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Approximate Temporal Location

Source The original quote wasn't directed at me, but I see how it easily applies to myself and how right he is. In fact, this January I had a very similar viewpoint. The eighth grade is a point in life where most of it lies before you. Your pre-college education is only 2/3 over, which means you have 4 more years of high school, not to mention any studies you may choose to take at a university.   And yet, it seems to be a point in life when most people run around with "girlfriends" or "boyfrien



You Know How It Is...

When one day you have three entry ideas and you can only post one, because you're saving the others for when you don't have an idea? Then a week goes by and you have absolutely no entry ideas. It's terrible.   Or it's also terrible when you have to babysit at inconvenient times. You see, I'm always willing to babysit ($$$). So usually people call and I tell them I could babysit tonight at 18:00. Then someone else calls at 17:45 and says "Hey, there's this really cool thing going on at six. You




Yardwork is one of the most pointless tasks/chores that I do at home. I don't mind mowing the lawn or setting the sprinklers but there is one thing that will never make sense to me. And this is why my mother insists on having a green yard. It's not like anyone drives by and says "Wow, they don't have any dandelions in their yard." In fact, people only notice the yards that are pure yellow. So, since the flowers are practically impossible to get rid of, why make your children work for hours every




Last night at my sister's dance recital, I heard this song that I knew I heard before. Eventually I figured out that the artist was Linkin Park, but I still had no idea whether it was Numb or In the End (the other one of their songs I heard was out of the question). Apparently, judging by the one line in the song I understood, it was Numb. I personally think splicing it like that was a mistake.   The song: Encore - Linkin Park




I'm listening to music online, which is good, because it gives me a better variety of music than the real radio can, and certainly more variety than my MP3 player and 4 CDs can. The only bad thing is that I have to use headphones because not everybody here enjoys my music as much as I can. Unfortunately, these headphones refused to play the lyrics.   So I guess I'm just listening to the Karaoke version of the songs.



Frozen Touch

The frozen touch of the white blanket hath yet again placed its numbing grasp around the area of my town. Though less than two inches tall, the blanket of snow is cold. I hate how in the Spring it's cold enough to freeze and there's not enough of it to do anything with and it's not the right kind for snowballs. Strangely, yesterday, I was walking through the windy blizzard. Snow was landing on me, but not hitting me in the face, and I was perfectly warm. I'd imagine that if I was moving faster i



Long-awaited Confusion

I might have mentioned a few entries back that there is one girl among those in my life that has only managed to confuse me once (though constantly). And that was a very good sort of confusion along the lines of "Why does she think I'm special?" Now we open up my mind to see the thoughts that have been speeding through around and sometimes out of my mind since yesterday.   We start with the story, which begins two days ago (Monday, amazingly). That particular evening on the phone she made a poi



All Your Base

I put "All your base are belong to us" in a Japanese translator.   Then I put あなたの基盤はすべて私達に属するある into an English translator.   The result: "Your basis belongs to us entirely, it is"   Looks like that one just got the words re-ordered.   This one is the best.  



The Confusion

Girls. Are typically confusing. Not that guys don't have their moments (my family's guys certainly do ), but I tend to notice girls more.   Case 01: The distance runners were running a workout up main street to the golf course. Since up until The 1918 House there are sidewalks, we usually run on the right side of the road, because it's closer to the school, our point of origin. Even after the sidewalk we keep on that side, because people rarely drive up that far ('cept golfers). But for some




We start with last Saturday. It was the nineteenth of April, two days after a Thursday track meet. Since the weather was finally nice, my girlfriend and I were able to go to the soon-to-be-torn-down tennis court (stupid skate park) and play a little. Apparently, I thought I needed to impress her, but that's not what I was thinking consciously. Clearly my couch knows more about me than I do. So anyway, I half succeeded in jumping over the net right at the beginning. The half that didn't succeed h



Making Sudoku

A lot of people (myself included) will get stuck if they just start filling in numbers in a blank 81-square grid. You get...nothing. Just a bunch of numbers in a big square. I found it easier if I started making my own Sudoku puzzles starting with the first row. That made it easier. And this entry takes what I observed while doing so and shares it. You'll notice that the 9 numbers (in this example order 123456789) are divided into three groups by the 3x3 little squares.   Now, we will fill in t



