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Kindle Or Nook

Does anyone have any strong opinions or facts on these eReaders? I am half-tempted to get one, and was focusing on Amazon's Kindle until recently someone had some great info on Barnes and Noble's Nook.   My biggest questions/concerns: -Are buying books for it extremely cost-effective compared to the hard-version of a book? -Are there ways to "borrow" a book for a short period of time, as I get most of my novels from the library? (And I know that really old books are usually free.) -Are tex



Jackson Lake Minifig, Please

Jackson Lake, the supposed "next Doctor" in the 2008 Doctor Who Christmas special "The Next Doctor" (one of my favorites) has a suit/vest style that just can not be replicated in LEGO minifig form yet. There is no torso out there that is appropriate for this character.   Until now? I would risk considering a Weasley twin torso or Ollivander's (but that is a stretch) from the new Diagon Alley set.   HOWEVER, my fellow Whovians, if you spot a torso that would be perfect, I would love to know i



Harvest Faire

Going to a local Renaissance Festival today with my family who is visiting for Family Weekend. (A small one, I gather, compared to the Maryland Renn Fest.) It is practically behind the university, so no complaints there.   I had a cosplay for The 11th Doctor all ready (shirt, pants, suspenders, bow-tie, sonic screwdriver, no jacket) but the temperatures are going to be near 80 degrees and I want to be comfortable. Shame, though, because it would have been really clever. (But the costume is



SĠŮ: Aftermath

1) If Rush's wife and that other guy are figments of his imagination, how do they know more than he does? Like mentioning how he ignored the volcanic disruption, yet that guy knew about it. (I guess Rush really did see it but ignored it, and now readdressed the issue.) (I guess, however, that the notion of them being projections of the ship or possibly ascended beings also works.)   2) If you are being suffocated wouldn't you pass out first? It just seemed like a risky move to just leave him



Community, S2

The season premier was awesome, but last week's episode was absolutely golden!   Looking forward to episode three.   -CF



SĤĮƤ Ponderings

Say...if I built Atlantis (Pegasus Galaxy city), wouldn't that technically count as a spaceship? [/non sequitur (that could still be answered)]   In the AFOL-verse, building a SHIP is quite an accomplishment. A SHIP is a Seriously Huge Investment in Pieces, resulting in something, most notably a spaceship (though huge navy ships, airplanes, castles, mosaics, big Bionicle MOCs and anything really big are all equal accomplishments IMO) that is over 100 studs long and thus requires lots of time a



The Diagon Alley Set

Wow, LEGO really outdid themselves this time with the new Diagon Alley set. And this really seems like something that I wanted but never knew it until it was released. It just makes so much sense!   Can't really complain about the buildings they chose; there are plenty more we know of but it would just raise the $150 price tag. Speaking of which, that small detail is probably the only thing keeping me from really wanting to buy it. Even on sale, say half off, that is a lot of money.   Over



Brickfair '11 Confirmed

BrickFair 2011 will be the first weekend of August at the Dulles Expo Center again--just in the other (and bigger) building!   I guess I should send Todd my $50 now.   -CF




In reference to yesterday's entry...   Then again, could I go two years with a dissatisfying phone? And at $10 a month, that is reasonable considering I have a job. Functionally, it is also better. I am more or less a power user, taking advantage of keyboard shortcuts and whatnot.   I feel that looking at it in the long-term, the better option is to go for the better phone, even if it costs me a little more.   -CF



New Phone Conundrum

Let me ramble...   As far as I know, I get a new phone in December with Verizon's "new every two" deal. (I hope it does not pertain just to my mother, the plan-holder.) Basically, every two years one can replace their old phone for a new one, on Verizon's tab (unless the phone is too expensive, then you pay the difference). I definitely can not get the Droid for the expense reason, though the required $30 monthly data plan is also a factor. However, even the required $10 data plans are also



Secondly, SĜŪ Awesomeness

Last night's episode of Stargate Universe was a good start to the season. It was weird, suspenseful, challenging, and twisting. Although I had read spoilery synopses online, I was still surprised by some of what happened.   Last year seemed to be letting down for the first half, up to season 10, and the second half was still dragging a little while they did introduce more story. From what I have read so far though, this season should be better in overall plot and story-arc. I am looking for



