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Weekly Update - 12/4

Black Six



Well I suppose Sunday is working out a little better in that I can put off writing this until the last minute. Wait I'm pretty sure that's not a good thing.



We posted another set review. This one also dates back to BrickFair (that's when I bought the Bucket Truck) and comes in the form of a video. It's an inside look into the craziness that goes on at events like BrickFair.


Episode 29 of the BZPowercast went live earlier this week. I had a good time recording this one, and love the song McSmeag recorded for us. Give it a listen!


The 22nd RPG Forum Contest has started. Please go make an entry and submit it. The more the merrier.


Finally, some of the promotions I talked about last time happened. Congrats to -Windrider-, Ziko, Erebus, and Eeko! There's still two more to come, just waiting on some information so I can get them all processed.



1.) Did you get to play the SWTOR beta?


2.) If so, which side were you on?


3.) What was your favorite character class?

1. I got to play a few weeks ago - it was tons of fun!

2. Republic, of course!

3. I only played as the Jedi Consular, but I think I might go with a Smuggler when the game comes out.


1. Let's kidnap Mak Megahertz and make him powercast with us.


2. What is your favorite nut?


3. On a scale of 1 to pineapple, how excited are you for SWTOR?




5. If you had to dye your hair some unnatural color, what would you choose?


6. There's a hole in the bottom of the see.


7. If x=12 do Skakdi wear sneakers?


8. What is your dream car?


9. So, how about this ordeal with the white coke cans?


10. Okay, I'm done now.

1. Recording a podcast while on the run from law enforcement would certainly make things more interesting.

2. I'm a fan of wing nuts.

3. Pineapple tree?

4. Man, don't talk to me about football today.

5. Blue I guess?

6. The Marianas Trench?

7. I'd guess not.

8. One where I have a driver to drive it for me. Perhaps a Maybach.

9. What are you talking about?

10. Thank goodness.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



Okay, that's all I have time for this week. See you all in seven days or so!


Recommended Comments

1. I got to play a few weeks ago - it was tons of fun!

2. Republic, of course!

3. I only played as the Jedi Consular, but I think I might go with a Smuggler when the game comes out.


1. Swell! B)

2. I didn't get very far with the Republic, because I really liked my Sith. :)

3. Nice, I haven't tried the Consular, but the Smuggler was pretty fun. Spent most of my beta weekend as a Sith Inquisitor/Assassin. :P

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Apparently Coca-Cola decided to make their regular coke cans white for the festive mood, but there was backlash from customers who thought the cans looked too similar to the diet coke cans. :P

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Why would anyone want to drink Coke though?

Because it's cheaper to pour a bunch of sugar in a glass of water to get the same flavor as Pepsi?

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