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Bold Colors Poll: Finalists



Tell your friends!*

Welcome to the third blog contest in the ChocolateFroggy Bloggy: Bold Colors! Members were tasked with building a MOC using clashing colors and to make it look good.


Please choose ONE (1) MOC from the poll below (entries randomized to be fair) that you feel are worthy of the prize,** and post your choice in this entry. DO NOT EDIT YOUR POST, or it will be ignored. (Seriously, I will ignore it. And that post could be the deciding factor between your favorite MOC and the winning MOC.)

Poll ends Tuesday at 11:59 PM EST (or later if I am not up). The top three MOCs place for first, second, and third prizes,** respectively.


Entry 1. Error 404

Entry 2. Spectrum

Entry 3. Obnoxious

Entry 4. The Red Knight (Centaur Form)

Entry 5. Rend

Entry 6. Monstrous Eyesore

We had 28 votes in the last poll. Let's see if we can beat that this time! (Note: I will not be voting so that just in cast there is a tie I will decide the tie-breaker.)


Good luck to all! And thank you to everyone who entered who is not a finalist.


-CF :kakama:

*You know, in a non-spammy, not-fishing-for-votes kind of way.

**The prize is a Series 3 Minifig for the top three winners!


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Seriously, CF, no thumbnails for the entries? Forcing me to click each link to see the MOC? It was an awful lot of work for me. :P


Anyway, I vote entry one.



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