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So what if

every morning a MacGyver-style title sequence montage of your greatest moments flashed before your eyes, complete with epic music and your name overlaid on a huge explosion?



Minish Cap

Is this thing available on 3DS virtual console? I bought a 3DS for the sole purpose of being able to play all the 2D Zelda games in order (I'd played Legend of Zelda, Zelda II and Link to the Past on Wii VC and Link's Awakening and Oracle of Ages on 3DS VC). I'm starting Oracle of Seasons right now.   The problem is, I can't find Minish Cap on the the VC shop, but some sites say it is or at least was available. I'm not going to buy a Gameboy Advance just for one game, but I'd hate to miss out



Pokemon Question

If you have a Ditto holding a Mega Stone imitate the Pokemon the Mega Stone corresponds to, can you Mega Evolve the Ditto?



Soundtrack Appreciation Post

Nintendo, you release far too few soundtracks, and I wish those you did release were more easily available. Would it be that hard to post all the soundtracks on iTunes?   Here's to appreciating the soundtracks, Nintendo or otherwise, that are available, and how awesome they are.   I own, from eBay, the Japanese Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, and Super Mario Galaxy soundtracks. My fave is probably Majora's Mask for pure addictive tunes, although Galaxy has a wondrous, different type



Emulators? JRPGs?

Can anyone give me some info on game system emulators?   I've never done a lot of computer gaming, and no emulating at all. I'd like to play Mother 3, though. What's the best GBA emulator? How do I find an emulator and Mother 3 ROM that are very safe/reliable? How do I set up an emulated game?   Any pointers are appreciated.   ALSO if, hypothetically, I wanted to play any one other JRPG--albeit one that has had an official release in the U.S.--what JRPG would you suggest? Preferably ones that I



Ganon WIP

I rarely post WIPs, but I'd really appreciate any feedback on this. It's a WIP of Ganon's head from OOT. I used screenshots, official art, and a paper craft of the in-game model to try and replicate his face. I'm not sure it really feels like the head of the massive monster Ganon is, though. Really his head is this strange dark green color, but it's so dark during the battle I thought black would be more appropriate. Plus his eyes are positioned correctly, but without the dark atmosphere th




I just realized that Summer Games Done Quick is really close. The bad news is that I'll be away from the computer for almost all of it, including an LoZ Oracle speedrun, a Four Swords speedrun, and worse of all, a Skyward Sword speedrun! Auhgggg! The good news is that I'll be back just in time to watch the ALTTP and ALBW speedruns!   Anyone else hype? I always look forward to these things every year!



MOCing Dreams

-Tahu costume -Minifig scale Clock Town from Majora's Mask -Every Link at about the scale my OoT link is in -Cohesive Zamor roller coaster dioramas as a tribute to each year of Bionicle (these have got to be BIG, detailed, and functional) -A working instrument -Something I can ride around on




So I'm not the most musical person. I don't keep up with any bands and most of the time I just listen to whatever music comes my way. (I do keep up with OCRemix, but that hardly signifies familiarity with the music world in general.)   The point is, I really like quality rap, but don't know where to find it. Can anyone suggest some good rap? Popular, obscure, geeky, serious, whatever, so long as it's clean. My standards of "clean" are basically the same as BZP's, so if you can post it here,



Dear Google

When I search for a college, why on earth do you tell me, even before the address, that it recieved "4.4" out of 6 Google reviews? Has anyone, ever, thought they were going to one college, only to see the Google review number and change their mind? Think, Google.   Google I make fun of you but I love you



I approve.

Majora's Mask 3D is confirmed. And that's pretty nifty, given that it's my favorite game of all time.   Seeing it with updated graphics will be GLORIOUS. I was kind of irrationally hoping for an HD remake, because I feel like that would add a lot more to the game experience... But who cares, we got our remake! Of course the console version will always hold a special place in my heart, and I'll come back to it someday, that doesn't make me any less excited for a super cool portable 3D version.  



Zelda Kart is actual DLC

I... Was not expecting this. Nintendo UK has honest-to-goodness announced Mario Kart 8 DLC coming out in November. (one comes out in November, the other doesn't come out until March 2015). It's starting to look like the Smash Kart people have always wanted, too. Link and the Villager and Isabelle from Animal Crossing will be among the downloadable characters, and Zelda and Animal Crossing inspired tracks have been promised. Plus an F-Zero inspired kart.   Here's the page, but long story short,




MNOGII is so tedious, if it wasn't so awesome, I'd quit. I spent all of yesterday making a rigging. That's it. Now that I have my 60 widgets from selling it in Ta-Koro, though, I can finally progress.   ...or I could levitate. Yeah, that seems more fun.  



This Shirt Confuses My Family

In related news, LoZ: The Minish Cap is pretty fantastic. It's probably the cutest and most fun Zelda game of all time. I want to be a mountain Minish when I grow up.



Just Watched Star Wars

What? No, the original trilogy. I can see why people love this so much, it's excellent worldbuilding. Fantastic props/sets/aesthetics. Oh, so that's what <insert Star Wars minifig> is based on. Seriously, everything is these films has been Lego-ized. TLG and AFOLs are thorough. Now I can wear those Darth Vader socks I got for Christmas.




The doctor says it will just go away on its own. Just wait two days to four weeks.   Annoying and offsetting, but it could be worse and it sounds like something out of a fantasy universe.



Metroid PSA

If you act now, you can trade in Metroid Prime to Amazon for 21 cents! That's right, 21 whole cents! And you thought Gamestop had great trade-in deals!   There's someone working for Amazon, being paid to process 21-cent trade-ins. What a wonderful world.




If you had told me a couple months ago that, as a poor college student, I would be spending eight bucks on yoyo lube, I wouldn't have believed you. Especially if you also told me that Twilight Princess HD, great new Bionicle sets, and the Majora's mask remake I still haven't played would be competing for that money.   But you can't use videogames or Lego while walking to and from classes.



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