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Another Thing About Webcomics

Comic strips and comic books are bound by what is viewed as "politically correct". They cannot make jokes about or give a villain role to minorities (For example, an unwritten rule is "no creating annoying people who're minorities, disabled, or different somehow") or whatever. No politically incorrect portrayals of women, children, minorities, the disabled, and other types of people. Not even ugly, stupid, nitwitted, slow, waste-of-air morons anymore. Comic strips have such tiny windows for come




Firstly, strange idea for a promotion. And secondly, that's sad people think it would be offending. Sheesh. There is nothing that can please everybody. So that's just stupid. What next? "Oh no, the air is wrong! Somebody fifty thousand miles away could feel insulted somehow! We must change it!" or "You existed wrong! We have to arrest you so nobody's offended!" Yargh.



My Apologies.

I apologize for my misuse of terms in my previous blog entries, which may have offended some. And when I posted the entry below this one, I was not even half-awake. I did not mean to imply it was censorship, and I meant it in a sarcastic, non-provocative way. I also apolgize for my bypasses of the word filter. And I am sorry for writing what some readers of this blog misinterpreted as disrespect and hate. At least I keep my blog relatively-perverse-sick-stuff-free, and it's better than if I took



Oh Yeah.

Guess who's back? Back again.   GMan's back, coz there's flesh to rend.   Guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back....   Okay, that's basically a ripoff of an Eminem song... But anyways, I'm premier! For a whole year, you will be subject to my angry rants once more.   So, anyhow, I got a lot to talk about.     I'm thirteen now, and today's a very supernatural day. Friday the thirteenth! Yay! Doom! Now, people may think, "We already had one of these." We did, way earlier in




I was just looking at the Google ads on top of my Blog entries, and they were ads for political stuff! Wow, that was unexpected. Although I did say Capital Hill is a place where evil people go...   Anyhow, my friend Bahrag Kal is having computer troubles, meaning his computer died and he's gonna be out of the loop for a while. That's a bad thing, for a lot fo reasons. One, he'll be bored to death, two, he won't be able to visit here, and three, he might not be able to start the new RPG he was




Awright, Patriots! They beat the stuffing out of the Chargers. Heheh... This will go a ways toward reparing their reputation... You know, Bill Belichick was revered and regarded as a genius just two weeks ago... Just goes to show how fast critics turn on somebody without considering the facts. The taping was bad, yes, but the tape was confiscated before half time. Yeah. I'm a diehard Pats fan. Way to go.




I started going to a program called 'Summer of Service' at my local church on Monday. I went there last year. You go help out some charity or operation and then in the afternoon you play games. This year I'm only going on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays because of appointments and a Lego engineering course I'm taking.     I'm wondering, should McDonalds add new characters to its pantheon of characters? I have a few ideas... Son of Hamburglar- Does horrible, horrible things in the name of burg



Bk's Birthday

Happy birthday to Bahrag Kal, one of the most imaginative, twisted, deranged, creative spirits I know. It's his seventeenth birthday! I've known him for over 2 1/2 years now, he rocks. However insane and antisocial he is, I identify with him. ...Well, that is the reason I identify with him. Heh. I made him some art for a present. Again, happy birthday to BK. Wish him a happy birthday as well, because the little gnomes in your head are in league with him and he'll know if you didn't wish him a ha




It's raining heavily. I'm exceptionally groggy. I feel cranky. I don't like the fact that the blog staff -removed- and closed my entries. I don't like that I had to get up out of my bed. I don't like that I'll have to run faster than Forrest Gump in the rain to get to my bus stop. I don't like the fact that I have MCAS again today. I don't like the fact that this testing will start immediately at first period. I don't like that I have to go to French class, today. I don't like that I feel so abs



About The Squid-polyp Thingies...

They don't really look like fish, not that much. They bear a resemblance to a cross between lampreys, those jawfish thingies with luminescent rod thingies on their heads, and a small squid thingy. They're quite neat. The rubber is strong and does not stretch all too far, not as far as it shows in the manual unless you have superstrength, and they're pretty cool. I see applications for them but I won't say what coz I no want my ideas stolen. *Puts on tin foil hat and conspiracy theorist mindset*



To Add Something To My Last Entry.

It's not that I hate getting up early, its what comes after it. I love getting up when it's still dark out, and getting ready, it's that I just don't like having to face the day. I do wake up early and go to bed late, and that works out fine for me as long as I drink a Diet Coke or two or three or ten. Heck, I come up with some of my most stinging retorts in the early morning. I guess my complaints should be directed at my bed for being so warm and comfy I never want to leave it, and at my schoo



Woo, Sleepover

Turns out my friend's sleepover was at his house here, not the one up in New Hampshire. Ah well. It was great! We played around at first, then another friend brought his Wii and we played some Super Smash Bros Melee and some Mario Kart Double Dash. We goofed around, and it was great. Then we went bowling! There were around eight or nine of us, and we split up to bowl in two lanes each. It was Candlepin bowling, by the way. I enjoyed it, even though I lost badly in the second round. We were taken




Well, I woke up and dragged myself out of bed to flip off at the world once more, hurrah. *yawn* I have school today then I have tomorrow off...   I'm going to be at a sleepover tonight, yippee. My friend (the one who started the band, of course) is having it at his other house up in New Hampshire. Lemme explain. He lives here, but a while ago his parents considered moving up to New Hampshire, and bought a house there, but didn't move. My friend lives in the second house sometimes, like takin




