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Hello, I have a group of masks worth about $40 on Bricklink that I'm looking to sell or trade. I'm looking for Kraata Leechs of any stage/color or these masks: Miru Nuva (Adaptive Armor Style B), Baranus V7 / Skopio XV-1 Flip Mask (Bright Light Orange) Let me know if you are interested and we can discuss details. Thank you FYI, the Rode and the Lime Ruru are no longer available.
$82.86 For The Lot Fee Breakdowns · $76 for the Kraata · $3.48 USA Shipping · $3.38 PayPal sellers’ fees.
Interested in buying/trading pieces: Looking to buy: pearl gold kraahkan pearl gold visorak shell any misprints What I have available to trade with: Sealed G1 sets (too many to list, pm me with what you're looking for) Sealed boxor set (box sealed but damaged) Open box sealed bags manas set Sealed hydraxxon set (sticker damage on lower right side) Sealed Ekimu's falcon (3 available)
Nothing overly special to offer here, I'm afraid: but I've just lately been sorting a lot of my stuff in preparation for moving out, and decided to pass on a few of my remaining Bionicle things. I was gonna go for eBay, but I figured I'd let you guys have first refusal, just in case anyone's looking for these things. And I still haven't got around to going to eBay, so most of these things are still here if anyone wants ^^ I can provide photos of anything, if you want to verify condition before committing. I'm offering for sale or trade: 1x Glatorian Mata Nui set. Very good condition; only opened two or three years ago, been posed, displayed and stored but not seen a lot of wear. Unfortunately has one damaged joint (one of the yellow upper-arm sockets) that cracked when I was taking him apart, though the piece is still useable. Complete with canister and instructions. 1x Bionicle: Rahi Beasts guide. Decent condition; it came to me used, so it's not perfect, but no substantial damage. Just a bit of creasing, slightly tattered edges here and there. 1x Bionicle: Dark Hunters guide. Good condition. 1x Bionicle: Raid on Vulcanus novel. Very good condition, only read twice. 1x Bionicle: the Game for PC. Average condition; played a lot but not showing any damage, though the instruction manual has a couple of Bionicle stickers slapped on its cover. Can't get it to work on new systems (it ran on my old Windows 7 PC, even when I upgraded to Windows 10; but won't play on my newer laptop), but is still good for a pre-Windows 10 machine. A small handful of promo CDs: the Toa Mata, Nuhvok-Kal, Lehvak-Kal, Panrahk and Toa Nuju. The Kal and Panrahk have had the character names scrawled on them, however a CD-safe pen was used so the content isn't damaged in any way, and they still played fine when I last used them. I can't test the Toa Mata disk because it doesn't run on my current machine; but I recall it did work back when I had an older computer. Also a bunch of spare Bionicle pieces that my Bricklink store is failing to move. If you want to make me an offer for anything in particular, or just the job-lot of them (32 pieces total, plus 4 slizer parts, unless anyone else buys some from my store first), I'm open; I just want to get them off my hands at this point! On the same note, a few empty Slizer / Throwbot containers, if anyone wants them. I don't keep the sets in the containers, so I have no use for them; but I also don't just want to throw them out if someone else might want them. I know there's probably not a lot here of much worth; so I'm just running this like... I'm willing to accept reasonable offers, really. Alternately, there are a few things I'd be looking to trade, if we can reach a mutual agreement; I'm almost more interested in trading something for something than in getting money out of it, although I'll accept money offers as well. Basically, make me an offer whichever way works for you, if there's anything you're interested in ^^ I'm interested in trading for: **Tohunga / McToran, any except Kongu and Nuparu. Particularly looking for Maku, Matoro, Jala. Used condition is fine.** Possibly certain other G1 sets of appropriate value? I'm just a little nostalgic for a few of the ones who I used to have but don't anymore, although I don't have a specific list of what I'm after here; if I've anything you'd like to trade for, throw some suggestions at me, and we can hopefully come to something we're both happy with ^^ Maybe the 2002 gold Kanohi (except the Miru, which I already have), depending on what they're being offered in exchange for. Also of note: I'm in the UK, so international shipping costs may need to be taken into account. If you'd like a shipping estimate before committing to anything, feel free to ask!
- make me an offer!
