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~Disabled diaries~

Maybe we're all mess-terpieces? I like you, just the way you ART. 



Entries in this blog

Pencil Portrayals, Purple Party, & a Chia Child

Feels so fine to frolic about in this fresh format!    Bugging my family. Pencil on tiny 3x4 watercolor paper, then laminated. As you may spot, I do not excel in matching the inner card decor to the outer. The predicament of buying primary colored card stock.  “.. Loved the World” -9x12.  Isn't it great, this place? The people? So many caring faces here on earth. I love each and every one of you, dear humankind. “What About Us/Medical Zebras.

280.7hrs: Painting My Brother.

“The Move” 18x24” 140lb watercolor paper. Drawn a long while ago with pencil, started the painting with acrylics in May, taking long breaks until around September, when mania began. Finished December 6th, 2021. Drawing time:? Painting time: About 280.7 hours/11.66 days. The longest time prior poured into a painting was 56 hours. Reference was my brother at a Chess tournament in December 2019. Wanted the board in the painting, so MS paint spliced this facepalming player’s board in,

Koi, Cake and Holiday Makes

Greetings!   My brother visited on his exact birthday, a merry, now rare, treat. Skyline Lemon Cheesecake, design haphazardly generated using what I could find about two hours before baking it. Based on his city. Engulfed in lemon butter-mint dough and brush painted with gel food coloring and charcoal powder. Used an X-acto to cut out the window lights and filled them with yellow. Two hours decorating time, but I feel like the colorful clouds resemble a toxic explosion a little m

Bambi! Bugs! Bow Ties! Pies!

-Bambi, October 5, 2021. In your honor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Csjb9HWCk8 I just left the lighter there? But also:  *DUN DUN* [sur]P[r]IES  Complete life cycle condensed in 30 seconds. (AKA: Fast version of maunderings below) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLWBw0BzM48 Set sail at three am, a glorious distraction XD 90 minutes carving after sketch, 60 film/setup. Done with porcelain fill marker, carving tool, Xacto, electric bread knife, a

T-Rex Train, Sock Octopus, Phone Loan, & Hospital Adventure on My Own?

T-Rex Train Video My dad has proven not to be steadfast around balloons again They have the peculiar habit of swooning him Understandably, however What a guilty pleasure ...a T-Rex as light as a feather! (Dad’s antique toy train, balloons attached with dental floss, a snapped dowel, a giant zip tie and tape. Metal insulation tape track toothpicked down, fishing line to drag him across the ground.) And the BTS mess: Dino Derailment Video Had to make a

Chipmunk, Costumes, and Cotton Clouds.

Recent chipmunk, 9X12 acrylic + pencil on watercolor paper. Drawing time: ? Painting time: 42 hours. The drawing was from last year and not heavily detailed (done with a flashlight during a road trip).   Drawings from the past few months, 9x12s. I lacked access to a reference photo for one of them, so that accidentally resulted in a drawing of me as a mere primordial mush’. The last two are smaller, old/not very good (2018-2019, flashlight car art) ones with some newly added
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