Something I've always loved doing was travelling to new places on trains. I've loved trains my whole life, and always got a thrill out of train travel. Lately, though, travel along the train line I live near to the city has become stale, because I've done it so much in my life, and as of late, I've travelled parallel to the line by car quite a bit, to and from my nan's place (before she went in to care). When I move away, I hope to live near another train line for a fresh change. Many train li
In my previous entry I stated that I wanted to contact and befriend a Canadian with incontinence and a fear of social media, as much as I want Bionicle back. However, I was stupid enough to say "almost as much", and got flamed about it. Not even a word about the disabled person himself! Why are priorities more important than the well-being of someone disabled, dare I ask? > I've wiped the comments clean so we can start fresh with REAL discussion.
According to a REALLY old video from the Wiggles (I think it was their first) called "Wiggle Time", November 3 is Dorothy the Dinosaur's birthday! Judging by the release of the video in 1993 that reveals that she turned 5, she would turn 23 today.
Next week, my disabled brother will be at respite for a week, and my parents will be going on holidays for the same time, leaving me free to do more of what I want. I do still have TAFE, but I'll be free to go on an outing on my own. My plan is to go to a place called Stony Point, just like I had with my parents about a decade ago. My reasons for going on this trip, I want to keep to myself, because it's a little embarrassing to discuss. nh
QANTAS decided to put themselves first and neglect tens of thousands of passengers, including many sick and dying passengers, by grounding their entire fleet, losing more money over this pay dispute than they would've if they had done nothing. I think QANTAS needs to just grow up and stop being so selfish. If not, then Australia will die, and the Global Financial Crisis will worsen.
So, because of TAFE and an upcoming public holiday, I get 5 consecutive days off TAFE! Friday (when I did my driving test) was a normal timetable day off TAFE for me anyway, Saturday and Sunday were the weekend, Tuesday we get off because of Melbourne Cup Day, and Monday the TAFE gave us off because of Cup Day. After that we only get 2 days of TAFE, and then 3 days off for a normal long weekend. Then things go back to normal (kind of; watch this space).
I passed my driving test today and got my P plates at last! My first solo driving trip was to a reunion at my old primary school. So yeah, overall a great day.
That's right, YOUR lesson, not YOU'RE lesson! Okay, let's begin by learning about the words "there", "their" and "they're". "There" refers to place. Eg. "I live just over there". It can also be used in such context as "There is no need to worry." "Their" refers to possession. Eg. "Their lawn needs mowing." "They're" is a contraction. It is short for "they are". Eg. "They're not heading to school today." Now, next up is the difference between "your" and "you're". "You're" is another contra
Well, today is my parents' anniversary, so they're out for dinner atm. My brother is also out at respite for the week, leaving me home alone for the night, so I only get to cook half the lasagne I usually cook on a Thursday. Sadly, it's taking twice as long to cook! I have to wait an hour instead of the usual half an hour! I LOVE MY LASAGNE! I CAN'T WAIT THAT LONG!!
I just came back from an all-you-can-eat restaurant. Normally when I go there I have 3 or 4 dishes, plus desert. This time however, I could only manage 2 and desert. It's common for a growing teen to eat heaps, but I'm beginning to think that phase is now behind me... *starts feeling old*
My driving test is coming up in a few days, and I'm a little nervous. If I pass I'll post it here even though post-it-here topics aren't allowed on BZPower. Watch this space!
Anyone remember Commander Keen? My fave race in that series was the Shikadi. They have to be the most unique fictional race in the history of ever! I've actually dona a couple of pictures of them, one by hand nod one using Photoshop. [image Linked -Takuma Nuva] In this pic, they are on the planet Korath III constructing their gigantic weapon of mass destruction (for lack of a better term), the
If you really like something, you shouldn't let age or your social life stop you from enjoying it. I personally don't believe in growing out of things. Such a concept is only an excuse for trying to fit in with the social norm. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a teddy bear to cuddle with!
Well, I finished fixing every link in the list of BBBC members so they point to the new board's profile page. Thankfully, using BBCode (or whatever it's called) made it MUCH easier! I'd like to take this time to request that all members let me know whenever they change their display name, so I can update the list.
A posh woman is sitting at her desk looking through the Yellow Pages. "Oh...? Jan? JAN??" Jan begins to approach the woman's room "Where's our ad in the Yellow Pages directory?" Suddenly, Jan, having forgotten to place the ad, walks out of the building. The posh woman could tell, and tries in vein to hide her frustration. "Keep calm, count to 10: 1, 2, 3... 8, 9, 10..." She slowly gets up and walks to the window, where she sees Jan running past in the street far below. She opens the
Sorry; I have a habit of being nostalgic. This time it's the owl-like Furby that was so big in the late '90s that even I had one! Anyone else remember them?
The BZPower Branch of the Bring Back Bionicle Club is still active and accepting members. During the downtime, the club has gotten bigger. It has another branch (with yet another on the way), and its very own website! Unfortunately, I am not allowed to post a link here.