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    I have not quit becuase I did something wrong,I quit to take care of real life problems.

    Goodbye every body.

  1. Is it twenty-ten or two thousand and ten?



    Happy New Year, everyone.

  2. GCKrastin
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    Anyone here on BZP play the TrackMania games? I have TrackMania Nations Forever and TrackMania 2: Canyon. Both are very fun.

    I mentioned back when the forums came back that I needed to clean up this blog, TrackMania was the reason I didn't. :P

    I've probably put around 20 hours into TrackMania 2, and exactly 73 hours into TrackMania Nations.


    Boy, I'm getting really good at spelling TrackMania.

  3. Schnee 1
    Latest Entry

    Sorry for the lack of activity on my part. I've been...well, here's a list.


    -Taking an interest in airsoft! I have a Double Eagles L96 with an NC Star 3x9-50E sporting scope

    -Sent to a stationary death march (aka Marching Band camp)

    -Playing Fallout 3 (creepy and profanic but addicting)

    -Entertaining my cousin who lives in St. Paul but visits every summer


    So, if anyone reads this, leave a list of what you've been doing lately.

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    So yeah, this is the first time I've been on here in months...I don't have near as much free time now and when I do I'd rather spend it doing other things besides Bzp or MOCing. I'll probably check back here every once in awhile but I'm never going to be active like I used to be. :pilot:



  4. Grandmaster Lehvorak
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    This manga/anime is one of the first ones I ever enjoyed and grew to love anime/manga ever since. Thanks to Inuyasha I learned more about the manga art style. So yes, Inuyasha is a story about a half dog demon and human, Inuyasha thats what he is, and a average teenage girl name Kagome. Kagome is a girl who found herself in feudal Japan, and is on an adventure for searching for the Shikon Jewel shards. With many companions such as Inuyasha himself, Shippo the fox demon, Miroku the monk, Sango the demon exterminator, and Kilala the two-tailed cat demon.

    The story goes on as the the group searches for the the sacred jewel shards and facing many opponents such as their arch enemy Naraku. The story brings them to many places in feudal Japan along with some areas in modern Japan, but overall they overcome stuggles among each other and powerful demons.


    Inuyasha is a half demon who is very reckless at some times. He carries the sword Tetseiga and uses its powerful attack which is known as the wind scar. He also knows more techniques without his sword such as iron reaver soul stealer and blades of blood. Also he has relationships with a priestess back 50 years ago name Kikyo. But their relationship did not last because of the sacred jewel, Naraku killed Kikyo, and Inuyasha was bound to a tree. After that 50 year period, Kagome came in and saved him from the tree. Now those two are on a search for the rest of the jewel shards along with friends.


    Kagome is an average teenage 9th grader in modern Japan. Her family owns a shrine that was kept for many years. The well that was in her family shrine leads to feudal Japan and found herself leaping to feudal Japan, and later learning she is the reincarnation of the dead Priestess, Kikyo. She is mostly sometimes the damsel in distress through the series and she soon learns how to use her bow and arrow properly. Also, she has feelings for Inuyasha and wants to be by his side.


    The lecherous monk Miroku can be troublesome among the ladies. He inherits his bad habits from his family along with the curse that has been passed down. This curse is known as the wind tunnel, which is like a black hole that sucks anything in its path. He joins Inuyasha's group later on in the series and learned to work together with them. When another member name Sango joined the group he seemed to grow some feelings to her and learned to stay by her side. All he wants his a child just incase he is not able to kill Naraku and the dreaded curse embedded in his right hand.


    Sango is one of the last surviving demon exterminators along with her brother Kohaku. She promises to avenge her family and her peoples death by hunting down Naraku. She soon joins Inuyasha's group through the series and learns how to works things through with them. She also grows some feelings for the monk Miroku and wishes that he embraces her and loves her like how she loves him. Their relationship grows after Mount Hakurei. During one of the manga adventures, her weapon the Harekutsu (I think I spelled it right...) got damaged and was repaired, henceforth giving her powers unlike before. The adventures go on and she still fights on the side of her companions.


