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Avatar: The Last Airbender

Mr. Fluffy

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Something I've been thinking about, and something we'll probably see on Saturday, how will the lightning gloves be taken in the city? While invented by Amon (or maybe whoever his engineers are), they are a very useful weapon against benders. Imagine if in the first episode, the shopkeeper had a lightning glove. Instead of being cowed, he could of very well defended himself. So, Amon has actually created a win-win situation for himself; if no ban on the lightning gloves happen, then equality is closer. If a ban does happen, then he can easily call the Council out on it, saying how the benders are afraid of the power nonbenders would have and how they're further oppressing them. Something close to gun rights, really, except that typically the argument for gun ownership doesn't include "defending yourself against criminal pyrokinetics." :PBut yeah, I'm still on the side of Amon being a Well Intentioned Extremist. I believe he truly does believe in his goals, because that's what the writers have shown us, and I don't think they'll have a repeat of the last season. Ozai was out for ultimate power; why should they repeat it this go around? I do, however, like the idea of Amon stealing people's power. Now, now, why would he do this if he truly believes in this goal? Because even Well Intentioned Extremists can understand that there are certain things that cannot be messed with. For instance, the Avatar cycle. Removing bending in the world would likely cause the cycle to be cut off. Remember in TLA, when the Ruko talked about being killed in the Avatar state would mean the cycle would stop? It is possible if Korra's bending is taken away, then that spiritual part of her would be removed, and the cycle would hault.Now, this could mean a couple things; one, that this wouldn't actually effect the world, or rather, usher in the Avatar style of the Age of Reason, where the modern person uses technology and forgets the spiritual side of things. The physical and spiritual world move apart, and all is well. Or, what could happen is the relationship between the two worlds is thrown into chaos. This is where my theory comes in. Amon claims to of spoken to the spirits; after absorbing a good amount of people's bending, he'd be a match for the Avatar even in the Avatar state. Once he defeats Korra, by absorbing her power, he becomes the Avatar. From hence forth he'd have some sort of system, maybe training his heirs in how to absorb the power, so that the reincarnation cycle can't begin, but rather go from person to person, with the ability to place that power in whoever best deserves it. In his mind, it's a necessary sacrifice, and by giving the power to, say, a nonbender who had learned the importance of not abusing others, would limit the potential for the power to be misused.TL;DR, I think Amon really believes in his ideals, can absorb people's power, will steal the Avatar spirit and make himself the Avatar, and pass that ability on to deserving people.Something of matter, though; who is Yakon? You know, the guy in the flasbacks that Aang seems to be rather miffed at. It's obvious he has some sort of relation to Amon, and a relation to Aang. If we learn more, we could figure out how Amon got his energy bending power in the first place.Oh, did anyone else notice that Republic City is built on the site of Aang and Ozai's battle?

Edited by Programmer Alex Humva


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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Who is Yakon? I thought that was Tarrlok in Korra's flashback.No, I didn't notice that. It makes sense, though. It's in a very central location--the eastern edge of the Earth Kingdom, so I surmise. But if they ever specified, I missed that detail. Has Republic City been seen on a map yet?

From the desk of Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith :smilemirunu:

When I know I can't live without a pen and paper, when I know writing is as necessary to me as breathing . . .


I know I am ready to start my voyage.

A Musing Author . . . Want to read my books?

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No, if you pay close attention, you see Yakon has a scar over his eye. Not as pronounced as Zuko's, but a scar all the same. Tarrlock doesn't have such a scar. Besides, the Yakon we see is far too old to be Tarrlock; give it at least twenty years, and Yakon looks to be in his late forties. Tarrlock can't be more than thirty.Yes, actually, in the very first episode, it zooms in from the overlaying map to Republic city.


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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I don't think Amon's intentions are good, whatever they may be. I'll give that he may not be in it solely for power, but if not he's probably exacting some kind of Disproportionate Retribution for something that happened to him or someone he knew. And I still don't think he can truly energybend.A plausible theory is that the Yakon guy got stripped of his bending powers by Aang, once again keeping to his "no-kill" enforcement style, and Amon got offended that becoming "normal" was seen as a punishment. Given the right combination of paranoia and persecution complex, that could easily go from getting turned normal is a punishment -> being normal is not as good as being a bender -> Aang thinks benders are better than normal people -> all benders think they are better than normal people -> benders are oppressing us.

