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The Happening

Has anyone else seen it?   I need opinions and theories.   I must know what other people think is the cause.   Use spoiler tags.   *disappointed*

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa


So today (Thursday, May 29) marks the 5th anniversary of my joining BZP.   3 years on the Staff.   I've spent five years of my life on this website...strange how we've both changed.

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa


Graduation went by very quickly. I got many compliments on my speech, though my sisters of course had to ruin it by saying I spoke too fast. Afterwards we went to Applebee's (I didn't eat anything because I went to Chili's before the ceremony) then to a friends house and walked around his neighborhood at 11:00 at night.   So far, I've made approximately $1,060 from friends and family. Should be plenty to get a nice laptop in addition to the $700 my parents will pay. I've got to start on some T

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa


Of all the things that I don't like doing (which isn't much, honestly), I absolutely detest standing in front of people and giving a speech. I don't know why. I just don't like everyone in a room staring at me. Even if its just a small group, if the attention shifts to me and I start talking, I choke. What's even worse, I consider myself a moderately good speaker. Odd, isn't it? I like writing speeches, yet I dislike standing in front of people to give my speach. *sigh* I guess this is part of w

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

Last Week Of High School. Ever.

This week marks the last full week of high school for my educational career. Five more days of high school. Five more days in pesky uniforms.   I'm beyond excited. I've been waiting for nearly 2 years to finally take the next step in my life. No more dealing with the same 30-odd classmates every day.   I've been trying to think of what I should write my Valedictorian speech on. I need to get going on that, though.   Hopefully I'll also be able to purchase a laptop this week. My parents are

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

Iron Man

There are two reasons why this is the best reviewed movie of 2008 so far:   1) Because it's only May and 2) because it is a decent movie.   The movie started out by basically telling the story of how Iron Man was created (a la Batman Begins), which, I thought, was a good genesis for this hero.   The story wasn't as complex as I thought it should have been, but I did manage to get "sucked" into the movie which made it pass by quickly. There also weren't as many explosions and fight scenes as

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa


I strongly dislike people who think they're cooler than everyone else.   There is always someone cooler than you.   I also dislike it when you say one derrogatory remark to someone, then go back later and tell him that you were "only joking." Most people say that because you know you will get in trouble.   Other than that, nothing really interesting has happened in the month of April. My sister is moving into her new house this week, but that's about it.   17 more days of school.

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

The Party Never Stops

Last night was one of the highlights of my life. I went to see (in order of appearance) Cry of the Afflicted, Pierce the Veil, As Cities Burn, Mayday Parade, and Emery.   Now, the whole thing started off in a negative way. We only had one trusted and responsible driver (me), 8 people who wanted to attend the concert, and one vehicle that could only fit 7 people in it. Needless to say, I called everyone up Wednesday and asked if they were really wanting to go to the concert. Eventually, I asked

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa


I've probably got the largest case known to mankind. It's gotten to the point where I don't pay one bit of attention in class.   Why do all the teachers have to decide to give us one last test before spring break? Physics, Brit. Lit, College Algebra, and Vocab all tomorrow? Geez, people.

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

An Entry On Numbers

As you've probably noticed by scanning the blog index, today was "Pi Day." I recently read a comic that is summarized like this: "Everyone should know at least the first two or three digits of Pi. Scientists can get by with knowing about ten to fifteen digits. Anyone who knows more than that are just "meanies.'" (Except it said a different word there.) Seriously, if there's ever a need to know more than a few digits of pi, let me know.   Anywho, onto other numbers.   I aced Physics with a 91,

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

The Color Red

I have never hated the color red so much in my entire life. My Xbox360 just gave me the Red Ring of Death.   Not only has this happened before, it has already happened twice. Hopefully, three times will be the last. My Xbox had been working prefectly fine for the past 10 months, so this is quite unexpected. Atleast I'm still under warranty, or else I would have been enraged.   Now I won't have my Xbox for my birthday and probably not even for Spring Break.   And on a week when I'm hardly e

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

Only Reason

I'm posting this blog because I didn't want to go all of February without posting one.   *I'll be 18 in approximately two weeks.   *Spring Break couldn't get here any sooner.   *I love **** *******.   *I'm proud of how well the Assassin's Creed story was developed by Ubisoft.   *May 23 couldn't get here any sooner.   *My parents are going to buy me a new laptop.   *I'm going to buy an LCD HDTV soon.   *Spring play is NEXT WEEK.   *I'm super pumped for the concert.   *I don't kno

