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The Island Of Pain

Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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IC: Levacius / WoL BasePushing the heavy rock to the side, and into the blade, Levacius kept moving forward and attempted to get his left around Sarkans neck and pull him to the ground in a chokehold.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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-==IC: Sarkan==-Sarkan was grabbed, yes, however, in the process of being pulled to the ground, he attempted to slam his elbow into Levacius' side or whatever was actually reachable at the time. He could've stabbed the Toa of Lightning, but he figured that him dying would not be very helpful at all.

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IC: Levacius / Parched WastesLevacius grunted a little, but otherwise ignored the elbow. He pulled up with his arm with a great deal of force - the goal was the removal of the mask, though even if that wasn't done, there was still the likely scenario of Sarkan having an arm pulled right below the chin and pushing downwards diagonally, choking him even quicker than simply holding would, and with a lot more pain.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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-==IC: Sarkan==-Sarkan repeated the elbow, even though he was getting choked by the whole attempt to pull off his mask. If he could get out of the hold, and get away, he might just be able to get back into this fight, but at the moment, it honestly wasn't looking that good.

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IC: Levacius / WoL Base"Who taught you to fight, a Brakas?" Levacius muttered. His right hand surged with electricity as he attempted to smother Sarkans face with it and remove the mask in an easier way. And then...-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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OOC: It's been too long....IC: Saylt, Danave - Toothy BaneInstead of going hunting, Saylt turned to Isjir. 'Isjir, I think it's for the best if we go our separate ways, because I'm only slowing you down, I reckon. I'll leave you a few icicles in the alcove to melt for fresh water, they're at a temperature at which they shouldn't melt for ages, but just heat 'em over a fire, and they'll melt. I think you know how to hunt.' He shook the Lesterin's hand. 'It's been an honour, sir.' He then stood aside for Danave. 'Isjir Jukar, Survivalist. I'm going to miss you. May we meet again in the future.' She pulled him into a hug. 'Be safe.' She then joined Saylt by the edge of the mini-plateau. 'Take care of yourself, mate!' He gave Isjir a small salute, a sign of respect in the Blizzard Pack. And with that, they descended down and out of the Toothy Bane, through Shadowtangle, and finally reaching the Stony Leap.

Edited by Toa Zealokan

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
BZPRPG Profiles
Ghosts of Bara Magna Profiles

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-==IC: Sarkan==-Sarkan simply reached back and attempted to grab Levacius' mask, as he attempted to do the same thing with his copied electric powers."No. It's uncle." Sarkan said sarcastically, as best as he could.

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IC: Levacius / Parched Wastes"Alright... I've tried this before. I can do it."Absorbing the electricity released by Sarkan, Levacius tore around violently before finally yanking to the side, mask in hand, and trying to toss it. Assuming it went perfectly, Sarkans mask would be a good few Bio away, possibly broken, and his would still be on. Assuming it went poorly, Sarkans mask would still be a few good BIo away with his own. In either case, he had been without a mask before; he could keep the fight up for a while longer. The question was could Sarkan?-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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-==IC: Sarkan==-As it was, he hadn't actually fought without a mask before, and slightly recoiled after the fact, however, he did smile as he found that he was a little bit away from Levacius, and seemed to be holding the mask that the Toa of Lightning wore in his hand. Sarkan, instead of throwing it away, simply smiled, and put the mask on."Interesting..." Sarkan said, though he wasn't entirely certain what power this mask had.OOC: Why throw a mask away, when you can put it on? =P

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IC: Levacius / Parched WastesThe first thing Saran would feel was his senses suddenly amplified. It was a shocking thing for a first time user of the mask. Suddenly, two bolts of lightnign struck directly in front of him - the sound and brightness were double what he was used to.Rushing over with the distraction he went to grab the tossed aside mask and don it.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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-==IC: Sarkan==-Sarkan scowled, as he stumbled back in shock, but then smiled.A sensory enhancement mask, huh? Sarkan thought, as he attempted to summon his own mask toward him, by attracting it with his magnetic personality.OOC: =P

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IC: Levacius / Parched WastesLevacius remembered something - reaching to his pack, which as it wasn't metal, he hadn't removed, he pulled out the Mask of Aging from earlier and placed it on. (OOC: Technically should have been wearing it under, but we can't retcon it now). As the Mask of Emulation flew past he attempted to grab it and blast it into a thousand pieces before turning and rapidly aging Sarkan.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Plagia SimulNeither opponent, Levacius nor Sarkan, was prepared for what came next. A young Toa of lightning entered the light, holding a bow with a notched arrow at the ready, primed for release.'Alright, both of you!' she shouted with a great sense of authority, 'Put down your weapons and stand down! We're supposed to be fighting the Shepherds, not each other!'-Void



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IC - Okena - Parched Wastes: Okena was silent for another moment. "If that's all, I suggest we get moving," he said to Hexxon. "I get the feeling that something big is about to go down..."It was true. In his time serving the Brotherhood he had developed a sense of... he didn't know how to describe it. Regardless, he tended to get a feeling at times -- and when he did, a significant event tended to follow. He remembered a few specific examples -- Xarax's defeat in the east; the fall of the Relinquished on Artana; the end of the Matoran Civil War...That was one of many reasons that he had been infamous among the Brotherhood army.

