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I Win Pikmin 2!

I went through the Hole of Heroes and was able to get all but one treasure. The one treasure was held by a Man-at-Legs, which was a pain in the neck to fight because there was so much water on the field. I was forced to skip it and keep going.   The final boss, the Raging Long Legs, was easier and more fun to beat. After I beat it and took its treasure, I returned the next day (Pikmin time) with 100 blue Pikmin and returned to the floor with the Man-at-Legs. Even then it was hard to beat, but EV



Today's Epping/hurstbridge Train Trip

So, I decided to take another leisurely train trip, this time to the lines in the northeast of Melbourne; the Epping and Hurstbridge lines.   Throughout my trip (except up and down my own line) I went on the kind of electric train that doesn't run on my line.   I went to Epping first and had a look around, but was quickly met by a begger, so I gave up some of my money, which proved to be a problem later. He said he'd repay me, but I'm positive I'll never see him again. I then tried to follow th



Major Pikmin Progress

I've made a LOT of progress in Pikmin 2 in the past two days.   Yesterday I discovered the Wistful Wild and the Doomsday Aparatus. Then I made 100 purple Pikmin to haul it to the Ship. I then found the rest of the above-ground treasures, and then started making progress in the Dream Den.   Today I collected every treasure in sublevels 1-13 except one on sublevel 10. The one I missed was surrounded by water, and I didn't have enough blue Pikmin to haul it to the research pod. Then I found Louie s



1 Week To Go

...before I start what promises to be my most fun TAFE course yet!   Before you start, TAFE = Technical And Further Education. It's kind of a Uni with more hands-on work.



I Feel Like Drawing A Baterra

IDK why; it's just some random urge to draw a Bionicle character I really like.   Yesterday I asked LEGO for a pic of the prototype, so even though I doubt it'll happen, I'll wait until I get a reply. I always have Legends Of Bara Magna for backup.



I've Been Looking At My Next Tafe Course...

...cuz it was updated on the TAFE's website at long last.   As mentioned earlier, I'm doing a Game Development course. The description recently added to the site mentions the three roles of game development:   Games Designer - comes up with the game play ideas, perhaps story line Games Programmer - the programmer actually constructs the game code Games Artist - creates all the art assets for the game   While they all look fun, I believe Game Design would suit me best, as that's where the most cr



Updates Regarding Projects On Lego Cuusoo

It has just been brought to my attention that the Bring Back Bionicle project has also been removed from LEGO CUUSOO's site. Naturally, this is a massive blow to our project. Following is a blog entry by LEGO CUUSOO regarding this and similar projects:   The projects I mentioned in my previous BBBC entry have also been removed. Curiously, my project regarding the baterra remains active, which means the reason for their removal remains unclear. A comment on said project also points against Bion



I Am Terrible At Pokemon Double Battles

I am on a massive losing streak on Skarmbliss' Pokemon Online server, where I can go to practice battles for Video Game Championships. I have tried all sorts of teams --- Trick Room... Rain... Goodstuff... even a troll team --- and NOTHING has worked! Even tutoring has mostly failed me, as mentioned in an earlier entry!   I am at my wits' end trying to do SOMETHING right there! I seriously feel like Jessie, James and Meowth trying to capture Pikachu, because I am doing NOTHING BUT LOSING!



Tafe-Related Work Beyond Tafe

Last year, one of my assignments for TAFE was to hand-code a website for a real company. I submitted the website for my selected company, and passed that assignment. It was then left to them to sort out uploading it to the Internet.   I just got an e-mail from them last night, saying they've still yet to upload it. I'll be seeing them this afternoon to try and answer questions they have for me. Wish me luck!



Taming A Street Teenager Part 4

By comparison to the stories told in the past, my friend has had a rather eventless past few months.   At one point he went to the beach and was caught in a rip. Luckily he was found and saved from the brink by a lifeguard. At the beaches in Queensland, they have flags along the coastline. These flags indicate safe areas to swim, and you have to swim between them to avoid being caught in rips. However, he says he WAS swimming between the flags! I imagine the flags were moved after this incident.



I See A Pattern Emerging

So, I attended another Pokemon tournament, and once again I lost in the first round. What I used was a Trick Room team a tutor helped me build, which means the strategy was not my own despite being Trick Room.   I've noticed that every time I lost in the first round, it was using a strategy that wasn't mine. The same thing happened in April and July. Thus, next time (and I know there will be a next time), I will use my own strategy, with help from no-one else.   I have a troll team that I use in



How To Treat Me And Why

I always speak to others the way they speak to me. Therefore, when dealing with me, you have to be gentle and respectful, so I will be gentle and respectful right back. If you get hostile, I can't help but get hostile right back. It's just who I am.   If you don't realise that this is how I usually react, then that is your problem more than it is mine. It is a normal part of my personality, always has been, always will be, and there is nothing anyone can do about it.   So please remember to be c



The [Removed.]