Who is Yakon? I thought that was Tarrlok in Korra's flashback.No, I didn't notice that. It makes sense, though. It's in a very central location--the eastern edge of the Earth Kingdom, so I surmise. But if they ever specified, I missed that detail. Has Republic City been seen on a map yet?

From the desk of Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith :smilemirunu:

There's a zoom-in from the entire map to the city in the intro to the first episode.


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I rather like that theory, Bfa. Assuming that we don't have an All Your Powers Combined sort of thing going on with Amon (I.E., he's not gaining bending from this, but rather honestly doing it for his ideals), that'd... be interesting. Taking Amon's backstory as slightly true, and the words of the Lion Turtle, it could be that Yakon was Amon's father. The scar on Yakon's face could be from Aang getting angry, or perhaps from an Angi Kai, though I doubt the creators will reuse that. I like the Aang gets angry better. So, Yakon does some sort of terrible crime; Aang stops him, burning his face in the process, perhaps in the presence of Yakon's young boy, Amon. Maybe Amon throws himself in the path of the fire, sparing his father the blunt of it. Yakon is put on trial for his actions. Aang punishes him by taking away his bending. However, Amon is present, witnessing the act and having that image burned into his mind, as the Avatar takes away his father's bending.Fast forward forty two years later, and Amon is at his prime (plenty of men can still do want Amon does in their mid fifties, especially if they've been training all their life, and with what we've seen of Bumi, even though he's a bender, he was 112 years old and he was still rocking it. We'll say bending doubles your abilities; that means Amon could be in his 50s and still be rocking it. ****, pretty much all of the White Lotus were in their fifties and they took back Bos Sing Sai without much of a problem. Sokka's sword master was a nonbender, in his fifties, and was still an excellent swordsman.So Amon could of very well been Aang's age (12) when his father was debended and still be rocking it in the modern day. He would of spent his whole life looking for vengeance against the Avatar, training for that day. He would of searched the world to understand how Aang did it, practicing the motions over and over, finding records dating back all the ways to the dawn of the Avatar, to the days when people still energy bended. He would of learned some way of scrambling their spirit chakra (as the diagram Bfa gave us shows, Amon isn't doing it properly; he isn't going for the Fire, Water, Earth, or Air chakras when he does it), not yet knowing the method to properly remove a person's bending. So he uses this in his quest for equality, to make the benders who think themselves higher than nonbenders understand.Bit long winded, but I like it.

Edited by Programmer Alex Humva


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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I'm sick of people complaining that Bolin's some sort of pale attempt to imitate Sokka. They may both be comic-relief characters, but the ways they achieve comedy are completely different. Sokka was a realist, and a skeptic, and most of his comedy drew from a magical universe generally treating him as the butt of every joke. Bolin, on the other hand, is a wide-eyed idealist who is woefully naive. Remember Bolin's reaction to Korra and Mako's kiss? Sokka would have just sulked off. Bolin, on the other hand, gave us a display of emotion that was equally hilarious and heart-wrenching. Remember the tricks Bolin has taught Pabu, which he seems to break out as the potential solution to any problem? Sokka would have had a more realistic plan, which likely would have failed anyway. To some extent I see Bolin as more like Aang, but honestly he's his own character, and any shared traits with previous cast members are coincidental.Mako's the only cast member who seems like he's based on a past character (Zuko), and that's because the creators decided to take the character traits of Zuko and turn them in a different direction. Mako is to some extent a "good" Zuko who has never had to deal with Zuko's conflicts due having a loving family and, later, pursuing the singular goal of keeping his brother off the streets.

