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[ Voting Entry ] Bzp T-shirt Project




Time's up!

What does this mean? What happens now? Well, easy: voting.

"How does this work?"

You review the list of entries listed below, pick your favourites, and then list the top three, in your opinion, in order that you like them. Once the voting ends at midnight on the 18th, PST, the top three voted entries will be carefully milled over by my staff and I and we will decide on which one to print, based on cost and ease of printing. We will try to adhere to the ranking of the voting, though, so if the #1 winner is easy to make, we'll do it.

The winner gets to have a free shirt, and he or she can either pick it up at a convention or get it mailed before a convention and before everybody else, for that matter.

Here are your options. When picking, just list the number of the entry you're voting for.

1. just cherixon (First entry, image one)

2. just cherixon (Second entry, image one) (Second entry, image two)

3. Moist! (Entry image) Note: I am aware this has two colours in it, but I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt for now since he is last year's winner. We'll figure out what to do about it once/if he wins.

4. tent163phantoka:spaz sheep (Entry image)

5. Swert (Entry, image one) (Entry, image two)

6. Vezok's Friend (Entry image) (Variant image)

7. Brave Dragon (Entry image)

8. Celu (First entry image)

9. Celu (Second entry image)

10. ~Legion~ (Entry image)

11. HAZMAT (Entry image)

And there you have it! Vote now, wear later. ;D



Recommended Comments

7 and 3

shgskhgjgf i dunno what order somebody else decide which order theyre in


Annoying colour removed. -EW

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7, 7, 7.


I need that shirt. So much. I'd paid $20 easy for it. Brave, you are the boss man.

For actual placings for #2 and #2, I'll go with 3, then 1.



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7 all the way. I'd really like to see it on the front of a shirt, though.

Followed by 3 then 9.


Also, will the shirts be available for overseas purchase? I'd gladly buy one.



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I like 3 a lot, 'cause of the MOCing aspect.


However, 7 is cool, although like a lot of the others, it only has Tahu on it.


And 2 is neat as well.


But 3 3 3 3 3 is the best.


I wish someone had made a Tohu shirt design...

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I need that shirt. So much. I'd paid $20 easy for it. Brave, you are the boss man.




Only $20? I'd pay thirty bucks for that.


I am going to go with 7, followed by 3 and 11, in that order.





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