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Hey, all the cool kids are doing it.


Ask me questions, I will answer the questions, and all our brains will be filled with a little bit more useless information. :)


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1) You are in a bright room. Do you light a candle?


2) What do you do when you wear a suit of armor and fall into a sea monster infested lake?


3) Do you daydream of urban plants?

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do you dream about farm animals

No, actually.


1) You are in a bright room. Do you light a candle?

No. Unless this is a riddle, in which case yes, because that's the sort of answer riddles generally have.


2) What do you do when you wear a suit of armor and fall into a sea monster infested lake?

Swim out of the lake. At least, that would be my first instinct, and in such a hypothetical situation I wouldn't bother to do anything else, would I?


Alternative answer: Take off the armor, throw it to one side, and swim like heck while the monsters are distracted. How I'd take off the armor in a second, I don't know, but hey, it sounds cool on paper.


3) Do you daydream of urban plants?

That's a new one. But, no.

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Do you know the name of the man who created the evil that goes by the name of pie?


...Geoffrey Pieson? </offbaseguess>




I've never read or watched anything relating to A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. :<

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Have you ever seen the light?


Are you an obese monkey with a yellow hat?


Why am I *twitch*


Is it true that Sand Worms really spasm rhythmically?


Don't make any loud noises, or the Sound Gods will get you?


Are you 423049857?

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Is Taikunsa horribly behind in updates?



Also dude:















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Have you ever seen the light?


Are you an obese monkey with a yellow hat?


Why am I *twitch*


Is it true that Sand Worms really spasm rhythmically?


Don't make any loud noises, or the Sound Gods will get you?


Are you 423049857?


1. Yes. Every day, in fact -- a big, bright, round light in the sky. It rises in the east and sets in the west. Is this normal? :lookaround:


2. I am thin, not hairy, and my favorite color is blue; so, no.


3. Probably because *twitch* and *twitch*. I suggest seeing a medical professional for further information.


4. I don't think Sand Worms exist.


5. I don't believe in the Sound Gods; I also don't make any loud noises.


6. No, I'm 361. I thought everyone knew that. :confused:


Is Taikunsa horribly behind in updates?





Also dude:
















For once, a serious answer:


I believe the idea was brought up a while back, on the old BZPower forums. The biggest problem I can see with such an RPG is, well, what do you do? Preach friendship values? If someone can create a BZPonyville RPG with an added twist to make it exiting I just might go for it.

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Do farm Animals dream of you?


No. I do, however, appear to them in their nightmares.


Dangeresque Too?


If this is a reference, I don't get it.


Will you fetch me a rectangular cereal treat?


I have none.

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My little bro is obsessed with trying to be 'cool'. Why do kids feel this need to conform to society? I'm guessing it's because they're the ugly ones on the inside, but I'm not sure.

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:kaukau: 1. If you could change your fate...Whudjha?


2. What's the coolest trenchcoat you've ever seen in a movie?


3. Are you a pathological liar?


4. Do farm animals dream of you?


5. Are you my mummy?


6. Do you prefer Marvel or DC Comics?


7. What is the broader impact that Superman has had on society as a whole outside of the comic-book fanbase?




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Do you dream of urban city animals?


I don't dream of animals, period.


My little bro is obsessed with trying to be 'cool'. Why do kids feel this need to conform to society? I'm guessing it's because they're the ugly ones on the inside, but I'm not sure.


I don't think it's that. There are two reasons I think people generally want to be seen as "cool":


1. When you're surrounded by people doing things a certain way, generally you'll want to adapt. The strength of that urge to fit in depends on your maturity, experience, and personal circumstances.


2. Attention. People like being idolized. This is related to reason numero uno because if you live in any form of society, whether said society is a country or a schoolyard, the best way to gain a reputation is to do things other people compliment.


Plese write a college level thesis on the following question: Is Human Nature on a downgrading slope?


Sorry, professor, I didn't register for your class. I only take math.


In all seriousness, I'm not sure whether humanity could be construed to be steadily declining. It's definitely a danger, and technological advancement is forcing us to walk a knife's edge between societal betterment and self-destruction, but I can't say we've been going steadily downward especially when we've taken leaps upward -- ending slavery, the women's suffrage movement, etc.


How did you pick your screen name?


When I was really young, eight or nine years old if I recall correctly, I made an account on Lego.com. Since I loved LEGO Bricks, I decided to use the username "Legolover"; when I found the name was already taken, I changed it to "Legolover574".


After at least a year away from the internet, I returned to Lego.com at thirteen and found I'd forgotten my old password. Not willing to give up my old online handle, I retained "Legolover" and, after much consulting of the name availability feature, added "-361" to the end. I joined BZPower about a year afterward and remained as Legolover-361 just in case anyone else on this site was from the Lego Message Boards.


Considering I must have some small reputation attached to my current username, I'm not willing to give it up yet.


:kaukau: 1. If you could change your fate...Whudjha?


2. What's the coolest trenchcoat you've ever seen in a movie?


3. Are you a pathological liar?


4. Do farm animals dream of you?


5. Are you my mummy?


6. Do you prefer Marvel or DC Comics?


7. What is the broader impact that Superman has had on society as a whole outside of the comic-book fanbase?





1. Well, I'm not certain fate really exists, but assuming it does... well, it depends on my fate and on the knowledge I have of said fate, including how I reach it. I don't want to find out my fate is to become a rich and famous author, celebrate, and be too distracted to write the novel that makes me rich and famous. Fates are convoluted enough that I doubt I could really handle knowing mine, let alone changing it.


2. Neo. The Matrix. Enough said.


3. If Wikipedia isn't lying to me, no. I won't say I've never told a fib before, but I don't like the idea of habitually lying.


4. No farm animals give me funny looks when I pass, so I don't think so.


5. I think we both know I'm your second cousin's uncle's sister's friend's third cousin's son five times removed. (Alternatively, if that was a reference... *reference flies over head and into left field bleachers for a home run*)


6. The only comics I've ever read with some semblance of regularity are the Bionicle comics. On the basis of character output, however, I greatly enjoy Justice League and Justice League Unlimited, and I also like the Iron Man and Captain America films and Sam Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy, so I would say they're about tied in my eyes as of this writing.


7. I would need to do a lot of research to give a more in-depth answer, though I would say that the advent of Superman and subsequent creation of other superheroes helped provide role models (albeit unrealistic ones) for people to look up to. Superman was utterly heroic; he was the Man of Steel, bulletproof, super-strong; it's hard not to treat him as the sort of hero you wish you could be.

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I would daresay we already have them. They're in the army, in public service; they're otherwise normal people who risk their limbs and lives for the good of others. Selfless actions like those are ones we should admire, reward, and emulate.


Sadly, not all soldiers, firefighters, police officers, and the like are as honest as we would wish they were. That only means we should admire those who truly care for the good of the people even more.

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