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Let's Talk About Ms Paint Adventures

Queen of Noise


Way back in December of 2009, a dear friend of mine known as LehvakLah on these forums (but by other monikers offline) shared with me a link. It was to a quasi-interactive comic with charmingly simplistic art and a creatively curious interface. It was called MS Paint Adventures. As I recall, she shared also with me a link to Beyond the Canopy that evening. I skimmed both lightly and was marginally delighted by my cursory perusal. As I trusted her judgement and was already amused by what little I had read, I promised Llah that I would read both when I had the time to catch up with their archives. Problematically, you see, I was incredibly busy, and had little time to start reading new things.


Much time passed, and my business never subsided, but I retained every intention of reading these comics, particularly the MS Paint Adventures. My desire was exacerbated by discovering that other dear friends, including those known as Black Six, Tufi Piyufi, and InnerRayg on this board, also enjoyed said comic. But still I had not the agency to delve into the archives.


Still more time passed. At some point during the year 2010, references to MS Paint Adventures exploded all over BZPower, almost to irksome levels. This was actually discouraging, given that BZPower ('Where Memes Go to Die') seems to often take interest in things that are no longer funny (I'm being tongue-and-cheek here, folks :lol: ). You see, I've been accused of being a hipster. I do not deny these inclinations within me. But I'm a rational person, and even though I have the countercultural inclination to disapprove of that which is popular, I understand that these are patently absurd and rarely indulge except in jocularity. If close friends whose tastes and judgments I trust recommend something to me, I will endeavor to experience it.


Such was the case with MS Paint Adventures. But, in jest, I began cracking jokes in self-deprecation of my 'hipster' tendencies, primarily with Tufi and another good friend known here as Aho-Chan. I jokingly derided MSPA as 'mainstream' and uncool, 'not worth my time.' Eventually these facetious declarations spread to public media, like BZPower. I think Aho's blog was definitely the epicenter of most of these. But the real joke, of course, was that a link to MS Paint Adventures sat on my bookmarks toolbar all this time, hovering above thee contrary things I was writing. This is so ironic, only highly adept satirical ninjas can appreciate stuff like this.


Fast-forward to a couple week ago. This semester (my final semester of university, hurrah), my workload has lessened considerably. Finally I could read the comic - but unfortunately I had quite a lot of catching up to do! Regardless, I wanted to share the good news with my friend-fans, so I added another subtle strata of irony utterly undetectable to the untrained eye by joking that I was making an ironic statement by hopping on the bandwagon late. Basically in this case, the joke is the joke, and that degree of irony itself is ALSO the joke, and so on. And I kept this pretending-to-only-be-reading-as-a-joke as I was plowing through the archives.


Now I'm relatively caught up and I feel I may as well just come out and confess the truth behind all the jokes: that all this time I've been trash-talking MS Paint Adventures, I actually enjoyed the comic and had a link right there in the middle of my bookmarks toolbar.


I guess you could say...



...you all got TROLLED



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wow it turned to be CRAZY what kind of irony this guy has facetious remarking like that doens't even HAPPEN


most of the time


The amount of time it took you to read it is totally excusable, I mean, you're not...




Maid of Time.


Anyway I found that story interesting and I am similarly hipster-ish at times but MSPA is definitely something it's worth overcoming these tendencies for. I have a hard time believing anyone would not like it.

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It'd be awesome if the "BIONICLE News, Reference & Discussion" subtitle on the site header was changed to say "Where Memes Go to Die" for April Fool's.


Unfortunately I can't say that your surprising words about MSPaint Adventures make me any more inclined to look into them. They could be the best thing ever, but my hate of fads and such makes their über-popularity a major turnoff.

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I'm being tongue-and-cheek here, folks

You shouldn't be- it's true.


Still not interested. I don't care if God Himself reads MSPA, the irritating and irresponsible ways members here went around, and continue to go around, overreacting to it turns me cold. Not interested in things that get so massively abused by members already on my "troublesome blogs" list.

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Still not interested. I don't care if God Himself reads MSPA, the irritating and irresponsible ways members here went around, and continue to go around, overreacting to it turns me cold. Not interested in things that get so massively abused by members already on my "troublesome blogs" list.

The more I kept re-reading this, the more I found that I completely agree with it.


I just think some people take it way to seriously, and the things they consider the best parts about it I generally don't like.

