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Rpg: Transformers Alignment

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OOC: This place moves fast. Could I get a recap?Also, I'm going to be updating the profiles post soon, if you could all tell me the names of your newest characters, it would be appreciated.

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC (Hunter-Seeker)"How very interesting. Now, Mindwipe, true to your nature, I'm assuming you've read our processors. You could merely be trying to get out of here alive. We'll have to concoct a test to see if you....ah, true to what you have just stated. Don't you agree Burning Sky?"

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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OOC: Considering the fact I've barely been keeping up because everyone goes on a posting spree when I go to sleep, your guess is as good as mine, Basilisk. Victory Leo's still in the Autobot medbay, being tended to by Painkiller and Red Alert.IC: Burning Sky"Quite. No compentent commander would send a possible traitor on his way without him proving his loyalty."-Inferna

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IC: Grindor shook his head. "Never mind. Better if we save our ammo for Autobots." He stomped over to where Hunter-Seeker was. "What is going on here?!" He didn't bother to put away his weapons, though they were already deployed before he went there. OOC: I'll get back to you when you're back online, Wotz. And yeah, Grindor's a Magmatron supporter for obvious reasons. Heck, the real me thinks Magmatron would be better, partly because he reminds me so much of Movie Megatron.

Edited by TNG Prime


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OOC: alright i've been working on this one for awhile. and yes she's a blatant homage to my story. deal with it.Name: Hydra (that's not her real name.... technically.)Faction: AutobotClass: soldier Appearance: She has a masked and visored face, both retractable. she has wicked blue eye's. and wears sleek blue and silver armor.Alternate mode: it essentially boils down to a robotic wolf with the same color eyes as her robot mode.Weapons: two katanas and a long double edged sword..Skills: absolutely lethal in melee combat. it is rumored that she can actually control and absorb water. why any cybertronian would need to do that is anyone's guess. it is also been witnessed that she might be able to control light and shadow.Traits: she is strong willed, but kind and helpful to anyone on her side. and she will not terminate a weaker bot.Weakness: she is not as strong as the average soldier class member, relying more heavily on speed.Bio: most of her history is shrouded in mystery. most of what is heard of her is shrouded in rumors. she got to this planet by sneaking on board a ship that went to the planet.Note: her armor changes colors based on her emotions. blue and silver is normal. white and blue is generally positive emotions. black and blue is unstable emotions. her eyes also change to the dominant color of her armor. blue normally, white for positive, black for unstable.the rumors are true by the way. but that shouldn't be a problem, as i don't think cybertronians have water in them.

Edited by Wheeljack

3DS Freind Code: 1693-0634-1082 Name: Joey

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IC (Hunter-Seeker)Two Insecticons moved to block Grindor before he even reached the entrance. The Command Center was a restricted area and, at least nominally, Hunter-Seeker was in command of the mine. Privately, the two Insecticons were also loyal to him over Magmatron, if Grindor tried to muscle his way past them, there would be a fight. After some clattering, one of them spoke. "Restricted area. Leave."OOC: Explain a bit more, and that's not really weakness, at least I don't think. I leave this to Inferna.

Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC (Insecticons)Security forces respond immediately and a report was sent to Magmatron regarding a clearly insane bot. Vehicon's swarmed out from other rooms, pouring fire in Grindor's direction. The Insecticons, their hardy shells allowing them to resist the barrage Grindor had unleashed, surge forwards, aiming to tackle the rogue bot. OOC: There's little evidence of anything strange, just a few bots having a conversation. Grindor's....just made a mistake. :P

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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OOC: Mindwipe was clearly restrained. Grindor doesn't like dissent among Decepticons very much, yet he responds to it with rather violent dissent. IC: Grindor jumped, transformed, and flew over them, allowing them to fall, and then flew into the entryway. If there was a door, he blasted it. "I said...WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE?!"


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IC (Hunter-Seeker)"Well, clearly you've gone insane. You've interrupted a confidential command meeting. As your commanding officer, I hereby order you to stand down and desist." Squads of Vehicons rushed into the room and raised their weapons. "You've interfered in a planning session that could have won us the war. Mindwipe here was just telling us about a weakness in the Autobot defenses." This would be a useful test to determine Mindwipes loyalty. Hunter-Seeker wasn't above exploiting the situation.OOC: Considering the doors were closed, he didn't have much idea about Mindwipe's situation. :P

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC: Omnitrix, having found Shade, his first Decepticon capture, outside, went back out to try and find another. Instead, he found Hydra. "Wait...I've heard of you.." Grindor began to make a rising and falling growl that sounded like a laugh. "We're all insane deep down. Some just exploit it." He looked at the Vehicons, and Mindwipe, who was very clearly uneasy. He put his hands up--without retracting any weapons, especially those that weren't even on his hands. "Call in Magmatron, and I'll listen. It's too bad I suspect you're disloyal to him." Chances were, Magmatron would become enraged if he even grew suspicious of disloyalty. OOC: Grindor's thing with only following REALLY HIGH ranking officials is coming into play.

