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Have any of you ever gotten to the school and it's locked down? It's certainly interesting, and (when a teacher comes to whisk you out of the hall) a really boring 1.5 hours. Plus, it also means you don't get to see anyone but the teacher and people coming from the outside for the 7th-hour class. That was Tuesday though. I've seen a certain important person since then (as NuGuess participants may have guessed).   Usually I wouldn't do two entries in one day, but this is tomorrow's.



!update! Photographs

At 1:00 UTC there was almost no clouds, except jetstreams and a small cloud to the west. Then, there was a slight cloud color early on, so the moon has quite a bit of glow around it in the first three pictures. Later, they moved (the weather in this state...), and towards 5:00 (UTC) they were wisps circled around the moon.   Some the pictures aren't so great because the large tripod was being used for the film camera. The legs the digital camera had were shorter than 6 inches (15 cm?), so I was




First person to guess why I'm happy gets a NuAward (two three new NuTerms in one entry...).



Enough Of This

Entry of value.   As you might have known, I've been gone since Thursday. I was able to get some insight into life at the event I attended. Not that strange kind of "woah" advice/insight. It was more like having someone else accumulate and repeat the thoughts I've been thinking in the last few weeks/months. As such, I've had some new thoughts to think, since I finally realize those fully.   Now, I realize (though you may not), that I reach this conclusion at the end of almost all of my longer



Mixed Emotions

So, I'm happy I was able to ask this certain person out, but six minutes is such a short time, and with three other people around, it wasn't so great. These people have told me to ask her out, but honestly, if they really meant it, they could have gone somewhere else. Unfortunately, I'm leaving out of town for the weekend tomorrow (Ugh...on Feb 14, too; aka Valentine's Day). Therefore, the only time I'd be able to call her and mention things I left out (like...my phone number >.<) would be



Update Time

Without ranking them, I'm going to be giving a brief paragraph on what I think of the Award Block Blogs. I will be pointing out my main suggestion for each of them as well. Something I see in at least half these is an entry stating "I can't think of anything to blog about." Sure, updating daily is nice, but who cares about an entry like that (other than the readers of Exo's blog)? They will be listed in reverse alphabetical order, because pounds are evil.   Valenti: Entries could be posted a lo



Solar System

I was inspired to make imagery for my website.   Dimensions are 500x500. Described as "our solar system as might be viewed through the haze of a dying nearby star". Distances far from being to scale. Sun way too large, and yet way too small relative to the planets. Planets not to scale (Mars is shown here as being about the size of Terra. We'll just say it was twice as close...). Uranus and Saturnus too pixelated.



All Your Rocks...

The title lies. Just one rock.   Strangely one of the "Current Opportunities" for 5-8 graders I found on a space agency website was right down my dream career path (geologist-astronomer / lunar astrocolonist).   The Martian scientists (er...not quite) are looking for rocks from around the world.   Edit: Links removed. Too many sites with forums these days.



Social Sphere

Tonight was our final basketball game (;.. As one of my three or four primary social outlets, I'm going to miss these. I wasn't actually able to sit with the more social people, but alone with one other saxophone player (who isn't particularly my favorite person, but she's okay). Fortunately, one of her friends (1 year younger than me) sat above us.   I knew bringing a (terribly outdated, btw) book on astronomy would probably get the usual "You do that for fun?" "Yes." "You're sure that's not y



At Long Last!

Sometime recently, (I know when, but those of you who don't must not), I finally ascended in rank in the post count ranks. At this slow-moving part of the pace, that is quite an achievement, to me at least. It almost feels strange to see Tahu Nuva's Kanohi Hau Nuva in such bright colors, in comparison with the paler brown and blue of the other masks currently present. Yay for being active!



Award Block: Enter Now!

This is something new to this blog, and as it is still the first of February. This is actually directly inspired by ChocolateFrogs' test driving, as you should be able to tell. Well, I've got a few extra slots open to put favorite blogs if I so desire, but I don't need to. Instead of doing what CF did, I shall do something else, what could be called a contest. Yes, the first contest here.   The first four Premier Members to comment here stating their wish to enter and linking to their blog, wil



That Was Without A Single Drop Of Run

Yep, you guessed it. I was able to see Pirates of the Caribbean 3 for the first (and second) time this week.   Story: This one was certainly better than the second movie in the series. Of course, without #2, this would have made no sense, but the story was much better. There are a few parts here that just make you want to . I mean, really, what was the point of the crabs in the locker doing what they did? Obviously it was to get the Pearl out to sea, but from their point of view, it was wor



Passing A Landmark

This entry is dedicated to the subjects accumulating in the entry queue. The earth has quite recently made its way passed the 9% mark of its orbital period (since January 1st, 2008). In fact, only 90.028 milliyears have passed since the beginning of this calendar year. I must say, years go by much faster than one things when there are clocks for counting the percents. I hope we can all enjoy in the next 91%.  As I was walking home on January 29th (Tuesday, I believe; quite eventful this week),



