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I've been thinking for a while now.


Specifically, I've been thinking about the state of the RPG Forum.


Many times over the ages (and yes, I know what I'm talking about, I lurked for a good few years before joining BZP), people new to roleplaying have attempted to join the Bionicle RPG Forum. Nearly as often, they have been immediately recognized for their newbish ways and scorned.


I'm not going to blame anyone here; I feel like all RPers have perhaps done it at some point. Y'know. You come on, you see a terrible IC including metagaming, maybe, an OOC where the person you're thinking of as a newb refers to their character as 'I' or 'myself', or maybe even an all-OOC discussion in an RPing topic. And you maybe type something a tad inflammatory into an OOC and attach it to an IC wherein your char scorns theirs, explaining (or rather, pounding into said newb's head) what they're doing wrong. So eventually, tired and unhappy, they go, and you get back to RPing, happy that they've gone.




Almost all great RPers, or ones whom people claim to be at least halfway decent, were newbs at one point.


I know I was. I clearly didn't know what I was doing. Looking at my old BZPRPG ICs, I'm astounded I got that far.


However, I think I know now how my RPing eventually matured and grew up. It was mainly due to one thing:


People accepting me.


If, say, Vezok's Friend's dude hadn't actually interacted with one of my chars in the old BZPRPG's final season, then I probably wouldn't have even read his ICs and been able to learn from them. Newbs aren't born, they're made to continue being newbs by people who are tired of their ignorance and vent at them. VF and others were a lot more patient with me than I ever realized. And because of that, I grew to become a far better RPer who loved playing.


Therefore, I feel it is in the duty of us TBRPers of the BRPG forum to educate newbs and accept them into the community with interactions, constructive criticism, and examples of good RPing. How? Through a little group:








The CRANE (Coalition of Roleplayers Against Newbishness, for Education)

The CRANE has no leader; it doesn't need one. Being a coalition, all you need to do to be in it is pledge to accept newbs into the RPing community by educating them on how the forum actually works, interacting with their characters and providing examples of good RPing, explaining what the rules are & mean, and giving them a chance in the first place.



I cannot stress that last one enough. Even if you really want to help out, you're not going to get anywhere if you have pre-concieved notions of every newb as the average dolt come to ruin your forums' beauty. Realize that there are actually real, living people just trying to make their way around in the world just like you, with goals, a physical being, and personalities. They aren't really that different from everyone else.



They're real. They're here. And they're not going to get any better unless we help them. As some guy said, and I paraphrase: "Is it not true that when I make friends of my enemies, I destroy them?"

-Members of The CRANE-


I will soon have a cont. block up in my blog for the coalition, fear not. Please join CRANE, guys-I honestly feel like even if we can only get 10% of RPing newbs to become halfway decent RPers, then there will be noticeable effects on the forum.





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I pledge allegiance to Crane, to the mighty RPG forum, one forum under the admin's rule.




Now to advertize and spread the word. Remember people! when you spread word of this, you spread the wealth of knowledge around!


Your Obama plagiarizing POBZPC,


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You can be helpful to me by making less condescending and more constructive posts, madame ;}


I am sorry if I come across as labelling in a belittling way. That was not my intention-it's late here and I just wrote this from scratch, without much editing-and I'm really, really sorry that it happened. But you don't have to point it out in an unnecessary snark. If you actually care about what I'm typing (and I believe you do, judging by the fact that you commented on this blog post) then you should show you do by adding insurance against me typing more stupid and hurtful things, no? Criticize, don't sit back and snark.


-The Fearless Leader

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I know how terrible I was at the beginning. And I can see that I've met a lot of great people, and RPed with a large number of them. it really helped me improve. Sometimes, you don't only need good RPers, it also takes people willing to help those who are trying to learn. Which this group is perfectly designed for. Also, it gives a list of Members willing to RP with new members and help them improve. A lot better than just running around and hoping to find someone.


I can say that I'd be glad to join in, if you think I've improved enough to be able to help other members, that is.

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You can be helpful to new players without forming a group to label them belittlingly, dude.


For the record, this group isn't about treating newbies like they don't know any better; it's about roleplaying with them so they can get practice.



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I'd join, but me and newbs and explaining things don't mix.



Whatever, guess I'm in on it too.



More specifically, I'd probably handle Martial Arts.


That's my job at MNI, anyway...

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@ Razgriz 1: HAHA.. yeah, you seem to have an incompatibility with newbs... I had to work up to you. :P Glad to see you're welcoming them with closed fists (martial arts...).


I'm in. Remember my first few days? HAHAH.... Well, I could kinda' write, but my OOC/IC stuff was terrible... I still fall out of shape occasionally. :P


I love helping being help themselves. If anyone taught me this, it's the RPG community. Reading writer's writing is perhaps the best way of improvement. Power of example is a win situation. PLUS, it makes me use my best vocabulary when I write!


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How come you didn't tell me about this sooner? I'm in. I think it's a great idea and I think it will really help. I remember when I was a newb and I had never RPed before, and I joined with a group of pretty experienced RPers and it really helped me. I'm willing to do the same to others who may be in my previous situation.



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May I join this? I feel exactly the same way. If Hubert hadn't RPed with me back in October of 10 I wouldn't know how to RP as much as I do now. And, if you wouldn't had started role-playing with me last year then I really wouldn't know as much as I do now. Sign me up to join this.



-Mef Man

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Perhaps we could hold some events in the near future? Offer special "goodies" to the newbs who run through flaming hoops, dive 'neath seaweed beds, or jump across the ta-ko canyon?

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Kane-Ra Riding

Bula Fruit Toss

Kanoka Toss

Tiki Torch Running

100m Swim.

100m Dash

Gukko Races.

Jungle Top Races.


Thats all I can think of right now, note the 100m stuff can be made longer.

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Dude, your first few days had to have been better than I am with these guys now.


And of course. Closed fists, open stance.



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What ho, peasants!


I think this is something I'd like to be in on. If it gives me an excuse to point out every spelling mistake I see XD

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Good hands.. is it not Ha? At least that is what Cambridge uses. Oh, good sirrah, could you fetch the riesling? BAH!


Yes, please join the Crane. We only have one initiation "thing" you MUST do. Go to the closest place and get a tight -- and we mean tight -- leotard. Next, find rubber/spandex underwear, preferably a red color. Afterwards, put on this costume, jump a bus and head downtown, and start doing a "Crane stance" amidst the bustling crowds. If you can do this for three minutes and thirt-three seconds, you are a member of CRANE.


@ Razzles: I will by arrogant and highly egotistical and assume your comment was directed to ME. :P

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Fine, I'll join this little group of yours, but on one condition....


All noobs must have there characters go through Bruntoa's obstacle course!




Okay, not really... :P

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