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Bzp Rpg: The Island Liberation Front





Active members:




Deceased members:




For more details and history, check the wiki page.


For the small village we have built at Lake Pala, see the map here.


For quests, see this blog post right here. Right now we don't have a courier service, so for role-playing reasons you should probably have your character ask for assistance in person as well.


If you want your character to appear on the list here, make sure to drop me a PM about it once your character has begun to join IC. :)





The Island Liberation Squad was formed to combat Makuta's presence on Mata Nui. The team has already marched into Le-Wahi and (after a few... minor setbacks) made their base by Lake Pala. It is a small camp consisting of one large HQ hut, a barracks with rooms for each member, and a blacksmith forge. The small, growing settlement is surrounded by walls made of stone and iron, courtesy of our local Toa of those elements. An electrified fence of sorts is also present. These small measures keep Rahi out, and makes Pala-Koro as safe for Matoran as other villages. If possible, "Pala-Koro" is meant to be expanded to accommodate more people and become a recognized village of its own.


The ILS's main goal is simple: Free the island. But in order to get there, we need supporters, and we must become a force to be reckoned with. The moment we grow large enough, Makuta will surely strike. Therefore, we must take slow steps, and not just concentrate our effort on one location. The ILS must gradually gain an influence across the entire island.


Therefore: The Quest Board. If someone needs help, we shall try and give it; no pay required as long as the mission is noble enough. Winning the people over with respect and gratitude - not might or fear - that is how the strongest alliances are formed. And then, we shall see where it goes...



How to join:


Applicants will just need to meet up with the group at its current location. Even if your character has never seen them before, just approach and ask (in character) what we are doing and we will most likely explain. That will give your character a plausible reason to ask to join.


If you don't want to join the team per se, you can still hang out at "Pala-Koro", no sweat. Get your character a hut to live in, or just trade items or buy stuff from our local blacksmith. Free for all. Do note: as good as all of us are warriors. You are advised not to cause trouble. This is a "friendly" project for everyone but those loyal to Makuta.


Note: If you want your character up here on this list, please send me a PM once you're in the process of joining. That makes it a lot easier for me in case I miss a post or there is uncertainty regarding the IC talk.



Current team:


madrihk_v10.png vompran_v6.png alfon_v2.png

d_voriki_v5.png kethrye_v3.png Ledzel_v4.png Conteriam_v2.png Onyx_v2.png Kirbati_v1.png Zand_v1.png Ackune_v1.png Destian_v1.png Mehlnai_v1.png Mevi_v1.png Aryll_v1.png reordin_v1.png kal_v1.png volin_v1.png jiming_v1.png dendron_v1.png plagia_v1.png mussiki_v1.png bane_v1.png verik_v1.png lerongu_v1.png kohu_v1.png harakore_v1.png kauma_v1.png tupo_v1.png pohau_v1.png laki_v1.png zyke_v1.png demetrius_v1.png byraher_v1.png kodu_v1.png zaeron_v1.png desilix_v1.png nawal_v1.png friiglokk_v1.png


- Madrihk (Toa of Ice, group leader, player Katuko)

- Trakuda (Ko-Matoran, player Wotsiznaim) *DEAD* Stabbed and killed by a Rahkshi during the assault on the Nui-Rama hive.

- Vompran (Toa of Plant Life, player Elemental Ussal)

- Alfon (Toa of Electricity, player Mr. Wade)

- D, known as "Voriki" (Toa of Electricity, player BenLuke-116)

- Kethrye (Toa of Ice, player BenLuke-116)

- Ledzel (Toa of Stone, player Mef Man)

- Conteriam (Toa of Gravity, player Thomas Hunter) *Player inactive*

- Onyx (Toa of Gravity, player Mr. Wade)

- Solia (Toa of Water, player Wotsiznaim) *DEAD* Murdered somewhere in Onu-Wahi by an unknown assailant.

- Kirbati (Toa of Earth, player Rakata)

- Zand Giels (Vortixx, player Baron Stabbington)

- Ah'ackune'mthrun (Toa of Fire, player Frost Dragon)

- Destian (Skakdi of Plasma, player Kal Grochi)

- Mehlnai (Toa of Water, player Frost Dragon)

- Mevi (Ta-Matoran, player Katuko)

- Aryll Vudigg (Toa of Lightning, player Mr. House)

- Reordin (Ko-Matoran, player Tyler Durden)

- Kal (Toa of Stone, player Kal Grochi)

- Auron (Toa of Fire, player AuRon) *DEAD* Killed by Heuani near the Nui-Rama hive.

- Volin (Toa of Plasma, player Mr. Wade)

- JiMing (Ta-Matoran, player JiMing / Belonephobia)

- Amerikos (Toa of Iron, player General Rocka's Bane) *DEAD* Killed by Heuani's shadow blade near the Nui-Rama hive.