SĜŪ Trickery

OK, I greatly enjoyed tonight's season premier of Stargate Universe. I also think this season has a ton of potential.   But enough small talk. I get an email from my dad halfway through the episode saying "How are you liking Stargate Universe so far? I’ve been watching it too and it looks a whole lot better than on my laptop!" (via Hulu a week later). (What's funny is he has always been on the fence but still watches it. Heh, gives me someone to talk to about it.)   But no, not on his lap



Library Job

I decided it would be advantageous for me to get a job this semester, so I would not have to draw from the money I earned over the summer/winter breaks and likewise possibly save some of what I would earn at school.   My friend mentioned he was wrapping up his job at the school's library to work at the school's computer lab. I asked if his position was open and if I could have it. He said he would ask his boss about saving it for me. Next thing I know I am meeting him in the library to talk



New Things!

1) Found out Anberlin had a new CD (despite lack of a banner in DeeVee's sig ) so DLed that immediately. It's good, sure, but I have not come across any addicting songs like their other CDs have.   2) Made an order on an online site and it came in! In it was...army-green Blue Sun t-shirt! Woot for geekiness!   3) Speaking of geekiness, along with that order of a Firefly shirt was...the 11th Doctor's sonic screwdriver! It's all kinds of wonderful. (Also, the burgundy bowtie came in, so no



Set Reviews

Deep Sea Striker $10 from BrickFair, but if I knew how awesome the set was I would gladly pay the full $20 if I had had to.   I also got Shadow Snapper back in March along with the SP3 Raid VPR when TRU was havinga BOGO1/2 sale, but he is kind of meh. Sure, I'm going to have a great time with the 7 black Kiina armor pieces, and some other nice things, but the turtle itself is smaller than expected and I just could not get excited over playing with the set, posing it to look cool, etc.   I al



So Shall It Be Written

...so shall I get the Pharaoh and Vampire collectible minifigs!   A little less than a year ago I made friends with a family in WAMALUG. A mom, dad, and their 11-year-old son, Ben. It was nice to be able to talk with them about being a college AFOL and enjoy seeing their son stick with LEGO as he approaches middle-school and consequently the hurdle of the "Dark Ages." They've done nice things for me, and I enjoy seeing them at WAMALUG (and BrickFair) when I go home.   Today in the mail ther



Ahoy, Scurvy-ridden Traitors!

Think you had today all figured out, did ya? Think ye and your gang would have a nice day out of port fer some sight-seein' or sommat? Well think again, ye scallywag! Today be International Talk Like a Py-rate Day, and ain't nothin' gonna stop it from happening! So pull up anchor, set sights on the horizon, and travel to wherever suits your fancy! You gotta be free to be a pirate!   -CF



Time Zones

Arpy is no longer 3 time zones away, and is instead just one. Makes IMing easier...were I/we ever on.   I had a similar revelation at BrickFair with people being right here. (Well, "right here" being back in NoVA and not down here 3 hours away at school.) No three hour difference then!   And now I have a friend studying abroad in Scotland, so that is a five hour difference. I might be finishing up lunch while she is finishing up dinner. Makes chatting kind of hard come the evening.   -CF



I Don't Get It

I mean, I do get it, it's just terribly annoying.   Not that my roommates and I want to relocate after this school year, and instead just keep our room until graduation, but in the event that I am in need of a new roommate(s) next year, I sure hope they don't get all riled up and play video games like Halo: Reach and whatnot the minute it comes out against each other into the wee hours of morning (well not really), making tons of noise and cursing when they "die." IT'S JUST A VIDEO GAME!   Ye




I hate being sick. I hate realizing that my night would be better spent lying in bed watching TV/movies on my computer* than doing homework.   I don't like going through an entire box of tissues in one day.   On the plus side, I am catching up on Warehouse 13. (Badger Mark Sheppherd is back!) (And I enjoyed the previous episode.)   And I'm trying a bunch of new teas.   But after three days, I better be better tomorrow.   -CF *Not that I mind that particular activity.



Affirmative Action

Space Police III. Great theme. But why oh why are the aliens always being captured by presumably human police? Apparently LEGO promised us an alien cop for the second wave, but we can all see the hollowness of that.   However, it is not impossible to do it yourself. After all, this is LEGO! When they do not give us what we want, we build it! (With, of course, some human law-breakers.) (Full spread.) (Gallery, if it ever becomes public.)   Sure, it is nothing much, considering the bodi



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