Edited by TNG Prime


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IC (Hunter-Seeker)"Magmatron will be informed once we know the full extent of the situation. I did not get to be Second in Command by pestering him about every little detail. Magmatron is an important being, I'm merely determining which information is worth his time." Hunter-Seeker laughed at Grindor's accusation. "And the Air Commander of all the Seekers on Nibiru is with me is she? As is Magmatron's spy? You are truly insane."OOC: Updating the main profile page. Stay tuned as I sift through roughly thirty pages for profiles! :P

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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IC: "Yeah, sure. And I never said I believed them." Omnitrix smirked and shifted into Alphonus, but with his color scheme, so he would seem taller to the female soldier.OOC: LOL. IC: "I believe traitors are worth his time. You always thought Magmatron's approach was foolish, Hunter-Seeker. Don't think I don't know what the rule about torturing prisoners is about! We don't have to kill them, but you don't allow so much as interrogation!"

Edited by TNG Prime


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IC: Hydra"the security is way too tight around here, it's not like a decepticon could actually get into the base. let alone deep enough to cause any damage. should loosen it a bit." she followed the bot.OOC: :P

3DS Freind Code: 1693-0634-1082 Name: Joey

I also have Mario Kart 7, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Pokemon Y and Kid Icarus: Uprising

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IC: "Actually, a Decepticon tried to attack us solo earlier. I got her captured by shifting into a Decepticon then messaging everyone to fake being trashed by me. She was a Shifter, too. We're about to interrogate her, a Vehicon, and another 'Con. You've got quite the reputation, mind coming along to help?"


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IC: Burning Sky"There are far better ways to get a prisoner to talk than beating them senseless," the Sky Commander replied coldly to the arrogant soldier before her. "There are more ways to fight than pounding at the side of a mountain until it crumbles to rubble or you die from pain."Inwardly she seethed at his intrusion, though no hint of it emerged other than her icy distain. While he was right on the mark, there were far too many Cons that assumed betrayal whenever more than two of their own gathered to speak. The three of them were the highest-ranking officers in the Decepticon Army -- surely they didn't think they did all their stratagizing over commlinks, or in the presence of Magmatron!OOC: TNG, even if they did just leave, they're not leaving the cells unguarded for long. The new guards will be there in less than a klik, and they're probably being monitered by camera.-Inferna

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IC - Crosswise: The Autobot hesitantly waited in the room on the metal table. This was his first time training using a simulation, and the thought of the cortical psychic patch left him somewhat distrustful of this technology.

-Where there is light, shadows lurk and fear reigns-

-Yet by the blade of Knights, mankind was given hope-

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IC: Shade"and go where?"IC: Hydra"i still think you're lying to me about the decepticon." but followed anyway.IC: EvoEvo was on the table, curious what was going to happen.

Edited by Wheeljack

3DS Freind Code: 1693-0634-1082 Name: Joey

I also have Mario Kart 7, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Pokemon Y and Kid Icarus: Uprising

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OOC: Done! Profile page is up to date! BOW BEFORE YOUR GOD MORTALS!IC (Hunter-Seeker)"Quite. We have not lost a mine since I suggested the current policy, do not ignore that. Merely because I fight with my processor and not brute force does not mean I am a traitor. It merely means I am more intelligent then you. But really, everyone knew that already. It's not that great of feat." Hunter-Seeker had effortlessly slide into his arrogance once more, there was no trace of the betrayed idealist left. It was a little disconcerting.

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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OOC: They're not actually gonna break out. All your points are correct, and even if they got past the cell (which I don't even know how to do) Omnitrix and Hydra are showing up. Also, "BOW BEFORE YOUR GOD MORTALS" made you sound like my brother.IC: "New Kaon?"They reached the prison level. "Nope. In fact, they're right this way." Grindor growled. Then, he took a seat. "Fine. I'll just stick around to be sure."


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OOC: You interrogate Hurrazor, I'll interrogate Shade and the Vehicon. IC: Omnitrix walked down to Shade. "This is the Shifter." He looked down at the Decepticon. "If you really have no more ties with the Decepticons, just rat them out now. Give me everything you got on them."


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OOC: Yeah, I just did the hand enlargement for fun.IC: "Do you have any loyalty to the Decepticons, then?" Omnitrix stepped inside the cell. Hurrazor growled. "Don't mind them, Shade. These Autobots are too weak to kill prisoners." He sneered at Hydra, who was standing outside his cell.


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IC: Hydra"Can i prove him wrong?"IC: Shade"i have no loyalties to you." she pointed out.

Edited by Wheeljack

3DS Freind Code: 1693-0634-1082 Name: Joey

I also have Mario Kart 7, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Pokemon Y and Kid Icarus: Uprising

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