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I found the pieces there were missing from my collection...well, most of them. I was looking for a missing Cordak rocket I shot at my computer chair in the shelf behind it. After removing the books I found a basket that used to be on the computer's desk. I thought the Bionicle pieces had been taken out of it and basket put away ages ago. But apparently only the latter was done.   So yeah, I welcomed back my Zaktan foot, Jaller Inika thigh armor, Vakama lower arm, and three red pieces from Sidor




Oddly, fractional powers were in my math lesson today. Thanks anyway Aanchir. This way I knew what was covered in the lesson hours before I read it.   And I also got to see my math book use the phrase "miles (or kiometers or whatever)". Shocking, especially when they could have just said "units".



First Step

Well, one of my Lego models has been permanently taken apart. Both of the other two models it came with are taken apart and it's the worst of the three, so I took it apart for better sorted pieces. I don't ever use it. Actually, I hardly use any of my system sets anymore. It's about time I took this first step, but it's still somehow hard. I'm also not going to rebuild my mini Millennium Falcon which was taken apart to attempt to build the Enterprise (NCC 1701).   Now if only I could take this



Life Report?

As you may have noticed, my entries have become less able to categorize by my current Blog Categories. This one covers around five topics in two of the categories, those being "Other" and "Bionicle." Anyway, on to the other subjects of this entry.   First comes a small question/observation about the English language that's bugged me for a while. The difference between our words "my" and "mine." At first I had thought one was a noun and one was an adjective, but it's not the case. You can say "T



Hau Nuva

Looks like Tahu is starting to come out from my EP. Not sure on the actual rank name because I'm sentenced to the pit, but I'm assuming it's "Emerging Fire Champion" or whatever. Neat stuff.




I was thinking while reading the latest BotW article and looking at my various entries and their crazy insanities (unnecessary adjective, I suppose). It's good I don't expose you guys to my pure random thoughts. They're really random. Here are a few thoughts (which I've been wanting to write for a while it should be noted) with the randomity brought down a few levels down from maximum bearable range: How on earth did the existing time system come to be. There are 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes a



Profile Browsers

Apparently there are a lot of people that just like to click people's names and check out their profiles. I had my "Last Visitors" block on my profile set to three until I realized this and was curious who all was viewing me. Most of the people on there I don't even know nor have been PMed by them that I can recall. A look farther down the list, now set to ten, reveals that Timoteo was viewing my profile yesterday. I didn't even know he was active. Two or three of the ten are people I actually k



2008 Sets: Pars Secunda

I will now bring you my thoughts on the little evils of 2008.   The first thing of notice which I failed to look up on the first part of this extended review was the price. I noted that the amount of new pieces wasn't ordinary for those types of sets. I was wrong. These sets will be (according to the links we received) selling for 6.99 Euro. Sure, that'd be a good price if it was in USD, but it's in Euro. And it converts to $10.1495 USD. To save me from doing this in parts 3 and 4, that makes t



2008 Sets: Pars Prima

Meh. Everyone does it, but that's only expected. Everyone has an opinion and these are a major revelation, so it's natural that everyone would express their thoughts on new sets. And now, I make mine known, in a four-part blog entry series. Most people are doing two, but I think four works best for me.   Tanma (Green Matoran): Sounds more like a Ga-Matoran name to me, but whatever. I like the mask, despite its looking like a Great Huna. At least it is new, unlike previous small sets. I wonder i



Pieces Needed

But I don't think you can help me to get these pieces. There are only a few people that could, and it would take a lot of time for them to do so. When I was recently MOCing I noticed there are a few pieces needed, similar to many existing, but not yet made. The pieces can be found below with text explanation and an image representation, though small.   Link to image, just in case.   Note that the 1.5 length O rod is already in existence.



Birthday! :o

It is time once again for my monthly blog entry, this one being posted twenty-six days after the entry on September 9th. Now that this blog has sunken to almost the very bottom of my favorites (which are almost two pages long), it is time to revive it.   I'm going to turn two in exactly twenty-one days, also the period of time called "three weeks!" I'll be older than 11/16 of the kids in my school.   -N



Lime Joints

I had heard they break easily, so when I got Hahli, and later Lesovikk, I was careful when putting them together. Nothing went crack. I was also careful not to remove the joints after that.   Until one day.   Without thinking, I had Carapar cut Hahli's head off. After the battle, I realized with dread what I had done. I took the Faxon-wearing head in one hand, and Hahli's body in the other. When trying to connect the two, my hand slipped because I was putting the pressure in the wrong place or



2007 Sets

Acquired: Hahli, Nuparu, Kongu, Makutilos, Lesovikk.   Hahli: She's pretty awesome, as you are probably guessing. I have a problem with how the tube connects though. It's strung through a piece on her back in such a way that if you move the head without feeding it through that piece, the tube is basically going to come off. Sucks for Hahli, if she likes breathing.   Kongu: Kongu has one of the better breathing tube setups. It never leaves the head, and so it works great compared to Hahli's. Yo



Vote For My Survival

Those of you who call me friend, and even those who have called me enemy, it is time to take action. A certain group of BZPower staff members, unknowingly under the control of one called Dr. Bionicle, and willingly under the control of the Admins, have made aggressive moves against me, seeking to destroy me. Only your will can help.   It would seem that most of the rest of BZPower is against me. Most of you would wish to see me dead. But if you are not so, and wish to see me return to these bel



I Can Prove That...