Formerly Lyichir: Rachira of Influence

Aanchir's and Meiko's brother

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I'm sick of people complaining that Bolin's some sort of pale attempt to imitate Sokka. They may both be comic-relief characters, but the ways they achieve comedy are completely different. Sokka was a realist, and a skeptic, and most of his comedy drew from a magical universe generally treating him as the butt of every joke. Bolin, on the other hand, is a wide-eyed idealist who is woefully naive. Remember Bolin's reaction to Korra and Mako's kiss? Sokka would have just sulked off. Bolin, on the other hand, gave us a display of emotion that was equally hilarious and heart-wrenching. Remember the tricks Bolin has taught Pabu, which he seems to break out as the potential solution to any problem? Sokka would have had a more realistic plan, which likely would have failed anyway. To some extent I see Bolin as more like Aang, but honestly he's his own character, and any shared traits with previous cast members are coincidental.Mako's the only cast member who seems like he's based on a past character (Zuko), and that's because the creators decided to take the character traits of Zuko and turn them in a different direction. Mako is to some extent a "good" Zuko who has never had to deal with Zuko's conflicts due having a loving family and, later, pursuing the singular goal of keeping his brother off the streets.

Also Bolin's reaction to cute animals: FRIEND! Sokka's reaction: FOOD! :P Edited by Aanchir: Rachira of Time
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The show is getting better and better. Was that the Infamous Cabbage-man of The Last Airbender in the new episode? :POne word. And some other sentences.

Robots. And now we know where the Equalists are getting their weapons... Something major may have happened with fire-benders, considering the amount of people who's loved ones have been killed in the past by them... Or maybe it was the triads.Poor Asami... Well at least most of my and my sister's paranoia that she's an Equalist is dowsed.Was anyone else reminded of the Darth Vader-Luke moment when Sato asked Asami to join her?

Bolin and Sokka may be similar characters, but they have notable differences, which I am glad for.

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Cabbage-Man returns! 8D At least, in statue form. But he has a son! With a name! Who said the line! 8D "Not my Cabbage Corp.!" Best episode of the series for that reason alone.And Beifong is Toph's daughter? I feel as if this has already been established, but if such is true, I forgot. In any case I wasn't greatly surprised to find this out.I did not expect Sato's treachery. And now the Equalists have giant mechanical battlesuits? Avatar meets Exo-Force. Not good. Good for viewers, just not for benders.Also, Tarrlok was pushing for Beifong's replacement. Amon or not, he's clearly up to something. And I'm still not entirely convinced he's not Amon--though I'm not convinced he is. But I'm liking the theory. And perhaps his similarity to Yakon is a family resemblance? This could fit in with Humva's logical theory. Except that I doubt if Tarrlok has a genuine grudge against benders. His motive is either ambition . . . or a grudge against the Avatar. Maybe even against benders in general if it's true that firebenders killed his father--after his father lost his bending. That could give him reason to dislike benders in general, be one as he may.

From the desk of Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith :smilemirunu:

When I know I can't live without a pen and paper, when I know writing is as necessary to me as breathing . . .


I know I am ready to start my voyage.

A Musing Author . . . Want to read my books?

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Yes, it was confirmed that the Chief was Toph's daughter in the first episode. :PAs for the episode, I still need to watch it xD it sounds epic though.

Edited by Programmer Alex Humva


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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Oh man, good episode all around.

When Lin flipped open her foot pad thing I was like "what?" but then I was like "OH MAN".Gotta love the continuity.The fight scene was great as usual, and again it makes me want to be a metal bender so badly. Though I'm wondering why they didn't use normal Earthbending against the mechs. Maybe they're trained specifically for the metal bending technique? Seems a bit narrow to only fight with what's in your suit, even if it is pretty versatile. And even if they are really awesome suits (I want one SO MUCH, they have spools on the back!).Also Bolin you're such a dweeb, stop being so adorable.


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A bit of fridge brilliance;

The metalbending police, if you watch closely, are trying to to use earthbending against the mechs, however it's subtle. The thing is, the police have probably been trained in the subtle earth bending. Look at Korra's arrive to Republic City and her fight against the mobsters; she utterly tore the place up. Modern styles of bending, as seen in the Pro Bending Arena, are designed for an urban environment; they use quick low-powered attacks to fight, so as to minimize collateral damage. It's likely the metal bending police could of crushed those mechs, but they'd been trained to use low-powered earthbending techniques to avoid property damage. Same goes for Korra; she has the brute strength for it, but I imagine even in a fight like this she doesn't want to tear the place up.Why they couldn't of done what they do with the Pro Bending Arena, with flinging stone disks at their opponents, I don't know.


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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The show is getting better and better. Was that the Infamous Cabbage-man of The Last Airbender in the new episode? :POne word. And some other sentences.

