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2 Hot Hopics! :d

I just noticed that I hold Hot Topics 9 and 10 today!   together they have a grand total of a massive 15 posts! 7 in my OoMN thread and 8 in my Bionicle Elements poll.



The Perils Of Having A Shifty Disabled Brother

One thing you may not know about me is that I have a severely disabled brother. He has a severe intellectual disability with Autistic tendencies.   However, hidden behind that disability is a hidden intelligence, and a cunning that rivals even mine! Nothing is safe when he and only he is around! Last night I found this out the hard way: I left my good pair of shoes out in the computer room overnight while my brother was on the computer, and this morning when I got ready for TAFE I found them wi



Finally The "news" Streak Is Over!

You may have noticed that the past 12 days have had only "News" stories, ie. with the red Hau Nuva. Finally today, that streak is ended by a "Market" story! But 12 days has to be a new record for any news type, right?



Tally Results And Future Plans

My "What Bionicle Characters do you want as sets" tally, which ran from December 11 2010 to March 5 2011, is now a dead topic, so I shall post the results right here (those with a * are multiple-of-a-kind in the story):   Sisters of the Skrall* - 6 MU Robot - 12 Makuta Kojol - 7 Makuta Tridax - 5 Makuta of Stelt - 3 Toa Helryx - 25 Toa Tuyet - 15 Toa Orde - 12 Toa Chiara - 12 Toa Zaria - 12 Toa Varian - 6 Lariska - 21 Dezalk - 1 Tamaru - 3 Kotu - 2 Johmak - 3 Jerbraz - 5 Phantom - 4 Baterra* - 1



An Update To My Pokerus Entry

It turns out that Darumaka was actually the THIRD wild Pokemon I found with Pokerus! A Magnemite I captured in Diamond last year had Pokerus when I captured it, but I already had Pokemon with Pokerus in my party, so I thought maybe it got it from them. But a recent post in the Official Pokemon Topic proved that theory wrong:    



My Second Lot Of Pokerus!

Last night my friend offered me his Deoxys for my Pokemon White game, not caring what I gave him. Being a fan of Deoxys, I agreed, and captured a Darumaka to give him.   We traded, and then all of a sudden, the other guy told me (we were talking to each other on online chat at the same time) that the Darumaka had POKERUS! Well, you should've seen the look on my face! Not only did I find Pokerus, but I just traded away my only Pokemon with it!   Since this was the SECOND time I found Pokerus (I



Day Off Tafe, And My Love For My Nan

A couple of weeks ago, the instructor for our second of two classes I have on a Thursday said he'd be away, so we'd have the class off (a popular rumor suggests that he's off to a Starcraft tournament, because he's a Starcraft fan). This morning, when I arrived at TAFE, I was told that the instructor for our first class was also away, so we got the day off!   Normally I'd go straight home and play on the computer and talk on BZPower, but since today's Thursday, I instead decided to pay a surp



Plans For An Official Site

This year I'm studying web design, and I will learn how to publish web sites to the Internet. I'll even get to publish an actual site to the Internet! If I play my cards right there may very well be an official Bring Back Bionicle Club website, and if I can make one I'll post it in the Bionicle-related Websites thread.   Various things I'll be asking around BZPower relating to Bionicle's return will be posted on the site, such as my new poll, but some will also be posted here for safekeeping, or



The Day I Foresaw Scrafty

We all know about the dangerous primate animal that lives in our city streets called the "street teenager" (or "chav" in Europe). I remember once thinking, "What if street teenagers were Pokémon? What typing would they have?" I figured they'd be a combination Dark/Fighting type, because those two types fit street teenagers perfectly. "Dark" because they're nocturnal and evil, and "Fighting" because of their violent nature.   Then came the 5th generation of Pokémon games (Pokémon Black and White



Proof That Machops Are Cute

I've gotten complaints that my images are too big and take too long to load, so I'm instead using links. That'll also give me enough space to put multiple links in one entry! My older entries with pics have also been deleted.   As you know, Machop is my favourite Pokemon because of how cute it is. However, the majority of people don't see the cute side of Machop. Well, that's why I'm here. I have 3 images on deviantArt that will hopefully change your view of Machop:   Sleeping Machop - probabl



The Bring Back Bionicle Club, Bzpower Branch

Welcome to the BZPower branch of the Bring Back Bionicle Club! We're a group of stubborn Bionicle fans who want the sets back.   Other branches of the club do exist, but BZPower rules prevent me from linking to, or in some cases even mentioning, any of them. You'll have to find the other branches on your own.



I Love My Cute Little Machop!

Come on, you know Machop is cute! I mean, who couldn't love those endearing eyes? That adorable face? That loving embrace?   Just don't call it cuddly or else it will hurt you.



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