- trading
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Here are all the kraata: Here is my collection so far: I'm missing about 30 kraata, not including the trans-orange kraata. Ideally I would like to trade for the rest of the ones I'm missing although I will buy them if you're not interested in trades. I have many items for trade, kanohi, sets, krana, kraata, 23 sealed tubs of kraata, etc. I will give you TWO kraata for any one that I need, not including the cyclones. I'm only missing two cyclones, for those I will either trade one of my spare cyclones for one that I am missing, or four kraata for one cyclone. You're basically getting double trade value on kraata I need, quadruple if it's a cyclone. I'll give a movie kraahkan for a trans-orange kraata + a few other wild kraata (they don't have to be ones I'm missing although that's preferred). I have two movie kraahkans so I will trade both for TOKs if I'm offered more than one. Of course, it doesn't have to be a movie kraahkan, it can be any combination of anything but that's the only item I have in the same area as a TOK. I'm also missing one mask from my collections, which is a protodermic kakama nuva. I will trade kraata, masks, krana, etc. for it, doesn't matter to me. Higher volume and/or value trades will be given priority. I will trade any of the kraata in the pictures along with anything in my Bricklink store ( for items I am missing. Once my kraata collection is complete, I will sell the rest of them and will ask $2 per kraata. I think that's a fair price since I pulled all of those directly from sealed tubs of kraata, they're all brand new. The sealed tubs I would like to get around $8 each for but I'll give you a deal if you buy multiple. If there's no interest in those then I will open them up and sell the kraata individually. Again, items I have for trade are: 298 single kraata 23 sealed tubs of kraata Anything in my bricklink store (including sets) If you have any questions, ask. If you can't clearly see what I'm missing in my collection photo I'll show you an actual picture. If you are planning to trade with me, taking pictures of the kraata you have would be best, I get confused with the colors sometimes. Thanks!
Hi there all! I am looking for a handful of Series 1 Mixels that I still need to complete my collection, however they are proving to be rather allusive at a fair price. Therefore, I turn to the people of BZPower in the hopes that I could work out a few trades or transactions. Listed below are the sets I want and the sets I would be willing to trade for. I will not be paying anymore than £5 for each Mixel, plus some postage. For the consideration of postal fees, I live in Hampshire, England. SETS I WANT: 41053: Krader41054: Seismo41055: Shuff41057: Zaptor41058: VolectroSETS FOR TRADE: Agents8631: Jetpack PursuitAqua Raiders7770: Deep Sea Treasure Hunter7771: Angler Ambush7773: Tiger Shark AttackAtlantis7977: Seabed Strider7985: City of Atlantis8056: Monster Crab Clash8057: Wreck Raider8075: Neptune CarrierKnights Kingdom8791: Sir Danju8794: Sir Santis8796: King MathiasGames3841: Minotaurus3845: Shave A SheepIndiana Jones7621: Indiana Jones and the Lost Tomb7623: Temple Escape7624: Jungle Duel7682: Shanghai ChaseLegends of Chima30250: Ewar's Acro FighterPharaoh's Quest30090: Desert Glider30091: Desert RoverPirates of the Caribbean30130: Mini Black Pearl30131: Jack Sparrow's BoatPower Miners8956: Stone Chopper8958: Granite Grinder8959: Claw DiggerRacers8648: Buzz SawGalaxy Squad30231: Space InsectoidStar Wars7913: Clone Trooper Battle Pack7914: Mandalorian Battle Pack75034: Death Star TroopersTechnic8238: Dueling Dragsters8415: Dump Truck8418: Mini Loader8436: TruckI also have a complete Hero Factory collection, all mainstream sets and 40116: Hero Robot, which I would also trade. Any trades must, obviously, be between two sets of items of roughly equivalent retail value, but I would consider other offers. Thank you for your consideration, ~Xetra
First off, I have reported my old topic to be closed, so don't worry about that. Onto what I'm actually posting this for: I'm selling a Red Forehead Poisoned Hau Nuva! (Picture) I'm looking for about £3.50 for it, or I'll trade for something(s) of equal value. Other than that, I'm looking for quite a few Great Kanohi. They are: A white HauA brown HauA metallic gold Hau (The type that was included in the 02 Krana Packs, not the Solid Gold 14K Hau )A green AkakuA black KakamaA blue KakamaA teal KakamaA burnt orange KakamaA trans-white KaukauA trans-orange KaukauA black MiruA brown MiruA teal MiruGenerally, regular recoloured Kanohi are worth around £1, probably a bit less, metallic ones are worth 75p, and ones that came in sets are worth 50p. I based these estimates off of the Bricklink price guide, so they should be fairly accurate. I'd prefer to buy/trade within the UK and Europe, but if you're outside Europe, I won't buy if you can only offer me one or two masks, but I will if you can offer me everything or nearly everything I need.