Robots. And now we know where the Equalists are getting their weapons... Something major may have happened with fire-benders, considering the amount of people who's loved ones have been killed in the past by them... Or maybe it was the triads.Poor Asami... Well at least most of my and my sister's paranoia that she's an Equalist is dowsed.Was anyone else reminded of the Darth Vader-Luke moment when Sato asked Asami to join her?

Bolin and Sokka may be similar characters, but they have notable differences, which I am glad for.

The Cabbage Man appeared as a statue outside Cabbage Corp, but I think the owner was just one of his descendants. After all, the Cabbage Merchant was pretty old in the original series. As a side note, it wasn't until Hiroshi Sato outright admitted framing Cabbage Corp that I stopped suspecting them; after all, if anyone had a reason to hate benders it would be the Cabbage Merchant and his progeny.

Also, in regards to your questions about firebenders, I suspect you're right on both counts. It was the Triads, but I reckonit was specifically the Agni Kais, who have been mentioned a few times. And given their traditional Fire Nation name, I suspect that that Triad was formed from Fire Nation citizens who did not accept the surrender of the Fire Nation in the last series, and created their own criminal organization to rebel against the new establishment. Somewhat like Neo-Confederates or Neo-Nazis.

Formerly Lyichir: Rachira of Influence

Aanchir's and Meiko's brother

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I'm actually noticing quite a few similarities between Amon and Tarlok. The main difference, however, is that Amon is anti-bending and works outside the law, whereas Tarlok does not seem to have a grudge against anyone and he works within the law to gain power. Actually, the amount of potential for both of them to work off of each other is kinda scary. It gives both sides the opportunity to expand and could keep the war lasting for quite some time. Lin Befong, you are amazing. Those sword-like weapons she used in the new episode were pretty sweet! Metal benders are awesome. Asami, you are epic! Great choice for a non-bender of the group and I'm glad to finally see some friendship pass between her and Korra. We haven't really had a character with her family background since Toph, only she seems more lady-like. Korra vs Makeup was a great battle scene. XD Epic.Over halfway through the season. The plot is still moving fast, but that's still to be expected. Glad to see the shipping is even starting to develop. I think we'll be seeing our characters grow up quite a bit before this series is over. Even for a rushed plot, the creators are pulling the story off pretty well in my opinion.I'm thinking the finale will entail Korra contacting Aang, Korra airbending and a major turning point in the war. Spirit world... I still really want to see the spirit world and Aang.

Executive Vice President of Tomato Throwing

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I suspect the creators will keep trolling us right until the end, and then at the season finale, we'll have a cliff hanger or Korra airbending, Amon attempting to take her bending away... right as she enters the Avatar State. This could result in a mangled spirit world connection, sort of bouncing Korra into the spirit world, but sending her into a coma in the physical world. Season would end with her in the spirit world, everyone angsting over her, and Amon on his way to victory.That, now that, would be an epic way to call Season 1 to an end.


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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Hmm... Something tells me he won't try to take away her bending any time soon. After all, the war has just started and there are plenty of benders in the outside world who could easily jump at the fact the avatar, the avatar was no more. Taking over a city sounds much easier than taking on the benders of the entire world. I think it has to do with the plan he mentioned. It'll be something totally outrageous that we just aren't seeing yet. Though, I wouldn't mind seeing Korra stuck in the avatar state for a while. XP Not to mention I kinda doubt the avatar could lose her bending through Amon's technique. If Amon has spoke with the spirits, they could have also told him the way to permanently break the avatar cycle (killing the avatar in the Avatar state, however, once Korra becomes fully realized, that would prove to be quite a challenge. Not to mention he likely planned on facing a fully-realized avatar to begin with).

Executive Vice President of Tomato Throwing

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I believe Amon's plan involves the mass distribution of the tech he's acquiring. When he takes Republic City he can use it's industrial capabilities to arm the nonbenders of the world, and then a world war starts. At that point he'll need to remove Korra.But no, he couldn't remove Korra's bending; he's not removing anyone's, because he's doing it improperly. He's only using the spirit chakra, none of the bending chakras. Scrambling the spirit chakra would have weird effects on an Avatar though.Knowing Amon, if he wants to kill Korra, he'll get her into the Avatar State then gang up on her with mechs and lightning gloves xD


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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Was that ever said anywhere? Anything I've seen just referred to him as the "villain of the series", not necessarily just season 1. It's possible that as there is actually a season 2, they'll adapt a bit and he might not be the main one, but for now, as I understand it, he's the big bad.

