Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, No escape from reality Open your eyes, Look up to the skies and see, I'm just a poor boy, I get no sympathy, Because it's easy come, easy go, Little high, little low, Any way the money goes doesn't really matter to me, to me Lego, I just killed a line, Put a gun against its head, pulled the trigger now it's dead Lego… saga'd just begun, But now you've gone and thrown it all away Legooooo oooh, Did you mean to make me cry? If i
No. I am not the biggest HF fan, so that's a contributor, and I understand Bionicle is 100% dead with no return in the next 10+ years, but BZP did start on Bionicle, and I'd much rather have a Lego/Bionicle focused forum then an HF/Lego focus, as that wouldn't do anyone any good. Source: Bionicle Zone Power Or Hero Factory Power I should just stop looking at that thread. The more I do, the more insulting the posts get. Apologies to Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen for doing this to his post, but
We all know that Matoran become weak and eventually unconscious without Kanohi, and yet also do not have the mental capacity to use Kanohi powers. My question is, why did the GBs design the Matoran to rely on the Kanohi, when the Kanohi apparently only serve as a weakness to them, gaining nothing from the masks. This one has got me absolutely stumped... Source: Quick Q On Matoran Kanohi Well, it looks like my phrase "Quick Q" has caught on!
All over the Internet, I see nearly everyone using wrong grammar. Because so many people are doing it wrong, I've started thinking: maybe I am the stupid one! Maybe I'M the one who's doing it wrong! Take a look at this older entry. Are the definitions of each word described in that entry wrong??
So I attended the Pokemon TCG State Championships yesterday. It turns out the format was a ladder, not an Elimination like the VGCs, so I was unable to visit my nan at all. It gets worse. I lost EVERY match I was in. My only true achievement was the fact that I was able to knock out a Mewtwo EX, the most powerful, versatile and BROKEN card available! If I compete next year, I hope to use a colourless deck. Mewtwo EX's versatility means I may end up using 4 of them too (if there's one thing
The Pokémon Trading Card Game State Championships will be coming to Victoria this Sunday, and I'll be going! The bad news is that my nan's birthday is coming on exactly the same day! Selfishly, I decided to go to the championships so the deck I built doesn't go to waste after the coming rotation. However, if I lose early enough (which I probably will, since this is a newb's deck), I will leave the venue immediately to see nan.
A thread in each forum for single questions. That way the forums won't get cluttered with small questions like what I just posted in S&T. /shameless advertising
So, I met my Pokemon fan friends again today, and played the Trading Card Game with my deck for the first time. Every match I played today I lost, probably because I have no Pokemon EX and (at least now) only one legendary. My deck has been revised and changed a bit, but it still loses. All it needs to truly be complete now (since my friends are so generous) are a Raichu with Pain-full Punch, a Pokemon Catcher and an Espeon Prime. WILL THEY MAKE IT HERE IN TIME FOR THE TOURNAMENT???
My friend at TAFE just gave me his Pokémon card collection, and among the cards was an old-fashioned Double Colourless Energy! I always wanted one of those!
Scouts was mentioned in my last blog entry, once again prompting me to express my always-controversial opinion. I was in Scouts for 12 years, in a group called 1st North Frankston. It was horrible. I was forced into camps I didn't want to go on, I and others were treated like peasants by our tyrant of a group leader, called Maroa Pedlar, and that same leader literally tried to do everything in her power to keep me from getting my Queen's Scout! While she failed to stop me from getting it, sh
It's like it's not a Bionicle site anymore... If you ask me, it's a sign that Bionicle is dying forever, as if no-one is interested anymore. And Tohu approves of this? I thought he thrived on Bionicle!
...since my grandmother died. My grandmother was a semi-famous poet, who at one point had her own poetry segment on radio station 3AW. She was even on TV once! She was the sister of famous author Frank Hardy and former queen of Australian television Mary Hardy. I wrote a poem of my own about her for her funeral last year, which I will share here:
No, this does not have anything to do with ponies, this is to do with real life. When I started my TAFE course, I was scared I wouldn't get along with the other people in my group. Thankfully, I was wrong. My classmates are very friendly and tight-knit; maybe not as much as that local Pokémon group I can no longer name, but close. I hope it will add to the enjoyment I hope to have in this course. However, I am nervous. I've noticed a pattern in my life. If I have a really good year, it is im
I went to Chadstone Shopping Centre today and watched Pokemon White: Victini & Zekrom in Hoyts with some friends from that no-longer-mentionable Pokemon group. The movie was OK (despite having Scraggy ), but the video and audio was out of sync! Their lips would start moving just before they started talking! At least that annoying "Let's go!" from the Hoenn-Sinoh sagas is gone. Later, I went shopping with a friend and got... STOP THE PRESS... an HF set!!!!! I also got a few Pokemon cards
For the first time in 10 years, I have started collecting Pokemon cards again! My aim is to create a water/lightning/colourless deck that I can play with competitively, maybe even at the World Championships! Suck on that, Daniel Roche! The two decks I got today were a starter deck (which, as fate would have it, was water and lightning-themed) and Call Of Legends: Retort. So far I have Eevee, Jolteon and Pikachu, but I have a long way to go. I also have a Magby, which I can use to substitute
At last, I started my TAFE course! When I got to TAFE, it was so early that the campus was still closed! That's the last time I get up at 6am! My first class was Programming. We were simply introduced to the TAFE's online work delivery system, moodle. We also had to start a blog. I decided no to use this one because I felt the instructor may think I'm not taking the course seriously if I did. No offence. Our second class was Game Design. We didn't do much, but the instructor did talk abou
...I'm a happy single, and I don't want to get married. My apparent relationship with Waffles and (I think) BioGio doesn't even extend outside BZPower!
So, I attended another meetup in the city today, which was held at a place called Good Games. It's a venue where people play various trading card games, including Pokemon. Because I'm the world's biggest Machop fan, a friend gave me three original Machop trading cards! They have no competitive use anymore since they're so old, and were banned for being too OP for their time anyway. I also played a proper game for the first time! The end result was determined by the toss of a coin! I won, bu