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I've been taking Tae Kwon Do for almost 5 years, and I have a 1st degree black belt, working toward my second. My specialty, if you can call it that, would probably be forms (patterns, or whatever you want to call them)--I've memorized nearly every one in the system we use, all the way up through 5th degree.I'd like to start learning some more advanced weapon stuff (particularly with the bo staff), but we usually stick to the basics in class, and I don't think I could get private training right now. :/

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I used to take Kempo Karate, I made it to the rank of blue belt. I also took various weapons classes offered there like sai swords, naginata, bou staff, nunchucks, and fans. Assuming I managed to spell those right. I also own a pair of sai swords in real life and will practice spinning them every now and then. I also love naginata but I do not actually own one.

Divinator of Dreams.
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I am the fifth belt in taekwondo (Blue in my school) and am getting ready to double test in July and get to the 7th rank in our system. (2nd degree brown belt) I have been doing it about 2 years. Then I will only be 3 ranks until black.I would really like to learn some weapons training, but I haven't had the opportunity. In a real life situation, no one is going to have a weapon with them, so it is best that I learn the self defense basics.I know 7 forms, (we call them kata in our school) which are choreographed patterns of moves, like Architect said.


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Started taking up Shorei-Goju Karate a little less than a year ago. We have 8 kyu ranks, I'm a 6th kyu (green belt), and can pick up kata pretty fast (I know 6 fully, including one with a bo). We also do weapon systems (Kali/Eskrima/Arnis, Kobudo, and Kenjutsu, though that last one's only for 3rd kyu or higher), and I know a bo kata (never learned the name) and some eskrima drills and techniques.As for weapons, I own a pair of rattan kali sticks (though one of them's very, VERY worn out, so I plan to make a new pair myself), and a long wooden pole that serves as a makeshift bo, which I'm planning to carve into a proper one. (It's square with rounded corners, and a little over 6 feet). I plan to shorten it to 6 feet and make the middle section round while the ends are hexagonal. Apparently, Sokon Matsumura used one like that.I'm also interested in Kendo and Wing Chun, and hope to take them up someday. (I know, Kendo's a sport, not an actual combat art, but it looks fun. And Wing Chun just looks cool. Would be perfect for a Chi Blocker cosplay XD)

Edited by Shinken Green

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