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Dented Trashcans

Greetings from Joe's computer (ironically, a MAC). I spent the entire weekend with friends (Joe, Lara, Paige, Jenn, and Jackie) who live in Quincy, MA, which is south of Boston. Came up Saturday and chilled out in the city, mainly by Quincy Market (good food). Then we went up to Tokyokid in Cambridge. I got my hands on a few FF soundtracks I been meaning to get a hold of, like FF6, plus a wallscroll and a Tonberry plush.   Then we went back to Lara's place and relaxed for the night. As you can

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Lego Amano Rinoa & Squall

During the first disc of Final Fantasy VIII, there is an event called the SeeD Graduation Ball. It is a significent event because this is where Squall Leonhart (main protagnist) first meets the leading female role of the game Rinoa Heartilly. The artwork above is drawn by Yoshitaka Amano, depicting the scene where they dance at the ball. As part of my Lego Final Fantasy Project, I have made Ballroom Rinoa and Squall from Final Fantasy VIII based on Amano's artwork. Dancing the night away

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard


It is always great to have friends that stick by you in times of hardship.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

The Ragin' Cajun

Dude, InnerRayg and I had the honor to meet Cajun, who we actually bumped into really cuz he didn't recognize us, and vice versa.   And his MOC is HUGE. Like, HUGE. Like effin HUGE.     And thats me and Rayg. Cajun is somewhere in the store. behind us.   That store was mad crazy yo. You see that crowd? Thats after it slowed down. In fact, the security, or "popo" as we say on the streets had to come in. As Rayg and I were getting sets (he got some Bionicle and I got a Batman set, which Caju

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Final Fantasy 4 Complete

At the orders of the king, a city burns. Torn by guilt, the dark knight Cecil, commander of the Red Wings of Baron, must choose between loyalty and justice. Follow Cecil as he embarks on a fateful journey riddled with trials, betrayels, friendships, loss and self discovery. Plagued with uncertainty over his monarch's motives, can Cecil turn away from the path of darkness and destruction?   When this game first came out (FFIV in Japan and FFII in America), it defined what adventures should be. S

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

About My Name

Ok I lied, and because daydreamer pinched me. This will be my last entry of sorts, I guess.   Everyone seems to be confused about the name Volar, and why I have it.   Well it is Spanish for "to fly", and generally used to note someone of being "fly" (as in cool).   I first came upon the word when I went to Hong Kong. There was a VIP Members Only 21+ nightclub called Volar (originally called Fly). I know the bartender who works there, so I made frequent visits during my stay in the city. I was

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Sickly Weekend

So after I saw Fantastic Four and the Silver Dude with my friends, we went to the nearby Burgar King for a quick bite to eat. Now I don't regularly eat there (Mcdonalds FTW), in fact the last time I had eaten there previously was like a year ago. I had myself a chicken sandwich and some chicken tenders. Sandwich was good, but the tenders were kinda meh.   So since then I been sick to the stomach and been making the occasional "runs". Gross I know, but it happens.   So I no feel good.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Lego Ambassador

Since a few members are already making entries, I guess I should hop the bandwagon. Recently Black Six posted this. And as you can see by the very first post, I am all for it. I am eligible.   Basically if you want me to be nominated, some testimonials are needed. I am gonna base my entry the way ChocoFrogs did, since I like the way he presented it.   For The Lego Community: I have been a fan of Lego since I was young, and my first set was actually a Space set, that my dad helped me build. Bee

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

New Stats

I updated the Omi's Stats content block with my Lego Community stats.   If anyone knows that I am missing something, correct me.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Final Fantasy Xii Challenge

I was discussing this with Kohaku the other day, and I thought it was a genius crazy idea.   I will attempt to beat FFXII without using the License Board, which is a prime factor in the gameplay. Without it, it means I will not learn Quickenings, magic, abilities, and not be able to upgrade weapons and armor. I will have to rely on items and the starting equipment.   So yeah. Who else besides me is up for it?   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Blue Magus - Custom Final Fantasy Class

NAME: Blue Magus   OVERVIEW: The Blue Magus is a class that combines the traits of the Blue Mage, Geomancer, and Mime classes. It can be upgraded from either the Blue Mage or Geomancer, therefore making it a powerful class. The Blue Magus uses magic influenced by the environment around him, whether it be the terrain (Geomancer), opponent (Blue Mage, Mime), or ally (Mime).   WEAPONS: Small Swords, Staves, Bells, and Flutes   ABILITIES/MAGIC: BluMag (Blue Magic) - These are abilities learned

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Too Sexy For My Shirt

................... yeah   Anyways I love my white turtleneck. So snug and warm. Plus I look absolutely snazzy in it, along with my leather jacket.   I'm so GQ. B)   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Mmmm Doritos

Doritos came out with yet another yummy in my tummy flavor called "Tacos at Midnight". Unlike the previous two Taco flavors they released (one being the Taco/Chipotle and the other being just Taco, which was from the Taco/Chiptole), the Tacos at Midnight taste exactly like Tacos.   YUMMMMY   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard


The national average price for gas is now 4 bucks for Regular.   Hurray for raised prices in everything.

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

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