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Taming A Street Teenager Part 4



By comparison to the stories told in the past, my friend has had a rather eventless past few months.


At one point he went to the beach and was caught in a rip. Luckily he was found and saved from the brink by a lifeguard. At the beaches in Queensland, they have flags along the coastline. These flags indicate safe areas to swim, and you have to swim between them to avoid being caught in rips. However, he says he WAS swimming between the flags! I imagine the flags were moved after this incident.


Later, he was attacked by a dog that had gotten free. He recovered quickly, but the dog's fate is unknown. Laws here say that any dog that attacks a human is to be killed, but he doesn't want it to. I haven't heard about the incident since.


My friend was an op at the Bring Back Bionicle Club's official chatroom. However he decided to retire, and relinquish his part to another friend from his school.


Recently, I told my friend that I was going on holidays in Sydney (see the My Sydney Holiday series), and had no contact with him while I was away. When I returned, his friend told me that he had gone missing! Naturally I started to panic, thinking that maybe he was dead and I'd never find out.


Thankfully he went on a social media site, and I was able to contact him. He had moved to Brisbane and was living with some random stranger and working on his song-writing.


Before long, though, he had made a new enemy with another street teenager, one who was apparently quite well-known in the city. I made the suggestion that he leave the city and return to his home to avoid being killed by the violent animal, so he agreed.


When he returned home, he received a hero's welcome! He says he got 2,000 hugs! It was gonna be 3,000 but the other 1,000 people were men. I need to teach him that there is nothing wrong with males hugging each other! :P


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Okay, this is just getting ridiculous. The law is worrying about killing a dog, when there's supposedly such bad gang activity that news crews can't go there? I think you should make the next one more believable. wink.png

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When I saw that Taming a Street Teenager had a fourth episode, I immediately clicked on over.


The dog law can't even be remotely true, considering the bulk of animal rights groups that would band together to halt the implementation and the enforcement of such a law.


I've also never heard of such a wild animal being a threat enough to leave the area for due to threats on one's own life.


Still, a little more believable than other episodes. :)

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This installment was a bit boring. You should put a car chase in the next one, or else a scene where he has to escape a building with a time bomb.

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maybe next time he can run away and join the circus to disguise himself as a clown from the dog who is now stalking him when suddenly the SWAT team comes up and blows up the circus due to them carrying illegally deep-fried Twinkies leaving him stranded in the middle of nowhere with no food and the dog finds him and attacks with and AK-47 but the dude finds an underground hideout where he meets Albert Einstein's long long long long lost descendant where they team up to defeat the dog with a highly intricate plan involving hamster wheels and lamprey blood but when they launch the plan the dog attacks and kills Einstein's descendant but the plans continue forward and the dog gets killed by eating the perfectly poisoned banana and the guy goes home and gets 10,000 hugs from random sweaty fat guys who are carrying sticky granola bars


just a thought

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A little less exciting than the previous entries, but really felt more devoted to the characters than the plot, and I can always appreciate that. A few more entries and you should have the pacing down pat.

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When I saw that Taming a Street Teenager had a fourth episode, I immediately clicked on over.The dog law can't even be remotely true, considering the bulk of animal rights groups that would band together to halt the implementation and the enforcement of such a law.I've also never heard of such a wild animal being a threat enough to leave the area for due to threats on one's own life.Still, a little more believable than other episodes. :)

Actually, it is somewhat common in Australia for dogs to be destroyed if they attack people, especially if the victims are children. They're even considering doing a genocide of dogs that are bred to be dangerous!

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When I saw that Taming a Street Teenager had a fourth episode, I immediately clicked on over.The dog law can't even be remotely true, considering the bulk of animal rights groups that would band together to halt the implementation and the enforcement of such a law.I've also never heard of such a wild animal being a threat enough to leave the area for due to threats on one's own life.Still, a little more believable than other episodes. :)

There are actually many laws in America that follow a similar principle. In many states, pitbulls are illegal and if they're found, will be put down immediately. If you own a wolf-hybrid, if it bites someone, it has to be put down immediately. If dogs show continued problems with people, they will often be forced to be put down.

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