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

The Devil Wears Prada

Most hardcore band everr. If you like that kind of music check them out.   Um, I got accepted to Auburn University at Montgomery. I'll be in the School of Business, which is apparently a very prestigious school, studying Information Systems. I'm also hoping to live on campus. It'd be so much easier than living 30 minutes from school and driving everywhere. Plus, all my friends would have a place to come and chill.   Yeah...   Went to Wendy's tonight. THE FROSTY MACHINE WAS FROZEN. (Or so sh

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa


So I haven't updated since December 19th. Waaay too long, mate.   Anywho, I haven't been as active lately on BZP. My laptop has been acting weird lately. Internet Explorer likes to randomly close out on my every few minutes, almost as if I am only allowed a certain number of page view before it closes. I've been wanting to download Firefox and see if that helps with the problems, but alas, I haven't had much time to sit and work on my laptop at all. I've also been shopping/looking for a new la

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

Uncle John

Well, I told you all that I was going to be an uncle soon, and as of Sunday, December 16, 8:05 PM, 2007, I became an uncle. My sister had a rough time and eventually had to have a C-Section to keep herself and her baby out of danger. Everything went fine, and they were able to go home today. His name is Ian, and he's about the cutest baby ever.   Anywho, I'll be taking my first two real exams tomorrow in Physics and College Algebra. I could have been exempt of Physics if I only did more of my

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa


I had so many opportunities tonight and I just let them slip out of my hands.   Why do I hesitate every time we're alone?   Is it because I have feelings for someone else?   Can I really fall for someone I've never really met before?         At least she liked her birthday present.

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

Southern Weather

I shouldn't be this comfortable wearing t-shirt and shorts in the middle of December. Just last week I thought I was going to freeze to death. This southern weather needs to make up its mind.   I managed to make a 107 on my Physics test today. B)   And I also took the ACT this past weekend and I feel fairly confident about how I did. Overall, the test just seemed easier than last year. I also managed to finish each section, unlike last year. I'm hoping for a score ranging anywhere from a 27

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

Abcs To Acts

As are many high school students around the country, I am preparing to take the ACT tomorrow. Unfortunately, I have not had the desired amount of time to prepare for this standardized test, so tonight I've just been skimming over this "pre" test I have. I took the same test last year and earned a 23, which is satisfactory, but I believe I can earn a higher grade now that I have finished Algebra 2 and am currently half-way through College Algebra (sort of...). I hope I can do a little better on t

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

A Mass Effect

If you have an Xbox360 you owe it to yourself to buy Mass Effect. I usually don't like RPGs, but this has more of an action feel to it. It's the best $65 I've ever spent.   In other news, my car isn't wanting to work properly. After driving myself to school for nearly two years, it was different having to wait for my mom to pick me up after school. I hope we can get it fixed soon. I got half-way down my street and my car decided it didn't want to accelerate anymore. Luckily, I was able to roll

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

How Terrible

Today was not very fun.   We saw a dog get hit by a car, and as we drove by we noticed the dog was still alive and there was blood on the road. It quite literally made me nauseated along with everyone else in my car. I wanted to stop and help, but that would have been dangerous to my own safety.   I ended wasting a lot of gas tonight. Our church was canceled because our youth pastor had to go to a funeral, so we decided to go to some "haunted bridges". Of course, no one knew how to get there

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

Aunts And Fires

As I'm sure plenty of you know, there are numerous wild, blazing brush fires out in California. Normally I wouldn't pay any attention partly because of how numb I've become to hearing all these "natural disaster" stories so often. However, it's finally hit home with me.   Now I was never really close to my Aunts (both unmarried)and Grandmother on my Mom's side of the family, but when someone in your family's life is at hand, you tend to care more. Even though I haven't seen any of them for app

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

The Great

Just a little something I made in Photoshop this past week. My best friend and I were put in charge of making the graduation slideshow, so I started playing around with things in Photoshop and made this. I'm quite proud, and I hope my skills keep improving. I just wish I had Photoshop at home.

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

Songs I Can't Wait To Play

I recently saw a list of all the known songs on Guitar Hero 3 and needless to say it got me quite excited. Anywho, here's a list of songs I'm anxious to play:   She Builds Quick Machines ~ Velvet Revolver Knights of Cydonia ~ Muse Reptillia ~ The Strokes Welcome to the Jungle ~ Guns 'n Roses When You Were Young ~ The Killers Schools Out ~ Alice Cooper The Metal ~ Tenacious D Cities on Flame with Rock and Roll ~ Blue Oyster Cult 3's and 7's ~ Queens of the Stone Age   October 28th can't

Watashi Wa

Watashi Wa

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