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Disliking something just because many people like it is a rather odd argument. There must be a good reason for its popularity, else it wouldn't be popular. Personally, I try to ignore other people's opinions and form my own.


If you dislike something because it's popular, you are still letting popularity dictate what you like.

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I am going to say this completely bluntly, with no pretentions of irony or anything here.


I liked MSPA before it was cool.


And I am fully anticipating ridicule from both sides, be it from haters for having an MSPA name, or from fans for transposing two letters because I still can't see Vriska's last name as RK instead of KR.


EDIT: Also, yeah, JustinBieber up there is right in both comments.


Actually your only crime is your choice of chatacter. ;) -Smeag

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I remember when I was sent the link forever ago, quite a few months before BZP went nuts about it. I still haven't read it though, mostly because I've been putting off other things I'd much rather read and watch instead (putting them off without much good reason, for quite a while now...).


Then again, I don't really get into the big, popular things known in internety circles. *shrugs*


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Still not interested. I don't care if God Himself reads MSPA, the irritating and irresponsible ways members here went around, and continue to go around, overreacting to it turns me cold. Not interested in things that get so massively abused by members already on my "troublesome blogs" list.

Could you cite these "irritating and irresponsible" things? If you're referring to the troll formatting, nobody does that anymore. If you're referring to people posting about it in the blogs, well, you know, people are allowed to be fans and discuss it. That's like, the whole point of discussion boards. People are always posting about how great your MOCs and photos constantly; does that turn me off from hearing them say that and make me not want to have anything to do with your handiwork? Of course not - your photography and MOC skills are top-tier and worthy of discussion to many people, just as the stories from MS Paint Adventures are top-tier and worthy of discussion to many people.



Also, to everyone to "hates it because it's popular" - would you ignore and loathe Batman if everyone on BZP decided to take up the mantles of every character in the story? MS Paint Adventures is no different from Batman or Scott Pilgrim - it's a popular comic series with good stories and devoted fans.



(also, +1 to Eyru about letting popularity dictate what you hate)

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(also, +1 to Eyru about letting popularity dictate what you hate)

It's who it's popular with.


And yes, it's the troll tags and the obsessive compulsion behind everything MSPA ever. I don't care if no one does that anymore (and I consider my near-banning of it in the blogs to be a big reason behind that anyway), it was so ridiculously annoying and irritating and frustrating and juvenile that I am turned off of the source. Sorry if you don't think that's cool or whatever of me, I'm not interested in whether you think my distaste for it is valid.


I don't care if it was a fringe group of people who were doing these things. It's not the popularity of it all, it's how it was handled.


One of the same reasons I have no desire to watch most cult sci-fi shows that get so abused, and almost kept me from ever watching Firefly because it's fans can't help but work the slang and things into their everyday speech and it turns me off.


would you ignore and loathe Batman if everyone on BZP decided to take up the mantles of every character in the story?

If they ran with it so deeply and intently that they ran it into the freaking ground like all of you did, then absolutely.

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You see, I've been accused of being a hipster. I do not deny these inclinations within me.

You are not a hipster.



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Smeag confirmed for hipster troll tier.

Smeag is Eridan


except not with uh recent updates



also, @Pat: I am simply going to say that I believe that you are way overreacting in how you are allowing others' reactions dictate whether or not you can enjoy something.


And that the decline in trolltext usage is more from sheer laziness of the people posting with it.

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If I could interject for a moment -


I totally understand where Pat and Sumiki are coming from. As I said, I've got the same tendencies of my own; I just happened to push past them in this case. And I'm not going to try to argue that I'm better than they are because of that for whatever; things simply are what they are. And it's totally okay with me that they don't like MS Paint Adventures, just like I know deep down Pat is okay with me liking it ;P


LiVe aNd LeT LiVe, EvErYbOdY! iTs A mIrAcLe


You see, I've been accused of being a hipster. I do not deny these inclinations within me.

You are not a hipster.



Yeah, I don't think I really fit into that mould fully, though many would disagree. Hence why I said I've got those inclinations. I just choose to ignore them, or make fun of them in myself. I'm way too much of a hippie to be an actual hipster anywho.