- 4 replies
- Poisoned Hau Nuva
- B/S/T
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Hello everyone. I am looking to complete my Kanohi collection. I can pay or trade for the masks I need. I also have a few masks I can sell. Under Wants, I will list the masks I am looking for, and under Haves, I will list the masks that I have, and can trade or sell. Wants: Hau: Green Miru: Teal Kakama: White Pakari: White Kaukau: Trans Red Trans Green Trans Orange/Brown Clear/White Gold Huna: Light Grey Lime Green Mahiki: Dark Grey Komau: Copper Ruru: Blue White Rau: Dark Grey Matatu: Red Green Black Hau Nuva: Silver Kaukau Nuva: White Silver Kakama Nuva: Blue Green White Silver Pakari Nuva: Red Blue White Silver Miru Nuva: Blue Silver Akaku Nuva: Brown Black Green Silver Vahi: Gold Krana Bo: Yellow Tan Krana Ca: Red Orange Tan Krana Ja: Lime Green Tan Black Purple Krana Su: Green Orange Light Blue Tan White Krana Vu: Blue Orange Krana Xa: Blue Tan Black White Krana Yo: Red Green Krana Za: Green Yellow Haves: Hau: Yellow x2 Red x1 Blue x1 Miru: Green x2 Pakari: Red x1 Black x3 Golden x2 Blue x1 Kakama: Silver x1 Kaukau: Trans Blue x3 Akaku: Blue x1 Huna: Orange x1 Mahiki: Orange x43 Komau: Metru Blue/Silver x1 Ruru: Trans Blue x1 Dark Grey x1 Miru Nuva: Green x3 Kakama Nuva: Brown x1 Akaku Nuva: White x1 Krana Ca: Yellow x1 Krana Vu: Red x1 Krana Bo: Purple x1 Also, my Kraata and especially my Kanoka and Krana-Kal collections are pretty sparse, so you can also offer pretty much any Kraata, Krana-Kal, or Kanoka that you'd be willing to sell or trade. I'm also happy to take any masks that I already have.
I'd like to sell some of these to help pay for my 2015 Bionicle purchases, but I also need some sets/parts. I only ship to the US and Canada, buyer pays shipping (Paypal please) - Canada shipping will be more expensive. Upon finalizing a deal, I may need a day or two for packaging. Photos are available upon request! But please only request them if you are interested in a deal. All sets are in good used condition. Haves: Vakama Hordika (can ship with canister for a little extra)Matau Hordika (with 1 disk) Kohrak (can ship with canister for a little extra)Gahlok (can ship with canister for a little extra)Nuhvok with grey KranaLehvak I only have 2 spare Bohrok rubber bands, so only the first two will have them. Onua Nuva Gahlok VaNuhvok VaTahnok VaPahrak Va All Vahki except for GreenOne additional blue Vahki, wrong disk (can ship with canister for a little extra) EhryeNuhrii Parts (ask for specific parts) I've also got a Muaka (missing rubber bands), but I'm not interested in selling it unless someone has a particularly good offer. Sets that I want: Tahnok KalGahlok Kal Matau MetruNokama Metru Pohatu PhantokaChiroxKirop Hewkii Mahri Parts that I want: Most masks (I especially want a Hau Nuva, Silver Avohkii, and a Black Kraahkan) Lewa Mata's axeKopaka Nuva's shield Turaga Nuju's staffTuraga Nokama's staffX6 Turaga rubber bands ( X1 Vakama Metru thigh armorX2 Gali Mata armsX2 Gunmetal Nuva chest armor (from Teridax)X1 Guurahk headX2 Vorahk staff piecesX2 Red Axalara T9 pieces ( Silver Bohrok eyesBlack Bohrok eyes A couple of these: size 2 Technic axlesThese [] in BLACK
I am willing to trade a few older sets for a handful of awesome kanohi or weapons a piece. I am REALLY Looking for a Red Miru. Not a regular Miru PAINTED red, but a legit, Red Great Miru. Let me know what you have, and I will tell you what I can offer! ~Spitfire