- Dendron (Toa of Plant Life, player Kal Grochi)

- Plagia (Toa of Lightning, player Emissary to the Void)

- Mussiki (Toa of Sonics, player Kal Grochi)

- Atox, known as "Bane" (Toa of Iron, player General Rocka's Bane)

- Dr. Verik (Le-Matoran, player The Mask)

- Lerongu (Le-Matoran, player Toa of Smooth Jazz)

- Kohu (Le-Matoran, player Wotsiznaim)

- Harakore (Po-Matoran, player Wotsiznaim)

- Kauma (Ta-Matoran, player Wotsiznaim)

- Tupo (Ga-Matoran, player Wotsiznaim)

- Pohau (Ko-Matoran, player Wotsiznaim)

- Laki (Le-Matoran, player Visaru)

- Zyke (Skakdi of Electricity, player Zyke the destroyer)

- Demetrius (Toa of Iron, player Arc)

- Byraher (Vortixx, player Cinnamon Grochi)

- Kodu (Ko-Matoran, player Toa of Smooth Jazz)

- Zaeron (Toa of Plant Life, player Constructman)

- Desilix (Toa of Sonics, player Toa of Virtues)

- Nawal (Ko-Matoran, player Toa of Virtues)

- Frii-Glokk (Skakdi of Iron, player Bulik)

- Jomar Kyrae (Toa of Air, player Constructman)

- Slate (Toa of Gravity, player Jl1223 X)



Member occupation:


Supreme leader: Madrihk

Deputy leaders: Vompran, Alfon, Kethrye, Ledzel

Blacksmith: Ackune

Doctor/medic: Verik



Current team belongings:


- A nice boat, carries up to 10 people. (Currently sealed in rock by the shore of Le-Wahi to prevent theft.)

- Two canoes, each for three persons. (Also sealed.)

- A large hut at Lake Pala, barracks for sleeping, a blacksmith's forge and a few other huts.

- The six Turaga, held in a hut for comfort and safety.

- A village with a smithy, some simple stone huts and big stone/iron walls with anti-elemental projectors within.



Current location:


- HQ: Lake Pala. (Island map here.)

- Village map. (Note: Somewhat outdated!)



Latest events:


- The ILS and all its allies have destroyed Le-Wahi's Nui-Rama hive in a large-scale battle. As good as every insect has been killed, and the hive itself has been burnt to the ground, leaving only a mysterious black stone in the center of the hive's former location.

- The missing Turaga, now altered by Makuta to have "Parakuka" attached to their backs, are currently being guarded in a stone hut in Pala-Koro. They woke up not too long ago, and appear to be doing fine.

- A Toa of Fire, Nemesis, impersonated one of the ILS's allies - Optimus - and set fire to the village. He was quickly incapacitated, however, and was subsequently killed. Several of the people performing the execution stepped out of line, however, and the resulting torturous display left a bad impression on several team members. Madrihk has officially stated that such a scene will not be repeated.

- Half the team left for Ko-Koro after a prompt from the Toa Aurel, in order to aid in rebuilding it. Once there, they saw a message from the Shadow Hapaka, which had taken several Ko-Matoran hostage. They are currently locked in negotiations by the Place of Shadow on the Ta-Wahi border. Vompran and Ledzel are left in Pala-Koro as deputy leaders.

- Pala-Koro was attacked by the Vortixx Vorasku's small group of warriors, but they never got past the walls before the remaining ILS members - along with some new allies and Toa Desilix, who had infiltrated the group - beat them down. Onyx hauled off a Parakuka-user to Doc Verik for examination.

- The village has been rebuilt with new and stronger defenses. Wooden huts have been replaced with stone, the outer wall has been padded. Anti-elemental devices have been installed in the wall, making elemental energy useless in a radius of 500 meters outside the village walls.



Current agenda:


- Strengthen defenses!

- Find out how to safely remove the Parakuka from the Turaga.

- Stake out Xa-Koro and expand the team in that direction.

- Investigate the black obelisk in the ruins of the Nui-Rama hive.





- The ILS and its allies are working together to free the island of Makuta's influence. As such they are at friendly terms with most other Makuta-opposed groups, and vice versa with the ones that support him.

- D is a murderer hunted by several people that may cause trouble for the rest of the team. Some of these hunters have already come and gone: Miraul and Divan are two, and they ended up at odds with the ILS at the time. Him, and eventually other amoral members of the ILS, are still accepted because they are now more than just criminals. They are making themselves useful in assisting the island at large.

- Madrihk has similar issues due to his past, though he is mostly known to Ko-Koronans. Zaveno, another Toa of Ice, looks very much like Madrihk and is out for revenge after Madrihk tried to frame him. After the successful assault on the Nui-Rama hive and the terrorist attacks on Ko-Koro, Madrihk hopes that any bad memory of them both are gone.

- Onyx, Alfon and Volin are brothers.