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IC: Levacius / Parched WastesLevacius chuckled as he moved over, not even caring about the bow. "Listen, I'm sorry Plagia, but if I was actually taking this seriously, I don't think either of us would have noticed you."Lightning in one hand he said, "I don't think, Sarkan, that we can trust you. Slide my mask across the sand if you want yours back."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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-==IC: Sarkan//Oasis Ruins==-Sarkan shrugged, and slid the mask across the sand as he was told to."I believe there are others that you probably don't fully trust either." Sarkan pointed out, but he did agree with Levacius' comment. Mostly because it was likely true.

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IC: Levacius / WoL Base OutsideTossing the mask of emulation back and placing his normal mask back on, Levacius said, "Now of course on has to wonder- what's stronger, your hate of us, or your desire to leave the island?"He looked at Plagia and said, "If I don't fry it before it reaches me, it probably still won't hit. And so far you're not on my bad side - don't get there."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

Edited by Toa Levacius Zehvor

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC - Okena - Parched Wastes: Okena was silent for another moment. "If that's all, I suggest we get moving," he said to Hexxon. "I get the feeling that something big is about to go down..."It was true. In his time serving the Brotherhood he had developed a sense of... he didn't know how to describe it. Regardless, he tended to get a feeling at times -- and when he did, a significant event tended to follow. He remembered a few specific examples -- Xarax's defeat in the east; the fall of the Relinquished on Artana; the end of the Matoran Civil War...That was one of many reasons that he had been infamous among the Brotherhood army.

IC: Parched WastesPersonally, Pukena was willing to bet that 'that' was not 'all', but if the toa didn't want to be friendly, well, their loss."Well, thanks anyway" she said. "We'll just be going now." With that, she collapsed into a pile of sand and drifted away, with Turano shuffling after her. They were headed east, towards the supposed ruins.


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IC: Plagia SimulPlagia held her serious expression for a moment longer, before bursting out laughing.'HAHAHAHAHA! Oh man, you should have seen the looks on your faces! Oh man, that was priceless!'Then, the serious expression returned, 'But if any of you pull something like that again, you'll find yourselves minus one heart.'-Void



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-==IC: Sarkan//Oasis Ruins==-Sarkan smirked and chuckled, as he nodded."I agree. Besides, I don't honestly get why everyone took that so seriously." Sarkan commented, as he waved his hand casually, and headed back into the ruins.I think I know my next target. Sarkan thought for one moment, however, quickly buried that under other thoughts.

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Trian and Felix/WoL BaseIC:

Well, Trian and Felix had somehow gotten themselves buried even with the team's stopping of the wave. Neither had any idea how. But what mattered was that they were now back above the surface and the vortixx riding her mount to the others. "And about what is this seemingly funny standoff? I'm honestly thinking joining you guys was a mistake. Too much arguing."