Usual story I'm afraid. :/ I'm in my senior year of college, I'm moving out late summer/early fall, and I could use the extra money so I'm selling off the majority of my Bionicle collection. Collection is near complete, though I'm hanging onto a good deal of my favorites. If there's a set you want and it's not listed, feel free to ask. There's a lot of sets that I can't decide if I want to keep or not and knowing there's someone else who wants it may push me to sell it. There are a few sets and collectibles I'm still looking for, all from '01 and '02, that I'm willing to buy or trade for if you have them. Too short on money at the moment for buying, but I'll add them to my list of wants once I have a little saved up, so check back! Rules: I accept paypal, money orders, and cash; paypal is preferred. You pay for shipping (because of shipping woes, I will be charging everyone in the lower 48 USA $6 for shipping under a pound; if you live in Alaska, Hawaii, or outside the USA, I will need your zip code to figure it out). You send payment first, unless you're a Trusted Trader. If we're trading, we send at or around the same time. I can only ship on Fridays and Saturdays because of my college schedule (sorry!) I am willing to hold sets for two weeks + transfer time for adding money to paypal. If you need longer, give me the date you expect to be able to pay by and we'll work something out. I can provide pictures; if you want to see something, just ask. I'm willing to haggle, especially on larger orders; make me an offer and we'll go from there. Wants: (I do not have money for buying sets at the moment, I am only able to trade) Money Nui-Jaga Mctoran Matoro Mctoran Onepu Great, Noble, and Nuva Masks TNGM Copper Huna Orange Vahi Infected Hau Nuva For Sale: black means available, green means on hold, blue means pending, red means sold Throwbot: Amazon/Jungle (it's the green one) $5 2001-> Tahu Mata- $7 Kopaka Mata- $7 Gali Mata- $7 Lewa Mata- $7 Onua Mata- $7 Pohatu Mata- $7 2002-> Nuhvok Va (dark grey piece was missing, replaced with lighter grey piece, no Krana)- $2 Pohatu Nuva- $7 2003-> (Rahkshi have no Kraata) Turahk- $5 Guurahk- $5 Panrahk- $5 Ussanui- $10 (possibly selling Gukko and Jaller, and Takua and Pewku, check back later) 2004-> Nokama Metru x2- $7 each Nuju Metru x2- $7 each Whenua Metru x2- $7 each Matau Metru- $7 Onewa Metru- $7 Bordakh x2- $5 each Nuurakh x3- $5 each Vorzakh- $5 Rorzakh- $5 Keerakh- $5 Zadakh- $5 Ahkmou- $3 Nuhrii- $3 Vhisola- $3 Orkahm- $3 Tehutti x2 (one has black shoulder pieces instead of grey)- $3 each Nivawk and Dume- $20 Krekka- $20 2005-> Toa Iruini- $10 Toa Norik- $15 Whenua Hordika- $7 Onewa Hordika- $7 Vohtarak- $7 Keelerak- $7 Boggarak- $7 Oohnorak- $7 Roporak- $7 Iruini- $3 Kaulus- $3 Gaaki- $3 Bomonga- $3 Pouks- $3 Keetongu- $20 Sidorak- $20 Roodaka- $18 Battle of Metru Nui (believe it's complete but not 100% sure, no Kahgarak)- $30 2006-> Kongu Inika- $9 Nuparu Inika- $9 Hewkii Inika- $9 Matoro Inika- $9 Avak- $8 Reidak- $8 Zaktann- $8 Vezok- $8 Thok (eyes no longer light up)- $6 Garan- $3 Balta- $3 Dalu- $3 Kazi- $3 Piruk- $3 Velika- $3 Axonn- $25 2007-> Kongu Mahri- $7 Nuparu Mahri- $8 Hahli Mahri- $8 Mantax- $8 Ehlek- $8 Defilak- $3 Morak- $3 Thulox- $3 Gadunka- $15 Maxilos (no Spinax)- $28 2008-> Kopaka Phantoka- $10 Tahu Mistika- $10 Gali Mistika- $10 Onua Mistika- $10 Vamprah- $10 Bitil- $10 Solek x2- $4 Photok- $4 Vultraz- $20 Mazeka- $30 Toa Ignika- $20 Icarax- $20 Rockoh T3- $30 Axalara T9- $65 2009-> Stronius- $10 Tarix- $10 Vastus- $10 Malum- $10 Strakk- $10 Gelu- $10 Vorox- $10 Tarduk- $5 Berix- $5 Metus- $5 Raanu- $5 Tuma- $20 Baranus V7- $35 Thornatus V9- $50 Collectibles-> Lots