If Greg uses the [Removed. Please do not reference words that are filtered.-Nukaya] in his Bionicle stories, such as Federation of Fear and Swamp of Secrets, then why can't we use it here?



Asking For Pokemon Trades Here Cuz I'm Desperate

Looking for untouched Brave Hitmontop with Mach Punch and Intimidate, untouched Adamant/Brave Dream World Murkrow (with Prankster), untouched Quiet Heatran with Eruption, and White Herb. MUST BE LEGIT, as these are for this Sunday's tournament!



Ready For Tafe

I'm finally ready to go for this year's TAFE course! I paid the fee today and am all done! I start 3 weeks from today.   Now I should be able to pay my dad for his car!



My Sydney Holiday Part 4

On Thursday we didn't do that much. Mostly we took the train around a few places looking for a Bendigo Bank, which we believed was also not in NSW. Thankfully we did eventually (at about 3pm) find one in a suburb a fair distance from Sydney. The biggest pain with this search was that we had to get separate tickets for each trip, unlike with Victoria's Metcards, where a single card could be used for every trip.   Later, we returned to Central station and took the tram there. Sydney has only one t



My Sydney Holiday Part 3

On Wednesday, I took a monorail for the first time! We went to Darling harbour and went on a sea cruise on a catamaran. My dad exhausted his phone's entire memory taking photos of the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Sydney Opera House!   Next, we went to the aquarium. I noticed there was a LEGO Store next door, so naturally I went to have a look... and naturally I walked out broken-hearted. There was NOTHING Bionicle-related in the store AT ALL!!!!! It was like Bionicle never existed, because ev



My Sydney Holiday Part 2

The night we arrived at the hotel, I realised I had left my pyjamas at home! :/ Now i have to wear what I wore that day to bed with me each night!   Yesterday I took a New South Wales electric train for the first time, going to Sydney's Luna Park.   It was while we were at Luna Park that I realised how much I had changed since going to Melbourne's Luna park with my grandmother so long ago. Very little there interested me; all I went on was the Dodgem Cars and Coney Island! I guess the heat didn'



My Sydney Holiday Part 1

Okay, so I was wrong. Turns out my dad brought his laptop and wireless Internet on holidays with us!   Okay, so yesterday dad and I walked to the nearby station and took it to Southern Cross station, which took about an hour. The train trip was quick because it was the biggest express on the line, bypassing 10 stations, and not taking the City Loop!   When we arrived at Southern Cross, the diesel train that would take us to Sydney was already there, on the platform on the other side of the stat




Tomorrow I go to Sydney for a week-long holiday!   During that time I will be away from BZPower. I should be back some time on Friday.



Friday 13Th

Wel, I was happily playing Warcraft 3, and I had just reached the end cinematic when there was a knock on the door.   Some girls playing next door had accidentally thrown their ball onto the roof of our car port, and the ball had landed in a difficult position to get it. I had to face my fear of heights and climb up and knock the ball down using a long rod, risking a head or neck injury.   I ended up missing most of the cinematic, and now I have to start the level over again to see it in full!  




I'm a little hesitant to post this because it's as hard to believe as what I retell in my Taming A Street Teenager entries, even for me!   I'm a member of a Pokemon-related social media group, and we're the tightest-knit online community there is! I'm not saying BZPower is bad, but the Pokemon group is so close that we're pretty much family!   One friend on there apparently has a talent with textiles, including making soft toys. He agreed to make me a large army of plush night elves and ancients



I Feel Restricted

I may be able to use the main computer at our house, but I still feel I can't do much without my laptop. I need to get a couple of Pokemon through trades, but if I go on my DS (I'll need it and my computer at the same time), people will think I'm off the computer, and take it from me. Also, my Warcraft 3 maps on here are way out of date, further limiting what I can do. Many other plans are made hard to do too, like updating for the Bring Back Bionicle Club and organising various craft commisions



My Plans For The Rest Of The Month

This Sunday I have another meetup in the city with a group of friends I met online This Monday to Friday I'll be on holidays in Sydney - AND I'LL TAKE THE TRAIN THERE AND BACK! Around that time, my laptop should also come home. at the end of the month is another Pokemon tournament, this time held by those same friends I'm seeing this Sunday, rather than by Nintendo. I'll spend much time preparing.



Don't Ever Do That Again!

I think we're all lucky I didn't see this thread until too late, because if I was able to post there, trust me, it would NOT have been pretty! I, too, would rather see Greg's planned loose ends tied up before they give Bionicle a rest. The GB... the murderer... the Red Star... the Shadowed One... there's still way too much going on to just ubruptly stop just because of some deadline.



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