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Why Can't Bionicle Return?

I'm sure Lego would've learned from their mistakes of making brittle pieces and using the Inika and Av-Matoran builds over and over.   I'm sure they could go in trillions of directions at LEAST with the story now that everyone's together on one now-whole planet.   I'm sure Toa Helryx, Artakha, the MU Robot, Kojol, Lariska Johmak and the Sisters of the Skrall would make brilliant sets.   But why is no-one giving them a chance?



The Freedom Of Minimodding

One thing I love about BZPower is that we're allowed to point new users in the right direction when they make mistakes. We're not allowed to do that on any other forum I frequent; they all call it minimodding, and infract you for it. Here, it is actually ENCOURAGED, because the staff here know that it makes their job easier.



What I'd Like To See In Buildable Action Figures

I'd love to see skeletons that are the size of Skrall, armed with a variety of weapons, like swords, bows and magical staffs. I'd also love to see a lich (which is an undead sorcerer and leader of an undead army/society) that's about the size of Tuma.   And to think I was afraid of skeletons over a decade ago...



I Stand At A Crossroads

I want to continue study at TAFE to get into the computer games industry, but my parents are against my continuing to study because they think I'm going to become a professional student, and do nothing but study for my whole life. Even if I can convince them, I won't have enough money to both start a TAFE course I found that I want to do, and buy my dad's car off him (my driving test is coming in a week).   I do plan to try and find work, but I'm scared. Getting part-time work is harder than peo



Taming A Street Teenager (Warning; Very Long Story)

Earlier this year I created my own chatroom. Not long after, a street teenager from Queensland started to frequent the chatroom seeking freedom and redemption, and I willingly took him under my wing.   Over time the former wild child soon became calm, friendly and open, and the two of us would become as close as brothers. He showed me his natural talent for rap music, and was even able to record a song! However, his past life in a gang war continued to haunt him, and dominate his entire life.  



Blog Bug

I just found a problem with the blog layout.   Whenever I access the blogs with Internet Explorer, the blog's rows appear massive, and they don't show the latest entry on the right.   Are these blogs simply incompatible with Internet Explorer?



Timid Bellsprout

This is the Bellsprout that follows me around on my journey, always out of sight. It wants to join my team and my quest, but is far too shy to approach me and ask.   Sometimes it can have its own adventures, and every so often its actions save me from danger, though I never realise.



Blog Approvals

Surprisingly, it's been a while since I last did a non-life news entry.   Just moments ago, I got my very first blog approval!   Thank you to Squishyfrog for the honour!   Who'd've ever thought that a pair of plush toys and a pair of scottish steam engines would earn me an approval?   Come to think of it, I need to get working on my own approval image. I'm thinking about using my Shiny Machop Wants a Hug image from dA.




So, we were having a break during my first TAFE class yesterday, when suddenly the power went out! When it came back on with a generator, the alarm sounded! We didn't evacuate at that point, but we were eventually told what had happened: the surrounding area had a power outage! The primary generator couldn't be fixed within the day, so to preserve energy, the entire campus was soon evacuated and we had the rest of the day off.



I Don't Like It!

If you are seeing this now, it means that I don't like it, When you turn my voice about, I don't like it, When you vote One Nation out, My language has been murdered, My language has been murdered, My shopping trolley, murdered! My groceries just gone!       To be clear, I have nothing against Pauline Hanson. I just love that song.   I wonder if any older Aussies remember that song...



And Now For Something Completely Different.

You may or may not know that I collect Pokemon plush toys. Here are some photos of popular Pokemon plushes that I have uploaded to deviantArt (if I'm allowed to mention that site's name):   These are my two Wobbuffet plushes. I added lipstick to the one on the right so I could tell them apart more easily, and because females have lipstick for real. Without it I'd have to look at their legs to tell them apart (The Wobbuffet on the left stands taller on his front legs than the one on the right do



The Nanny Plague

Please note: Despite the following rant, I am not racist. Please also note that this is going to be a very long entry.     Over the past decade, the Nanny Plague that has been spreading throughout the countries of the west has slowly been eating away at Pokemon from within. In the good old days Pokemon had a much higher target audience, but America misinterpreted it, thinking Pokemon is for little kids when it's really meant for people over the age of 10 (under-10s can also play it, as I did ba



Yes! Dos Games Can Be Played On Mac Without Dosbox

I regret posting this after the "befriend a disabled Canadian" entry, which disrespectfully got no replies...   During the downtime I downloaded DOSBox onto my Mac to try and get it to play DOS games. Somehow, though, it didn't work!   Then a message I found by chance online told me of another program called Boxer, which I could use to play DOS games on my Mac. I downloaded it, imported a few games, and HEY PRESTO, they worked! I even got Rayman to work for the first time in years! Not only tha



Why Suspensions Should Be Abolished

I believe suspending school students should be abolished and replaced with something more appropriate. People may think suspensions protect the victims of bullies, but they actually put them in more danger!   The bullies who get suspended HATE school. They don't want to be there. Therefore, they WANT to be suspended. They see it as a REWARD. And what better a way to get that 'reward' than to torture an innocent fellow student?   Long story short, suspensions encourage bullying.



Not One, But Three Pokemon Tournaments!

I owe BZP this update on my Pokemon tournament status. Just before the tournament in April, the forums went down, and stayed down for 5 and a half months! In that time, THREE Pokemon tournaments have gone by!   In the first tournament, I used the infamous Whimsicott+Terrakion combo. The way that combo worked was this: Whimsicott uses Beat Up on Terrakion, activating its Justified ability FOUR TIMES, boosting its Attack FOUR STAGES! Terrakion would then use Rock Slide to demolish both opponents a



My Freedom Is Gone

Well, the holidays are over. It's back to TAFE for me. I'm a little scared, because for one of my assignments, I have to find a client and make a website for them, all in 9 weeks!



My Team Is Ready!

Just last night I finally got my final Pokemon ready for the tournament, and still with a week to spare! Now all I need to do is practice with them.   I recently found out that we can switch Pokemon between battles, so I'm considering training a Psychic Pokemon and maybe a Chandelure, since the former could counter the main counter to my team, and the latter is all-round powerful.   It's unlikely that any other BZPers will be attending the tournament in Melbourne, but if you do, look for the A




Just as we were about to have dinner, the glass in our oven suddenly shattered!   Be warned. The same thing could happen to you at ANY MOMENT!




I was just in the new "Who would win?" thread, and I was just about to post when I noticed something in the Active Members list. From what I had seen it looked like my name was on the list twice! So I went back and had a look, and noticed the name "Makuta Oz" at the end of the list. Naturally curious, I clicked on his name, and found that he was a New Member! Perhaps he was a fan of mine, and joined because of me? Maybe it had something to do with the fact that I was recently in the Member Spotl



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