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The Caribbean Came

I have fully admitted that I'm Singaporean in more than one occasion, post or comment.   Now, I can't be any more proud of my nationality than now.   Why?   Those who have watched the 'Pirates of the Caribbean 3' trailer would know.     It's absolutely awesome of the storywriters behind the movie to pull Singapore into the big story! Finally! After its quizzical and interesting mention in the first movie, people have wondered if Singapore was a pirate state.   And here, they fully show it,



Oh No, It's May!

I have good reason to panic.   You see, this is the month where a really big performance is going to happen. Our entire music course has been roped in to perform at the Graduation Concert - not a formal concert, but a background music crew as everyone eats cheap tidbits catered free to the participants and everyone takes photos of their classmates in graduation garb, yadda and dadda.   They forget what goes on behind the scenes.   Our cohort is the only cohort creating gigs for this performan



Two's A Duo

If people were guessing what it's like to be a twin, I may have some good pointers and tips about it.   You see, I am part of a pair of twins. My twin sister and I were the two hellspawns which launched my mother into motherhood. Credit for all and most experience of raising children would have come from our arrival and infant years which sent my family on a spree of sleepless nights, expenditure of goods (make that double), and the most expected one: Telling the two apart.   No, we're not ide



What A To-do

After my saxophone lesson, I went to the adjoining music store to tinker on the keyboards and the electone on display.   Why? Refer to my previous post.   After the emotional letdown from the exam, I wanted to get some confidence back. The way to do that, as I found out, was to improvise freely or to play songs that I was comfortable playing with, like an icebreaker.   When I turned on the large musical machine and struck a note, to hear a rich sound of strings as the default preset sound, I



What A Lonely Liking...

When I was asked about what I liked, I ranted off the usual things people would have said, and also that I liked them too.   Food, Animals, Music, Peace (oh world peace?), Friends... Transformers (That one, people know.)   ... Bionicle?   Oh may the crickets chirp.   Well, Bionicle is not exactly popular where I am. I'd hardly term is as one of the legendary fandoms that would entice the child of all ages, but it snagged all of us, didn't it?   I like Bionicle. Love it tons by its character




Something light-hearted for a change.   I'm one of many here that access MSN Messenger on a daily basis, no thanks to the automatic log-in that comes with it. Immediately after startup I get a smack from the MSN Messenger window, along with the onslaught of red and the mercifully small amount of green.   It's not that I don't like many people, but I wouldn't think I would be able to handle the onslaught of conversation windows at one go. I don't know how people manage that, but I'm not confid



The Real Fiction: The Letter

This post is a pioneering one for me: my fiction, published online for the first time.   Now, I cannot guarantee that this will be shown more prominently on this blog. I am *somewhat, maybe more than that* proud of this piece of work.   It was a take I did on that harmful Creative Writing session, and I freshened it up, edited it here and there, and finally handed it to the lecturer.   It would not go to any competition or anything, but it was a creative release. I have not done a short story



Oh No, It's May! Part 2

Part 2, ladies and gentlemen, and we are in full swing.   Rehearsals for the concert have begun, and we are in slick motion. The trio keyboard ensemble was created quickly and we headed off once the group was made.   The Pirates of the Carribean Medley has been composed on the spot - just a simple glue-in of Jack Sparrow, Davy Jones, and a few nice tidbits from the first movie. All in the name to promote the third installment that comes out two days after the concert and remind the graduates o



As The Year Goes...

Very soon, 2006 would have come to an end. I'm making this post early as I want to start thinking a little clearly and study a little more before school starts.... which would be January the 8th.   However, with cousins from overseas here to accompany us till Chinese New Year has passed and studying and assignments that have yet to be done (and were not touched during Christmastide), I'm very sure the transition from 31 December 2006 to 1 January 2007 would go unnoticed by me, unless I'm at the



Soundwaves In The Theatre

I can't wait to watch Transformers 2! I know it's released, but I finally have the tickets - my dad won them, but didn't want to watch it with walk-in tickets. He wanted to book us all down. Good thing he knew a Transformers fan living in the same house as he did.   I'm doing sound for a production called Short + Sweet, an international playwright competition of 10 minutes a play, and I'm helping the Singapore leg of this competition. The stage manager for this event is my little sister's best



Compounded Day 2

<dd> ain't so sad anymore.   That's 'cause <dd> got company.     In the morning, my twin sis came home, sick with fever and a raspy throat.   She conked out, but it did mean that I was no longer alone at home.     That meant we could compare and take our medicine together. 'Tis a pity I have to go back to poly tomorrow (and for a study-bug like me, that's a strange thing to hear from me), otherwise my sis may feel better and we can watch a DVD tomorrow or spoil our puppy Lucky ro



Critic Burnout

Today, I think my brain burned out, and totally melted to protodermis. Unrefined, half-solid half-fluid silvery liquid of Bionicle life.   It was in the middle of a review I had to do. Note: had to. It was no 'must', but I had to stand in defence for my fellow critics when a member 'demanded' about the review that was not done.   We don't ask for good clients. We ask for ALL clients.   And so I was reviewing the work, re-reading the epic to check again and again to see if my points were vali



My Brain Has Gone Numb. Again.