- Heuani is a Toa of Shadow and opposes the entire team by virtue of being Makuta's servant. He killed several warriors during the Hive Assault, and a lot of ILS members therefore harbors a personal grudge against him. Lately he showed up in person at Lake Pala to casually murder someone that was looking for him, cementing the need to increase defenses and hasten the progress of the ILS at large.


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I just found out that Nitro Frost's character is the murderer ( currently wearing a disguise.) Kethrye visited Le-Koro to hunt .

Plotline potential for later.

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The plot thickens...


I'll update the character bios once we're done in Xa-Koro, by the way, and then try to keep them updated throughout.


I just noticed that I forgot the ice spikes on your character's shoulder, Kethrye. Should I add them in? Also: For those of you who don't have eye colors listed in your profiles (Vompran, Voriki), I just put yellow. Tell me if you want it changed.

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It would be great if you added the ice spikes! Also, could you please host mine on brickshelf? My computer has problems viewing stuff hosted on Majhost.

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Aren't the two sites essentially the same except one is LEGO-oriented and the other is not? They got the same layout, same upload screens, same link formatting, etc. Are you sure the site hasn't been accidentally blocked or something?


But OK, I can use Brickshelf for this, no problem.


... And spikes it is. :)

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Looks like our team's coming along nicely...new members here and there, a brand new boat, supplies and more to come. Glad I signed up when I did :)

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Indeed. Can't wait to get us rolling on this quest.


I'm halfway done with the new "character cards". But again I'm up late and doing it, so I'll get a good night's sleep before finishing. :D

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wow... two points.

1) Where do people build those character thingeys?

2) XA-koro doesn't exist... So the crime lord should plan on changing his backplot 'fore Tucky comes back. :P


Great stuff! Can't wait to see what you're all up to!

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I made them in Paint.NET. Line tool for the borders, copy/paste and recolor for the sprites (using InnerRayg's sprite sheet and its additions). I had to custom-make several of the weapons. If you want one I can make one for you. :)


I was thinking of making my job easier and actually program a small app for people to do this (already got much of the code via BIONICLE Fighter) but I figured that with all the custom appearances it would be trouble than just doing it by hand.


Xa-Koro does exist, Tucky himself created the topic for it and several people have interacted with it. What doesn't exist is the version of Xa-Koro that was featured in the BZP RPG before the "reboot". Over the course of that game it ended up being some sort of superpower that just had to be purged, IIRC. Now it's just a small settlement thrown together on the Kumu Islets. It's a hive of thieves, smugglers, murderers and other scum. Some people are trustworthy, but most are not.

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These guys are looking awesome! And, if you didn't catch my post in the News and Discussion, I said you can put the plates underneath the trench coat. If the coat is too hard to make, then don't worry about putting it on Ledzel.



-Mef Man

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Plates under coat, all right. I'll be trying to add the coat. If I can't make a good one you'll still the hat, at least. :)

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@ Katuko: OH! I didn't see the xa update.... Suddenly my life is looking much less bleak. :evilgrin:


Haha, I'd say sure to the character designs, but I'm already planning on eventually drawing them myself. :P The armor is tricky and wouldn't show up well as a small pic.

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Yeah I drew my character full-size as well simply because sprites don't have enough detail. You wouldn't be able to see the cracks on his mask otherwise. Hard to make small cracks on a mask that is 15x15 pixels. :lol:

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Just so you know, Katuko, your group will probably be building their new koro close to Jianheim-the estate of one of my characters, Keinju Sarusuma of Kuyre's Army. It's at Lake Pala and maintained solely by one caretaker matoran at the moment. However, if he ever returns...Well...All I can say is: I can't wait to see the reactions between Kuyre's Army and the ILS XD


-The Fearless Leader

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@TX Wade 27: Typo fixed.


@The Fearless Leader: There's an estate there? Oh my, that would be interesting. Too bad Fallout has trained me (and certainly my evil character) to loot everything that's not nailed down or on fire, and possibly even that if someone's already done the former. If the Rahi attack we might just tear the place apart in the process too. :lol:


Of course, it could also be an opportunity to establish some new relations. Influence is going to be important here, I think...

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@Paragraph1 addressed to mine self: I was kinda guessing that xP


@P2: Of course. As well as numbers in general-of supplies, group members, etc. The fact that both groups share a dislike for Makuta will also be a factor, I suppose.


For some more extrapolation on my original post: Jianheim'll probably become a base for the army if it does manage to survive the preliminary entering the area by the ILS. I could always have him come back now (as he possibly could, being fast, having high endurance, and knowing his way around the island)...But then again, where's the fun in that? XP


Do note that I will be making the caretaker matoran a PC, however. In which case he might find the new arrivals due to living on the estate and be the first to greet them there. No guarantees on what kind of greeting he will give, though, especially considering that I haven't drawn up his personality yet.


-The Fearless Leader

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We just might... "commandeer" the house and make it the base of the new village. Or we set it up further away and make that a trade outpost or something. Plans are forming, and they are wicked. :P

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