BY READING! I was never a fan of reading, especially long novels, hence why I hate Harry Potter. However, yesterday saw me ordering three Warcraft novels at the nearby bookshop: the War of the Ancients trilogy. However, only part 3 was on the shelf, so I decided I'd buy that and order the other two, and just read part 3 anyway, since I had little else to do. The difference between these long novels and those of Harry Potter is that I was already a fan of Warcraft before getting these books,
I remember when the Announcement was first made, I vowed to fight to bring it back until the end of 2011, and if it wasn't back by then, I'd fly to Lego's HQ in Denmark and kill myself. No joke. I've since mellowed, as if I've actually gotten over it (which I haven't).Now I'm just fighting until it comes back, even if I die first anyway. Otherwise I'd just be seen as just another madman, like that guy who did that terrorist attack in Norway "as a warning".
The Enter button on my MacBook Pro broke into pieces, so I'm getting it repaired. However, they are replacing the entire keyboard, so repairs will take a week. So, my activity on BZPower will be reduced until I get it back.
I have seen that new Amazon search ad thingy on the side of the front page of BZPower, and I don't like it. The default search term is HF, which, naturally, I find insulting for what is really a My Little Pony Bionicle website.
2011 was a big year for Bionicle, as it was its 10th Anniversary! Let's take a look back and see just how big it was! January The being that caused the Dreaming Plague is revealed to be called Annona Sahmad, Telluris and Metus follow Annona to the Skakdi Fortress, where she confronts the gold-skinned being February Orde and Gelu escape the intelligent Vorox hunting them, and discover that an MU inhabitant was a GB in disguise! BZPower goes into downtime for a week March BZPower retu
So, I took the train to the city (going down my line is getting staler every time I do it), and then met all my friends at the EBGames in Melbourne. As always, we went inside and started playing Pokemon together, and tried out some of the games they had on display at the Nintendo Experience upstairs. I was able to win every battle I participated in (which was actually quite a few), except one multi battle (where two people battle against two other people). The champion of the recent tournament
I'm headed into the city with a group of friends I made in a social media group, where we will celebrate my 21st and a fan's 20th, so I'll be out all day! Tonight, I and a babysitter (yes, I'm getting a babysitter at 21 :/) will have to look after my brother, and he's in a bad mood atm. My parents will go out to another friend's 60th birthday party. I wasn't invited because of my 21st birthday; it'd be impolite to interrupt a 21st with another birthday. I hope to spend that time playing Pikmi
I turn 21 tomorrow, on the 30th! Take that Comrade Gato! (lol I kid ) To celebrate my 21st, I'll be going to the city to meet some friends I met online, and we'll play video games together! I wonder if I'll be able to request to play Pikmin at the EB Games there. The second floor of the EB Games we're headed to has an exhibition called The Nintendo Experience, which is the same place the past three Pokemon tournaments were held.
My friend's birthday was yesterday, my mother's birthday is today, my birthday is tomorrow, my cousin's birthday is the day after, and another friend's birthday is the day after that! There are many other birthdays I know of around Christmas and New Years time. Are birthdays REALLY this commonplace this time of year?
So, I took the train to Southern Cross and bought my V/Line ticket, explaining exactly where I was headed. Sadly, there is still no passenger service between Geelong and Ballarat, so I had to take the bus instead. On the bright side that made the tickets cheaper! During my half-hour wait for the start of the next stage of my journey, I explored the other side of Southern Cross station, where I had gotten my tickets. This side was full of diesel train routes, and I was surprised to see that t
I looked up train ticket fares for tomorrow's trip, and discovered I have to pay for separate tickets each trip! This means I'll have to pay almost $30 AUD for fares alone!
...and NOTHING has been opened! my illness yesterday meant I didn't want to eat anything else, my parents won't let me play my Pikmin games, and I haven't yet gotten around to watching Red Dog. :angry:
So, two items I got for Christmas were both Pikmin games. Christmas is nearly over in my time zone, and I've STILL yet to play them (in fact none of my presents have been opened!)! However, I have done a bit of research on Pikmin... ...AND DISCOVERED THAT PIKMIN PLUSHES EXIST! WANT!!!!!!!!!! My plan, as always, is to start buying them en masse once I move out.
I just got back from visiting my nan in her aged care home for Christmas. We had gone out to have lunch, and I ate WAY too much, and feel sick... AND I HAVEN'T EVEN HAD ANY CHOCOLATE YET!
A while back, my friend (yes, the one from my infamous "Taming a Street Teenager" entries) wrote a song about me and how I saved his life. Sadly, that song was lost when his laptop's hard drive blew up. However, he has since written another one! Just as a heads-up, his spelling and grammar are sub-par as a result of his hard life. Enjoy!
One day my friend WILL become a music sensation and I'll reveal who it is in my blog. And you will all be so shocked that you will... ANYWAY, I showed him some of the stories this blogfad has spawned. He liked the stories, but doesn't like the attention. Because of the traumas of the past year, he just wants to forget it all and move forward with his music career. Maybe it was a bad idea to tell his story... BTW, unless something happens, there will be no part 4 to his story until he becomes
There are three public transport ticketing systems in Victoria: Myki, Metcards and V/Line tickets. From January 1, all three will have their prices increased by 8.6%. This means I'll have to take the train trip this Wednesday, so I can get the tickets for cheaper.
Q: "Beginning with B, which science-fantasy line of toys was launched by the Lego Group in December 2000?" A: "Bionicle" They certainly did their research!
So, there's this train line that runs between Geelong and Ballarat, outside Melbourne's Metropolitan area. I feel like taking a look down there to see what that line's like. I also want to find out what kind of train runs down that line. I just got home from the rest of my Christmas shopping, and the news stated that plans have been put in place to build some new stations along that very line. Maybe I could take the trip twice: one on the 3rd of January, and one when the construction is finish
Last year I found a guy on a video site who has a very intriguing disability: incontinence! Ever since, I've started to wonder what it must be like to be incontinent, and begun to realise how much we really take for granted. I really want to send him a message of support, but I think he's lost faith in the Internet: his PMs and e-mails are blocked, apparently because he's been getting creepy messages and requests. I wish I knew a way around that so that I can, if nothing else, at least let h