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Star Wars And Elections

So on the bus, for some reason, we started debating about Darth Vader. Somebody asked why Darth Vader didn't just kill Palpatine, and we answered that Darth Vader's limbs were robotic and he depended on that chest thingy to breathe. Then we got to talking about how Vader basically killed himself when he killed Palpatine for trying to kill his son by throwing him in that reactor or whatever of the Death Star. Then I said, "Vote Palpatine-Vader for 2008! Why vote for the lesser evil?" And the guys



Twelve Angry Men

It's raining out, and it was a chilly but sunny day earlier. Woo! I like it when it rains, it gives me good ideas and creates a fun atmosphere for me. So sue me for liking gray skies and the pitter-patter of rain on the roof, I also like sunny, crisp fall days...     My day was fun. In English, there was a substitute, and we watched Twelve Angry Men, and took notes on the jurors in the film. Then I had Math, which was actually easy, and I got a head start on my homework. Then, onward to lunch.




Come on, there are only two comments on my song parody? Come on, I worked really hard on that. Please, come on, comment on it... Or I'll eat your head...     ...     Time for some WORDS!   "A penny saved is a penny earned, but the IRS is going to take it anyways."   "Once more, puppies are a viable food source. Really. They go well with barbecue sauce."   "What made you think I cared about your opinion, come again?"   "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, but it'll probably be full o



Potc Song Parody!

A reeeeeeeally long time ago I wrote a parody of the song 'I think we're alone now', and it's themed on Pirates of the Caribbean. It's really funny. Bahrag Kal's already seen it (though I doubt he remembers it) and he liked it, and I forgot it for a while... Now I'm finally posting it.   Oh they're so depraved, That's what they say when we come in like stormy weather, We won't be merciful in our raid, They made a last stand, And so we're,   Pillaging just as fast as we can, Passin' loot i



Hectic Day.

My day at school was okay, we started our new Integrated Arts class, Drama...   Anyways, the weather today's way too hot... Blegh...     And I was busy elsewhere online... Man, some people are total morons.     Man, nobody appreciated me for cleaning up yesterday for Earth Day... The kids on my bus teased me...       I'm reading Johnny The Homicidal Maniac: Director's Cut right now. The Nine Inch Heels thing is SO funny... It was a great parody. Not to mention the rest of the comic, which is



Earth Day

I had to pick up trash along the side of a road near my house for Earth Day today, and I did it with my family. It was hot out, the branches scratched me everywhere, there was so much trash, it smelled, and I was generally uncomfortable. We took a long while, and we picked up trash from a lot of the part of the road we were cleaning up. My sister brought a friend along, and they were annoying. My sister complained so much... Argh.   But then later an ice cream truck came by and I got an Oreo



What A Day

I am still so relieved that my dad listened to me and decided to get counseling with my mom instead of divorcing her... But like I said, there's still a long way to go.     My day was kind of dull, I didn't go anywhere. And now I'm listening to Marilyn Manson's "A Place In The Dirt". Planning some art, too... Mostly just character designs for a comic I just started producing on another site. Misanthropy is a prime theme.     And now it's somethingty something AM and I'm listening to "The Nobod



Sigh Of Relief

I talked to my dad this morning, and we had a very long talk about how he wanted a divorce. I talked to him about how my mom has been depressed ever since my Grandma, her mother, died, and told him that divorce was both a hard and easy way out, and the wrong choice, and I convinced him to try to fix his problems with my mom through counseling. I still don't know what will happen, but I am much, much less stressed and I can only hope the counseling works. After I had the talk with my dad, we drov




My parents might be getting a divorce... I can't believe it... I don't want this to happen... It can be fixed, and it's obvious... I don't want my parents to divorce... I feel so awful right now... My dad just called a while ago and told my mom he wanted a divorce and they talked for a while... Then me and my sister talked to our mom and we comforted her... My dad hasn't thought this through, and hasn't considered what it would mean for us, and I'm going to point that out when I see him tomorrow



The Death Song

I'm listening to that right now, off of the Marilyn Manson album Holy Wood (in the shadow of the valley of death). It's a great album, I've listened to it a bunch of times already... I find it sickeningly ironic that I ordered an album with themes related to the Columbine shootings the day before the tragedy at Virginia Tech. It's just such a morbid coincidence.     On to what this entry is really for: To bring your attention to several recent entries of mine that I believe deserve some more co



It's Just Wrong

The Virgina Tech shootings are a tragedy. Innocent lives were taken by somebody and that can never be repaired. But what's sickening is the media circus unfolding now. The search for blame begins, and the media will move from thing to thing, leeching it dry. They will blame the shooter's parents, spouting out irrelevant things about the family as if they mattered. They will blame musicians for it and their music too, hounding them for sinfulness and blasphemy and all that junk. The teachers will



Raining Salt?

I had a freaky dream last night. It was so real, I swear... I was in this giant port city or something, called Unisport. I think I was on some sort of tour about legends of witchcraft and piracy (don't ask) when it started raining salt. It stung to feel it, so we (Me and classmates who appeared in my dream) ran for cover under trees, trying to protect ourselves. I pulled the hood of my sweater (The Nightmare Before Christmas one, which I was wearing when I went to bed O_o) over my head and stret



I Just Got Jthm: Director's Cut In The Mail!

