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I changed my blog back to 'Approve all comments' setting. It's a real pain to search my blog every day for comments, but for some reason none of you ever comment when I set my blog to 'No Approve'. Why is it that every time I try to make my blog more convenient for everybody, none of you comment?! Is it some sick plot to make me go over my blog every day to see who commented on what and force me to keep it in the 'Approve All Comments' setting by not commenting?! Come on, please, if I change my




Gargh. And I mean GARGH. I had to slog through so much stuff before school, I mean, all that work..... Half the stuff I had no idea I was missing..... Stupid assistant teachers. They're not student teachers, and they've all been assistant teachers for my seventh grade team (Two teams: A and B ) for a long while. They have inferior teaching skills, as can be evidenced by how they get in my face when I don't need it and refuse to help me when I really have a need for it, and the fact that they're



I Saw A Movie And Went Bowling!

My dad took my sister and I to see 'Meet The Robinsons', which I actually liked... It was way better than the Ant Bully, animated by the same people... But since Pixar is in charge of CG now, the script and plot for MtR was much better, way more than I expected. The theme of time travel was neatly used in a mostly original way, although who's who in the future was obvious. I had a blue raspberry Icee and a medium popcorn... Perfect food for a movie...   Then my dad got me and my sister home ar




Instead of going on a walk, my dad and I first checked out the sidewalks to see what their condition was, to see if we'd take a walk. But then we went to Borders. I had a $50 giftcard for Borders, so I was careful what I chose... I had to put back an Oingo Boingo CD coz I wouldn't have been able to get some of the books I wanted. I got the new Pearls Before Swine book, two Bionicle books, an issue of MAD Magazine and most importantly... Batman: Scarecrow Tales! WOOO!   I'm listening to The Bea



Potc Song Parody!

A reeeeeeeally long time ago I wrote a parody of the song 'I think we're alone now', and it's themed on Pirates of the Caribbean. It's really funny. Bahrag Kal's already seen it (though I doubt he remembers it) and he liked it, and I forgot it for a while... Now I'm finally posting it.   Oh they're so depraved, That's what they say when we come in like stormy weather, We won't be merciful in our raid, They made a last stand, And so we're,   Pillaging just as fast as we can, Passin' loot i



Elation From Pixelation.

Just some imagemongering via a program called Scratch, which is very fun to mess with. I in fact made a Sparta related animation with it. Nothing serious, just a small 'script' with pictures, and speech bubbles. It's complicated.




I went to the dentist to get little rubber discs inserted between some of my teeth today. That's to help put in the braces somehow. Hurts like heck, still. I'm just rather numb. Hurrah.     Attention: It has come to my notice that love is merely no more than electrons floating inside a piece of meat called a 'brain'. It may be to your advantages to alleviate yourselves from any of the social illusions known as 'romance' before unplesantries arise from the fact that we are all insignificant and




Apophenia. They say it's a tendency to see connections where none exist. I say apophenia doesn't exist. Everything is connected in some horrible, horrible way. That slightly bent spoon- If you hadn't set it down three seconds before 5:33 PM last week, you wouldn't have bumped into the wall, and your right foot wouldn't have hit it, and you wouldn't have had that limp the next week, and you would have been out of that bank before it was robbed and you were shot in the knees.   Or, it's all a c



Yay What Was I Dreaming About?

First I dreamed I was Lewa, trying to find something. I was chasing after something relentlessly, and I was doing all these air tricks to try and catch up... It was so weird... Then I was with a bunch of people or something and I was talking to this guy and he left the room for some reason and his wife/significant other called and it was for him, but she didn't believe me that I wasn't her husband/significant other, so I had to fake along. Then the guy came back after the call was done and I thi



Canobie Lake Park

I went there Friday on a field trip. It was extremely awesome. It's a park, by a lake of course, and it has dozens of great rides. I traveled around the park and went on a few, obviously. My favorite was the Extreme Frisbee, a ride with a large disc with seats in it, that swings back and forth 180 degrees while the disk spins around as it goes up and down. Man. That was GREAT. Also, the Turkish Twist was fun. It's a ride where you stand against the wall and the ride begins speeding up, and you'r




Gotta go to church in a bit..... I hate going there. The irony is, I listen to Marilyn Manson, who once said, "I think when my fans listen to my music, God dies in their heads."   Not that I'm anti-religious, I just find that ironic. And it's double ironic because I'm related to Martha Carrier, who was hung for witchcraft in the witch mania of the early 1690's. Her own children turned her in. O.o       Recommended Required Ordered-of-you-insolent-filthy-meat-sack-monkeys reading: Twenty-Two



So, I'm Back From School.....

Meep, y'know? Today went a little smoother than yesterday. First I had Reading Fun (One of my favorite enrichment classes), then Assisted Study, which didn't suck as much as usual, then I had Integrated Arts, or IA, and my class is in the Computer rotation of it, and I did no work, in fact I got to post the blog entry below this one and stuff. Then I had Science, two periods in a row, which wasn't bad at all. Then I went to lunch, which is the easiest part of the day aside from dismissal. So the



Gman Got His Own Words Of Wisdom

Yeh, just to push the flow of blog entries back to normal.   "'Love your enemy' means just waiting for the right opportunity to shove them off a cliff."   "Being so need to you stop linear."   "Telemarketers do not count as people. Are they related to clowns?"