of Kanoka- $0.75 each Lots of Rhotuka- $0.50 each Gold Vahi x2- $15 each Disc of Time x2 $3 each Anime/Manga-> All manga are $4 each or 3 for $10 + shipping. Dvd Box sets are $12, single dvds/video games are $5 Inuyasha #1-11, 18, 20, 22-26, 45 Ruroni Kenshin #1-13 Fruits Basket #1-10 Wild Ones #1-10 Bleach #1-35 Naruto #1-50, Naruto DVD Box set #1-3 and 5, Naruto the Official Guidebook, Naruto: Innocent Heart, Demonic Blood, Naruto vol 1 (first 4 episodes on dvd), Naruto Clash of Ninja for Gamecube Deathnote #13Shaman King #1-7Warcraft: The Sunwell Trilogy- #1-3Samurai Champloo #1Shakugan no Shana #1-5, missing #3 Claymore #1-4Otomen #1, 2Dragon Knights #1-7Trinity Blood #1, 2 Ravenskull #1Saiyuki #1Gurren Lagann #1, 2Magic Knight Rayearth #1Zombiepowder #1One Piece #1xxxHolic #1, 2Trigun #1, Trigun ( think it's the first couple episodes on dvd?)Kamui #1The Best of Pokemon Yellow #1The Best of Pokemon Red #1 Avatar Book 1, vol 1Yuyu Hakusho the MoviePokemon 4ever dvd Sets on Hold: Inika, offsite
- 50 replies
Hey, I have tons of random stuff to trade. Ask if you want to know anything.Also 2 free brushes (brown) for minifigs with every trade, until they run out of course. I hate them.Kanohi/Heads:Light Grey Noble Matatu x2Metru Green and Silver Noble Matatu x1Orange Noble Ruru x1Ignika (Glatorian version) Also comes with the blue head x1Damaged Mata Blue Noble Huna (There is a dent in the forehead, useful for battle damage ) x1Translucent Blue KauKau x3Ultimate Dumes Kraahkan x1Metru Red Great Huna x1Metru Green Zatth x1Jallers Calix and head x1Guurahks Head x2Empty Metru Head x1Empty Piraka Head x1Zaktans Spine x1Thoks Spine x1Avaks Spine x1McToran head x1Black Kanohi Pakari Nuva x1Zamors:Orange x6Green x7Darker Green x1Lighter Green x1Silver x3Blue x1Kanoka Disks/McToran Disks:Le-Metru Kanoka Disk #574Po-Metru Kanoka Disk #373Ko-Metru Kanoka Disk #447Onu-Metru Kanoka Disk #638McToran Kanohi Miru DiskTools:Turaga Vakamas Staff x1Gali's Hooks x2Gahloks Weapon x2Exo-Toa gun (doesn't have the bullet) x1Red Zamor Launcher Ammo Holder (goes on top of the zamor launcher) x1Toa Iruini's golden shield x2Gold Zamor Sphere Launcher x1Misc. Parts:Glatorian Health Counter x1Light Blue Gahlok/Matoran Hali arms x2Black McToran non-throwing arm x1Light Brown McToran throwing arm x1Karzahni's Chest plate. x1Gunmetal Piraka Torso x1White McToran Torso x3Brown Toa Mata Torso x1Sets:Matoran Vhisola x1What I am looking for:I am looking for any 1st or 2nd generation kanohi masks.
I've recently taken up a new hobby/interest/activity/whatever you're in the mood to call it, and that is Geocaching. For those of you who don't know the details (and basics, for that matter), Geocaching is a worldwide scavenger-hunt type game where people leave hidden "Caches" around the globe. Your job is to find these Caches, and when you have, to log the date and your screen name on the paper log inside the cache, and leave more in-depth comments on the website affiliated with the game when you get back home. The interesting part is the trading. Often the cache is big enough to include a few trinkets or small items, and you can take one out only if you replace it with something of equal or greater value. All in all, it's a great way to get rid of stuff you don't want, find stuff you may want, and it lets you see a lot more of the world than you would have if you didn't do it. It's also addictive. The more you do it, the more fun it seems to be. Yeah, I like it. What's wrong with that? -CM
- geocaching
- outdoors
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