IT JUST ARRIVED SEVERAL MINUTES AGO FROM THE UPS TRUCK! OH MY ELDER GOD I AM SO [some sort of emotion resembling happy] AND THIS IS AWESOME! I'm reading 'Traumatize thy neighbor' right now! Oh... I'm filled with malignant euphoria... *SMEE!* *hugs book* Okay, I just finished 'Traumatize thy neighbor'... On to the next segment! HURRAH! *Head explodes with sheer morbid glee*




I'm listening to "Voices" on my Disturbed CD The Sickness right now. What a great song, I mean, it's catchy and it has great vocals and lyrics... Woo.     Anyways, there's this great online game where you play as a little ninja. You can jump and run around, and cling to walls, but that's it. You have to make it through thirty episodes, each with five levels, with no weapons and lots of enemies. I love playing it, I'm playing it right now. You can find it online yourself, just search for "N Gam



Power Outages And Birthdays

Well, one heckuva storm came our way, and we lost power. So we were looking for flashlights (the basement has barely any light) and trying to get ourselves in order, and it took a while... We (me, my mom, and my sister, my dad had to go to work) went out to Brigham's for breakfast, and man, was it raining like you wouldn't believe. Crazy winds too. So a while after we got back the power came back on but I had no internet access for a really complicated reason. And finally I got back online...  



The Game

That's the name of the song I'm listening to right now, by Disturbed, off of their first CD 'The Sickness', and it's awesome. For some reason it keeps making me think about wolves... Now it's changed to 'Stupify', another good song. Up next is everybody's favorite, Down With The Sickness... I like relistening to albums I haven't heard in a while. Now the CD's on the song 'Fear', which is one of my favorites. Aaaand now, after I took a break from writing, I'm listening to 'Conflict', woo.   I ha




The weather here is insane. We're getting snow and cold weather in April and all... There's ice, there's windyness, there's a lack of sunny days... We got a blizzard in March, and we've had lots of snow. I'd have expected it to be spring already, but this is New England; Who am I to say winter's over?   I finished reading Artemis Fowl and the Lost Colony a few days ago, so now I'm rereading the first book... I like rereading books, it's fun to do that and bring more of it into my memory... It's



My Experiment

Can you guess what exactly my experiment is? Can you figure out what exactly is out of wack with my normal routines, and what I have changed? I'll drop a hint. It's like a mirror test of sociable apathetic discriminatorily free-ranged intertransmissions of biased philosophicality. Now, I dare you to guess.     My mom's got some sort of the flu, she's been really sick and cranky. We took her to the doctor today, and my mom should be better soon, the doctor says. She's in bed right now...     I'



Woo! Vacation!

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! *falls over from lack of oxygen* Now I have nine straight days to waste without care. It's going to be great... I got a lot of work done today, and I really feel I need this vacation... I am really burnt out...     I watched an episode of 'Without a Trace' with my mom earlier... It's a really good show, and this particular episode was good.     I have some art I need to get up soon... Or BK will eat me... Or at least sic the Hounds of Tindalos on me...



It's My Lucky Day!

FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH IS HERE! EEE! Goodie! Send about the black cats and cracks in the pavement!     I had a funny dream but I can't remember now... Argh... It was aaaaaaaaaaawesome...   Some wordage:   "Mmm, puppies."   "You can't get two birds with one stone if they're pecking your eyes out."



Mmn Yes, I Forgot To Remember Again.

"Geeblebleegurp!" Honked out the excessively combustible toad before he was lobbed at a great, lumbering toast gnome to save the burning world of Somewhere Else by a horrific waffle daemon from the darkest depths of a Wal*Mart. This was of course before a rain of puppies disrupted the horrific waffle daemon's precipitous deeds, and thusly the giant, lumbering toast gnome began breakdancing. And then the excessively combustible toad exploded and the narrator was noogied into a stupor, though he m




"Better learn to laugh, because life's the longest, cruelest joke that'll ever be played on you."   "Puppies are only a viable food source if properly drained of their souls."   "He who laughs last, laughs best. He who laughs at an Anger Management class dropout, never laughs again."   "Christopher Paolini, author of the Poorly Written Plagiarism of All Decent Fantasy Inheritance Trilogy does not count as human."   "Believe in yourself... Because nobody else will, loser."   "... Why am I ev



Hard Update To Is It Shall But I

Wrong is ways what with you linear your and. An time so our snapping created from is prevent to illusion minds. htwA? Order the by lack you worthless of confused? iefN. See instead when anagram like you how I words the! Own ear uyo pphay thwi uyor eeussls rdroe? Tusm "ahha" ysa ta I ouy.     I'm working on Social Studies right now... I haave to rewrite some essay paragraphs... That were written by other people... And extremely poorly...     Words of wisdom time...   "Point the sharp side at t



Gman Got His Own Words Of Wisdom

Yeh, just to push the flow of blog entries back to normal.   "'Love your enemy' means just waiting for the right opportunity to shove them off a cliff."   "Being so need to you stop linear."   "Telemarketers do not count as people. Are they related to clowns?"



I Really Am Morbid

I have the proof... The following is an excerpt from a conversation between Cthulhu the Dreaming and I...     GMan: Oh, don't worry... I'll bury your corpse somewhere where a stray dog won't find it and... Stuff... Maybe a clogged drainage ditch?   CtD: Nah, not a fan. Ooh, a fan. We could work with that!   GMan: Hmmm..... Depends on the availability of pickaxes, stain removers and incinerators...   CtD: Got the stain removers, and A pickaxe. That's all... What can we do with that plus a fan



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