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Isn't Amon a one-season villain, though?

I've heard as much multiple times, but I can't seem to find the original interview in which that's stated, so I'm not entirely sure whether to interpret it more like Dorek. Original quotes would be great.~ BioGio


"You're a scientist? The proposal you make violates parsimony; it introduces extra unknowns without proof for them. One might as well say unicorns power it."

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There's nothing that says that Amon has to kick the bucket/get removed in season 1. He could end up stomping about throughout season 2, and if they get renewed by then, season 3, though we're only going be able to get so much mileage out of him.


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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No, stop. Stop doing that which you are doing. :T"Shipping" is a fan thing. It is the investment in or support of a particular relationship of a fictional work. Nothing in the show can be described as "shipping." What LoK has is an actual romantic subplot.Man, people calling things by what they aren't annoys me more than it probably should.Anyway, the new episode was really great, though I'd like to make a note: This isn't the first time we saw the robots. Suits. Things. That's from episode 1. Heavy foreshadowing here.Also Asami. Asami confirmed for coolest chick in Republic City.




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Also Asami. Asami confirmed for coolest chick in Republic City.

Yeah, it's definitely great to get a non-bender on the team. Even more so now that we see that Asami can really kick butt.I'm curious how Republic City might change now that Hiroshi Sato is confirmed as an Equalist. Will the economy of Republic City remain sturdy without one of its major captains of industry? Will Cabbage Corp. pick up the slack? Will more non-benders gain sympathy for the Equalists now that they have a person of some celebrity status working for them, or will Hiroshi Sato's mechanical expertise just give people more reason to fear the Equalist movement? Hopefully some future episodes will shine a light on how the chaos unfolding currently will affect the general public.
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Hopefully she'll be a more consistent part of the team than Suki was. Or maybe she's filling in Sokka's place as the normal person.Also they put the new episode online yesterday, so if anyone missed it they can watch it there..


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I love the new mecha tanks! but what i'm wondering is how would he mass produce those? they're made of Platinum, people! One of the rarest metals on earth! to have that much of it amazes me, especially if he wants to mass produce those!

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Keep in mind this isn't Earth; as well, platinum's worth is rather deceptive. The modern world uses it a ton for electronics; in old times, they use to throw it away as junk.


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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One of the rarest metals on earth!

Think you answered you're on question right there =PThis ain't Earth.But yeah, interesting that Platinum is too pure or whatever for earthbenders. Guess it helps them from being far too ridiculously overpowered (oh wait.)
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No, stop. Stop doing that which you are doing. :T"Shipping" is a fan thing. It is the investment in or support of a particular relationship of a fictional work. Nothing in the show can be described as "shipping." What LoK has is an actual romantic subplot.Man, people calling things by what they aren't annoys me more than it probably should.
Mako is best waterbender. Also, my favorite canon romantic sub-plot is Korramon (not to be confused with the pokemon). Bolin is super serious and Korra should search her pure fire nation heritage. Not to mention Pabu is the best descendant of Appa ever.Whew, I need a glass of water after all of that!Anyway, it's good to see that the ROMANTIC SUB-PLOT TM is going somewhere. Gotta love all of the ROMANTIC SUB-PLOTS TM in the show. XP Edited by Tekulo: Toa of Gales

Executive Vice President of Tomato Throwing

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Also Asami. Asami confirmed for coolest chick in Republic City.

Are you forgetting the main character of the series? :P
Korra isn't a native, and she couldn't even deal with Lightning Stick man as efficiently as Asami.So yes, Asami.




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Ah, yes, Asami. At first, I sort of liked that they seemed to be antagonizing her (I sure don't like her), but being a little more subtle about it than usual, instead the in-your-face method the show usually uses. But later, I realized that they really weren't antagonizing her at all, which really bugged me.

Thank you, BZPower staff. In the past, I wish I showed more appreciation for all that you do. From one Bionicle fan to another, thank you.

