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Mocs For Brickfair

MOCs I'm making/taking to BrickFair:   -I am turning Crustaceous from Rahi to centaur. -That green titan with the awesome green Gelu helmet I have. -A few Vic Vipers, for the nnenn missing-man fly-in. I think I'll build an Insectoid themed ship, and then a few others. I will also try to make a Bionicle one (or two) and include fusion.   -I am tempted to do this micro-city thing with the standard, and put it in the rest of the collection, but we'll see how much time I have.   -I don't thin



Mosaic Pieces

Guys. Guys guys guys.   I just received Jedi Master J.'s mosaic pieces and I realized I forgot to tell you all one very important piece of building information:   Each stud needs to have the little "LEGO" thing right-side up. Not upside down. Not sideways. Readable.   Now the mosaics are ruined.   -CF



Why See Inception?

This is spoiler free.   Christopher Nolan's latest film, Inception, is full of mind tricks and suspense, a quick-paced plot and an array of characters. It deals not just in the real world, but focuses majorly on the dream-world, where anything is possible. It's a thriller, with a little bit of sci-fi and some drama. Most of all, it is smart. If that type of movie just happens not to be your cup of tea, oh well, but I think many will enjoy all it has to offer. You'll be second guessing y




That. Was. Awesome!   » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Best movie ending ever.  Christopher Nolan, you are a genius.   -CF (Also, Ellen Page is cute. But I guess we knew that since X-Men 3.)



Brickfair And Mass

Arpy and I are going to Roman Catholic mass over BrickFair weekend, because, you know, it's kind of...important.   Essentially this is to ask if anyone else going to BrickFair also needs a ride with us. Since I'll have a car. Just let me/us know by Saturday before we leave. (I can only think of one person off the top of my head...)   I think the most sensible thing to do would be the 5:00 mass at St. Veronica's on Saturday night (that parish, as well as St. Timothy's, is just 2.5 miles from



4 Movies!

Been watching some movies recently!   Exam: Kind of straightforward, but a thriller nonetheless. Though almost a waste of time, I kept thinking about it after viewing, realizing the events that occurred and what it all meant. Ho hum. Not a bad choice, because you could have chosen...   2001: A Space Odyssey: What a waste of time. I watched it so I could understand the "Open the pod bay doors, HAL" references. I was better off just sticking to what I already knew. Nothing happened. Yeah,



How I Feel

The last thing of required reading for school I actually enjoyed was Brave New World, and that is sci-fi. Wait, I also had to read The Screwtape Letters and The Great Divorce. Not sci-fi, but still, "out there." That was in high school.   "Proper" literature just does not do it for me. I would much rather read something of sci-fi and/or fantasy, so as to escape the boring and troublesome real world. (Plus, in school everything we read is old. Granted, so are things like BNW, The Giver, Al



I Need A Camera

I figure it would be a good idea for me to finally get a digital camera, as I do not own one and whenever I need one at school I always borrow a friend's. Also I will probably need/want one for my journalism class as I'm going around to events to write about.   So I figure I should buy one before BrickFair.   I know we have some pretty camera-savvy members here, but I also know that a few/most of those people use those super expensive kinds with the removable lenses and whatnot. What I want




Got a baby tooth removed today. Local anesthetic and whatnot. Yanked it right out, then I had gauze on it for 4 hours to stop the bleeding, and I've been careful not to eat any hot foods else the bleeding starts again.   I'm hating it all, sure, but what comes next is worse. I have a hole in my toothline for the entirety of my college junior year. About halfway up one half side of my left lower teeth. In December I go back and they drill a hole into the bone underneath it, with something p



Quoting Myself

-CF (Also, currently watching the Ace of Cakes episode where they make a Dalek cake (and are totally screwing it up, from the moment they call it a robot (they're tanks!) to making their own "exterminate" soundbite instead of finding a real one.) (Edit: Sounds like they got a real one.)



Chocolaty Froggy Pieces

Wowza. I open my store and less than 24 hours later I have made three transactions totaling $32, plus shipping.   It is mostly of Star Wars figures, but someone also bought a ton of minifig tools. Which is good, because I was afraid they would not sell.   This all goes back to my LEGO spending, strictly, sort of sell what I do not need to go buy what I want/need. Replenishing hobby. I am eying the LSW Pirate Tank, which, if I can not find at BrickFair (either discounted or regularly priced



Gently Wafting Curtains

Stand back everyone, nothing here to see Just imminent danger, in the middle of it me Yes, Captain Hammer's here, hair blowing in the breeze The day needs my saving expertise!   -CF Just another reason I should find some waterslide decals.



