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It's Nearly Over!

I just came home from my final TAFE class. However, it is not over yet. I still have to do a couple more things for my last class, which I will have to hand in by Sunday Australian time (Saturday everywhere else).




I was never homeschooled in my time, and didn't even find out about the concept until I was nearly out of high school.   After seeing a few mentions of homeschooling lately, I've begun wondering: why do people get homeschooled? Clearly bullying can't be the only reason.



Sibling Rivalry

My only sibling may have a severe mental and intellectual disability, but that doesn't mean sibling rivalry does not exist in our family.   My brother has a cunning that rivals or even outdoes mine! He knows full well how to take advantage of his disability, and the fact that no-one will think much of him because of it, and uses it to make my life a misery.   This afternoon he went into my room and took out some of my Pokemon DVDs, my Pokemon Battle Revolution game, a couple of Pokemon books, an




A teacher in New York was teaching her class about bullying and gave them the following exercise to perform. She had the children take out a piece of paper and told them to crumple it up, stomp on it and really mess it up, not to rip it. Then she had them unfold the paper, smooth it out and look at how scarred and dirty it was. She then told them to tell it they're sorry. Now, even though they said they were sorry and tried to fix the paper, she pointed out all the scars they left behind. And th



Get A Job

After lunch today, I'll be off to apply for part-time work at a fast food restaurant called Red Rooster. There's a new one recently opened up at the nearby shopping centre.   In the past, I felt I was above getting work at fast food restaurants. Now, having never worked for money at the age of 20, I'm desperate.



Rahkshi Request

Could someone please post me a picture of a Stars Rahkshi's head/back on a normal, unmodified 2003 Rahkshi set?   Posting it here for all to see would be best.



More Trains?

I'm getting tempted to take a train trip east somewhere, again to experience diesel travel. Not sure where to at this stage, but that's not the point. The point is just the train trip itself, because life is not always about the destination.  



Study, Foosball, Games And Leukaemia/cancer

Well, I had today off TAFE because I finished all my work (what a nerd ), so I decided to apply for next year's TAFE course, Certificate IV in IT (Games Development) at a different campus. I got lost on the way to the campus because I had never been there before, and only found it on pure luck.   I asked reception where to go to apply, and they said it was in another campus, the campus I was studying websites this year. When I told them that campus had pointed me to them, they pointed me down a



All Clear To Study!

My mother said to me yesterday that I need to sign up for the Games course I wanted to do at TAFE. That means she has given the all-clear to keep studying!   I'll get to work on it this afternoon once I finish that assignment.



The Fruits Of Tutoring

Last night I finally got a one-on-one tutoring session with a talented Pokemon player on the Pokemon Online server I practice on, and now I have a brilliant team that has only lost once thus far! I even won a tournament with it! Naturally, my confidence has just used U-Turn!   EDIT: I just won my second tournament in a row there! :biggrin:   I know another tournament is coming next month, but idk if it will use the same rules as this online tournament did. If so, then I should be QUITE ready f



Lego Cuusoo Character Proposals

As you know, there is a proposal to bring back Bionicle in LEGO's CUUSOO site. What you may not know is that there are also proposals for individual Bionicle characters on the site. The ones I've found so far include:     Helryx Artakha Sisters of the Skrall Mata Nui (MU Robot) Tuyet   If any more come, please let me know.



I Suck At Pokemon

I'm trying to make and battle teams for the Pokemon Video Game World Championships (or at least an Australian tournament that may use those rules), but I'm failing SPECTACULARLY!!!!! I am currently in the bottom 50 in the server's rankings! Worse, no-one wants to tutor me, so I can't get better!



To All You Skeptics...

There's a story coming up on Australia's 60 Minutes about a crime wave in the Gold Coast that the police are powerless to stop. This is VERY CLOSE to where my friend from my Taming A Street Teenager entries lives, and could very well be the same crime wave he was caught in!   Needless to say, I'll be watching the story with interest this Sunday, and might mention some things here from the story later.



Motivation And Exhilaration

In my 100th entry, I mentioned that I have very little left to do to pass my TAFE course his year. Because of that, I am VERY motivated to get the tasks done, because I am highly confident!   And yet here I am on BZPower... :/ *gets back to work*



I Passed!

Just did a test for Microsoft PowerPoint 2007, and passed with an average percentage of 90.5%, including one 100% score!   Now they're talking about taking me to Las Vegas to participate in some Microsoft PowerPoint world championship! :/   And no this is not related to my last entry. This is a different, much smaller, certification.



I'm Gonna Pass!

ZOMG 100TH BLOG ENTRY!   I only have a couple of assignments I have to finish, and I'm confident I can get them done in time to get my Certificate!   My only concern is one class which is set up as nothing more than lectures and one or two small tasks per class, which no-one pays attention to. I know a test is coming, and I may need assistance to get ready for it. That test is my only true obstacle IMO.



My Train Trip

Today I took that diesel train to Stony Point (though I nearly missed it because roadworks made it almost impossible to find a carpark). The seats on the diesel were very comfy, and made the trip much more enjoyable.   Stony Point itself, however, was boring. All it was was a jetty, a caravan park and a fishing area. This goes to show that this trip was all about the journey and not about the destination. TBH the only point I had in doing it was to experience travel on that kind of diesel for th



Taming A Street Teenager Part 2

A while back I told the story of a friend of mine who had been plagued by gangs and killers for 10 years. Last time I posted, he was hiding in an abandoned house. Well, the news only got better from there.   He was able to escape the house and make it to the library, where he knew no-one would look for him. From there, he was able to make it home.   I then showed him my last blog entry on his life story. He understands everyone's doubts. He knows this sounds too dramatic to be true. But it is tr



Storm Damage Report

In my last entry that no-one read, I stated that a massive storm was about to hit. That storm ended up being pretty much the worst I've seen, comparable only with Cyclone Pancho at the Cuboree of 2008. Hail the size of marbles fell, and they fell so hard that I was afraid they'd break windows! The bottom of the house almost got flooded, as with the front yard. One of my smoke detectors also began leaking, apparently through a crack in a roof tile above it, so I was forced to take it down and dis



Ditto For Dream World Prez!

People! Go to The official Pokémon website's Vote To Befriend A Pokémon page and vote Ditto! If Ditto wins we get one with the Imposter ability, which allows it to transform into its opponent immediately upon entering battle!   UNITY! DUTY! DESTINY! wait what



3 Days Of Rain

I'm not gonna mention anything about Michael Jackson's killer's guilty verdict, because I figure someone else is gonna do that for me.     Instead, I'll ention Melbourne's weather. Today, and for the next two days, it's gonna be POURING RAIN! My poor parents are holidaying throughout that time and are gonna suffer! Meanwhile, I'm already drenched just walking for 5 minutes halfway across the TAFE campus to get to class!     Just as long as Friday's fine for my train trip. So far it looks like t



You Know What I Miss From The Old Forums?

Very funny topic closing posts! SPIRIT and Turakki #1 Lavasurfer (mainly) used to do them all the time, and I always looked forward to seeing their closing posts. Sadly, both of them seem to have mostly disappeared, and AFAIK no-one as of yet (except Nuhrii the Metruan just recently, prompting me to make this entry) has made any sort of attempt to make a funny topic-closer.   If I'm wrong, please do enlighten me.



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