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

*insert placeholder signature here*

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IC: Levacius / Parched Wastes"Oh yes, yes it did." Levacius thought to himself. "We'll have issues before the end."Raising his hand up, he summoned electrical energy from the very air around them and pulled it into himself, recharging his elemental energy in a blinding display."You haven't seen arguing to its extent until you've seen an argument involving a Vortixx and a Steltian over a stolen piece of Xian Tech; no offense to your kind, of course." Levacius replied to Trian.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Parched Wastes "Alright," Greel announced, looking up from the table. "here's the teams so far: in the land group we have Plagia, Klastio, Klax, Myr, Kono, Orssa, Amalia, and Elynrinus. I think Desiana will be good in this group, since she can negate the Makuta's Sonic powers. "For the sea group, we have so far Rynekk. I want Sarkan here to help destroy any Caretakers onboard, along with Zyrata and some others willing to go. Depending on if Levacius gets carried on the ship, he can be with the sea group to help prepare it for sailing away. We'll need an Electricity-user in the fight against the Shepherd, so either him or Kairan are in the land group, or the sea group."Glancing down at the map, he traced his finger along the eastern coast of the island. "This is how the sea group will get to the beach after 'searching' for the Shepherds' bait," his armored finger stopped at a point just off shore at the northeastern tip of Haven Cove. "They will stop here, and wait underwater for the vessel to arrive. Once it has landed on the island, they will come around under the water's surface and board the ship, being as quiet and stealthy as possible and dispose of the Caretakers onboard." He turned to Nostala and Void. "When you two head for Haven Cove with Levacius, you will need to move at a careful pace. We will need to arrive at Toothy Bane at a similar time, or just after you get on the beach, so we aren't late for the Shepherd's appearance. Once the fighting has begun, you two can help defeat the Makuta, make sure he is distracted. "There should be three groups in all: the land group, split in half, and the sea group. One land group will head to the jungle while the other pretends to hunt for the Shepherds' bait. The sea group will make its way to the eastern sea once it seems like they're going after whatever is set in place by the slavers. The same with the land group, but across the Yawning Sunder instead.This is in case the other Shepherds see us traveling to Haven Cove instead of their bait, and send Caretakers to stop us or arrive at the beach for protection. We can, however, head straight for the Cove if we must." He stood up from the stone table, looking back up at his teammates remaining in the room. "We should get moving, assemble the groups. There's no telling how much time we have left before night ends." IC: Parched WastesHexxon watched as the two left for the ruins, and then turned to Okena. "Yes, something big will be happening," he said, smiling evily. "The fall of our target." his eyes shifted around, as if looking for someone. "We can start hunting for that Toa Arillan. I feel our powers are close to being completely recharged." OOC: It's time we get everything moving before the RPG ends. I have a feeling it's going to be an epic fight if we make it.

Edited by Magnus Greel
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IC: Saylt, Danave - Parched WastesThe two Toa wandered over the Stony Leap into a vast desert with no discernable end. Regardless, they travelled on. This turned out to be a mistake, as they had no food whatsoever. Soon afterwards, they found themselves completely lost. 'An Ice Toa REALLY should not be in a desert, ever.' His companion remained silent. 'Danave? You alright?' Quiet, She thought-spoke to him. I'm trying to find mental signals nearby. After a few minutes of silence, she thought-spoke again. It's hopeless, I can't find anyone out here. And if I could, it could take days to find them. I have another idea, though. I could send out a massive wave of thought throughout this entire desert, a message to those who might be able to rescue us. Sound like a plan? Saylt nodded in response. Go for it.The Psionicist closed her eyes, and focused on projecting her mind to those out in the Parched Wastes. To anyone out there, please, help us. We have no food or supplies of our own. Please, if there is anyone who can hear this, help us. She then sent out a signal that worked sort of like a mental compass. If anyone was to receive it, they would know precisely where Saylt and Danave were in the desert. After sending out this whole array of thoughts, she suddenly collapsed to the ground, screaming. 'Danave!' He cradled her in his arms. 'Quickly, project my thoughts!' DO IT!' The barely-conscious Toa touched a hand to his head, and his mind was then being spoken aloud. My companion is in bad shape, she'll die soon if you don't come for us! 'You can stop now. It's alright, they'll come for us, I'm sure of it.' She looked into the White Toa's eyes. 'Don't worry about me. I'll be fine.' And with that, she fell unconscious. Saylt could now only hope that help arrived, and fast.OOC: I'd really like to be involved in this 'final fight'. Care to pick us up?

Edited by Toa Zealokan

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
BZPRPG Profiles
Ghosts of Bara Magna Profiles

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OOC: Sure, I'll be up for that.-==IC: Desiana//Oasis Ruins==-Desiana frowned, as she looked up suddenly, and heard the two mental projections."Did you guys hear that?" Desiana asked, curious, as she stood up, and Zyrata nodded slightly."Yes. There seems to be people in trouble." The Zyglak noted, and Desiana frowned."I think that we need to find them. Now." Desiana said, as she walked toward where the exit to the Ruins was.

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-==IC: Desiana//Outside Oasis Ruins==-"I'm going." Desiana said, as she walked outside. However, Zyrata simply walked ahead of her, and shook his head."No. I'm going with you." The Zyglak said, and Desiana raised her eyebrow, but nodded. Zyrata then turned his attention to Myr."Can you effectively protect her from my diseased touch?" Zyrata asked with a frown.

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-==IC: Zyrata==-Zyrata nodded."I understand. All I mean by that, is that I am one of the fastest here, and could get there quickly. However, you do bring up a good point, as although I have proved myself here, others might not be... As welcoming." Zyrata said with another nod.OOC: In before Lev says NONONONONO. =P

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OOC: Lolz. :PIC: Levacius / WoL Base"I'm not going; you guys investigate the message" Levacius said. "I need to think about some things... Greel, I need to speak with you and Nostala. Actually, any of you with experience as generals, lieutenants, anything of that sort. It's regarding what happens afterwards."IC: Elynirus / WoL Base"What are you guys talking about?" Elynirus asked. Her mental shielding blocked her from hearing the message.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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