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I'm curious, if someone told you that they did not want in any way to get involved with Bionicle or Lego because of the clamor made on forums such as these, what would be your reaction? [/directed at anyone]
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I'm curious, if someone told you that they did not want in any way to get involved with Bionicle or Lego because of the clamor made on forums such as these, what would be your reaction? [/directed at anyone]

I would be all like 'Eh, man, I dunno. Bionicle had potential but it petered out pretty quickly and wound up pretty lame overall. I really love a lot of the people in the community, but the product line and story themselves are worth skipping.' :P

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*is only vaguely aware of MSPA*

I have no idea what all this fuss is about, but I'm going to watch some guitar ninjas.

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Even though I follow it once or twice a week, I'm totally with DV on this one.


Sorry fans, but I just can't stand the thing anymore, and it's mainly because of you guys. Some members here need to understand that it's not the biggest and coolest thing on the internet, and it's not a cultural phenomenon either, it's just an ordinary guy drawing comics.

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Going to play devil's advocate here for a minute. I've confessed that yeah, the cultural obsession with the comic here grew to levels I found irksome, but I certainly don't think it's any larger than the million other obsessions members here have had. Indeed, I actually don't think I've ever seen anyone glorifying MS Paint Adventures on BZ and saying it's the 'coolest thing on the internet' or even the best webcomic around. The extent of it really seems to have just been a glut of avatars and signatures related to the comic...which really isn't any different from the continuous glut of anime avatars that are all over the site - something you're a part of, TTN - or the glut of Scott Pilgrim avatars - something you're a part of, Pat. Really, how are the clique of MSPA-loving members any different than you and I and all our close friends when we all decided to don Scott Pilgrim avatars this summer and peppers quotes here and there? Honestly, that was even bigger than the MSPA thing - and it was the same principle: a bunch of friends making a theme of their avatars (and usernames) based around something they like. The only difference is that you and I and our friends were the ones doing Scott Pilgrim. But we're not any better than the folks who did the MSPA thing - and neither group is doing anything wrong.


As I said before, I understand how it's really irksome for you - I have the same inclinations. But in retrospect, you know, the Scott Pilgrim things was probably similarly irksome to those not in our 'clique.' But if someone had said that to me at the time, I'd have probably said 'Get over it.' Which honestly applies in vice versa as well. Get over it! :P


This kind of became a wall of text and I hope I'm not coming across as harsh or accusatory anything. I'm not meaning to point any fingers! As I've said before, I'm totally down with both liking and not-liking MSPA, Scott Pilgrim, Transformers, Bionicle, Hero Factory, Herman Melville, the Brave Little Toaster, or Tostitos corn chips. Everyone is entitled to like and not-like what he or she pleases! I just don't think 'our group' is any different than 'their group.' We're all just having fun!



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Going to play devil's advocate here for a minute. I've confessed that yeah, the cultural obsession with the comic here grew to levels I found irksome, but I certainly don't think it's any larger than the million other obsessions members here have had. Indeed, I actually don't think I've ever seen anyone glorifying MS Paint Adventures on BZ and saying it's the 'coolest thing on the internet' or even the best webcomic around.

I was mainly referring to the COT topic, where people are saying exactly that. Haven't been paying too much attention to the blogs so I don't know if it's as apparent here.


I'm not meaning to point any fingers! As I've said before, I'm totally down with both liking and not-liking MSPA, Scott Pilgrim, Transformers, Bionicle, Hero Factory, Herman Melville, the Brave Little Toaster, or Tostitos corn chips. Everyone is entitled to like and not-like what he or she pleases!

Well... yeah, you're absolutely right here, actually. Pluralism is an ideology I fully support. ^_^


And just to clarify, I'm not hating - as I said, I do follow it every now and then - just sayin that some fans need to keep things in perspective ya know?

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Because our Scott Pilgrim thing didn't involve irritating typing, obsessive posts in blogs over and over and over and over, we didn't quote it everywhere, we were content to change our avatars and some changed their signatures and that was it besides maybe a blog entry saying "Hey, this comic is kinda cool". Not "let's update and add trolltags to everything and make our posts unintelligible". I'm okay with the first, I'm not okay with the second. One is "oh hey, look at this cool thing we all discovered, it's neat!" The second is: "oh hey, look at this cool thing we all discovered and are obsessing about and running into the ground and then we just keep running with it and oh hey look how irritating we are."


The two are comparable, but they're not as comparable as you're trying to play them off as.

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