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Superbowl Commercials

Highlights: Doritos Reviving ("Grandpa!") Star Wars Volkswagen Bud Light Product Placement   Unseen footage from Cowboys and Aliens. First footage of Captain America. Terra Nova commercial (first footage?). And I can't forget the Pirate's commercial. "Captain, I wish to report a mutiny. I can name fingers and point names."   I was disappointed to not see the Old Spice Scent Vacation or Vodafone Double Rainbow commercials.   -CF



Oh Good

I don't have to change my blogging colors to show who I'm rooting for.   Edit: WOOT!   -CF



Oh Phooey

I had always said (in my head, not so much out-loud) that if this Doctor Who picture was ever made into a poster I would buy it in a heartbeat. Well, my ruling still stands, but now I've decided I'm not paying $25 for it. Cut that in half and then I'll be more ready to hit "buy."   There are a few other nice 11th Doctor posters (also remember I already have a 10th Doctor one from The Stolen Earth, but there aren't any 9th Doctor posters, unfortunately but not surprisingly) out, but I have my



Spinning Battles

Posters don't normally come in LEGO Mag anymore, and though I do not anticipate any Ninjago purchases, but the poster that came with this issue was a pleasant surprise and is now taped to my wall.   Looking back, another issue had a long Atlantis centerfold, but it was in 3D. Shame, I would have put that up as well.   -CF




I finished Suzanne Collins's final segment of The Hunger Games Trilogy, Mockingjay, a few days ago, and then promptly wrote a review about it for the school paper. Here's a few select paragraphs that generally sum up my thoughts:   All throughout the series, chapter-by-chapter, twists are revealed and shocking events occur, even despite moments of predictability. This keeps the reader guessing, pleasantly surprised at some moments and eager to turn the page at others. Its strength is the pace



College Late Nights

Homework to do. But then your roommate gives your friends and you some amazing news. Then you all hang out chatting about life for the next 4 hours.   Even though you know you're going to be sleep deprived, probably neglect a homework assignment for class, and have to rush around doing things the next day, these truly are the best moments of college.   -CF



Exclusive SĤĮƤ Preview

I have completed all my digital work on my upcoming Explorien SHIP. Everything else (nose, greebles, work on engines, etc) will be done by hand once I assemble most of it.   And since I don't feel like revealing my plans on Flickr, I show them to you:   I'll be getting more trans-blue 1x2 bricks to add more color, as well as a lot of trans-neon-green pieces. The top stripe will be greebled all the way down.   And I want to work on some landing gear.   -CF



Dinosaurs 101

There should be a college course on dinosaurs.   You know how probably all little kids love dinosaurs? (Think Calvin and Hobbes. Or yourself perhaps.) What little kid doesn't like the T-Rex, or a stegosaurus, or a pterodactyl? Sure, you could go to your library and read some fun books and probably learn some things, but that's just basic childhood fun.   But now, now we're older. We still think dinosaurs are cool, but don't want to learn anything too serious. I want a college course on d



51 Bricks Tall

At the LEGO Architecture display in DC, they had a building area full of some tables and trenches of bricks. Zack and I decided we should build something extraordinary, considering we were the oldest ones there excited about LEGO. While there were stickers placed on the tables telling us to keep the building within a 16x16 stud base range, we went a little bigger.     It is 51 bricks tall not counting the additions to the roof.   We probably ate up most of the supply of black 2x8 bricks,



The Arpy Wave

I think I accidentally created the best dance craze for the decade.     (Pictures from Nukaya.)   -CF



Make It Spin

I ordered it. It arrived. It sat on my shelf and then I moved it to the living room with all the other DVDs. That's right folks...   Stargate SG-1 the Complete Series, Collectors Edition came in yesterday!     It's pretty awesome. Geek-tastic. A roommate said he would start watching if I bought it, so he's borrowing the first disc (I've already seen 2/3rd of the first season). I'm probably going to wrap up the first season this week, but then I need to watch 90 episodes of Farscape bef




I am off to the FOCUS Conference in Baltimore with 14 other "local" colleges this weekend! (I wish there was an attendance number up. 1000 maybe?) From what I hear it should be amazing. It's a gathering of a bunch of Catholic college kids to have a weekend of fun, gathering, and devotion. And the Baltimore harbor is pretty cool too.   -CF




I watched it on Monday.   And I must say, I think it is a completely flawless movie.   -CF



Purchased Sg-1

I just bought the entirety of Stargate SG-1 on DVD from Amazon for $101.   I almost bought The Ark of Truth for $10, to wrap up the series, but I won't need it for another two years at least probably. And I have Continuum on my hard drive (or else another $10 there). The special edition of Stargate was tempting ($7), but I don't really need it...yet.   And I could have ordered Stargate Atlantis for $80 (making my total purchase around $200), but I should be frugal. I wouldn't touch it until



Birthday? Birthday!