...1=2   Let x be equal to 1 and y be equal to 1.   Multiplying the equation x=1 by y we get xy=y   Multiplying the equation y=1 by y we get y2=y   Because both xy and y2 are equal to y, xy=y2   Subtracting x2 from both sides of the equation we get (xy-x2)=(y2-x2)   Factoring it out results in the following: x(y-x)=(y+x)(y-x)   Dividing by (y-x) we get: x=y+x   Thus, 1=1+1   1=2



Luos Ym Ni Gnipeerc - Neztnerol Enitsirhc

A great song by a great artist. I recommend listening to it if you haven't. The lyrics are incredibly hard to figure out, and I would be impressed if anyone got the exact lyrics written down. Especially the rap beats. The piano introduction is totally awesome. I have it uploaded at the location below. Credit to Kohaku for finding the song for me and to my dad for hosting it on his site (under a "nukora" folder he made for me!).   Listen.   I think I hear a "I rock sorry," but it makes no sense



Yes, I Am One Year Old

If you haven't seen the 3rd-latest comment by Kharu-Kai in my profile, I recommend you go take a look before reading on. The following is a conversation between Admiral Seraphim and I, regarding the comment:           [16:11] The Self-Proclaimed Admiral Seraphim: I'll be spending a lot of my time away from the comp when school starts in...5 days. [16:11] The Self-Proclaimed Admiral Seraphim: >< [16:12] Nukora: >< [16:12] Nukora: It's already started for me. [16:12] The Self-Proc



Catastrophe Part #3; Final Addition

"Next Issue: Not a JokeNot an Illusion The Death of Mata Nui."   You should all know what I'm talking about. The above quote is from Ignition Nine (Mahrition Nine?). We've known about it for longer than that though. I personally blame a certain group of characters for this catastrophe. Read on to find out more. This opinion review on the story review will be updated with new part approximately every day. Now, allow me to continue:   First, there is still an extremely slight chance that the sto



Boom Go Flip!

Do I have the story for you...   At cross-country training (we're gearing up for a 2001.2 mile relay!), we split into teams of two. Each member of the team would run a loop that took about 10 minutes--thus the older kids had to run farther--three times each. I was paired up with the fastest kid, who has a mile pace of 5 minutes, 16 seconds, due to my slowness. All was well. It was raining, making the dirt-sand mud. It was going to be a nice, cool practice, with nearly no sweating. One man had b




This is probably my list transmission from my Personal Telepathic Communication Device. Should be fixed by Monday. It is malfunctioning. You may still check what I am doing by the transmissions of those around me, however. Also, as I won't be able to contact BZ-Koro at all, I am leaving my BZPRPG characters to:   Uchiha Seraphim--Gratcia Vak the Angel of Death (Angelic names here...) //ShadowT//--Wair, Fauns Tony Stark: Iron Man--Blur, Sala   Split the other characters by who usually is aro



Mr. Dead Toa

Thanks to some amazing communication devices, we are able to telepathically communicate with BZ-Koro from here in the pit. As you people reading our transmissions may have noticed, we have battled many horrifying sea creatures, been spied on by squid, and found Tufi's initials carved into a structure. Despite all this, most of us are alive, unless the giant killed Makaru or Tufi managed to die. The only dead among us actually, is this mysterious dead Toa, whom I have given the title Mr without a



Amazing Thunderstorm

That's my state for you. It was cloudy yesterday, and so I was indoors (I could have done something outside actually, but didn't want to). After lunch, I came down to the computer. A short while later I heard a really loud thunder um....thunder blast? Crack? Thunder boom? I told the people I was chatting with I might have to go. I was in the process of shutting down (hesitant about closing a video that had taken 2 hours and was only uploaded 51%), when another loud thunder ____ was heard. Dad ca



Wow. Have To Record This.

This dream last night. Is amazing. I have to record it...   One dream, I had to get two shots. One was for some disease with the name "Jack" somewhere in it. The other was for the same disease, but for Type 2. I could have also gotten another shot, for the Type 3 of the same disease. But that dream is normal compared to the other one.   It starts out with me reading the latest Bionicle book in the woods. Electric Turahk is nearby, but I don't know why. GregF appears, and ET asks him a question




My mom and sister (B) ran into a deputy while they were out and about (uh, no, not with their car. If that were the case, the following probably wouldn't have come about). Checked with him about airsoft laws. It seems my state, county, or city has any. So basically I just have to follow the federal laws; and common sense when dealing with replica firearms.   He also told my mom about a bunch of stuff I already knew from researching and reading at various forums and websites. Though when they me



Rich Month Of Julius!

I should just change this category to "Real Life" seeing as how I don't even have the Nuklear Laboratory theme anymore.   I'm gonna be rich next month. Some this month two. I got a $60 dollar check earlier this month for some website design and image editing work I did for a local company; I'm babysitting twice this week for a mom who pays very well; and my actual part-time job is going to pay somewhere around $75 this month.   I think that should be quite enough to get at least some of the ai



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