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Year 08

About TheOneVeyronian

  • Birthday 08/22/1993

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    London, England
  • Interests
    Cars, geology, palaeontology, creative writing, drawing and LEGO (of course!)

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  1. Thanks. About half the build time was spent on the face and neck (I start with the face and build around it), probably could be better but sometimes I wish there were smaller detail and structural parts to help fill out builds like this. I admit I'm not particularly happy with the current solution for the various face and frill barbs but until a Viking horn with clip comes out it'll have to do As for making your whole deck in LDD... give me 6 months But in all seriousness, this was fun to do so I may do some more Magic The Gathering themed builds in the future. The Eldrazi monsters in particular look like they'd translate well into my style of MOC'ing.
  2. Beware what's lurking in the forests of Tarkir... not all is as it seems. GIF Spinnie Not much to this really. I recently got into Magic The Gathering and fell in love with the design of the Deathmist Raptor. So I wanted to try and translate that design into a LEGO model, and I guess I succeeded somewhat. It's quite a mix of Constraction and System, it contains 629 bricks and it took about 9-10 hours to construct. Due to the lack of much-needed reddish brown and dark orange, so-called "earthy" colours, this is an LDD sculpture. Not much else to say really, so I'll let the model speak for itself. Comments, upvotes, constructive criticism and the like are always welcome.
  3. Sorry to bother you again in this thread, but I replied to your PM 2 days ago regarding buying some Kraata but I haven't received any response. Is my message not coming up in your inbox? I wanted to ask how many of your available Kraata would you be willing to sell for $40?
  4. Hey, I was looking at him too, like 4 hours ago. xD Actually, Me and Flick_the_Brick are also thinking about taking few (Well, Ill take few, He´ĺl take a ton xD), so, even when we aren´t from UK, maybe we could make a deal, hm? It depends where you're from really, if everyone's from within the EU it could potentially work, especially if all the pots are sent to a country that has cheap overseas parcel postage and/or customs rates (unfortunately that's not the UK, we have very expensive overseas parcel postage and our customs handling charges are crazy, £8 a parcel on top of the 20% tax charged). Otherwise, you might be better off finding other people in your own country that will be happy to combine orders with you BTW, everybody would need Paypal as well
  5. I am aware buying Kraata is costly and I myself, despite already having the most expensive Kraata of all (the TOK), am still looking at spending hundreds to complete the collection, so for now I'm just looking for one of each type of Kraata, which will satisfy me for the time being. BL prices are actually cheaper than all the eBay prices in my country at least. Anyway, I found a BL seller in Russia selling thousands of Kraata pots for a reasonable price (even more so when you order in bulk), which I'm guessing is where a lot of Kraata come from? I'd go there to get some Kraata myself but I'd need to buy quite a large number of pots for it to be worthwhile (because postage, and Royal Mail's handling fee for stuff coming from overseas) and I don't have hundreds to spend. My budget might stretch to 15 Kraata pots for now. But if a few other UK Kraata collectors who are thinking of buying many Kraata pots from there that want to combine orders to reduce the overall cost, just PM me and I'll see what I can do
  6. EDIT: I sent you a new PM thread regarding your spare Kraata since I wasn't sure if you noticed the one I posted in an old PM thread. Would appreciate a reply to it!
  7. Hello! I don't have any Kraata you need sadly, but I wanted to say, once you finish trading I may be interested in buying one of each of your spare wild Kraata over a period of time. I'm trying to make a big dent in my wild Kraata collection but in my country they're just wildly expensive, hard to come across and it's hard to find people who want to sell or trade Kraata here (where does everybody get so many sealed tubs from btw? Even an opened tub in my country costs something like $20, it's crazy ). Where are you located? I'm in the UK if that matters
  8. Hello! Quite simply as the topic says: I want to buy Kraata! Since buying wild Kraata from my own country seems to be ridiculously expensive compared to the average price of a Kraata (and BL, while an option, a lot of people don't post photos of the wild Kraata they're selling so I'm unsure which one I might get if I buy), I'm hoping some BZP members can help me expand my Kraata collection and help fulfill a childhood dream! Kanohi available for trade (I do have other non-Bionicle bits for trade including minifigs, feel free to ask). My Kraata checklist (check this to see which Kraata I need, indicated by an unfilled box). I'm located in the UK but I'm willing to trade worldwide and outright buy Kraata from most places worldwide. Sorry, but I'll only consider trades or part trades from people in the US or anywhere else with high base international postage (so >£5). Trades and UK/EU offers take priority. For buying, I'm willing to pay 50p for every regular Kraata I don't have (that's the ones found in regular Rahkshi sets), £1-£1.50 for every wild Kraata (depending on which wild Kraata you have), and £1.50-£2 for the Stage 3 or stage 5 Shadow Kraata (depending on which one you have). As far as I'm aware this is around the average price for Kraata, if it's not then do let me know! I'll also buy Kraata pots (with Kraata!) if you have those, sealed or not. If I'm just buying I will pay for actual postage. Payment would be through Paypal in GBP, friends and family to save the fees on your end. As for trades, I'll use the price I'm willing to pay for Kraata and compare it against the average BL price for whatever you want to trade the Kraata for, to ensure it's a fair trade. If you're interested in doing business with me, then please PM me (if you are unable to PM me because you're on mobile, post a comment in this thread with your offer and I'll PM you back). Please try to use the Kraata type (e.g. Shattering, Poison, Rahi Control etc.) when making offers, it's much easier for me to understand what you have that way! If you don't have Kraata to trade but are a UK collector of Kraata, you can still help me: I'd appreciate some tips on finding and buying wild Kraata cheaply in the UK I look forward to doing business with you! EDIT: Seriously, nobody wants to help me with obtaining any wild Kraata at all? I've had zero offers. Am I not offering enough money for them or does nobody have any that they want to sell?
  9. I don't make Bionicle-themed artwork that often but I couldn't resist the urge to do some artwork of Umarak's Destroyer Form. I did this a couple of weeks ago but since BZP has just covered all the new Bionicle sets from NYTF, now seems like a good a time as any to post this Click on the picture for full resolution as well as the description of the art (link goes to Deviantart). Original pencil drawing As usual, positive/constructive comments, upvotes and masks are all appreciated
  10. Aw, thanks! Unfortunately, the model's been disassembled as I had to return the parts I borrowed from it back to Uniter Lewa and Uxar. I was actually amazed at how easy it was to connect a Shadow Trap to a Creature head, which ultimately resulted in this little beast. Most of my MOC's normally stem from one NPU or fiddling with parts and finding an interesting technique and me thinking "I need to use that somewhere" The Hero Factory armour is just some underbelly armour to hide a gap... nothing to see here
  11. He may look cute, but one wrong move and he'll trap you with his trap-jaw mouth... (Click on the pictures to see full resolutions. Sorry about the quality at full res, my camera really isn't suited to taking photos of LEGO in the dark English days we've been having recently) Not much to this really. I was just playing around with some of the new 2016 Bionicle pieces and I came up with this little Shadow Trap mouthed beast. I imagine this to be some sort of Rahi-style beast, with crystalline armour, sharp crystal tail blade and deadly snapping jaws. The Creature head/Shadow trap combo I found turned out better than I'd expected. And I'm beginning to wonder if this should have been my entry to the January Flickr contest instead of my second Dragonborn MOC But never mind that now, I'm still proud of how this little tearaway beast came out Comments, upvotes and constructive criticism appreciated
  12. Thanks! Give it some time. It's only 7 faves on Flickr away from becoming my most faved MOC so far (which is currently Skull Imitator Corphos) Thanks. The gold mace piece was more a personal choice to spread the gold out a little bit in the colour scheme, to go with the rather gold-heavy shield Thanks. The legs do actually thin out like that, but I admit the angles don't really make it very clear. I was going to add armour add-ons to the thighs to thicken them but it made them look ridiculously thick so I thought it'd be better off without them I think it's clear to say though - expect more Dragonborn MOC's from me over the next couple of months!
  13. New year, new MOC. Basically I just had an idea involving using parts from the Smaug bigfig and it turned into this guy. Meet Draphim the Dragonborn: (click the pics for higher resolutions!) Not much to say about this guy really, except that he is an anthro dragon warrior that utilises parts from the Smaug bigfig. Plus I wanted to use that awesome printed Ninjago dragon shield piece and try some new torso and leg constructs. I also learnt that small Technic panels really work wonders for filling out arms where they use just a single bone to avoid them becoming flat. I think he came out really well, and I'm really pleased with the shield construct in particular. As always, comments, upvotes and constructive criticism appreciated
  14. Thanks for the nice comments guys! You're the first person to suggest another video game character for me to build that wasn't Crash Bandicoot Maybe I will build a Cynder at some point as I've always liked her as a character, but I don't have as much nostalgia and fondness for the Legend of Spyro or Skylanders games where she appears as I do for pre-2005 Spyro... my goodness, I suddenly feel old
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