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Home From School

Well, I woke up sick today, so I guess I missed school. Although it was another half-day.... Didn't miss much.... No tests today..... Not a lot, really.   Oh boy! Heroes was last night! It was so cool! Nikki's in trouble, trapped by Jessica. Nathan's Claire's real dad, and now Merideth knows that her daughter survived the fire 14 years ago! Peter and Claude are fighting, and Claude almost got him killed.... Simone betrayed Peter for Isaac, who's painted New York post-nuke. Hiro and Ando have co

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


I don't know why I'm blogging* about this.... I guess it just came up today, and, well..... Yeah.   [Accent=Brittish]"GET ON WITH IT!"[/Accent]   Fine!   My dog's name is Zeus, but over the months we've developed all sorts of crazy nicknames for him...   -Zeus. -Deus. -Doos. -Dussle. -Zussle. -Zoos. -Russle. -Russ. -Doody. -Wittle Puppy. -Poopy Puppy. -Zeusy. -Deusy. -The Zeusinator. -Duss. -Russ. -The Doosinator. And the list goes on....     *Yup. It's a verb now.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Happy Valentines Day!

Yes, Valentine's day. Where couples exchange kisses and express how much they love eachother. Unfortunately, I do not yet have a girlfriend, so for now I just make cards for my family... *sigh* I'm so lonely.....     Anyway, today we got out at 12:26, so that was good. Easy math test 2nd period, and snow. Lots of snow. Unfortunately, it didn't start snowing until 6:00, so there wasn't enough to cause a snow day. Now there is, but it's too late.... Dang. Tomorrow I don't care, 'cause I'll be i

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


Well, it's not yesterday anymore. It's today! But what is today but yesterday's tomorrow? Ungh, I hate being philosophical in the morning.... Today shall probably be a rich, full day. Full of swimming..... and fun..... and my mom needs a desperate break, so we're probably going to see a movie. LOST: We got nowhere in the story. So what, Kate and Sawyer made it back to the island? So what, Jack saved Juliette? The only good thing was that we now know what Jack's tatoos mean: "He walks among u

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Television Quotes

That's right! For a not so limited time only, I'm offering you the chance to read some of the greatest Television quotes of all time! (Results may vary)   Dr. John Zoidberg: "Just make sure you don't end up old and lonely like poor Dr. ZOIDBERG! *cries*"   Bart Simpson: "Don't have a cow, man."   The Doctor (9): "I might never make sense again! I might have two heads, or no head- and don't say that's an improvement!"   The Doctor (10): "Alons-y! Hm, I should say that more often. Alons-y,

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Television Slogans

I'm typing from school!   As you know, the current TV season has either ended, or is about to begin. Exept for Doctor Who. It's still going. Well, viewership has dropped by 65% in the 2006 seasons of most TV shows. In a related matter, I made up that statistic. Anyway, we need to raise the viewerwhip for many awesome shows. To aid in the battle, I have created "Television Slogans", a new way to ensure that you watch the greatest shows on Television.   Futurama- Deciphered from Crop Circles.  

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Lady Kopaka

Odd. No-one's been posting in my blog. Weird.   Anyway, no school today!   Aaaaaaaand today's random member is: Lady Kopaka!

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

No Wai Dok

Some of you may have read this. Let me tell you: IT IS A LIE. I totally own the real Mac Vs. PC topics. Dokuma lied. He lied to you all.   GET THE DOKTOR!

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


This is a random entry. It has no real place in the world. Please treat it with the same love and respect that you would any of my blog entries.                             Also, I went on a date last night. Huzzah.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


Grah They're dragging me to school! I don't know if I can even finish this blog--

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Help.... Me.... *dies*

Well, today was the day that I needed to reorganize my locker. I gathered everything within, and, in the process of one hour, I loaded it into my bag.       I really, really hurt. Grah, now I need to spend even more time organizing it..... HELP!

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik


I am at school. Right now. In the computer lab. During lunch. It's not much fun, school. I just came from Math, boring ol' Math. Same old angles, same old equations.... *Sigh*. Next up is English. Working on Public Speaking..... Yeah..... I really don't like school.... Most of it, anyway.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

5 Minute Difference

The following lists several instances when a mere 5 minutes can make a large difference:   - Before a bomb goes off. - Before a nuke explodes. - Before a nuclear bomb explodes. - Before you realize you made a mistake. - Before you realize that you made a mistake by setting off a nuclear bomb.     - Before you realize that you are a mistake. - The cliché "Five more minutes, mom". - When you don't wanna go to bed. - The snooze alarm. - Cramming before a big test. - A good TV show. -

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

A List Of Cities

So, now that these things have been approved, I'm reposting my vast list of Cities!   Populations: NORIK'S TARDIS THE NORIK ZONE THE EPITOME OF FAIL NORIKLAND™ NORIK'S DHARMA NORIK'S RESORT NORIKFIELD NORIK ISLAND   And don't forget:   BZ-KORO   Industries: BZ-KORO   Transport Network: BZ-KORO

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

Pirates (again)!

I have deleted that entry, as I have failed. We have not gone to see Pirates of the Caribbean tonight. But... We're going tomorrow after school! Yay!

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

A Day Not To Remember.

Well, it hasn't been a very exciting day so far. Au contraire, I bored. Congratulations to today's member: Master Howl. 'Kay. I've been helping to clean the house for some random people since 10:15. Then we had lunch. Whoopie, exciting. I'm waiting for my friend to come over now. He's like, 10 minutes late. Some of you may know him as Visorak Cooper.   That's about it.   And Live from (place), it's not SATURDAY NIGHT YET! Yup. Tonight's Saturday Night Live. Can't wait.

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

"point And Click...."

Well, I just watched the movie "CLICK" on TV, and let me tell you: it is an awesome movie! It really makes you think, though. You really need to put family first..... That's why I'm on the computer right now!       Meh, yeah.   Oh yeah- forgot about this: I got my language class test results back today. They were TERRIBLE. T-E-R-R-I-B-L-E. TERRIBLE! I got below average, I'll tell you that. But it's not a Latin derrived language, like Italian or Spanish. This is a HARD language! I won't tell

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

This Was A Triumph

Hole Mahi- Portal's an awesome game. I beat it at The Darkness of Gallifrey's house. He got the Orange Box, and I'm really jealous right now..... Anywho, at the end of Portal, GLaDOS (evil robot chick) sings a song written by Jonathan Coulton. It's stuck in my head, so I'm just gonna post it here.   WARNING! THIS SONG CONTAINS SPOILERS ABOUT THE ENDING OF PORTAL! DO NOT READ THIS SONG IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO SPOIL PORTAL FOR YOURSELF!   (Sing in the tune of GLaDOS's evil robot voice)   GLaDOS:

Doctor Norik

Doctor Norik

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