It just so happens to be Bundalings the Bunny's* 18th birthday!   That means: 1) He can buy dry ice. 2) He is an official AFOL! (and 3) A bunch of other things... bah.)     Also, a few things about myself: -Someone get me a Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster! -(J/k. I will not go out and drink certain beverages tonight, because I walk against society and their expectations of what someone should do on a day like mine. I just don't see the point.) -Actually I've found a recipe for a Whovian-the



Locked And Loaded

(Though really, it's the other way around.)   Birthday celebrations happened a few days early with another friend who's birthday was yesterday! Tonight my friends all celebrated our two birthdays halfway between each, having some waffles and a bit of cake.   Also, with two friends visiting to see the Blue Man Group, my mom had them bring down a cake she baked and some presents from my family. We cut into the cake after BMG, but I saved the presents for my birthday tonight.   Aside from my f



Blue Man Group!

The Blue Man Group is at the university's center for the arts this weekend. Some friends and I went tonight and boy, what a show! They are phenomenal. I'm sure everyone who has already seen them will agree with me, and when I say that the performances are fantastic, funny, random, and worth every penny.   We got some pictures, with my cell phone (so they're not so good), and it was pretty exciting:   -CF



Tv Watchings

Some TV shows I have started watching, am continually watching live on TV weekly, and shows I hope to soon watch:   Currently on, or soon: Stargate Univsere Community (the Excel Saga of sit-coms.) Chuck The Big Bang Theory (just renewed for another three years!) Castle (I don't watch this weekly, but I should.) (Doctor Who Series 6)   Catching up, just started, in the middle of: Primeval (I just finished the first season. Loved the ending!) Life on Mars (BBC) Being Human (BBC. I'm we



Bold Colors: Winners!

Thank you, everyone, for participating in The Chocolate Froggy Bloggy's Third Building Contest: Bold Colors! Entries were submitted, votes were cast, and now I am here to present to you your champions!   With an overwhelming 15 votes we have ~Felix the Cat~'s Error 404. For second place we have, at four votes, Lord Oblivion's The Red Knight (Centaur Form). A small snafu came up for third place, as there was a three-way tie. I don't have that many prizes. Luckily I did not vote, and I said



Bold Colors Poll: Finalists

Tell your friends!* Welcome to the third blog contest in the ChocolateFroggy Bloggy: Bold Colors! Members were tasked with building a MOC using clashing colors and to make it look good.   Please choose ONE (1) MOC from the poll below (entries randomized to be fair) that you feel are worthy of the prize,** and post your choice in this entry. DO NOT EDIT YOUR POST, or it will be ignored. (Seriously, I will ignore it. And that post could be the deciding factor between your favorite MOC and the



Outpouring Of Projects

A few things I want to build: LEGO fish for my fishbowl. I hope I can bring it to BrickFair. A SHIP. (Next semester's project.) A tube-like space ship with the outer hull adorned with the 75 \purple/yellow spiky bits from Dark Panther I have. A flower of many petal layers with the 75 purple/yellow spiky bits from Dark Panther in my posession. (For BrickFair. A summer project.) A secret 3D mosaic project for BrickFair. (Unlikely if I pursue with these other more promising projects). Steamp



Hero Factory 2.5

It started with the desire to make Stormer 2.0 completely white, since Nex had a few white pieces of armor. Then I just started switching things up everywhere else and next thing you know...     And looking at that picture, I was suddenly reminded that I wanted to replace Stormer's and Nex's feet with Toa Mata ones because I don't like these. (Update: I did that at WAMALUG today, and I think Toa Metru feet look better. So I put those (white) on Stormer.   -CF



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