    Shippo is a fox demon who tagged along with the group through the adventure. He was one of the 1st to tag along with Inuyasha and Kagome and does his best to help out. Even though he is small and young, he is still brave and strong and throughout the adventures he gets better and braver than his old self when they first met him.

    Kirara (but pronounced as Kilala)

    Kirara is a little two-tailed cat demon who is Sango's pet. She tags along with the group and is really helpful. She can battle other demons with fire and is one of the cutest things in the group :P.
  5. So, the way I see it, the natural order of things is this: I put out things that are basically middle-of-the-road, and people pass me over for things that are largely better, rinse and repeat until they get wise to this and ignore me altogether, and I become (relatively) sad/depressed/ANGRY etc.




    All indications are that this here Blog thingy has reached the "ignore" stage.

    SO, That means I can get away with this:


    Tales of 009 in the Land of Radio, Book 1: Revenge at Shanghai Peak.


    :smilebahrag1: Chapter 0: A Very Rainbow Prologue :smilebahrag2:


    Announcer m'n: It is an ostensibly normal day at stately 009 Manor. Shall we take a peek inside?


    Inside, 009 is sitting in one of those large reading chairs, reading a Dusty, Musty tome called "The Local Phone Book"


    009: Oh darn it!


    In prances Vesili, inexplicably dressed up as Theodore Roosevelt and carrying a large bottle of pepsi.


    Vesili: What are the haps oh brother of mine


    009: I can't figure out what Pizza place to order from tonight. There are just so many good choices! Acupuncture and Pizza, Pancakeman's Pizza Dome, Pizza and Public Domain Movies, Racecar Pizza...*Notices Vesili* What the-!?


    Vesili: Oh, yeah. This. Er, if anybody asks, I'm Theodore Roosevelt, This bottle is Jack Nicholson, and that staircase right over there is Grizzly Bear Hill.


    009: Um, okay, but...


    Vesili: *Running up the staircase* CHAAAAARGE!


    A Long silence


    009: Aw, well. Perhaps if I turn on this conveniently placed radio I'll come to a conclusion...


    So he does


    Guy On Radio (GOR): Hey Every Every Everybody! Are you feeling :bored: ?

    009: Gasp! Why yes! I do feel :bored: !


    GOR: Wish your Pizza, Chinese Food, Radios, Random hunks of plastic, :smilekohrak:, Frozen beverages, and dubiously legal cloning Technology needs could be fulfilled in one convenient place?


    009: Holy thing yes!!


    GOR: Then you fine fellers and :silver: should come on down to...


    009: YES!?




    009: Land of Radio?


    GOR: Land of Radio!



    009: Tell me more, magic man on Radio!


    GOR: Located At the third of 4T street in scenic downtown Someplace! Be there-or be square!


    009: Wow, that's actually not that far away! VESILI!


    Vesili runs back into the room.


    Vesili: :afro:?


    009: TAKU!


    The golden man with the golden plan himself comes in


    Taku: You bellowed?


    009: We gon' go to the Radio place!


    Vesili & Taku: Wait what!?


    Announcer m'n: And so, it begins. Tune in next time to hear Vesili say:


    Who knew a Professor of Law could tame the savage beast of Gribluytr?


    Announcer m'n: Same Radio-time, same Radio channel!...Probably.



    P.S. Also i'm sorta experimenting with how to format this place. Heh.


    P.P.S. So, I made this little image when LEGO announced Bionicle was being canceled, but Maj was down at the time, and I never got around to putting it up. But Now I've gotten around to it, sooo...Here it is!



    -ATOMIC 009 In Space

  6. I recently asked a girl(whom I like) to help me with my algebra. I know I sound pathetic, but what do I do and say? I have no dating expierance, since I am only 14 ok. Please Help!


