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Hold Me

I have returned from the first 40 seconds of the movie "300". In IMAX. That is something I will never do it again. Between the surround-sound speakers, the six-story screen, and the rumbling seats, I literally felt that my heart was going to snap. Literally. Let me tell you, that is the last time I will ever see an IMAX film. Hold... Me.....

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

What Is This?

.....                         And maybe, just maybe there's someone out there who gets the reference. Maybe.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Television Quotes

That's right! For a not so limited time only, I'm offering you the chance to read some of the greatest Television quotes of all time! (Results may vary)   Dr. John Zoidberg: "Just make sure you don't end up old and lonely like poor Dr. ZOIDBERG! *cries*"   Bart Simpson: "Don't have a cow, man."   The Doctor (9): "I might never make sense again! I might have two heads, or no head- and don't say that's an improvement!"   The Doctor (10): "Alons-y! Hm, I should say that more often. Alons-y,

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Shoudn't I Be Happy?

Title: Happy Feet Rated: G Synopsis: A Penguin gets brain damage and starts dancing. Almost gets eaten three times. No, no... Four. NP's Rating: 3.2 -- Not too shabby, not too good.   ---   You should have been here yesterday! The sun was out, the birds were singing, the sky was blue- and it was beginning to feel like spring! Now it's snowing. What the heck is wrong wit this planet?!? Maybe it just doesn't like me.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Np's Dictionary

Good news, everyone! I've come up with a way to teach random phobias to people who don't know what they mean. It's some sort of dictionary... type thing..... In a way...... Well, here it goes!   Entry#1: Anatidaephobia -- The fear that in some way, some how, a duck is watching you.   Entry#2: Arachniphobia -- Aw, come on! I don't think there's anyone here who doesn't know what that means.   Entry#3: Luposlipaphobia -- The fear of being chased around a kitchen table in socks on a newly waxed

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Philosophical Questions To The Max

Can you staple yourself to a table?   Why is the world the only place where potatoes grow?   Does the planet Neptune ever get bored?   Is Pluto lonely?   What is the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything?   Can you really save the world by saving the cheerleader?   Why the heck did they put Heroes on hiatus!?!   Will I ever make sense?   Can the Time And Relative Dimension In Space ever seep into our universe via the Void and the space time continu

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

That's Wild!

I have returned from Wild Hogs! The stupid motorcycle movie!   Title: Wild Hogs Rating: PG13 Synopsis: Four guys hate their lives. They decide to go on a cross-country bike trip to burn off their stress. In the process, their tent burns down, a bar blows up, a cell-phone hits a windsheild, and a bird smacks into a guy's face. NP's Review: 4.1 -- Overall, it was pretty stupid.... In a good way, though! I recommend it, and be sure to stick around for the credits...  

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Doctor What?

Well, tonight at seven is the premier of Doctor Who season 30. Too bad my satellite is down. And I don't live in Britain. Curses. Well, as I cannot actually watch the episode, I'll just have to piece together what I know, and try to make my own version of the episode. OK, the first time it plays, it's really slow. Stick around for when it loops, 'cause that's when it speeds up. It's stupid. I know. It's supposed to be. Also, I'm sorry about there not being any sound.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


Well, I was watching a Volcano documentary in Geography today, and they said a rather interesting word. "Volcanology". Then it hit me. You can add the suffix 'ology' to almost any word! I call it: "Ologyology". Waterology. Stapleology. Doctor Whoology. Palindromeology. Potatology. Comicology. UFOology. BZPology. Norikology.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

An Interesting Conversation

It all started on the way to school today.... I had just brought up Star Wars for no reason, then I said: "Why do you think George Lucas has an overobsession with limb hacking?" What do you think?

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Diabolically Philisophical Questions:

If the forums hadn't screwed up when I tried to post this yesterday, whould the world be a better place?   If Wile E. Coyote had enough money to buy all of that ACME stuff, why couldn't he buy dinner?   Will I ever ask enough questions?   Why don't cows have beards?   Is there another planet like Earth?   Can black-holes think for themselves?   Is paper alive?   Are fairy-tales real?   Is up down?   What is today but yesterday's tomorrow?   Do video-games rot our brains?   What is lan

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Even More Philisophical Questions:

Well, I just felt like posting something in my blog today, so... Here goes:   Can there be infinite + 1?   Will we ever populate the moon?   Will pigs fly?   What is the sound of one hand clapping?   What is the sound of three hands clapping?   In space, can anyone hear you scream?   On Earth, can everyone hear you scream?   On Mars, do Martians hear you scream?   Does LOST actually make any sense?   Will LOST ever make sense?   Can LOST ever make sense?   Have I asked enough "Philis

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Mimzy's My Teacher.

Well, I just came beack from "THE LAST MIMZY", and you know what that means! Don't you? Well, if you don't, it's time for "NP's Movie Reviews"!   Title: The Last Mimzy Rating: PG Synopsis: Box from the future falls to Earth, and a girl gets taught telekenisis from a stuffed rabbit. Also, the boy kinda makes spiders go sorta crazy. NP's Review: 4.2 = Not bad, not bad. I recomend it to those who don't mind random stuff.  

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


Everybody, go read Lady K's blog! It's got pirates!       ...     Right now!     You owe me one, Lady K. ... Not really. XD

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Help.... Me.... *dies*

Well, today was the day that I needed to reorganize my locker. I gathered everything within, and, in the process of one hour, I loaded it into my bag.       I really, really hurt. Grah, now I need to spend even more time organizing it..... HELP!

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

More Philosophical Questions

If we evolved from monkeys, why haven't monkeys evolved into us?   Is there actually intelligent life in the universe?   When an animal dies, should we give it a funeral?   Could we evolve into fish if global warming envelopes the planet?   Can ameobas feel love?   Can potatoes feel pain?   If "Whose Line is it Anyway" hadn't been canceled, would the world be a better place?    

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


Well, this was supposed to be posted yesterday, but the server crashed..... It still applies, though.     HOMEWORK IN EVERY SUBJECT! AUUUGH!         Help... me..... *gack*

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Am I..... The Only One?

For once in my life, I can do things other people can't do! I... I feel so.... so..... Special......   First period French. Sorry to everyone who loves the language, but I HATE IT. HATE HATE HATE.   ...     Well, we're currently working in groups to finish a book report. It's a very odd book. In French. And, wouldn't you know it, I get the largest chapter of all. 29 pages. Darn. Anyway, today we started working on cover pages. It was 'fun'.... See, you can't really have 'fun' in French. It g

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

5 Minute Difference

The following lists several instances when a mere 5 minutes can make a large difference:   - Before a bomb goes off. - Before a nuke explodes. - Before a nuclear bomb explodes. - Before you realize you made a mistake. - Before you realize that you made a mistake by setting off a nuclear bomb.     - Before you realize that you are a mistake. - The cliché "Five more minutes, mom". - When you don't wanna go to bed. - The snooze alarm. - Cramming before a big test. - A good TV show. -

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

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