3 More Movies

Specifically, 2 new movies and another again.   -Saw The A-Team again, not because it is such a good movie but because some friends wanted to see it and I have the access to free tickets. Fun stuff.   -Fight Club: It is rated R, but if you can stomach the generalities usually found in R movies, then this movie really screws with your mind. Plenty enjoyable once it is over, although weird, and probably worth a second viewing to catch things you would not have your first time around (because y



Crack In Time And Space

(Figured I should just give you the picture first, then a description.)   June 19th was Reston Town Center's annual Taste of the Town (or I think now it's called Taste of Reston) Festival. Local restaurants set up tents and you sample food by exchanging your tickets which you bought.   They have a kids section, in which WAMALUG (WAMALTC) is invited to. We set up a little town display with a train going around it (people like things that move!) and it's cool and fun. We also had a table with



Dual Screening

My brother is at scout camp this week, so I took over his (our) desk and hooked up his computer's monitor to my laptop, as seen here: If you see anything you like, it is probably his. My stuff can at least be the laptop stuff and LEGO stuff. As you can see, the main reason for doing so was to use two screens, connected (as shown through Songbird being on both). I've spent my days putting a video (Stargate, Doctor Who...) on the monitor while doing usual activities with my laptop.   Ultima



Quick Movie Reviews

The A-Team--Really cool. Wild ride. Plot too, with some twists and stuff. I recommend it.   The Karate Kid--A remake, yes, but a decent remake. Could pass on its own. Good family film. Sure, go and see it. (But still, a remake, if you've seen the original and find that a classic.)   Knight and Day--I can not say it was bad, but I can not say it was good. The trailers made it seem more comedic, but it lost that halfway through. Kind of predictable, though you are still wondering how it



Teaser Of Display

Saturday I had a WAMALUG display to attend. We had a town set-up with a train moving around it. More on that later with the initial post, but for now here is a teaser of the house I built to add to the town.     (This was at my house a few days before the event. Lights out around midnight. Taken with my phone.)   -CF



3 Things

One--I haven't posted in quite a few days. I should have just refreshed the BrickFair Mosaic Mailing entry but I've been busy and lethargic.   B, no, two--Seems like a good idea right now to have to approve blog comments. So yeah. As for my blog, there will be delays on your post actually showing up for the next few days, but don't worry, I'm off of work today and tomorrow.   Three--I do not have a significant blog entry to make because I still have not taken/posted pictures of my latest MO



Mosaic Project: Mailing

Yay for the BrickFair Mosaic Project!   PM me (if you claimed an odd numbered square) or Nukaya Cloud Fire (if you claimed an even numbered square) (default to me if you have both) saying that you have read this and understand it. Everyone. (Or I'll PM you on Monday making sure you understand.)   Both Kopaka and Onua are filled up, claimed, and being worked on.   Once you have your square(s) completed, it/they will need to be in my possession for BrickFair by Friday of the convention. That



For The Third Time

Andrew-Lee Potts would make a great 12th Doctor for Doctor Who, in a few years of course.   Discuss.     (The blog entry title also works for the BrickFair Mosaic Project, where someone needs to claim piece 8 first, and then perhaps piece 4 and maybe 3 if we have enough enthusiasm.)   -CF



Prince And Alice

Last week I saw Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. It was good, for free. Worth my time, at least, and generally not bad as opposed to reviews. Also, Alfred Molina, so yeah. It was also cool how the time traveling worked. In sci-fi you are limited to real-world practicalities, like paradoxes, but with fantasy you can ignore that because it is magic.     I also watched Syfy's miniseries Alice. It is a modern take on the Alice in Wonderland characters but definitely has a different story



Poster Collection

I either have a problem, or I just really like posters.   I bought 6 more at work yesterday. (By bought I mean we sell them for a dollar (usually) to customers but the money goes to the Stars of Hope charity my theater chain is a part of.)   Posters I got   The top row are mine, in order of my excitement for each. Shutter island is for a friend. The Mad Hatter is for another. I gave my brother the one with the Wonderland queens (which will go in our room, so I still get to enjoy it!). In



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