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What? Hate And/or Loathing It Is Then.

Romance, cards, and "enough sugar to send a diabetic into shock," is that what Valentine's Day has come to be? (Let's not forget there's enough mushy specials to make the most stoic person gag.) Why do we need or have one day a year set aside to express love toward each other, even just toward our fellow humans?   Oh well, it's one of the five major shopping days I look forward to... sort of. Actually, it's more like February 15, July 5, November 1, December 26, and the day after Easter becau



Hey Everyone Should Know I Contacted Member X!

First off, I'd like to say there is currently no one by the name of Member X (which is really kind of surprising). Anyway, this is not whether or not Member X does or does not exist or whether said will or will not exist. What I'm writing about is posting to let everyone know you sent a Personal Message to a certain member. Yes, you might be posting to let the person know you sent him/her a PM or asking if said member got your PM, but when you post it, you're also telling everyone else this info



Curse Of The... Appropriately Placed Metaphor

Yeah, a few days late and several dollars short (figuratively), but I guess I should say this sometime, and I don't like to have multiple entries for one day.   Anyway, I must be bad luck for the team that loses the Super Bowl because for the past several years, I have wanted the team that lost to win (before the event began obviously). It's not because I'm sure the losing team's better or feel it's a sure thing. In fact, I'm not a big sports fan: I just like to root for someone, so I go for th



3 Outta 3 Ain't Bad. Problem Solved.

Remember this? No? Then you didn't read it, and you just read over the link... shame on you. So very much shame on you. How can I communicate with you if you won't bother to even check out the links I provide. Now what was I talking about again? Oh yeah, something about what's in the link.   Ranting aside, all my problems have solved! That's right, no more world hunger, the cure for cancer, all that... okay, so not all my problem.   We now have a new microwave and stove (almost), and the Inter



One Year Later...

Where does the time go? Have I done so little and learned so much, or have I done so much and learned so little? So much has happened since I was first asked to join the staff.   *Cues cheesy flashback music* *Cuts and replaces with a song about memories* *Is told the second song is worse and to stop singing*   Yeah, so much has happened, not just on BZP either, but that's another entry for another day... or you could just read my past entries.   Good times.   ©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM



Reason Number-- Who Cares-- Why I Hate Winter

I've been feeling somewhat iffy since Wednesday, but I started feeling better early Thursday (yesterday). After much "fun" was had, I think it made me feel worse, so I took some medicine last night, and now I sit here still feeling bad and having remnants of sleep medicine in my system.   It usually takes awhile to begin working on me, but once it starts, I can be somewhat out of it for awhile.   ©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM



Can't Win For Losing... Or Something Catchy. Fish!

"Overqualified"!?   Why is there such a word? Is it better to have someone who knows too much about what s/he is doing than not know anything at all about what's supposed to be done? I have this feeling it was a word made-up, so someone's boss didn't look bad.   If you ever hear that you're overqualified for something, it probably means you know more than person talking to you, and that person just doesn't want to look ignorant. No, I'm not overqualified for anything (or at least have never he



Nothing Works Right!

Oh, this has been such a terrible weekend, and the "festivities" aren't over yet. Our microwave fan is going out; our oven doesn't ov(?), and family computers have been wanting to not connect to the Internet.   I liked that microwave: it's lasted thirty-some odd years: I think it was a wedding gift for my parents or something like that. (That's what real technology is. Take that modern technology!) For the past several years, it's been pushing itself anyway: there were times when it just needed



R P Gs In The C O T

Okay, so I've noticed a trend of RPGs (that's Role-Playing Games, not Rocket-Propelled Grenades or whatever else it could stand for) down in Completely Off Topic lately. Now I have nothing against them, but there certainly are a lot of them. Too much product without limitation often causes lethargy. Yes, you have choices, but where should you begin? If you don't figure out what you want to do, you stop moving.   So to keep some order and prevent flooding of them in the forum, I'll be limiting a



I Can See Clearly Now... The Blur Is Gone

Has it really been a whole year? I'm sure you don't know what I'm talking about, but if you notice my staff bio picture, you'll see that I wear glasses. I've only had them for a year: I went several years without them.   I don't wear them all the time I'm awake, but it's nice to see so clearly when I do wear them. I won't say why I got them, but rest assured, the streets are safer because of them.   ©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM



It's Like Your Own Personal Mini Forum

Being a staff member is a big responsibility that few people get to experience, but if you think about it, a blog is like a personal forum where you are the staff. It's not a full-blown forum: it's more like a mini forum, where you get to have some creative control over the layout and decide what to talk about. (Yes, there are certain restrictions to both.) And the only people with the same powers or more are the actual designated BZP staff.   So if you want some of the experience of being a mo



I Still Got It! Okay, So I May Not Know

I have some weird sort of MOCing preparation style: once I had all my pieces assorted by color (or color group for nearly identical colors), which helped me keep coordination. Next I had them sorted by piece type (torso, limbs, weapons, feet, etc.), but it may have hindered more than helped because I think it stifled my creativity process... I used to grab almost blindly, looking only in a particular color, seeing what came of piece combinations. The first process also took fewer containers beca



Ignorance Is No Excuse... I've Tried.

