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Music References

Well I guess DV likes my music tastes, and likes it when I share them with you!   Well, I've had a few songs stuck in my head for the past day or so. What are they? Here: College Kids--Relient K Time Warp--Rocky Horror (I blame Arpy for this) Carry Me (Dead Man)--Jars of Clay All in the Serve--Michael W Smith Cry For Help--Shinedown Super Trouper--Superchick   And now that I am home I have a few songs to show my brother: All my newly obtained Anberlin CD's. (And their cover of True F



Summer Movies!

It's that time of year again. Unless the last local newspaper out of the four I applied to say they'll offer me a paid internship, I'm stuck at my movie theater again. Also, they probably will not give me enough hours, so I might get a second job. More on that later. For now, the movies I am interested in seeing: (The * denotes the ones I'm looking forward to the most and would pay for if I did not have the job.)   Iron Man 2 Robin Hood (perhaps) Prince of Persia (perhaps) Toy Story 3 (



Planning The Mosaic Project

You no doubt heard Nukaya and me talk about today in the BZPowercast and are now here, wondering just what is next in store for what sounded like an amazing idea.   Well, I'm glad you have entered my blog. Welcome, and prepare to be amazed.   The BrickFair Mosaic Project, or BMP, consists of BZP members collaborating and being awesome. Together, each member assembles a part of a picture out of LEGO bricks on a 32x32 baseplate, and the finished product will be a big picture.   We already hav



I'm Awake!

Ug, I pulled my 2nd all-nighter of this week last night/today. It's also finals week. The time I usually don't want to do that and want to get tons of sleep.   BUT, it is ok, because my only exams are Monday and Friday. Paper due at noon on Tuesday (and then slept in from 12-4pm (but I also slept from 4-7am)), and a paper due at noon on Thursday (I took an hour and a half nap (which was supposed to be 40 minutes) around 8, and then slept 12:30-3). Wednesday I had woken up at noon after slee



Hogwarts Acceptance Letter

My sister turns 11 today! I whipped up a little something...   (Names removed for the internet)   I'm at school still, so my mom will be giving it to her, or just putting it on her seat at breakfast, or something. Sneakily and specially, of course.   -CF



Minifig Wave 1

How many of you have seen this? (Probably just those that look for LEGO outside of BZP...)   Soon/Now, LEGO is releasing these minifig packs (this if wave 1). There are 16 figs, each $2 and individually wrapped for in a solid-color, but plastic, bag. While "random" and "a chance" on which fig you will get, you can feel around in the bag for certain figure parts, and there is apparently an individual additional bar-code on the back of the packages which, if you have the proper list, will deno



Sharktopus! (pic!)

SyFy has some good stuff...and some bad stuff. But I'm willing to realize I may be watching something terrible, because the concept is too cool for me not to want to watch. SyFy's upcoming "cheap"movie:   Sharktopus (Now with a picture!)   Just roll that around in your head for a few moments, be brave enough to check out my provided picture, and hopefully we can ride the ridiculous wave together.   -CF



Firefox Extensions

Adblock Plus--A must for every Mozilla Firefox user.   Gmail Notifier--sits in the corner, out of the way, and lets me know how many unread messages I have in my Gmail inbox, and when a new message comes in.   Google Wave Add-on for Firefox--same as the Gmail notifier. Handy so I don't have to check Wave all the time for the messages I never have.   Firefox Personas-- <3   Speed Dial--In a new tab it allows for a list of whatever websites you want it to. Kind of like having the bookmark



Polly Want A Cracker!

The Campus Activity Board plans on-campus events, usually for the weekend to provide for something to do, all done by students. (Planning that is; they get in professionals for things like comedy and they get to play movies, etc.)   This past Friday was the annual Springfest (not like JMU's), where organizations provide fun activities, CAB has music, Rita's Italian Ice sets up free cups, etc. This year's theme was "A Party at the Ends of the World!". Different "continents" had various activi




Yesterday at about 5:00 I got a call from my 10-year-old sister: she said she was 30 minutes from landing in Orlando, Florida with my dad and they were going to Disney World on Saturday (and maybe Sunday?). Disney. World.   I just played along; she had to be joking, right? So I told her to have fun and stop by the LEGO Store (in Downtown Disney (I was there 12 years ago)) for me.   Then my dad takes the phone and says he's been planning this for a month and a half now. Whoa! Really?! I w



Semester Wrap Up

Finals are next week.   So I should not get online at all.   Yet you/I know I will.   There's Doctor Who on Saturday, after all. (And Stargate Universe on Friday.)   I'm going to try to stay away from distractions. Like social networking. And IMing. So if you need to contact me (like for the BrickFair Mosaic Project), email (or call) would be fastest.     Who am I kidding? I'll be on here blogging my life away. Maybe I'll even pop onto IM if I get really bored (and studying gets done)