School Bus Eeeevil!

I didn't get a chance to blog earlier... Well I didn't have any dreams so okay.   Anyways, I went out at 6:40 this morning, to wait for the bus. I expected it would come soon. It didn't. I was waiting out there with my friend, and we talked and played around to pass the time. The bus still hadn't come. The sound of the wind resembled the sound of the bus, and we wondered constantly if it had finally arrived. It was very wet, cold, and icy so we thought maybe school had been cancelled. But we st



I Looked In The Mirror Today

...after I had goofed around a little. I was alone in the house, and humans knowing they aren't being watched being what they are, I was silly and wacky. Then, I laughed at my own antics and how stupid they were, as I stood reading a copy of the Boston Herald on the counter. As I looked through the first few pages, a thought crossed my mind: How did I look doing this, doing that? Then it got deeper. I realized that I didn't address myself by my name often, nor did I think of myself completely. T



What A Wonderful World...

...Today I saw people bickering incessantly over pointless things, I was punished for something irrelevant that wasn't even breaking the rules, people being stupid (as per usual for those specific ones, sadly), and it didn't end after I got on the bus. Seriously, if you want a reason to wish you aren't human, take a look at some of the topics in COT. It's like those rooster fight sort of topics I talk about sometimes, but it isn't funny at all.   But on the bright side, it's better than listen



Home From Cape Cod

Got back from the lovable region of Cape Cod around 12:50 today, and the trip was quick. Every since they got rid of that Sagamore Bridge Rotary the trip's been faster. No nasty traffic. This morning, we cleaned up the beach house and all with our relatives, and then we packed everything into the car. We had breakfast at this great diner called Larry's P.X. Restaurant, and we got our meals quickly. That place makes great pancakes.   We were on the road, and my sister was whacking everybody fre



I Just Got Jthm: Director's Cut In The Mail!

IT JUST ARRIVED SEVERAL MINUTES AGO FROM THE UPS TRUCK! OH MY ELDER GOD I AM SO [some sort of emotion resembling happy] AND THIS IS AWESOME! I'm reading 'Traumatize thy neighbor' right now! Oh... I'm filled with malignant euphoria... *SMEE!* *hugs book* Okay, I just finished 'Traumatize thy neighbor'... On to the next segment! HURRAH! *Head explodes with sheer morbid glee*



Contemplations Of An Insane Man........

I'm just thinking today............ I really miss my childhood. I just do. I miss the cold Autumn nights where the moon was full, the sky was pitchblack, and it all just made me think of how man is insignificant, so small, a thought beyond my years...... I miss the winters where it snowed so much and I could just sit down and watch shows that were and are my favorites, like Batman: The animated series or Batman Beyond.............. I just feel depressed today. Nothing new about that, I'm actuall




The weather here is insane. We're getting snow and cold weather in April and all... There's ice, there's windyness, there's a lack of sunny days... We got a blizzard in March, and we've had lots of snow. I'd have expected it to be spring already, but this is New England; Who am I to say winter's over?   I finished reading Artemis Fowl and the Lost Colony a few days ago, so now I'm rereading the first book... I like rereading books, it's fun to do that and bring more of it into my memory... It's




What I'd probably say would be a long string of filter-bypassing swears, however since I'm in a better mood, I'll just say this: ARGH times 50, plus a nice long AAAAAAAAARGH for good measure. Yesterday, my day went pretty smoothly for a day that I had my Math and English classes on, but then last period, my French teacher starts getting on my nerves. I had one bad day a few weeks ago, and she keeps blowing it out of proportion. So she tells me I'll have to stay afte zzr school on Thursday(today



Spider-man 3

I went to see it with my dad today. And I was not disappointed at all. I loved it. The start was a great one, and I loved how the symbiote arrived... Flint Marko's transformation and reformation was one of the most dramatic, emotional scenes ever... Peter's struggles, and those of the people around him, were well portrayed. His discovery of the suit and how he used it was great, but I was aghast when Peter got himself an Emo hairstyle. However, this was alleviated when he acted rude and thoughtl



Squid Ammo How-to.

I was asked to provide a picture of a Squid Launcher with the Squid Ammo in it, and the best I could do was enlarge an image from one of my scans. It's kinda blurry, sorry for that.  



Review Of Carapar!

Yeah, I'm doing it, but no pictures, if you want those check my previous entry...   THE BOX The the most superficial part of any LEGO product, but the one that often determines whether or not the set is a success or failure. Snazzy! The blue canister and bubble effect is a nice bit. The rocky base part is intriguing- It's slanted, and that's rather neat.   WHAT'S IN THE BOX? So you've bought it and taken it home (or at least made it to the car), punched the perforated tabs and dump out the



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