    The Unknown In Distress

  7. Magna
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    I'm not entirely happy with the outcome, even though I wholeheartedly congradulate the winners :)


    I never thought I would win so that's beside the point.


    Creations like Air Centurion and the likes deserved to win as so much more effort seemed put in IMO.


    Even though Titanus was awarded better prizes than the actual winners IMO :P I still think it should have won.


    I love that nifty drill trick in the third place finalist however :P

  8. Bloody Nine
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  9. My dog of whom I have had and known since I was 4 is dying. I'm 15 now, and I've known her for so much of my life....she'll be dead before the morning....I'm not gonna be on BZP for the rest of the night, and hardly at all tomorrow I'd guess. Sorry guys.

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    it's been a few years huh. i miss how things used to be the last time i posted but then again i don't miss all of it. lotsa stuff happens but i gotta remember me is me

    one thing i miss is how the old blog system looked lol, that modular layout was :tahnok::tahnok::tahnok:

    also holy cow i forgot ALL ABOUT THESE FORUM EMOTES I JUST THOUGHT THEY WERE GONNA BE EMOJIS BUT I GOT A BLAST FROM THE FRICKIN PAST :smiletol::smiletahunu::smilekopakanu::smilelewanu::smilegalinu::smilepohatunu::smileonuanu:

    idk yall ive just been nostalgic recently and wanted to drop by and say hello to whoever is reading :thumbsup: i hope life is treating you fair, and if not then i know you can take this bull by the horns and make the best of it. i've just been down recently considering im now living 2500 miles away from where i was when i made the last blog post. but im in good company and making the best of it all, just homesick and nostalgic.

    in happier, and older, news, i got engaged in 2017! sorry for telling you all so late lmao
    we got a puppy recently, we're living in a nice house, and we have a videos game in production!! :smeag:

    sorry im just :love:LOVING:inlove: these emotes


    what's going on with everyone here??

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  11. A small tribute entry to the one and only


    Rage Against The Machine

    The ONLY band in the world to fuse Rap with Metal/Rock and NOT screw it up. :)


    -Freeze :flaguk:

  12. Yup.Just got my wisdom teeth pulled.It's is so hard to swallow and my mouth is practilly filled with blood.Oh well,better to get them out now instead of later.

    I'm sure I'll recuperate just fine (I hope...).

  13. TODAY is the last day for blogging. I just want to thank BZPower again. Hopefully i'll be right this time.


    I wonder if we'll have a game tonight. Yesterday's soccer practice was thundered out. Who knows...

  14. Pics of me, my guitar, my old sail boat, my impressive book colllection, bionicles, or random stuff, like anteaters, what! I need your help with this because I'm bad at decision making. :(

  15. Binary Code
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    Umbra-the darkest part of the shadow of a solar eclipse


    Earth Science rocks

  16. danwojo913
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    Well, I have a four-page essay due Thursday, have to read two books and write another essay by August 20th, and then read three other books and write stuff about them by September 7th(ish).


    Could be worse!

  17. Woo! I've never been on the Member Spotlight before, today I am! :happydance:


  18. The Orb
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    Now what? I like having a blog, but I don't know if I want to go premier if that's my only reason... What do you think? Is it worth it? o_O.png



  19. Core
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    Hey guys i havent been on here for a while due to me playing roblox everyday lol. im way mroe mature now since im way older. hope ya remember me!




    P.S a year or two ago i was gonig on to this chat, and you know how some chats gie u automatic names? my automatic name was lewa of coke! my old made up username! since i made that up it has spread.

  20. Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens

    Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens

    Brown paper packages tied up with strings

    These are a few of my favorite things

    ... wait, that's not right.


    On one message board I frequent, there has been a trend of making a 3x3 grid of your favorite pices of various media. So here are 3 of my 3x3s Games, TVshows, and Music


    I realize now that it probably would have been a good idea to make one for lego themes/sets. I guess I'll make that one later.


    "The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not."

    ~ Mark Twain




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