Tilt Disorientation

A feeling I've had and I wonder if I'm not alone*:   K, you're sitting at your chair, in front of your computer, or whatever. You might be standing. You're pretty sure that for some reason, you are not perpendicular to the ground. You're 20-30 degrees from there. But then, you look down at your feet and find that you are perpendicular to the ground. And eventually, you regain balance. But for that brief time it was almost as if you weren't in your body.   Anyone else?   *note that after I wro



The Followup

So, despite that stomach ache, I managed to do so totally well (for me...that's not saying a whole lot; but it's really a sport about personal improvement anyway). I took a sixth place in the 1600 metre run, cutting 14 seconds off of my previous time. Passing one person every strait stretch seems to be a working strategy, even if you miss the 7th one. So I'll get a ribbon-y thing for that.   I hadn't run an 800 metre run since last year, so I really had no sense of pace for that. I realize that



Track Meet

There is another one today, and I'm not too thrilled with myself. My legs are all fine (OMG), but I've had this stomach ache off-and-on since 6th hour yesterday (that's 14:00). It's back now after eating breakfast so who knows what might happen later. I guess we'll have to see. I wouldn't be too happy if I ended up throwing up, but it does get attention.



That Feeling

Someone (or something) was watching me last night. Other people don't believe me, and I admit I could have been paranoid. I was alone (not even IM conversations) in the basement at 23:00 listening to Linkin Park, which would result in some mental arousal and paranoia, but I don't think that's all of it. Whether my observers meant to or not, someone was watching - or maybe contacting - me.   Now, going a little astray here, I come to the human mental powers. Psi-onics, we say. Things like telek



Itunes & Music

Does anyone know how to convert the .m4p files that iTunes gives you into .mp3, .wma, .wav or SOMETHING I can put on my mp3 player? Right now I've been putting them onto CDs and ripping them with Windows Media Player to get them converted, which is lame and a CD waster.



Distortion Guitar

Thanks to my discovery of the MIDI sounds for Distortion Guitar and Overdriven Guitar, I've completed another song, with the feel I was sort of aiming for. I'd still like to hear this in person, though. The ending seems a bit abrupt to me, but that's probably just because I'd grown used to the idea of a slightly longer ending.   Listen here.   This song has actually been planned for quite some time. You'll notice CF's comment here. Ever since then I've been trying to compose a more rock-like s



Killing Me Slowly

Among the problems I think I have (because I can't prove it, but the general opinion is that it is a problem and that I do have it), is a tight/sensitive Achilles tendon. I may have mentioned this last year as one of my track injuries. It mainly came out last Fall during cross-country, after a hard work-out which I never really recovered from. The most recent injury to it, and the reason I realized what was wrong, was from running to school instead of walking. Without stretching.   After our mo



Know Your Bookmarks

Bookmarks/favorites, in fact, tell a lot about a person. Not only the content within them, but also how they are organized. In that way, they are like sock drawers, with socks that tell of interests of the person. Let's take a look at mine.My 4-H district's webpage A page telling of 4-h in a certain county not my own A geography term index Another 4-H page this topic. A "portrait" maker The three posts Stuart Sayger made on BZP A SuDoku puzzle generator. My e-mail account An online RPG This art




Nope, not Ta-Su-Xai, but the "Eragon" movie.   It's not so bad when you watch it expecting to be disappointed (figure that one out why don't you). Basically, I had heard they ruined it, and I already knew some of the flaws. Details follow. Likes: Look of the Dragons Dislikes: Ra'zac don't get much time Saphira's voice is wrong. But I doubt I could have been happy with it at all, since it's pretty much not supposed to be actually heard so much as understood. Which would be hard in a movie. S



Your Age

Here's how you determine your age by my methods (the way that I am currently 2 years old): Take the square root of your age in years. 6-month-olds will put in ".5" Multiply by two Take the square root of this new number. Remove all digits to the right of the decimal place. We call this flooring a number. Similar to rounding down. From that age you determine a birthyear (keep your real birthdate if you like). Now your Nukoran age will increment, but it'll be lined up to your Nukoran age when yo



Run Out Of Gas

Today was my school's mock track meet, in preparation for the meet on next Friday (Apr. 11). We were required to do all but three of the aevents. It's a nice opportunity to try all the events and see from experience what you are good at. I spotted a few team-mates who ought to switch over to longer distances.   I personally did not think I would be able to get an 8 minute mile (actually, 1600 metres), which would be bad. We had to run that pace for a mile on Tuesday, and I only made it to 1200



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