To take a break from official front page reviews, I’m going to do a couple of blog review. Mostly these were sets that I was planning to review, but for one reason or another they didn’t end up making it to the front page. So here are some thoughts but without all the super details and pictures and video. (I mean, some pictures, but they’re not great quality cause I already had this on display and I wasn’t going to move it just for a photo shoot.) The priciest Batman set last summer was Jokerl
To take a break from official front page reviews, I’m going to do a couple of blog review. Mostly these were sets that I was planning to review, but for one reason or another they didn’t end up making it to the front page. (In this case, the Airjitzu Temple was just too large.) So here are some thoughts but without all the super details and pictures and video. (I mean, some pictures, but they’re not great quality cause I already had this on display and I wasn’t going to move it just for a photo
Everybody should know Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story. But there was also a cartoon show that ran in 2000 that followed his adventures as a Space Ranger. These designs are based on characters from that show. From left to right: Booster, XR, Buzz Lightyear, Mira Nova. I like each one well enough on their own, although I'll admit there are some flaws, and their proportions to each other are a bit off. (Mira is a bit too large, Booster is on the small side.) XR's helmet is also too small, but the n
The Cyber Criminal "Terabyte" terrorizing the public. Little Bobby has finally snapped. What would Mrs. Roberts think? Used up most of my masonry brick here. Of course, the build is more to make the joke and not the design of the building, which I'm going to say is at least acceptable. (I actually want to start designing more shallow buildings, with detailed exteriors that I can display figs in front of, but nothing too deep that would take up space when put on a shelf like the modular buildin
Almost missed my BZP-versary. I've been here for 13. YOU JUST CAN'T GET RID OF ME. I WILL KEEP POSTING AND POSTING. LIKE THE ENERGIZER BUNNY, EXCEPT WITHOUT THE QUALITY PART. I now have a spinning, decapitated Breez head under my avatar. Yay.
Things to discuss about the latest Star Wars movie. And that has been my random thoughts about nitpicky things in Force Awakens. Until next time / I think of more.
More ideas for a potential colab mosaic for this year that's looking less and less likely... -- A couple of different variations that could be done for good ol' Umarak. He's looking to be one of the more popular sets in the winter wave, so why not glorify his might in a mosaic, eh? Plus, y'know, mask of control. This are all preliminary designs, so there's be a fair amount of color swapping to make it affordable. (Oh, they're all 3x3 baseplate / 96x96 stud mosaics). I do realize that Umara
So, like, for real this time. Hey folks, I think it's time we start planning for a BZPower Bionicle 2016 Mosaic that can grace the various conventions. To start out with, let's finalize an idea. I'm thinking that the best idea is to utilize images from the comics that come with the 2016 sets. The best images to use, IMO, would be the Uniter images of the Toa and Creature combinations. Each comic has a straight-on image of the Uniter character, which would be easy to mosaic-fy. Still, we woul
This is the part where I normally type some self depressing rant about how the year sucked and why I hate myself. (You'd think there'd be some positivity for the coming year, but there usually isn't.) But 2015 wasn't a terrible year. It was not a great year, but now I'm angry at outside forces instead of myself, so yay progress. Plus, y'know, we have the Toa reappear as sets; always a plus. So here's to 2016; I hope the world doesn't come crashing to a horrible and devastating end where we a
In the time before time, the Force united all peoples in the universe, and all was well. But the Force's brothers, the Sith, grew jealous of the people's devotion to it, so they cast a spell that made the Force sleep. And then the Sith were free to spread their darkness. The people of the universe suffered greatly at the hands of the Sith, until one day when six a hero known as a Jedi appeared. He challenged the Sith's darkness, and began a quest to reawaken the Force. After many years (thre
Man, that was quite a movie. Some great space sequences, good light sabor duels. Dialog was okay, but I wasn't expecting much more. Lots of good shocking moments. I mean, I totally saw Darth Binks coming, but Reys dad being C3P0 was quite the surprise. It was also quite a shock when Chewbacca betrayed the Rebels to the stormtroopers. Didn't see that coming. Oh, sorry if I spoiled anything, but yeah seems like a good movie, or at least one fans will complain about but watch a dozen times any
Have I complained about this before? I feel like it's something I've complained about here before, but I don't see it in a search. Anyway, a crucial problem I have with Star Wars is the lack of scenes with, y'know, stars. (Not like movie stars, but the big balls of burning gas and such that give off light. For local reference, see sun... just don't look directly at it.) I mean, a big part of this takes place in space. You see planets and big ships. You see big ships casting shadows on other
