2006: "Don't you realize you're fighting for a lost cause?" "Maybe. But don't you realize those are the only ones worth fighting for?" --Axonn and Brutaka

2007: "Sometimes a hero has to do something else besides beat the villains and come home covered in glory." --Hahli

2008: "Dive into the darkness, Ignite the flame within. Now, there is no turning back. Make the future... begin." --Narrator, The Final Battle Animation

2009: "It is said that all endings are merely beginnings waiting to be born." --Mata Nui

2010: "All journeys must come to an end, but this time, there is a new beginning as well. ... All that has gone before, my friends, has only served to give birth to this new day. Let unity, duty and destiny be your guides." --Mata Nui

2011: "Not dead. Just frozen. They’ll thaw out … eventually. I’m tired of villains spouting gibberish." --Kopaka

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-==IC: Colette==-


Colette looked up in confusion, as she chewed on the piece of food she was sampling. She looked around, and then pointed to herself, unsure if Claus had meant her or not there. Colette swallowed said food stuff, and then looked at her plate,compared to Zoe and Claus's.

"I-I guess??" Colette asked, though she wasn't sure why he made that assumption... didn't a lot of people have to make up for not eating that often??

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