Chill X2

Gasp. Yes, two entries in one day. But this is not something I can "post later", and I forgot about this before the other entry. And I won't draft the other. So yep, 2.   You may recall a couple days/weeks ago that the weather here was quite chilly (-20 F, I think it was). It's actually been slightly warmer, up until yesterday. I usually wouldn't care, except that I spend 764 µd (11 minutes) walking to school and 764 µd back (would be 486 µd (7 mins) on the bike, but apparently I can't ride in




Though I don't recall any others here, this would be one of those artwork entries CF mentioned in his own blog. But the last two paragraphs move away from that quite a bit.   For the last few nights (not meaning consecutively, but meaning on some nights when there is time), I've been doing a paint project. Movies make great time to do this, as watching the movie only gets quite dull. The first night (I think it was 1-27, but unfortunately, memory has already failed me in this matter) I took som



Kualus: Muaka Catcher

First, you should know that my cat is obsessed with Rhotuka. She can tell the pitch difference between a loaded launcher spinning and the spinning of an unloaded launcher. She'll even come running at Pohatu's blades, which made me loose a lot of my respect (not quite right word, but I don't know what is) for her previously mentioned talent.   Next, you must understand that because of our babysitting of two year-olds (notice lack of hyphen between "two" and "year", meaning two babies), we cannot



The Irony

I hate spelling. This being my last year of taking the wretched subject as a class, I'm happy enough. One particular weird word (don't get me started on the others; if I ever need to use those I'd need a dictionary to know what they mean, so knowing how to spell them is pointless) I've had this year is "melancholy." When it showed up again (come on; I have to review misspelled words for several weeks; why do they need to bring it back every five lessens?), I had just stopped reviewing it not too



Death To The Inc

So, as you might now, my goal for 2008 is to contribute 10 posts to the community every day. As you can tell, I'm more than 50 posts behind as of right now. I worked quite a bit on this yesterday (11th poster for the day at 24 posts. I tried to move into #10 with 26, but I'm getting to why I didn't). I was planning to lessen the gap quite a bit again today, being the last day of the weekend.   Unfortunately, last night, while looking at tips for connecting riffs and composing songs, an image di



Phantoka Wind-fly!

I put in two new shelves above my bed today. Besides my bed being full of sawdust, it's nice. The old shelves were so small. With the year's canisters sets sharing one cube (14"x14"x14"), standing them all up was a pain. Whenever I needed a set, it would be the one in the back. So usually they stayed all in a pile. With these 100"x15"x14" shelves, I can fit all of 2006-2008 sets in there, with lots of room to spare.   I've put 2007-8 on one shelf, just because that shelf is closer to the floor




That's right, I put an S between the N and R. So, at 7-8 yesterday, I was looking SE (probably more South than East), and I saw the sun behind a dark cloud. Apparently the cloud was doing strange things to it, because the sun was orange, yellow and green (all pastel). I look a little more to the east, and see a much brighter sun rising; the real sun.   As far as I can tell Mr. Pastel Sun was a light segment of rainbow reflected off of ice in the cloud. A really awesome sight. It rose on level w



Personal Messages

I usually don't get many PMs. And when I do, I head right to my profile because it's usually a new comment. In these past few days however, I've gotten about one per day. Even today I've already received two. Thus, I figured now is as good of a time as any to talk about PMs.   I like being PMed. It shows that some noticed me as an individual, rather than just another member. Even when quoted in topics or in comments, it isn't the same as being PMed. Sure, with questions it's best to ask in the



The Freeze

It's cold. Cold as in:-15 F -26 C The pop/soda are now slushies. No school! Our friends don't have water because it froze.




I was able to go snowboarding Friday (eck, I'm terrible at entries...I could have made one Saturday), without my foot hurting. Actually, snowboarding doesn't really require much ankle-bending. The lift on the farther side of the mountain, which is much longer and has a midway dropoff point (what fun) was open. It's the hardest to unload from, so I was able to get a good faceplant in.   Nothing else. Except I did find out what was wrong with my foot. I just have to stretch it.




My school's band played (if that's what you can call it for all the time we get in) at the basketball game yesterday. It was our third preformance this semester. Band class is going oh so wonderfully. It's pep band season so we learn three notes every song and the new players can keep up just fine and/or fake it. So yeah...     Team: We lost. As always. Nothing new here. Though we were actually ahead by a few points and even tied once.     People:   People are easily the most important thin



Random #1

Well, since I could never think of anything unusual to blog about--everything has to do with sports, pain, dogs, school, astronomy, math, other sciences, music or RPGing--I have hired another source to think of my blog entries for me when I can think of nothing. I'm sure you know the source well. Most call it: "Wikipedia's random article link."   Our random article this time is List of banks in Turkey. I didn't know there was money in there or else I would have removed it before eating on thank



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