Yay, Internet at new place after going without for a month. I AM CONNECTED! I mean, I was always lurking either on my work computer or my phone... But yeah, I have all sorts of things to update. Finished NaNo this year despite a late start. Went to BrickUniverse Dallas and took pictures. Got super stressed at work and it's only getting worse... yeah. But what about all the projects that were left in limbo that you were supposed to be working on? Forget about that now, I have a bunch of s
So last weekend I attended Brick Universe in Dallas, Texas. This is actually the first non-local convention I've been to since BrickFair 2011, so it was fun to see how many MOCs I could cram into a suitcase. I got a fair amount there; I think my stuff took up about 3 tables. (Stuff was grouped together by builders rather than themes, but most of my stuff was Bionicle anyway so no big deal.) I do think I was the one who traveled the furthest to get there; Oregon is just a bit further away than Vi
Back in Dallas. Packed in 45 pounds of Lego in my suitcase, pretty sure some of it will be salvageable when I go to set it up tomorrow. Been interesting to be back, I guess. The 635 freeway was a total mess of construction the last time I was here, but now there's a fabulous expressway there. (Although Dallas traffic is as bad as Portlands, at least they do have a lot of infrastructure... Portland's roads are not expanding and only becoming more crowded.) Anyway, I started that Hero Factory /
Okay, I’ll lead up with this idea is not entirely original, but somehow I got it out of the end of a dream I had this morning and although the rest of the dream was kinda something else entirely, I remember this specific idea and thought it might be cool to expand on and now I’m working out the story in my head and all that stuff... Aaaaanyway. The basic premise: The main Hero characters are somehow defeated and only their cores remain. Throw in some cross-dimensional rifts and stuff. They e
I've moved again. So that means no Internet.* For a month. Don't expect much from me. *Well except on my phone or at work, but I tend to just browse during those times instead of posting content.
Okay, I'm renting, but I currently can claim residence in two different locations! That means I'm wealthy, right? Only rich people can own two places at once! ... for the next 11 days, anyway. I'm in the process of moving again, but this time my rents are overlapping by a few days. On one hand, that just means more money leaking away, but this will mean I can gradually move, instead of doing it all in one mad rush. So multiple mad rushes. Yay. But then I enter the period of being new to a
Since few people read or watch my reviews, this might be a surprise, but I was doing a giveaway of some of the collectible series 14 monster minifigures in my last review. You just had to leave a comment on the youtube vid. Well only 18 comments, and I'm planning to give out 7 figs, so that's good chances... if people respond to me. Even when I do get the responses, it might be a while before I ship them out, because I'm in the process of moving again this month. (My rent went up 18%, whereas
SHIP it up, you know you should. So SHIP it! This is my third year "competing" in SHIPtember, where you build a SHIP (Seriously Huge Investment in Parts Spaceship) which has to be over 100 studs long. So I made not one, not two, but THREE of them. (Sure, they barely reach the limit, are generally narrow, and won't win any competition... but hey they're complete, as far as I'm concerned, so that's a plus.) The Jade Spear: Basically an attempt to build a ship around the Ninjago spinner. It'
So I went to my first Comic Con yesterday. I found it to be a combination of something I disliked greatly (crowds) and something I’m only mildly interested in (comics.) I would probably not go again on my own, as it was expensive and I would rather attend a Lego convention, but it would be fun to go with a friend or something. (I was planning to attend with some people, but they all dropped out for various reasons and I ended up going alone.) It was an okay event, but not quite worth the money a
You see, it's not Teal or Dark Turquoise, or even Bright Bluish Green. IT'S CALLED TARAKAVA GREEN. Any argument to the contrary is wrong. (I will also accept Kongu Blue.)
I thought it was just hype (and some extremely wishful thinking on some fan's part) but apparently it's a real thing that might happen. I'm trying to not let myself get excited, because I don't know how well they could pull it off with a single movie since the series was quite extensive... but all the same it's something to look forward to. (And hey, suddenly my Lego models seem a little more relevant.)
Proposed idea for BrickCon? Skull Scorpio doesn't have the most intriguing build, but he has some nice pieces, plus the infected mask of stone. So what if we drafted that set. Everybody keeps the mask(s?) but we split out the other pieces? (I mean, I think he has the most parts of the medium sized Skull Villians.) Thoughts? Also, I apparently generated more dicussion with my selection of the thumbnail pict than the rest of my review... so yay? I dunno if that is good or bad.