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Anyway, it's good to see that the ROMANTIC SUB-PLOT TM is going somewhere. Gotta love all of the ROMANTIC SUB-PLOTS TM in the show. XP

As long as the ROMANTIC SUB-PLOTS TM remain ROMANTIC SUB-PLOTS TM, I agree, and I'm happy.


No, stop. Stop doing that which you are doing. :T"Shipping" is a fan thing. It is the investment in or support of a particular relationship of a fictional work. Nothing in the show can be described as "shipping." What LoK has is an actual romantic subplot.Man, people calling things by what they aren't annoys me more than it probably should.
Thank you for the definition. :P People calling things by obscure slang terms annoys me more than it shouldn't.

Also Asami. Asami confirmed for coolest chick in Republic City.

Are you forgetting the main character of the series? :P
Korra isn't a native, and she couldn't even deal with Lightning Stick man as efficiently as Asami.So yes, Asami.
Lin Befong.
From the desk of Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith :smilemirunu:

When I know I can't live without a pen and paper, when I know writing is as necessary to me as breathing . . .


I know I am ready to start my voyage.

A Musing Author . . . Want to read my books?

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Thank you for the definition. :P People calling things by obscure slang terms annoys me more than it shouldn't.

Yup, it's official; I'm fuzzily confuzzled. Now I'm confused with the words and the play on words... I'm just gonna shout ROMANTIC SUB-PLOT TM for a while over there, okay? Why yes, I know how lame I am. Thank you for asking. 8D

Lin Befong.

From the desk of Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith :smilemirunu:

... Okay, you have me there. XD I love Jinora. She's my favorite airbender thus far. "She rode a dragon and burned down the entire country, and then she jumped into a volcano. It was so romantic." Cracks me up every time. XD Edited by Tekulo: Toa of Gales

Executive Vice President of Tomato Throwing

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Ah, yes, Asami. At first, I sort of liked that they seemed to be antagonizing her (I sure don't like her), but being a little more subtle about it than usual, instead the in-your-face method the show usually uses. But later, I realized that they really weren't antagonizing her at all, which really bugged me.

Is this also about your antipathy about "girly" things and how they are gender oppressive.Or what ever?@Takulo: Naaah. Lin was only rescued thanks to Asami. I'm not even sure she's native either. So Asami>Lin. (Also, Lin isn't a "chick" she is too old. she's a lady.)And much as I like Jinora, she would never have the guts to shock Tenzin. Edited by Panty Anarchy




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@Takulo: Naaah. Lin was only rescued thanks to Asami. I'm not even sure she's native either. So Asami>Lin. (Also, Lin isn't a "chick" she is too old. she's a lady.)And much as I like Jinora, she would never have the guts to shock Tenzin.

None of them are really comparable.Asami took out two people thanks to her self-defense training and the fact that she had surprise on her side.Lin was knocked out because she had like six tanks surrounding her and the others. She wasn't the only one to go down, either.I think Jinora would probably step up if she found out her dad was an Equalist. Which wouldn't happen, since he's an airbender. Also, she's a lot younger than Asami.Lin is still the best because she can go all Spiderwoman and stuff. Edited by Bfahome


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Wait, this is an actual serious conversation?

That was my reaction. XD Though in all seriousness, spider women are the hottest kind of women. This is fine print in my feeble attempts to not start a flame war. Please enjoy it and my apologies for all spider-people offended; that was not what I had set out to do.And come on, Jinora has the potential to be a serious gothic writer. Imagine that for one second; a gothic airbender. I cannot unsee... XP

Executive Vice President of Tomato Throwing

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Okay, Jinora and Lin are too young and old, respectively, to qualify as chicks. Korra's not a native. Asami is the only native female who is of the right age to be called a chick of Republic City. Therefore, by the process of elimination, she is the coolest chick in Republic City. :P May she wear the title with pride.At any rate, this conversation is beginning to get weird.Favorite character in the show thus far. What's yours? I find it difficult to say. Amon is still too little understood for me to say how I feel about him, and though I think Mr. Fancy Hair has interesting potential as a character in future, but he needs to undergo a little development first. Thus far it's a toss-up, for me, between Tenzin, Jinora, and Jr. Cabbage Man. Now wait while I find a three-sided coin.

From the desk of Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith :smilemirunu:

When I know I can't live without a pen and paper, when I know writing is as necessary to me as breathing . . .


I know I am ready to start my voyage.

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