I Can Do It Too

You know, like Tilius and his Who pictures...   (And he was right, you know. :angry: )   Also, my other favorite band is the House Martins. I don't know if anyone remembers the House Martins...   Also also: Bingle bongle dingle dangle, yickle dee-do, yickety da, ping pong, lippy toppy to-ta.   -CF



Mosaic Project-- Image

Plenty of thanks to xccj for figuring out the Pic To Brick program!   He has made this image: and it looks great!   Thus, the mosaic will be split into 6 sections as so:   [1][.___] [2][.__3] [4][5][6]   With each piece (1,2,4,5,6) being 32x32 and piece 3 being 64x64 (which Arpy will make)   Now, we need people to make these pieces on their own! Here's the list. (Click on the thumbnail for the mosaic image)   Piece 1 Claimed by Letagi   Piece 2 Claimed by Xccj   Piece 3 Cl



Boys Speak In Rhythm

...And girls speak in code."   Just recently (last 2 months...) I acquired the first four Anberlin CD's (I already had New Surrender). Awesome stuff. They really know how to rock out and sound different. There's barely a day that goes by without me listening to them (but that could just be standard "new CD" fare...but songs get stuck in the head and of course you want to listen...).   First song that stuck out was Foreign Language (as quoted), but some other amazing songs are Adelaide, A Wh




So a few CCM friends convinced me to go contra dancing last night. (And admittedly there was that senior girl... (speaking of which, last night's Doctor Who episode: "Ever fancy someone you know you shouldn't?") ...but at the same time I've realized I like the formal dancing (ballroom style) and I really just want to avoid whatever is going on at a modern, school dance.) I stepped out of my introverted bubble, went out of my comfort zone, and actually had a good time.   Contra dancing was des



New Posters!

Bought some new posters a while ago...mid-February, actually. Did some rearranging   New Doctor Who, Serenity posters (and I added HP7) (Another view) (I have tried to post a pic of both walls, where I have the Piraka Comic 0 as well, but that's the only the specialness so I guess I don't feel bad about it not uploading. Next year I'm going to bring the Toa Nuva art fold-out poster from 2003 as well.)     Also, current wallpaper.   -CF



3 Starfighter Mocs

First, the Icicle. The fig came first. I liked the goggle-on-helmet combination. Next came the body, the icy-looking Exo-Force plug-suit. By now I knew I wanted a ship called "The Icicle," pointy, white, blue, and using the trans-windshield. (I had also felt like making the pilot female, to switch up my building and because I had a few female heads lying around.)   Next up is the Gordic (a name suggested by a friend after seeing the Gryffindor colors. Plus the pointed, gryffin-like nose



A Legend Passes

Other blogs have mentioned it, but I feel I should make a comment as well as I have had great appreciation for this person.   May nnenn rest in peace.   His creations are amazing. His vision extraordinary. His impact to the AFOL community great.   He has left quite an emptiness in the LEGO world now, but what he also left was inspiration for us all for time to come.   -CF



Lego Bought Recently

Very recently I acquired quite a nice selection of LEGO:   *First, I was able to use TRU's Buy1, Get1 half off sale and get, as you might have read, the SP3 Raid VPR. (As well as another set which can not be revealed at this point.) *I also bought a slew of pieces which you saw used in my Doctor Who LEGO figs and such. *Then, right before the WAMALUG meeting a few weeks ago, I swung by the LEGO Store. There I got the Atlantis Manta Ray figure impulse set as well as white Classic Space minif



Obsession, I Guess.

What's crazy is that almost a year ago I had just started watching Doctor Who. Then, by the end of the summer I was done with Eccleston, maybe even Rose, and finished up Donna's season over winter break so I could see The End of Time just after it aired. And now here I am, scrambling to find ways in America to watch Smith.   -CF



Remeber That Wip?

Toa Mata-sized with the blade for an arm and the hat thing and orange Mata feet?   Well, no new body to make him awesome yet, but the pose he is in on my shelf currently is pretty cool.   -CF



Doctor Who-- Lego!

Everything. I can't remember the last time I invested so much into LEGO. 10th's and 11th's hairs were $4 each (after shipping), as was the Ood head.   Some quick links: TARDIS Latest three Doctors Master and Toclofane An Ood Sonic Screwdriver (9th, 10th) (11th will be hard.)   I'm pretty much done with a complete Girl in the Fireplace clockwork droid. Just need photos. And when I get the Harry Potter Quidditch set, one of the figs has perfect hair for Captain Jack. And if I can find s




Jewel Staite (Firefly's Kaylee and Stargate: Atlantis's Dr. Jennifer Keller) and Sean Maher (Firefly's Simon Tam) will be appearing in an early episode of Warehouse 13's 2nd season! (As a couple, no less.)   Also, despite me "not watching TV," Community has quickly become a guilty pleasure. Probably because not only is it witty, but it's humor is much more cleaned up (though not perfect) from most TV shows nowadays. And the characters are great. ("Ketchup is a vegetable!" "This won't work



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