Boy oh boy, Monday, it's frickin' Monday. Hallelujah or however it's spelled, like I care.     Here's a fun experiment, kids! First, begin going to bed waaaaaaaaay late. Say ten PM or so? And wake up around 6 AM! Oh boy! As if that isn't fun already, start drinking lots of Diet Coke! Do this every day and keep going to be late and waking up early! Eventually, you will become so tired that the caffeine will fail to power your body and you will slump over asleep in your bed! OH BOY, isn't it so



*twitch* *twitch*

This April Fools prank is the WORST EVER... I'm getting sick of it... I NEED MY DEAD RPG 2 FIX BAD! *eye twitches* It's a very cruel prank... And what's worse are all those members who want it to go because they think it's making board messages better and that there's no need for a Lego forum or a forum for discussing things other than Bionicle... I want to strangle them... RRGH this better be over tomorrow... AUGH they just closed the talkback topic... I'm going to go insane... Wait, "going to




I went to see 'Happy Feet' at the nearby Jordan's Furniture IMAX theater. Good movie. But I had to go with my dad, who didn't feel well, and my whiny, stupid sister, and my sister kept throwing tantrums and we nearly went home several times, even after we bought the tickets. The movie was wonderful and I liked it, but I had to wait for over an hour in a large, noisy building, with my moody sister, the building being full of nitwitted, whiny, hyperactive kids, and it was a pain in the neck. And H



It's Snowing!

IN THE MIDDLE OF MARCH! AND IT'S A HUGE SNOWSTORM! THE SCHOOL LET US OUT FIFTEEN MINUTES EARLY! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! It is so beautiful out, with all the snow falling and spiraling around... It's just wonderful... And I'm planning on staying up super-late again, so the snowing will make my experience (Midnight Syndicate+darkness due to the time being the middle of the night+sitting at a computer=a really spooky night, which I like) even better! YAY! And I only have a bit of homework! SMEE!  



New Subtitle And A Fact About Warcraft 3

I forgot to change the subtitle yesterday... Yeh, so last week's song was "Iron Man" by Black Sabbath, but they also appeared in a Marilyn Manson cover called "Sam Son of Man". So here's the "Iron Man" lyrics, coz "Sam Son of Man" is technically nonobscene, but I feel better not posting it anyways because it's a bit violent. Can you guess the song this week's subtitle lyrics are from? Anyways... --"Iron Man", by Black Sabbath. Yeh. Now give me your best guess at what song this week's lyrics



Terminator 2

I watched T2 on Saturday with my mom, and it was a great movie. I've seen it before, of course. I loved the plot, characters, action, humor, and special effects, which all hold up to this day. Robert Patrick was great as the T-1000, plus the scenes with the Terminator and John bonding (I watched the extended cut) were really good, and in the end when the Terminator made a thumbs up as he descended into the lava was great... And then I stayed up late and watched the original Terminator movie and



Blorg, Say The Ninjas

As to what that means, I have no idea whatsoever... But that goes for the meaning of life, too, so oh well. I was having some sort of pleasant dream relating to the horrific doom of people when my bleeping alarm clock woke me up. Do we really know why we dream? Why we slumber and dwell in these wisps of fantasies? It all means nothing in the end. Dreams cannot escape the tomb of one's decaying skull. Why do we take life for granted and run along in a routine that doesn't let us stop to think, wh



Updated Me Blog

Made some changes, added a few links and stuff, just harnessing freetime to spiffen up my blog.     Anyways, last night I watched the Batman Episodes Feat of Clay and Joker's favor, plus a few others. They were great! Feat of Clay did a great job of remaking Clayface and giving him such colorful origins, and Joker's Favor was the origin Episode for Harley Quinn, one of the best characters on an animated TV show ever! Clayface was spectacular, and I liked how Joker's Favor was told from the acco




Just found out that the search feature's back. So I was checking out posts of mine from around the time I first met my friend Bahrag Kal to when I was writing the long-dead, forgotten epic Rust, which was a sequel that BK had made to his epic Alien Warfare, and I took over writing after BK got Extreme writer's block.   So I've been looking at how I posted back when I was under 100 posts or so. Then I started posting a ton more. Times change, my style changes, I change. I can't believe how long



I'm So Happy My Head Could Explode.

Yay, COT and LGD are back... Oh I was getting so many mixed messages I was confused... Nur... But oh joy the place I met a lot of my BZP friends and continue to interact with them there beyond Bionicle discussion is back... *smee* Wait, I said 'happy'... Oh goodness I will expl- *BLAM!* And now I hafta go.



Just Watched 'hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy'...

...Great movie, but I haven't read the book, so I can't honestly compare. I must say though, it was hilarious. "So long and thanks for all the fish! So sad it had to come to this!" That was what the dolphins were singing before they transported themselves away to avoid the earth's destruction... And Marvin the Android is my favorite character. And now I'm having food from Fuddrucker's... Mmmm..... *belch*



Crackdown On Cartoon Unawareness.

Alright folks, it's time I give you all a refresher course in great cartoons that have been abused, forgotten, or not released on DVD. I'm bringing the hammer down on the issue of awesome cartoon unawareness, and I must educate your brains for the good of all existence. Let's start with one show in particular:   Beetlejuice: Oh, Elder Gods, this show is great. I watched a few episodes, and I forget most of them,. but the show had fun monsters, and of course it was funny. It was based a little



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