So, I decided to go on eBay for the first time in a while, and I found I didn't regret it: I found THREE sales for Misprint Kanohi! One for the 6 misprint Ruru (60 GBP), the 6 misprint Matatu (60 GBP) and one for a blue misprint Kaukau (20 BGP)! The seller is called teresaslegos. She is the best seller on eBay for Bionicle sets of verying rarities, especially full collections! VERY highly recommended! The Misprint Kaukau:
I just noticed we can add "entry images". I might have to do that later so I have proof. So, yesterday I went on yet another meetup with some friends from my Pokémon family, to attend a Trading Card Game Battle Roads in Geelong. I had to travel from one end of Port Phillip Bay to the other, so I got up very early. On the way to the station I saw a possum! Even though I live in Australia, possums are nonetheless a very rare sight, especially in my area! When I got to Southern Cross station,
Metro, a company in charge of electric trains within the Melbourne metropolitan area, has begun hiring trainee train drivers! Now I'm torn between applying for this position, and sticking with my conductor role at V/Line! What if I apply for this, and then get both!? I'm still studying a dual award, so it's gonna be hard to juggle 2 jobs and 2 courses at the same time!
In entries past I expressed my interest in working in the rail industry. Something I didn't mention (I haven't got a clue why) is that I applied online for a position as conductor at V/Line a couple of weeks ago. Yesterday I got an e-mail saying my application was accepted! THAT made my day! Today, for the next part of my application process, I had to do an aptitude test, which was divided into a verbal test, a numeric test and an error checking test. I had to answer a series of questions i
So, last night on Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos, I was finally able to pull off a Twilight Of The Gods win without Jaina's base falling! In fact, until Archimonde came, all that fell were the Guard and Cannon Towers, a farm and a Scout Tower! Even then, Archimonde only took down the other Scout Tower and another farm. No-one actually died! Dryads ftw!
They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old. Age shall not weary them, nor the year's condemn. At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, We will remember them.
So, today I explored the train lines to the east of Melbourne. Since there were a lot of stops, I'll divide this entry into paragraphs for each trip. Richmond-Box Hill The train was an express service, and quite empty. A spiritual healer was on board playing a small guitar. He later started chatting with another passenger. At Box Hill I had an early lunch of McDonalds. I also went to a gaming shop called EBGames to buy some Pokemon cards, but the store didn't have the booster I was looking for
Tomorrow I do a train trip to Box Hill, and the Alamein and Glen Waverley train lines. I'll also take the opportunity to apply for work at Metro, the company in charge of electric trains within Melbourne. Sadly, they recently axed a lot of jobs so I'll probably fall flat on my face, so I have a lot of backup plans ready: other places not involving trains where I could apply for work. To this day I have never worked for money despite my age, and I fear I've become too old for part-time work, an
Once again, I am at a loss for what I truly want to do for a living. I'm the kind of guy who is a jack of all trades, master of none. I'm good at a lot of things and I have a wide variety of interests, but I'm not GREAT at anything. I could continue my current pursuit of game development, which has interested me on and off for a while. My recently-developed love of reading (courtesy of Greg Farshtey, obviously) has inspired me to try and get back into writing stories, and I can tell the stori
It's been revealed that Eevee is part of the main Pokédex in the coming Pokémon games! I have therefore decided to get one of the games, and do a proper Eeveelution team! At this stage idk which game I want though.
...since I went Premier. I still remember posting my age-old Good Friday joke here exactly a year ago today. That joke was based directly on what I thought Good Friday meant when I was very young. I thought "Good" Friday meant you had to be good all day.
So, I bought a ticket at Southern Cross and asked about getting a job at V/Line, and the rep just said to go to the V/Line website, which I had already tried. I should've asked if there were any other ways to apply, other than via the website, especially starting at the bottom. I then waited for an hour and a half for the train to leave, during which time I watched the XPT CountryLink train leave for Sydney. The diesel I went on was an N-class diesel with N-class carriages (see pic below). Whe
Tomorrow I go on a diesel train trip to Shepparton. That's when I'll do the job application at V/Line. My dad printed two resumes yesterday, so I guess I could use the second resume to apply at Metro too. Metro is in charge of train services within the Melbourne Metropolitan area.
I recently found that I literally have an addiction to the Internet. I've heard that such an addiction is as bad as various other well-known addictions (none of which can be mentioned here), and from my experience I say it's true. My addiction has been having an effect on my entire life, from my social life, to my study life, to my financial life, to my personal life and even my overall work ethic! In other words, my addiction has made me lazy. My addiction started two years ago, with online
Wow. Wow. I feel old. When I was a kid in Boy Scouts, we used just used compasses. GPSes didn't even exist. I feel SO. OLD. Anyway I'd like to see bassist and drummer figs so I could make a complete band. Source: Collectable Minifigures You Want To See Was expecting him to say "Guitarist"! Or do we have one of those already? That makes two of us. This old fart didn't even KNOW today's Scouts used GPSes! I bet the group I was in doesn't!
Today I had chips for lunch. Afterwards I got sick with stomach cramps! THAT'S RIGHT, I OF ALL PEOPLE GOT SICK!!!!! I was forced to return home and rest because I couldn't focus. I'm much better now, but I want to rest the rest of the day and reduce stress. So please, no "Bionicle is dead" nonsense for now.
There are still a few train trips I plan to take at some point this year, which I could try and do during the coming TAFE holidays. I plan to travel up the Upfield line and visit Macaulay station, which is, correct me if I'm wrong, an underground station. I also plan to visit Box Hill for the same reason, and travel down the Alamein and Glen Waverly lines on the same day. I also plan to travel up to Shepparton via a diesel train. I'm also considering getting a job at V/Line, the company in cha
As all of you know, I am insane. However, despite being eccentric and immature my entire life, my personality as a child is nothing like it is now. Something happened around the time I reached adulthood, which started my downward spiral. When I was in Year 12, I was the most popular student at my high school. Everyone, students and staff alike, loved me, and I was happy. I also did Scouts for 12 years, finishing that same year, where I was never happy. After I graduated from high school in N