Basic information is key to getting things done: if you don't know something or understand it fully, you shouldn't be afraid to ask. However, sometimes you'll do a lot better if you look up things before asking.   So much information is commonplace that a little digging will yield results; it's after you've tried to research that you ask questions. I don't mean taking five minutes and using a couple search sites and finding nothing: I mean actually trying. Search sites contain links, and those



Wasn't It Winter Last Fall?

That's a reference to last November.   It's so cold! Freezing rain, ice storm watch/warning (like I know/care/remember the difference)... and that's just the tip of the iceberg.   Today was a slow, boring day... to begin with. I had to be at work where it was slooooow because of the bad weather and the weekend (I'm working at my college's bookstore during Rush).   I whacked my shin while at work. After work, I had to walk in that cold, nearly freezing rain. The zipper on my jacket broke, and



Make Topics Already

For some reason, people feel compelled to be the starter of something big: something they can put their name on (not just here but in real life). In Completely Off Topic, I guess this big thing would fall on games and official topics because they need to be approved. Maybe people want to have their name on things like that, but the truth is:  People aren't going to think about who started an official topic: that's not why those topics exist. Those topics exist to talk about certain (usually ve



Completely Off Topic Is Not A Playground

Yes, I know there's a slide, some swings, and a see-saw, but that forum has a point.   Completely Off Topic does not mean completely off all topics: there has to be a point of discussion. Don't just make something up and hope discussion happens: that's the starter's responsibility. (Yes, topic starters have responsibility, though it's more implied.)   Completely Off Topic is not a spamming display site: the name does not mean you can go off the topic that's being discussed. Stick to the topi



Abbreviated Circumstances

Okay, for some reason, "Net Speak" has become so prominent and so confusing, that it (like the English language) is often incorrect what one person is saying and another is understanding. We use acronyms and initials for everything from video games to music to television shows (MP3, anyone?); what it should really be called is "Lazy Man's Conversation."   While there are a few acronyms that are so unique they can only stand for one group of words, there are also a lot of other acronyms that can



Where's The Beef?

So I got Pridak, but I'm not totally impressed with him. I do like the feet, big as they are, so that's not my complaint. What bothers me is he's somewhat lanky for my tastes, but less so since getting an idea from Pekel's review. (Funny that I should read that before making this: I was about to when I noticed the review.)   Anyway, one thing that bothers me about the lankiness is that it's almost as if Pridak wants to collapse. Something that seems desparately needed is some armor, which leads



Wiinternet Access

I was going to write this on a Wii, but after trying to send a PM that didn't even go through, I decided not to. Just using the Wii to surf the Internet is going to be a pain unless the USB keyboard is somehow integrated. First off, it's hard to type when I have to move my "mouse" to each individual letter; yes, I know some suggested words come up, but if what I'm typing is short or not even listed, those suggestions are pointless. Second, I don't want to waste batteries while trying to get to e



Birthday, Birthday, Birthday!

Yay, it's my birthday, and I even got the authentic topic. (I know it's authentic because it came with a certificate that at least looks official.) I'm not one to normally stand in the spotlight, but for today, I'll let the world revolve around me... metaphorically, of course: it actually revolves around the sun. (Just don't tell my ego: he hates to be corrected.)   I'm reminded of a poem:   Lots of ice cream, Lots of cake Lots of antacid For my stomach's sake. Send all your warm wishes S



Barraki And Small Sets

Well, I was at a store today that happened to have the Barraki and the four (so sad it's not six) small sets. I might've bought one of each to check them out, but I wasn't about to stand in a very long line for two items I know will be there after the rush.   What I really wanted to do was compare a Barraki canister's size to a Toa Inika's; alas, the store had no Inika with which to do so. Something I don't like is that the "lid" is on the bottom, but the canister isn't see-through like the Rah



Topical Transcendency

Okay, so most of us by now know that clicking the above button allows us to quote more than one person within a single topic without having to copy and paste (total time saver). But how many people know that you can use this feature to carry over posts to another topic? Though the use of this feature can be somewhat limited in necessity, it is useful nonetheless.   ©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM



Spam Of E-mails Yet To Come

I knew sending e-mails was fast, but I had no idea how fast: I've received spam e-mails from the distant future. As of this writing, the date goes as far as January 9, 2038.   I can see the future now... and the future is awfully cluttered with junk mail.   ©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM



Tis The Season To Be Jolly... Now Go Away! :p

I haven't really built any MOCs since before Brickfest: I think that really put a strain on my creativity and desire to MOC. Though I wanted to MOC something, I just didn't feel fully compelled to do so; weep not though, for BBCC #39 gave me a reason to MOC.   One complaint people are giving is the color restrictions, but that's what makes things interesting. Utilizing my means within the confines of the rules, I am making a group of small MOCs which are unlike anything I've done before... I'm



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