After coughing out the sixteenth chapter to my epic here, I realised something really worrying.   When I stared at the computer screen, I realised that my writing sense had gone numb. Seriously numb.   It's so bad that I don't think I can write any stories or prose for a good long while.   But at least blog entries don't need everything to be grammatically correct...(see, it already sounds funny!) or at least I can be pardoned.   Meanwhile, I'm trying to console myself about this sudden lo




I finally batted away the music theory monster. T'was tiring, but I did it! And finally with some time on my hands, I came back to see what happened to BZP. I recalled it being down for a while.   First thing I saw when I entered the Library section: Hey, the envelopes are back!   I recall that these envelopes were used during my first year here, when I wrote my first epic. Then the server changed, I think, and the old icons were gone.   Now they're back! Hee!   Maybe Hapori Tohu and Survou



Dolle Project Ii

Electone exam's coming in: 4, more accurately 3, days.   Link to older image   Next up on the board: My little sister.   By the glance, you could tell that she's pretty. You bet she is. She's the one with the looks among us three sisters. Slim too.   But, she’s the most bubbly of us lot. If I were to think of our group of sisters as a juxtaposition of the Powerpuff Girls (but we all would cringe at the thought), my twin would have been Blossom and this one would have been Bubbles. That wo



Youth Society, And My D-day

Recently, I noticed something quite… disturbing, or interesting, of late.   No, it's not that my electone exam is a day away. I already noticed that a long time ago.     I noticed now that children and teens were flocking full force out of the house and into the malls.   It's their school holidays, but the polytechnic students are still at school. It's their great opportunity to take over the town.   In the recent MRT rides, more teenagers in their shorts, Birkenstock-imitate sandals or croc



Funny Thing, Rating Is. Writing Is Funny Too.

Lookit what I found a few days ago:   Click here to see. Pardon my bad spriting and screenshot skills   The wonder of a rating. See how much power it wields!   How every vote counts. How one rating changes the average.   How wonderful it is to be rated a nice rating. A perfect rating in fact. How disappointing it is to be down-graded.     The Epic Critics Club is enjoying a slower pace to review epics. Thankfully, as critics who loyally keep reviewing on a constant basis have been pulle



I Can't Believe It

I... won... I won in a BZP contest...   For the first time, in my three years on this little site and hidey-hole on the Net, I finally won a BZP contest.     OK, it's an honourable mention, but it's better than nothing!   I'll be honest that I thought my songfic would get somewhere, but I had not expected a winning position at all!   I'm dumbfounded, speechless, well... genuinely surprised. I checked the topic after my 8am test, with my friends around me.   Everyone laughed when I squeaked



Lack Of Inspiration

The test is over, and I am glad to say that I over-burned my brain studying but held my head and brain upon my shoulders to do the paper.   However, due to the test, the following classes for that subject were cancelled for the week to let the lecturer mark the papers.   That subject would have taken up most of our time for today's lessons.   It was a void of at least seven hours now.     It was more than I could ask for. I needed it to complete the big REMT and MIDI assignments. Cubase, th



I'm Done!

T: +6, -3   Things:   REMT (Recording, Editing and Mixing Techniques) = DONE MIDI (MIDI and Synthesis) = DONE EIC (Effective Interpersonal Communication) = DONE MUST (Music Theory) = DONE ET (Ear Training) = DONE CRS (Critical Reasoning Skills) = DONE   Look at that! Ain't that beautiful?   ACTS was removed as I decided that studying for a test could be done days before a test but not a week before. I would forget everything about it and lose the grasp.   Put aside for later: SS3 E



Random Rant

Right now, I’m dealing with (and I do mean dealing with) my short story ‘Autumn Leaves’ right now, sprucing it up after adding length and content to it, by recommendation of the writing club. They want to chop that bit of lit (short for ‘literature’) into fine, tiny-tiny pieces and inspect how to write a short story.   It feels so good to be a role model.   In fact, the cruel irony to me is that music was given to me by others; scale after scale and note after note, and any piece I wanted to



House Of The Ill

As I looked into the window of the building, I watched a group of five boys smiling and laughing, watching the television screen that showed a game of Counterstrike in progress.   One would have easily mistaken them easily as normal kids.   However, I was in the Assisi home, looking through the window of the children’s playroom.     Those boys had cancer.     Returning from my walk in the quaint garden the day care sported, I sat down beside my grandmother and her friends, watching a variety



Critique Crave

I don't know if I oughta be happy or worried.   It all started with that first 'Epic critics club' made by a member who had lost interest of BZP in a matter of weeks and disappeared. Acclaimed authors and total new faces to BZP's writing scene joined in as critics, and were left in the lurch.   Many of them left the job altogether. I did as well.   Until someone, by the name of Twenty-Two, restarted it.   I still had interest in such a venture in the Library, so I expressed my interest to he



What A Beautiful Language, English Is

What a strange situation to be in.   In front of me was a blank piece of paper. In my hand was a pen.   I was told to write on that piece of paper something to be submitted.     For at least ten years, I've been doing that without fail, in the form of essays and compositions for English.   And it was during the last four years of that ten that I started to love what I was doing. Prior to my major exam at the tenth year, I was writing freely written essays to let my teacher check on my progre



School Life Is The Blog Fad!

This is strange.   Everyone's talking about it. If they were not talking about it, they talked about it recently.   This is strange.   I felt no different, sitting there, part of the conversation and the topic is of one that I felt, somehow, was only partly relevant to me now.   Strange? Why should it be strange?   It was school they were talking about. They were returning to school. They were slogging through their homework, and making a good note to mention that they have homework. And i



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