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I apologise

In my last entry, I updated the issue of thieves attacking LEGO fans by stealing LEGO sets in Australia's east, and I'll admit I got a bit hostile writing it.   My negativity ended up polluting the sanctuary (as Nokama would put it), because a fight broke out and the boss had to shut the entry down.   I would like to apologise for my rant, and for my short-sightedness. As of late, I have been fighting my own country's Government, and that has resulted in an unusually short fuse. The sad part, th



$70,000 AUD and counting

http://news.ninemsn.com.au/national/2014/06/12/10/22/thieves-robbing-toy-stores-for-lego   The thieves reported on in my previous entry remain on the run. They have now robbed 5 stores in NSW and Victoria. It is plain obvious they hate LEGO and its fans with these constant attacks on US, and they MUST be stopped IMMEDIATELY.



$15,000AUD worth of LEGO sets stolen from Australian toy store

http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-06-03/thieves-steal-15000-dollars-in-lego-from-victorian-toy-store/5495608   A toy store in Seymour, a country town north of Melbourne, has been robbed twice by an organised crime gang. Among the stolen property were LEGO TECHNIC and LEGO City sets. The thieves removed the glass panel from the front door to gain entry, and in the first attack, removed the hard drive from the store's CCTV camera, stealing the evidence of their attack.



BBBC member dies in car accident

It is with great sorrow that we must inform you that one of our members, known simply as "Dat Toa Nuparu", has sadly passed away.   Dat Toa Nuparu was involved in a car accident that left him concussed and with a broken arm. He was rushed to hospital but died a short time later. He was only 17.   Rest In Peace, brother. May your soul finally find comfort.



Steam Train Mystery solved!

Nearly 2 years ago now, I said that I had heard what sounded like the horn of a steam train after I arrived at the train station near my home following a trip to Sandringham.   I now know what that sound was, and yes it was a steam train! On December 4 2011, a steam tour went from the city to the end of the train line I live on! For security reasons, I cannot post links or pictures that may reveal where I live, but I can say that I'm SPEWING that I missed it, more so because I was out on a train



I'm the first one on the newly-fixed forums!

I'm beginning to see the value of social media. Through it, I was able to find out almost immediately that BZPower had returned from its hack attack!   Thank you, Black Six, for your hard work and passion in restoring our beloved forums, and I hope the hacker is caught!



My Day at the Pokémon VGC National Championships

Yesterday, I finally got the chance to attend a Pokémon Video Game National Championships, something I've been dreaming of ever since the series started in 2009! The event was held in Victoria, Australia, at the Melbourne Showgrounds.   I had been working until late the night before to get my team ready. However, one of my Pokémon was below level 50, and when I arrived at the tournament, I discovered that all Pokémon below level 50 would NOT get scaled up like every other Pokémon! So I ended up



Australia in Pokemon Video Game World Championships! :D

That's right! Australia is officially a part of the Pokémon Video Game World Championships! :D :D   This weekend and next weekend, we will be holding State championships, where we will be competing for entry into our very own Pokémon Video Game National Championships, held in PAX Australia, right here in Melbourne!   Ever since Worlds started in 2009, I have been campaigning long and hard for Australia to get a fair go in Worlds, and a long last my labours, and those of many other like-minde



Nintendo and Pikmin

I heard somewhere that Nintendo makes Pikmin just for fun, not for profit, and wouldn't care if it makes a loss on the series. Can anyone here confirm if that's true?



We've Moved!

Due to issues with the "free" web host provider now charging excessive amounts of money to keep the website running, apparently due to the site getting a large amount of unique visitors, we have had to move the website to a new host, and therefore change its domain.   As part of the move, I have also given the site a minor overhaul. Its banner has been updated, the unused chatroom removed, and other parts of the website tidied up.   In addition, I have added a large number of games to the Games



New PB in Pokémon Tournaments

Great day today. Made a personal best performance in today's charity Pokémon tournament, coming third! I won a Pokémon Black & White shirt that features silhouettes of Reshiram and Zekrom.   I have a photo of me wearing it, but idk if I'm allowed to post it.



Winged Pikmin

I only just found out about the revelations for the new Winged Pikmin in Pikmin 3, announced in last night's Nintendo Direct.   I LOVE THEM! Aside from being cute, they are also versatile, and they make my author-like imagination go wild! I sincerely hope they make small plushes of these like they did with the first 5 Pikmin species.   For those who missed it, this is what winged Pikmin can do: They can fly, meaning they are not inhibited by land hazards such as water. When working with other w



Issues regarding the club's website

Our club's official website has recently reached a big milestone: 1,500 unique visitors in a single month! Because of this, our host, Free Hosting Cloud, has started to charge me money to keep the website online.   Although I have attempted to move the site to another host, none that I found have the capacity to hold our expanding website, which is currently in the process of adding a number of large games that once graced Bionicle's website. Because of this, I have found no alternative but to s



Re. A Short Message

I'm not going to name names, but are you sure the member who made the thread mentioned in this entry's title wasn't hacked?   I wanted to ask the member himself, but he appears to have been suspended, and I cannot access his page at all.



Pokémon X and Pokémon Y

Because every Pokémon fan knew there'd be huge reception.   OK, my opinions on this new game are:   1) THAT WAS QUICK! A new generation only two years after the release of the previous! 2) This is the first generation EVER where the first revealed Pokémon are its starters! 3) I believe Pokémon sprites as we know them are no more. There is WAY too much animation now! 4) WILL MACHOP AND THE EEVEELUTIONS BE AVAILABLE??? 5) on the topic of Machop's availability, it may be a version exclusive, whose



Celebrity blood

I've just been thinking about my celebrity grandparents (for lack of a better word), and realised I have a bit of each's blood in my veins:   My grandmother, Margaret "Peg" Hardy, was a poet. Every so often I rhyme my words, even by coincidence, and have been doing that even more since she passed away almost two years ago.   My great aunty, Mary Hardy, was a comedian. Though I'm not the funniest person around, I am very quick with witty jokes.   My great uncle, Frank Hardy, was an author. He wro



Baterra flog

The baterra near 100 supporters on CUUSOO, and not a moment too soon too. Please help me get it there.



It's time for my annual World VGC rant

I have just heard from a highly-respected Pokémon forum that once again, Australia has been banned from participating from next year's Video Game World Championships. Once again, Australia has failed to prove themselves worthy of matching skills with the rest of the world.   Are we not good enough? Is our Government that pathetic? Are we as a people too criminal? What exactly did Australian Pokémon fans, as a group, ALL do wrong to deserve being banned?   Of course, we CAN participate if we buy



Getting Bionicle games on my website?

I'd like to add some official Bionicle flash games to my website, such as the MNOLG, the Command Toa Mahri games and the Phantoka minigames. How might I go about doing this?   Sorry if this is in the wrong place.



I'm not 100% sure, but...

...I think the login issue wih the Archives has been solved!   It may be old news, but I only noticed when I clicked on the new link on the new forum's home page. Whether or not that new addition solved the problem, I don't know, but it still looks like it has been solved, because I can access the archives without getting logged off!   Thank you staff for fixing it!



That Awkward Moment...

...when you submit something to the news and then discover you got a detail wrong.   And THEN they post it on the front page with the wrong info!   That's actually what happened with the Purdue Pete news story. I told BZP the other day it reached 10,000 supporters in 36 hours, when in actual fact it took 9 days! Either way it was bloody quick!   I'm sorry I misled everyone with my mistake.



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