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Who Ya Gonna Call?

Vezok's Friend


Hey y'all! It's VF, reporting from CJ's Basement! I would love to write more, but I am dead tired. But since today was the season finale of Supernatural I thought I'd leave you a little treat.

Because this is what happens when two crazy BZPers stick their heads together:




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> Hey y'all! It's VF, reporting from CJ's Basement!


> reporting from CJ's Basement!


> CJ's Basement!


> Basement!


Locking people up in your basement is not nice, CJ.


Anyway, that's a real fancy pic. Nice colour coordination. I also like how you've made the trees over there all bendy and stuff.

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You don't know who CJ is? Hahaha. You must be one of the most ill-informed people on the site.

I'm not entirely sure who that is either, but I'm digging the editing of that photo.



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Haha. If only you guys knew...

I'm not quite sure what you find so amusing here. Seeming as there are well over 40,000 members on this site, we certainly are not going to know all them by both their screen name and real-life name, or interact with them on a daily basis, especially depending on where you spend the majority of your time on the site. It's a legitimate question for quite a few people.



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Man, I've talked to you a total of.....not very many times, so I'm not quite going to know that, especially with my running tally of being unable to remember people's names.



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