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It's not a big deal and is actually a good change for the future of this site.



Well, I do see an unsurprising lack of BIONICLE news, and BIONICLE was always a part of LEGO, so this is really just a step sideways--not back (or forward or whatever).



I thought about putting "BIONICLE and LEGO" but that implies that BIONICLE isn't LEGO, and it is. I thought about putting just BIONICLE, but BIONICLE is dead, and we've expanded, and that would leave out all the regular LEGO coverage we do. But since BIONICLE is part of LEGO, don't think that it saying "LEGO" means that this doesn't still include BIONICLE. I added Hapori Tohu back in specifically to reinforce our history as a BIONICLE community. That's not going to change.



I thought about putting "BIONICLE and LEGO" but that implies that BIONICLE isn't LEGO, and it is.


I understand. Naturally, that also makes me think of the title on the homepage, which mentions "BIONICLE and LEGO".


I thought about putting just BIONICLE, but BIONICLE is dead,


I take offence. Sorry. "Dead" implies that it will never come back.


Good job on the banner though. :)



This shouldn't be a big deal to you.


BIONICLE is part of LEGO. It's not like we became Mega Blocks discussion or anything ...





You're offended by a frank assessment of a toy line's activity based on currently known facts? There should be nothing personal enough to warrant offense about something as minor as using the word "dead" in relation to a toy.



this blog entry reminds me of the commercial of the coke zero truck driver who drinks a pepsi max and the person is video taping him on a smartphone, but he doesn't know.


There should be nothing personal enough to warrant offense about something as minor as using the word "dead" in relation to a toy.[/font]

Actually, there is. Maybe PRETTY MUCH OUR ENTIRE LIFE'S JOY AND FUN OTHER THAN VIDEO GAMES? But of course, I do see that other people would think otherwise

Laughing Man


If a dead line of plastic toys is your "entire life's joy", I suggest getting out more.



Man, Eucliwood, you took the words right out of my mouth! Really, I don't mean to seem rude, but you're too fixated on this toy line. I mean, I can see being unhappy that it ended, but when people just state that in a relatively blunt way, you don't really have much reason to take genuine offense.





Catch a Celebi, go 50 years into the future and tell me if Bionicle ever came back in the time in between.



But it is dead. Even if it comes back, that does not mean that it was still not dead. Right now it is dead, and if it comes back, it will have been revived.


There's no other word for it.



I'm sorry. It is dead. TLG has stated, in public, that they consider BIONICLE to be over, gone, for good. That is as official as it gets.


Whether or not it were to come back (which, again, TLG has said will not happen), does not change the fact that it is, as of now, dead, with no hope to return.


(And if it did return, it would be with a brand new story, a different building style more like Hero Factory, and with brand new characters, and with nothing more than a cursory connection to the original, and I can't imagine everyone being thrilled with that.)



What makes you think it's not dead?


Just curious.



In essence, in its current place in time, it is n ot dead. it is mortally wounded, but it has a spark of life in the fact that there is the potency that GregF might get more of the story out. Aside from that, it is unavoidably \officially dead. Not to say n0o fanbase exists, but the fan base is like the relatives remembering something that, although still having memoirs, has been dead for almost a year.


Secondly, capitalizing letters, adding dozens of exclamation points, and a flame emoticon over such a trifling detail is absurd, and rather rude.


Lastly, calling it lego discussion is still including bionicle, just as the form of wood includes a wooden chair.

Blessed Blade


Just to chime in, and no offence intended... However... Even if Bionicle 'returns'; it's not likely going to be the same. Look at the other themes that have been canceled and then 'revived'; they've all had differences, no matter how little or how big.


Here's the thing: No matter what happens in the mean time; for the moment it's 'dead'; it's canceled, with no revival in sight. That's the fact. Will it be revived? Maybe. Does anyone know for sure? No, because no-one can actually see the future(Yulia's score would really help here)... However; it's not something worth getting upset over. Especially over terminology used to equate the fact that the line is currently canceled, without having to type out a four paragraph explanation, just to summarize what could be otherwise typed in one word.


Does that make any sense? It's not that we're totally giving up on it, even if it doesn't look at this moment like it'll be back any time soon(Especially with the story seemingly on hiatus); but honestly, keeping the entire focus on Bionicle and never expanding... It would kill the site. And as long as there is fan fiction and such(RPGs included), it's never truly dead... But, killing the site would mean that one of the main ways to tell whether there is interest or not... Would be gone.


Does that make sense?

Laughing Man



"It's dead, Jim."



But it is dead. Even if it comes back, that does not mean that it was still not dead. Right now it is dead, and if it comes back, it will have been revived.There's no other word for it.


As I said earlier, the way I see it, "dead" implies that it will never come back.


I'm sorry. It is dead. TLG has stated, in public, that they consider BIONICLE to be over, gone, for good. That is as official as it gets.


I did see that announcement (if we're on the same wavelength, I was the one who posted it), but I still refuse to believe it.


And for your information I'm crying irl. In public. Thank you very much.



Man, there are way to many people reading this post.


Even two guests! Quick, guys, let's try to demonstrate how much we really love one another, since we obviously can't have people from the outside seeing that we're all at each others' throats all the time.



Blessed Blade


Geez, I'm seeing new replies, even a second after I open this. 0_o


Also, I wouldn't say we're at each others' throats all the time... There was that one... Wait... No... But what about... Hmm... no, not that either... Hmm... I'll have to think about that. =P



I did see that announcement (if we're on the same wavelength, I was the one who posted it), but I still refuse to believe it.

The first path to fixing a problem is to admit it exists. Bionicle is gone, and the sooner you admit that and let yourself move on, the sooner you will be a happier person. Also, I'm not sure which of the many announcements you're referring to, they have said as much at each convention through their public representatives many times, and the removal of the CUUSOO project pretty much nail-in-coffin confirms it.



>I did see that announcement (if we're on the same wavelength, I was the one who posted it), but I still refuse to believe it.


I really REALLY don't want to get on your case about this, as it seems you're very sensitive about this at the moment, but don't you think this refusal is destructive to yourself? You're always talking about bringing Bionicle back, and holding onto this hope that it will return despite what everyone is telling you. I love Bionicle too -- none of us would be here if we didn't love it at some point, but the franchise has had its time, and it's time to go on. There are so many cool action figure lines and brilliant stories out there, but you don't seem to want to move on. You can still enjoy Bionicle for all it's done, but if you refuse to believe it's not coming back, it seems you'll continue to be wrapped up in this hope, and more likely than not you'll end up disappointed down the road.


So lemme just ask: What sounds better, accepting Bionicle's over, loving it for its past, and perhaps finding new interests, or keep holding onto a dream that could likely never become reality? I'll leave you to consider that for yourself, as it's your decision. I only ask because I care. I don't want you to be upset over Bionicle; it's not worth it.



Woah, what happened to all the comments? Even my feel-good song comment got removed! *overstated distress*

Laughing Man


It wasn't removed. Still there on my end, anyway.



Woah, what happened to all the comments? Even my feel-good song comment got removed! *overstated distress*

It's right there? I'm confused, because they all seem to be here?

Blessed Blade


Erm... I still see everything on my end too? *Blinks slightly* I've gotta join Deevee's confusion here. =P

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